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      • KCI등재

        일본(日本)의 고상식(高床式) 건축(建築)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이병건,Lee, Byeong-Gun 한국건축역사학회 2003 건축역사연구 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the architectural character of the upper risen architecture(高床式 建築) in Japan. There are few upper risen architecture and architectural remains in Korea. Until now most of Korean researcher recognized that the upper risen architecture is southern regions' form. But there are a few numbers of upper risen buildings in northern regions of Korea and China. Therefore we need to compare northern and southern regions' upper risen architecture. The scope of this study is architectural remains, sites and present buildings about upper risen architecture in Japan. The period of this study is from third to eighth century. The method of this study is the analyses of site plan(the ratio of front and side length) and construction about Japanese Architecture. And then this study compare Japanese with other countries in Korean and Chinese upper risen architecture. Results of the study are below. 1. In Japan, upper risen architecture was introduced into southern regions(southern China and southeast Asia) with rice farming culture. 2. After introduced upper risen architecture, they were influenced many architectural technique of Korean and Chinese. 3. There were many technical improvement(such as foundation stone standing method, high technical wooden frame structure and adaptable triangle frame wall at moisture) the Japanese upper risen architecture in Nara Period(奈良時代). 4. As the results, I found out that there were many similarity Korea and Japan in upper risen architecture. I think that we will try continuous to study another regions' upper risen architecture in order to define conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        연변지구 내 추정 요금시기 평지성의 조영과 성곽시설 고찰

        李秉建(LEE, Byeong-gun) 고구려발해학회 2016 고구려발해연구 Vol.56 No.-

        본 연구에서는 연변지구 내에서 축성기법이나 출토유물이 요금시기로 특정된 평지성의 유적조사를 통해 첫째, 성의 입지 및 평면형태 그리고 규모는 어떠하였는지? 둘째, 축성 재료와 방법은 어떠하였는지? 셋째, 성곽시설은 어떠한 것이 있었으며, 그 조영방법은 어떠하였는지를 건축적 관점에서 탐색해 보았다. 이를 위해 제Ⅱ장에서는 연변지구 전역에서 치가 있는 7개소의 평지성 유적(훈춘 영성자고성, 훈춘 비우성, 왕청 나자구고성, 화룡 동고성, 안도 만보고성, 돈화 마권자고성, 돈화 흑석고성)의 건축적 특징을 분석해 보았고, 제Ⅲ장에서는 연구대상인 요금시기 4개소의 평지성 유적(비우성, 나자구고성, 동고성, 만보고성)의 현황을 현지조사를 통해 기존조사 결과를 수정・보완하였다. 내용은 평지성의 주변환경 및 입지조건, 성격(용도), 방위, 평면형태, 규모, 축성 재료 및 방법, 현재 유적상태, 성곽시설, 건축적 특징, 출토유물 등을 정리하였다. 마지막 제Ⅳ장에서는 앞의 결과를 기초로 건축적으로 검토되어야 할 사항들을 목단강지구의 연구결과와 비교해 가며 분석해 보았다. 대상은 성의 모양새에 해당되는 평면형태와 규모, 성의 짜임새에 해당되는 축성 재료와 방법, 성곽의 주요 시설인 성문+옹성, 치, 각루, 해자의 존재 여부와 구조이다. 주요 성곽시설인 성문+옹성, 치, 각루, 해자 가운데 각루와 해자는 고구려, 발해, 요금, 그 이후이든 초축 시기와 관계없이 대부분 존재했던 것으로 보인다. 다만, 1940년대 일본의 조사결과와 그 이후 중국의 조사 및 연구결과를 보면 옹성과 치는 발해시기까지는 없었고, 요금시기 이후 돼서야 성곽에 개설되기 시작했다는 입장이다. 그러나 옹성의 경우 발해시기에만 사용된 평지성에서도 나타나고 있다. 반면 치의 경우 연변지구 내 평지성에서는 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 목단강지구의 경우도 동일한 결과를 얻은바 있다. 그러나 목단강지구와 연변지구의 산성에서는 고구려와 발해시기에도 치가 있었음이 확인되었으며, 이 두 지구를 떠나 고구려의 도읍이었던 집안의 국내성 성벽에도 치가 있었으며, 발해의 남경남해부 소재지였던 청해토성 남쪽 성벽에도 치가 존재했었다. 따라서 고구려와 발해시기에는 치가 없었다는 주장은 일부지역을 대상으로 한 결과임을 알 수 있었다. 치는 고구려 → 발해 →요 → 금나라 그리고 그 이후로 계속 유지되어 왔던 것이다. 다만 요와 금나라는 주 활동무대가 초원지대인 만큼 평지성을 포기하면 그 다음 대안이 없어 최후의 방어지 개념으로 견고하고 조밀하게 치를 개설한 반면, 고구려나 발해는 평지성을 포기하더라도 산성이라는 별개의 방어라인을 구축하고 있었기 때문에 요금 보다는 치에 큰 공력을 들이지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 이번 연구대상인 연변지구 요금시기 평지성도 이러한 요금의 성곽조영원리가 적용된 결과로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to find out that the first is what was the geographical conditions, site & planning form and size, the second what was the construction material and method, the third is what was the castle facilities and how to using of flatland fortress relics with Liao-Jin period in Yanbian. This study is in relation to architectural field. This study was progressed as the following. In chapter Ⅱ, it was analyzed the architectural characters of flatland fortress relics having impregnable fortress tower(甕城), basting(稚), pavilion(角樓) and moat(垓字) in Yanbian. The object of study are 7 relics such as 琿春 營城子古城, 琿春 斐優城, 汪淸 羅子溝古城, 和龍 東古城, 安圖 萬寶古城, 敦化 馬圈子古城, 敦化 黑石古城. In chapter Ⅲ, it was investigated 4 relics such as 斐優城, 羅子溝古城, 東古城, 萬寶古城 at the beginning construction in Liao-Jin period. The investing contents are surrounding environment, geographical conditions, using, direction, site & planning form, size, the material and method of construction, relics state, castle facilities, architectural characters and excavated relics. Finally in chapter Ⅳ, it was compared architectural characters between Yanbian and Mudanjiang’s one. The contents are site & planning form and size, the construction material and method and the castle facilities & how to using of flatland fortress relics. There are several kinds difference between Korean and Chinese study results. China assert that there had no basting(稚) facility in Balhae’s period. But there are basting facility another area such as mountain fortress and the Balhae relics(靑海土城) of Korean Peninsula. Even the basting was existed in Goguryeo period. But there were many advances be the Liao-Jin(遼金) dynasty in field of the castle construction technic. Especially technology predictions have been building the basting(雉) and curved wall(甕城). The East Asian states tend to interpret their histories from self-centered perspectives. In conclusion, we need to consider history as shared heritage rather than a property of individual states.

