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      • KCI등재

        운동생리학 : 대학생의 건강관련체력에 대한 인지수준과 실제 체력수준과의 관계

        배윤정(YoonJungBae),임은정(EunJungLeem),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to establish relationships between perceived and actual health related fitness levels in college students. A total of 261 subjects was evaluated for their fitness levels such as cardiopulmonary endurance, low back strength, flexibility, and body mass index according to a referenced classification, which was categorized by five scales. Χ2 analyses showed that self-perceived obesity level was related to actual obesity level (p<.001). Self perception on health-related fitness was related to the actual cardiovascular endurance (p<.01) and flexibility (p<.01) for men while that was related to strength (p<.05) and flexibility (p<.001) for women. A significant correlation between self-perceived fitness and strength (p<.001) was noticed in men. On the other hand, flexibility (p<.001) was correlated to self-perceived fitness in women. The present data suggest that self-perceived fitness level without concurrent measurement may be useful for predicting the actual fitness levels. However, it has to be considered that perception in fitness level was differently shown in men and women.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 비만 고교생의 8주간 유산소 운동프로그램 참여 후 최대하운동에서 혈액응고 및 면역반응의 변화

        남은정(EunJungNam),이명천(MyungChunLee),이대택(DaeTaekLee),이주형(JooHyungLee),배윤정(YoonJungBae) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        본 연구는 비만 청소년들이 운동프로그램 참여 후 최대하운동에서의 혈액응고와 면역반응에 대한 변화를 알아보기 진행되었다. 7명의 남자고등학생과 5명의 여자고등학생들이 두 번의 실험사이에 8주의 유산소 운동프로그램에 참여했다. 실험 전후에 안정시와 운동 후에 혈액응고 및 면역반응의 변화를 알아보기 위해 적혈구, 백혈구, 헤모글로빈, 헤마토크릿, 섬유소원, 섬유소용해능력, 혈소판, 타액을 측정하여 분석한 결과, 대부분의 변인은 운동프로그램으로 인해 변하지 않았으나, 헤모글로빈과 섬유소용해능력이 운동프로그램에 의해 증가했다(P<0.05). 통계학적으로 유의한 차이는 없었지만 헤마토크릿은 헤모글로빈이 운동프로그램에 의해 변화(안정시47.1±2.1 vs. 운동후 46.6±1.8 %) 하였기 때문에 최대하운동 동안에 증가하는 경향을 보였다(P<0.05). This study investigated changes of blood coagulation and immunologic responses to a bout of submaximal exercise after participating an exercise program in obese adolescents. Seven boys and five girls were participated in a 8-week aerobic exercise program between the two experiments. Before, in resting state, and after the bout of exercise, blood coagulation and immunologic parameters such as red blood cell, white blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Factor-1, Plasma Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), platelet, and salivary immunoglobulin-A (S-IgA) were measured. Most measured variables were not changed by the exercise program, however, hemoglobin and Factor-1 increased by the program (P<0.05). Although statistically insignificant, the hematocrit showed a tendency of increment during the submaximal exercise after the program indicating possible hemodilution in conjunction with changes of hemoglobin. In conclusion, the 8-week exercise program resulted in a reduction of body weight and cardiovascular strain with possible involvement of a hemodynamic advantage such as hemodilution during a bout of submaximal exercise in those who have not exercised regularly and were obese adolescents. The data also demonstrated that a moderately intense exercise program elicited a positive influence on fibrinolysis without limiting a mucosal immune defense level.