      • KCI등재

        한국 · 중국 · 일본 · 러시아의 발해건축 연구동향

        李秉建(Lee, Byeong-Gun) 백산학회 2002 白山學報 Vol.- No.62

        The purpose of this study is to see the research trends of Balhae Architecture at the Korea, China, Japan and Russia. This study treats Balhae period(Late 7C~Mid 10C) and corresponds to the northeast area in China, the north area in Korea and the maritime province of Siberia in Russia. The main subject building types are capital, palace, temple, dwelling, 24 stones relics, stone lantern, tower and bridge relics. The method of this study proceeds on the study of the reference book including the archaeological excavation and the remains achived by exploration. Followings are the major results of this study. The research trends of Balhae architecture in Korea, China, Japan, Russia has focused on its relationship to their own countries. But after proceeding study, Balhaekook has general archcultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special archcultural ones as seen in many it's architectural relics. The right way of studying Balhae architecture is understanding archculture and characteristics of relics objectively from a Balhae point of view.

      • KCI등재

        화전 소밀성과 화룡 서고성의 건축형식 비교연구

        이병건(LEE Byeong-gun) 고구려발해학회 2009 고구려발해연구 Vol.34 No.-

        본 연구 주제인 화전 소밀성은 1900년대 초부터 발해 중경현덕부 소재지 후보로 거론되었던 성터이고, 최근에는 장령부 소재지로 꼽히고 있는 부성급 성터이다. 화룡 서고성은 일찍이 구국에 이은 발해 두 번째 도성터로 비정되고 있다. 서고성은 1920년대부터 발굴이 시작되었고, 최근 2000∼2005년까지의 발굴은 정식 발굴보고서로 출판되어 발굴 경과사항, 유적현황, 유적 연구사, 유적의 건축적 특징 등을 자세히 파악할 수 있다. 이에 비해 소밀성에 대한 발굴 조사는 외성과 내성의 규모, 수습된 유물, 일부 건물터의 발굴결과, 축성법 등 지표조사와 부분발굴로 서고성 보다 결과가 미흡한 실정이다. 이러한 불균형이 있음에도 두 성을 비교하고자 하는 이유는 규모가 비슷하다는 점이다. 소밀성 둘레는 2,590m이고, 서고성 둘레는 2,720.1m이다. 도성과 부성이 규모가 거의 비슷하다는 것은 일반적인 국가 건설 경영에 어긋나는 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 글은 규모는 비슷하나, 부성과 도성의 배치 및 평면형식과 구조형식이 어떠한 공통점과 차이점이 있는지를 파악하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. 발굴 자료의 한계로 성의 형태, 둘레, 면적, 내성의 위치, 성 전체에서 내성이 차지하는 비율, 배치 및 평면형식, 내·외성 축성방법, 재료, 각 건물의 위치 및 출입구, 내성의 역할 등으로 비교 대상을 국한할 수밖에 없었다. 제2장에서는 기존 연구 성과를 기초로 화전 소밀성과 화룡 서고성의 건축유적 현황을 파악해 보았고, 제3장에서는 두 성의 배치 및 평면형식과 구조형식의 특징을 비교해 보았다. The purpose of this study is to compare architectural form Whajeon Somil castle and Wharyong Sego castle in Chinese Balhae relics. Whajeon Somil castle was estimated the subcenter of a capital grade. The other hand, Wharyong Sego castle was contended the capital city grade during Balhae’s period. But either of these castle relics are similar to scale, shape and direction. This study treats Balhae period and corresponds to the northeast area in China, the north area in Korea and the maritime province of Siberia in Russia. The main subjects are the architectural form of these castle such as site and unit plan, construction of Balhae’s. The Chinese research fruits about Balhae castle relics has focused on the Tang dynasty culture in exceed. After proceeding study, Balhae has general cultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special cultural ones as seen in many it’s cultural relics. The right way of studying Balhae culture is understanding culture and characteristics of relics objectively from Balhae point of view. The East Asian states each interpret history from a self-centered perspective. In the final analysis, we have to consider history as shared heritage rather than a property of individual states.

      • KCI등재후보

        渤海建築에 關한 北韓의 硏究成果

        이병건(Lee Byeong-Gun),양정석(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to see the research fruits of North Korea in relation to Palhae Architecture. This study treats Palhae period and corresponds to the northeast area in China, the north area in Korea and the maritime province of Siberia in Russia. The main subjects are the architecture of capital city, palace, temple, housing, Public building, 24 Stone's relics and etc. The method of this study proceeds on the study of the reference book including the archaeological excavation and the relics achieved by exploration. Followings are the major results of this study. The North Korea research fruits about Palhae architecture has focused on its relationship to Koguryo in excess. They suggest that Palhae architecture has succeeded to Koguryo's. But after proceeding study, Palhae has general cultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special cultural ones as seen in many it's cultural relics. The right way of studying Palhae architecture is understanding culture and characteristics of relics objectively from Palhae point of view.

      • KCI등재

        발해 영광탑과 한강이남 전탑의 건축형식 비교연구

        이병건(LEE Byeong-gun) 고구려발해학회 2010 고구려발해연구 Vol.38 No.-

        본 논문은 발해시기에 건립된 영광탑을 한강이남 지역에 남아있는 순수 전탑인 안동 신세동 7층전탑, 안동 동부동 5층전탑, 안동 조탑동 5층전탑, 칠곡 송림사 5층전탑, 청도 불령사 전탑, 여주 신륵사 다층전탑과 비교하여 발해 전탑의 건축적 특징을 도출하고, 이를 통해 전탑을 비롯한 발해의 불교문화가 중국 중원지역에서 유입된 것이라는 중국 측 주장에 문제가 있음을 밝히고자 했다. 또한 발해 전탑이 갖는 건축사적 의미를 도출하여 한국건축사 연구범위를 확대해야 한다는 당위성을 밝히는 것이다. 이러한 목적은 도성과 산성, 궁궐, 사찰, 살림집, 24개돌유적 등 발해건축이 고구려를 비롯한 주변지역 문화를 자연스럽게 계승ㆍ발전시킨 발해의 독자적인 건축문화임을 증명하는 기초적 자료를 제공하고자 하는 것이다. 연구 대상은 영광탑과 한강이남의 6개 순수 전탑으로 국한하였다. 비교 항목은 전탑 재료, 평면과 입면형식, 구조형식이다. 구조형식은 다시 무덤칸, 기단부, 탑신부(탑신 부분, 옥개 부분), 상륜부로 나누었다. 글의 전개순서는 제Ⅱ장에서는 영광탑과 6개의 한강이남 전탑 현황을 다루었으며, 제Ⅲ장에서는 두 지역 전탑의 건축형식을 비교해 보았다. There are a few many brick pagoda in Korean peninsula. Most of brick pagoda is stone made one in stead of real mud. The academic circles of Korean has recognized that brick pagoda is remained south of Han River. But there are remained brick pagoda relics in the northeastern provinces of China. They were the dominion of Goguryo and Balhae’s. Young-Gwang pagoda is remained perfectly. He is estimated Balhae’s relics. The purpose of this study is to make clear that Balhae’s the originality of architectural culture wasn’t come under the one side influence of China. First, the range of space is the northeastern China. Until now, it could be seen pagoda relics except there. The south of Han river area is included Dae-gu, An-dong and Yeo-ju and the central districts of Korean peninsula. We would like to concentrate real pagoda such as Song-lim-sa brick pagoda that is compared Balhae’s one. Second, the range of contents is conditions of location and the beauty of shape in field of architectural characteristics. They are material, unit plan, standing plan and construction method. Third, we would like to examine the architectural meaning of Balhae’s in field the history of architecture throughout compare to the south of Han river brick pagoda. Fourth, the method of this study is as following. At first, we investigate the result of existing study and architectural form. we prepare to comparative method of theoretical basis throughout each area pagoda. Finally, we examine the architectural characteristics of Balhae’s brick pagoda throughout compare each area brick pagoda. The Chinese research fruits about Balhae brick pagoda relics has focused on the Tang dynasty culture in exceed. After proceeding study, Balhae has general cultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special cultural ones as seen in many it’s cultural relics. The right way of studying Balhae culture is understanding culture and characteristics of relics objectively from Balhae point of view. The East Asian states each interpret history from a self-centered perspective. In the final analysis, we have to consider history as shared heritage rather than a property of individual states.