      • KCI등재

        국민체육 유ㆍ무형적 편익 분석

        신승호(SeungHoShin),전찬수(ChanSooJun),이대택(DaeTaekLee),홍준희(JunHeeHong) 한국체육학회 2013 한국체육학회지 Vol.52 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 체육활동 참여자들이 체육활동을 통해 얻을 수 있는 국민체육의 유ㆍ무형적 편익을 파악하여 체육활동의 가치를 재조명 하고, 국민들의 체육활동 참여를 적극 유인하며, 체육활동 참여 만족을 극대화할 수 있는 정책방안을 수립하는데 근거가 될 수 있는 기초 자료를 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 국민체육센터 이용자들 중 20대 이상 성인들을 대상으로 편의표본추출법(convenience sampling)을 이용하여 2,000부를 배포 1,982부를 회수하였으며, 설문자료 중 응답이 불성실 하거나 신뢰도가 떨어지는 177부를 제외한 총 1,805부(91.1%)를 최종 사용하였다. 자료처리분석을 위한 통계방법은 SPSS 12.0을 이용하여 요인분석(Factor analysis), 기술통계(Descriptive statistics), 로지스틱모형분석(Logistic model), IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)와 지불의사(WTP: Willingness To Pay)방법을 활용하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 편익/비용 비율 분석 결과 1.23으로 나타났다. 이는 국민체육센터를 이용하고 있는 체육참여자들은 현재 지불하고 있는 비용보다 편익을 더 높게 경험하고 있음을 의미한다. 로짓모형분석 결과 제시금액이 증가하면 지불의사 확률이 감소하고, 미혼이 기혼보다 지불의사가 높았다. 그리고 체육활동을 통한 여러 편익 중 신체적 편익이 중요도와 실행도가 가장 높았고, 사회적 편익이 중요도와 실행도가 가장 낮았다. The purpose of this study was to analyze tangible and intangible benefits of sports for all by adopting public sports center participants, and to propose the government policy plan to maximize benefits of sports for all. Subjects were employed by over 20s adults who utilize the sports-for-all sports center located in 12 different regions such as Seoul, 6 metropolitan cities, and 5 province cities except Jeju by using a convenient sampling method. A total of 2,000 questionnaires were distributed and 1,982 samples were collected, And 1,805(91.1%) questionnaires were finally analyzed after eliminating 177 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by factor analysis, descriptive statistics, logistic model, IPA, and WTP by using SPSS 12.0. The findings of this study were as follows. Benefit/Cost ratio was showed 1.23 and Also the result of logistic model analysis, if suggestion money is increased probability of WTP is decreased, and single has a tendency to higher WTP. A physical benefit is the most important thing in the intangible benefits, and a performance, too. But a social benefit was the least important thing in the intangible benefits and a performance, either.

      • KCI등재

        운동생리학 : 저항성 및 평형성 운동이 낙상 경험 여성 노인의 보행형태에 미치는 영향

        최상웅(SangWoongChoi),이재상(JeaSangLee),구현정(HyunJoungKu),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        This study examined the effects of resistive and balance training on walking patterns in the elderly women who experienced falls. A total of 40 women were recruited for the study, and they were randomly divided into two groups, one for exercise group (EG; 72 yrs, 151 ㎝, 58 ㎏, 25.2 ㎏/㎡ at baseline) and the other one for control group (CG; 72 yrs, 151 ㎝, 56 ㎏, 24.5 ㎏/㎡ at baseline). EG exercised 70 min/session, at least 2 times/week for 10 weeks using elastic bands and balance stabilizer while not for CG. Subjects in EG exercised for major muscle groups including chest, shoulder, upper arm, lower back, thigh, calf, and ankle. After the program, the balance test with one-leg-stand showed improvement in EG and it was higher than CG. The stride length was also longer after the program in EG (41 ㎝ vs 46 ㎝ in pre vs post, respectively), and the stride length was greater in EG than CG (34 ㎝) after the program. Differences of left and right foot distances when either foot was in front were reduced in EG after the program. Based on the results, the walking patterns were changed by the lower limb muscular strength and stability training. It is expected this change may contribute in reducing falls.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 여성의 생리주기에 따른 더위와 운동자극이 체수분과 타액 IgA 반응에 미치는 영향