      • KCI등재

        유적을 통해 본 발해건축의 독자성 연구

        李秉建(Lee, Byeong-Gun) 백산학회 2003 白山學報 Vol.- No.67

        The purpose of this study is to understand the identity on the Balhae’s architecture. This study treats Balhae’s period and corresponds to the northeast area in China, the north area in Korea. The main subject is eleven 24 Stones Relics what is called Upper Rised Architecture and another architecture Form in Balhae. The method of this study proceeds on the study of the reference book including the archaeological excavation and the remains achived by exploration. Followings are the major results of this study. The study of Balhae Architecture in Korea, China, Japan, Russia has focused on its relationship to their own countries. But after proceeding study, Balhae has general arch-cultural characteristics in Northeast area as well as special arch-cultural ones as seen in architectural relics. As a result of 24 Stones Relics, Balhae’s architecture is considered very peculiar architecture type among north-east Asia. The right way of studying Balhae architecture is understanding arch-culture and characteristics of relics objectively from a Balhae point of view.

      • KCI등재후보

        고고학을 통해서 본 발해 건축문화의 정체성

        이병건(LEE Byeong-gun) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to see tile identity of Balhae architectural culture in according to archaeology field. This study treats Balhae period (late 7C~mid 10C) and corresponds to tile northeast area in China, tile north area in Korea and the maritime province of Siberia in Russia. The main subjects are architecture, engineering, tomb, art, and handicrafts relics. The method of this study proceeds on the study of the reference book including the archaeological excavation and the relics achieved by exploration. Followings are the major results of this study. The Chinese research trends about Balhae architectural culture has focused on its relationship to their own countries. China is going on the China's Northeast Asian Project(東北工程). Until now China suggests that Balhae had come under the influence of Tang(唐) Dynasty and most of Balhae culture was belong to Tang's. But after proceeding study, Balhae has general cultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special cultural ones as seen in many it's cultural relics. The right way of studying Balhae culture is understanding culture and characteristics of relics objectively from Balhae point of view, The East Asian states each interpret history from a self-centered perspective. In the final analysis, we have to consider history as shared heritage rather than a property of individual states.

      • KCI등재후보

        考古學을 通해서 본 中國의 渤海文化 硏究

        이병건(Lee Byeong-gun) 고구려발해학회 2006 고구려발해연구 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to see the Chinese research trends of Palhae Culture in according to archaeology field. This study treats Palhae period(late 7C~mid 10C) and corresponds to the northeast area in China, the north area in Korea and the maritime province of Siberia in Russia. The main subjects are architecture, engineering, tomb, art, and handicrafts relics. The method of this study proceeds on the study of the reference book including the archaeological excavation and the relics achieved by exploration. Followings are the major results of this study. The Chinese research trends about Palhae culture has focused on its relationship to their own countries. China is going on the China's Northeast Asian Project(東北工程). Until now China suggests that Palhae had come under the influence of Tang(唐) Dynasty and most of Palhae culture was belong to Tang's. But after proceeding study, Palhae has general cultural characteristics in northeast area as well as special cultural ones as seen in many it's cultural relics. The right way of studying Palhae culture is understanding culture and characteristics of relics objectively from Palhae point of view.

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