        안해란(HyaeRanAn),손지은(JeeEunSon),이명천(MyungChunLee),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        본 연구는 정상적 생리주기를 가진 20대 여성들이 더위와 운동자극이 배란중간시기와 월경중간시기간의 체액, 체온변화, 타액 IgA로 보는 면역기능의 변화가 서로 다를 것이라고 보고 생리학적으로 어떠한 변화를 가져오는가를 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 최근 경구피임약을 복용하지 않았으며, 출산경험이 없고 정상적인 생리주기(28-35일)를 가진 비훈련자 20대여성 중 7명(26.0±2.3 세, 161.5±3.2 cm, 55.4±5.1 kg, 26.9±4.8% fat, 21.2±1.7 kg/㎡)을 대상으로 배란중간시기(월경 전 6-9일)와 월경중간시기(월경 후 6-9일)로 구분하여 실험을 실시하였다. 피험자들은 35 ℃ 더위환경에서 최대심박수의 60-70% 운동강도로 90분간 달리기를 하였으며 총 실험은 120분 동안 진행되었다. 점막면역변화는 타액 IgA를 측정하였다. 체액변화를 분석하기 위해 헤모글로빈, 헤마토크릿, 알도스테론, 혈장 삼투압을 측정하였다. 운동과 더위자극은 체액변화, 면역반응에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. The purpose of this study was to examine whether a bout of submaximal exercise in the heat would change the responses of body fluid, body temperature, and a mucosal immunologic level monitored by salivary immunoglobulin A (S-IgA) in young women during two time points of their menstrual cycle; mid-follicular (MF) and mid-luteal (ML) phases. A total of seven young untrained women (26.0±2.3 yrs, 161.5±3.2 cm, 55.4±5.1 kg, 26.9±4.8 % body fat, 21.2±1.7 kg/㎡, maximal heart rate 185.0±7.7 beat/min) who had a regular menstrual cycle (28-35 days per cycle) and had no oral contraceptives or experience of giving a birth were tested in two occasions; during MF (6-9 days before menstruation) and ML (6-9 days after menstruation). For the test, subjects rested in a seated position at 35℃ for 30 min followed by running on a treadmill for 90 min at their 60-70% of predetermined maximal heart rate. For analyzing body fluid changes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, ALD, Posm were measured. Blood pressure and blood sampling were taken at resting, 60 and 90 min of exercise. In conclusion, exercise and heat stress induced a marginal body weight loss in both ML and MF, but no differences in regulatory mechanisims were observed during different phases of menstrual cycle. Exercise and heat stress in different menstrual phases does not seem to modify a muscosal immune resposnes.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학편 : 요추환자의 척추 수술후 저항성운동이 근육관련 호르몬, 염증반응, 근력 및 가동범위에 미치는 영향

        이상철(SangChulLee),조지훈(JiHoonCho),최상웅(SangWoongChoi),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 360。척추고정술 직후 초기 저항성 운동이 근육관련 호르몬, 염증변인, 근력, 관절가동범위에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는지 규명하여 수술후 환자의 운동치료 효과를 알아보는데 있다. 피험자는 360° 척추고정수술을 받은 환자 10명(운동그룹 5, 비운동그룹 5)을 대상으로 수술전, 수술후 3일, 퇴원당일 총 3회에 걸쳐 혈액검사, 근력 및 관절가동범위 측정하였으며, 수술후 3일째부터 저항성 운동을 실행하였다. 연구결과 근육관련 호르몬인 성장호르몬과 테스토스테론은 운동 그룹이 비운동그룹보다 감소의 폭이 작았으나 테스토스테론에 대해서는 운동군과 비운동군간에 유의차는 나지 않았다. 염증변인인 CRP는 운동그룹에서 비운동그룹보다 빠른 감소를 나타냈으며, ESR은 운동그룹이 비운동그룹에 비해 낮은 증가를 보였다 근력은 비운동그룹 보다 운동그룹에서 최대 굴곡 및 신전근력이 향상되는 경향을 보였으며, 최대 굴곡 및 신전 관절가동범위도 운동그룹에서 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. To determine the effect of postoperative resistance training on growth hormone (GH), Testosterone, C-reactive protein(CRP), Muscular Strength and range of motion(ROM) after lumbar surgery. They were tested 3 time; pre-surgery (pre-S), 3 days (3d-S), and 2 weeks after surgery (2w-S). At pre-S GH was 0.36+0.19 in EG and 0.24±0.19 ng/ml in CG, but was elevated in both groups at 3d-S. GH at 2w-S remained elevated in EG but did not in CG. At pre-S Testosterone was 0.16±0.17 in EG and 0.16±0.10 ng/ml in CG, but was elevated in both groups at 3d-S. Testosterone at 2w-S remained elevated in EG but did not in CG. CRP at pre-S was 0.18+0.18 in EG and 0.19+0.12 m/dl in CG. It was elevated in both groups in EG and 1.82±0.60 in CG) at 3d-S. At 2w-S CRP returned to the baseline in EG while remained elevated in CG. ESR was 6.8±2.4 and 8.0±3.4 at pre-S, and 9.3±2.3 and 11.0±5.9 mm/h at 3d-S in EG and CG, respectively. ESR at 2w-S was highly elevated in CG than in EG. At 2w-S, ROM for lumbar and estensor in EG was returned to the level of pre-S, but ROM for both flexor and extensor in CG was not. LFS was 128±22 in EG and 124±8 lbs in CG at pre-S, and it was decreased in both groups at 3d-S. At 2w-S, LFS was elevated in EG but was remained suppressed in CG.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학편 : 임신부의 걷기 강도에 따른 심박수, 산소섭취량, 운동자각의 반응

        윤소미(SoMiYun),손윤선(YounSunSon),황은진(EunJinHwang),황봉연(BongYeonHwang),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2015 한국체육학회지 Vol.54 No.6

        이 연구는 임신부와 비임신부의 운동 및 회복 시의 심박수, 산소섭취량, 운동자각도를 비교하여 임신부들에게 추천되는 걷기 운동의 강도를 확인하는데 목적을 두었다. 주치의에게 허가를 받은 중·후기 임신부 11명과 비임신부 15명이 연구에 참여하였다. 트레드밀에서 10분씩 세 가지 속도(3 km/h, 5 km/h, 6 km/h)에서 걷기를 수행하였으며, 각 속도에서 걷기 후 회복기를 가졌다. 운동 중과 회복 초기 10분 동안 심박수, 산소섭취량, 운동자각도, 배뭉침 정도를 측정하였다. 모든 운동 강도 및 회복기에 임신부들의 심박수가 비임신부들보다 높았다. 심박수회복과 운동자각의 변화는 3 km/h의 낮은 강도에서는 차이가 없었지만 5 km/h, 6 km/h의 속도에서는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 운동 강도가 높아질수록 회복기에 임신부는 비임신부에 비하여 안정 시 수준으로 심박수의 회복이 느리며 힘들게 느꼈다. 5km/h 수준의 걷기 운동 속도는 건강한 중·후기 임신부들에게 추천될 수 있는 걷기 운동 강도라고 여기진다. 추후 임신부의 주수를 세분화한 종단적 연구가 필요해 보인다. This study was designed to compare the heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake (VO2), and the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during exercise and recovery in pregnant and non-pregnant women and to verify the moderate walking exercise intensity recommended for pregnant women. Fifteen medically cleared mid- and late-stage pregnant women and eleven non-pregnant women participated in this study. They walked on a treadmill at 3 speeds (3, 5, and 6 kph) and recovered after each speed. During walking and 10-min recovery, their HR, VO2, RPE, and the pregnancy related abdominal cramp (AC) were measured. HR during exercise and recovery was higher in pregnant than non-pregnant women. Changes of HR recovery and RPE at 3 kph was not different, but was different at 5 and 6 kph. As exercise intensity increased, HR recovered slower in pregnant women than non-pregnant women. Pregnant women felt harder to the exercise intensity as the intensity increased. The walking of 5 kph level can be considered moderate walking intensity recommended for healthy mid- and late-stage pregnant women. Exercise responses to subdivided pregnancy stage and longitudinal studies are warranted.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동생리학 : 근력과 유연성 복합운동이 측만증 청소년의 측만각도와 요부근력에 미치는 영향

        조지훈(JiHoonCho),이운용(WoonYongLee),김경태(KyongTaeKim),최은수(EunSooChoi),이대택(DaeTaekLee) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        In order to explore the effect of a regular exercise program on Cobb’s angle and fitness variables in teenagers with scoliosis, five high school students (two boys and three girls) participated in this study. they were tested three times; before, during and after the participation of the program for body fat lumbar strength curve angle, and fitness variables. 1. During the measured time frame, body fat content has lien cc-ducal in a favorable direction, and it was statistically different (p<.01). 2. Lumbar strength was increased throughout the measured tint frame and was statistically different (P<.05) Also, lumbar strength in diverse angles were increased but it was not statistically significant after post-hoc test (p>.05). 3. Evaluations of Cobb’s angle of thoracic region was changed after the program and it was statistically different (P<05). But no difference was found in the lumber region (P>.06). 4. In physical fitness variables, muscular strength, sit-and-reach and balance stability were not changed. However, trunk backward extension and sit-ups were ire used after the program (P<.05). In conclusion, regular weight training ball-exercise, and dumbbell men-ism provided a positive effect on Cobb’s angle and hunter strength in patients with scoliosis. It appears that the use of combined exercise programs including weight training. MI exercise, and dumbbell exercises are recommendable for patients with scoliosis. And its application should be regular and systematic.

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