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      • KCI등재

        취약계층 대상 공공급식기관의 식재료 조달 실태 분석

        이계임 ( Lee Kyei-im ),김상효 ( Kim Sanghyo ),김부영 ( Kim Booyoung ) 한국축산경영학회 2019 농업경영정책연구 Vol.46 No.1

        This study provides an overview of food procurement in congregate meal services, particularly targeting low-income households. The welfare agencies provding food assistance for low-income children or seniors include Social Welfare Centers, Senior Welfare Centers, and Community Child Centers. A qualitative and quantitative survey of over 130 procurement practitioners in the welfare agencies was conducted to understand food procurement practices such as food quality assurance, delivery system, and assessment of food quality and safety. The analysis of the survey as well as comparison with the U.S. case provides a basis for policy recommendations for improving food procurement methods in welfare agencies of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        법적 논증과 판결문 서술의 개선방향에 관한 시론적 연구 -법적 논증의 의의와 포섭논증을 중심으로-

        이계일 ( Kye Il Lee ) 연세법학회 2015 연세법학 Vol.25 No.-

        Recently, legal argumentation is receiving much interest. With legal philosophy community seeking a legal philosophy that is more praxis-oriented, there are many researches on the theory of legal argumentation and legal methodology in progress. The trend has been accelerating with the launch of law school system. The unfortunate development is, however, that theoretical investigation on legal methodology and argumentation is not being translated into concrete researches on sentencing of a judge. The goal of this research is to start an introductory research to explore a solution. The research will refer to textbooks used in judicial research & training institute related to sentencing. The research will also explore a direction of enhancement in sentencing based on specific precedents or prejudication of the court. Here, what is important is not introduction, analysis and criticism of argument theory or legal methodology but researches in practical analysis that allow us to make judgment on which approaches, in terms of argumentation theory and methodology, to take and which part of sentencing needs to be improved. For this purpose, the research will review the importance of legal argumentation in judicial ruling in democratic constitutional state. Next, the research investigates how subsumption, a basic framework of legal argumentation, is being practiced in court’s sentencing and how the court’s current sentencing style serves faithful reasoning of subsumption based on the textbooks being used in the Judicial Research and Training Institute and the court’s written judgment and discuss how to improve them. An exploration of legal interpretation and law-making by judges, the subject with a great importance comparable to subsumption for the enhancement of judiciary sentencing of the court, unfortunately, due to the limited scope of this research, was deferred to an independent treatment later in a separate paper. Therefore, this paper is an introduction to investigation of the implications of legal argumentation theory on concrete sentencing and more focused and enhanced research methods to improve judiciary sentencing style. The researches that need to start in full scale should include: direction of enhancement of sentencing related to legal interpretation and law-making by judge; discussion on legal reasoning related to fact identification (although not treated in this paper, it has a great importance comparable to interpretation of law in lower instances); and exploration of direction of legal reasoning ideal for each decision type in concrete legal areas.

      • KCI등재

        공화국 원리의 함의에 대한 이념사적 고찰 -고전적 공화주의 이론의 유형화와 그 법적 구체화의 상관관계를 중심으로-

        이계일 ( Kye Il Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2011 法學硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        Zur Analyse der moglichen Inhalte des verfassungsrechtlichen Republikprinzips soll vor allem die Frage erlautert werden, was Republikanismus ist. Als eine erste Stufe der Studie der dogmatischen Bedeutung des Republikprinzips zielt dieser Beitrag also darauf, auf Grund einer ideengeschichtlichen Betrachtung die Typisierung des moglichen Inhalts des Republikanismus zu unternehmen, somit der dogmatischen Erlauterung des Republik-Prinzips zu dienen. Dazu wurde zuerst auf die politische Struktur von Athen, der Rom-Republik und die Republik-Konzeption von Machiavelli, Rousseau und Kant intensiv eingegangen. Diese ideengeschichtliche Betrachtung macht die Typisierung des republikanischen Gedankens auf drei Arten plausibel, also in Form des Entwicklungsrepublikanismus, Schutzrepublikanismus und als eine Staatsformenlehre, die nur Nicht-Monarchie bedeutet. Eine nahere Betrachtung fuhrt uns auch zur Erkenntnis, dass diese drei moglichen Typen des Republikanismus auch im derzeitigen verfassungsrechtlichen Diskurs um mogliche Inhalte einer positiven Republik-Klausel widergespiegelt werden. Diese Widerspiegelung macht uns klar, dass die genaue Erlauterung der rechtlichen Implikationen des verfassungsrechtlichen Republikprinzips durch die Annahme einer bestimmten Konzeption des Republikanismus als der einzige Republikanismus eher verhindert werden kann, es daher erforderlich wird, dass unter Berucksichtigung der Pluralitat der Republikanismus- Konzeption die Analyse durchgefuhrt wird, welche Inhalte die jeweiligen Vertreter der bestimmten Republikanismus-Konzeption der Republik-Klausel zuzuschreiben neigen. Auf Grund dieser Analyse soll auch die Bemuhung unternommen werden, sich mit der Frage auseinanderzusetzen, welche Ansichten den verschiedenen Republikanismus-Vertretern gemein sind und welche Ansichten voneinander klar divergieren, weswegen diese nicht als rechtlich bindender Inhalt in das Republik-Prinzipaufgenommen werden konnen. Erst nach dieser umfassenden Betrachtung konnte man daruber urteilen, ob man das verfassungsrechtliche Republikprinzip passiv nur als eine Staatsformregelung, die Nicht-Monarchie fordert, verstehen, oder auf Grund der ideengeschichtlichen Argumente diesem Prinzip eher eine aktive und positive Bedeutung zuschreiben sollte.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 법해석론에 대한 연구 - 법철학적 교차지점 및 우리 법학에 대한 함의를 포함하여 -

        이계일 ( Kye Il Lee ) 연세법학회 2021 연세법학 Vol.38 No.-

        Juristische Methodenlehre in Deutschland prägt traditionell auf Auslegungslehre in Südkorea tief ein. Das Ziel dieses Beitrages liegt darin, aktuellen Diskussionsstand in Deutschland über Auslegung und richterliche Rechtsfortbildung zu überblicken und daraus produktive Impuls zur Entwicklung der koreanischen Auslegungslehre zu ziehen. Um Auslegung im Gericht rationell und kontrollierbar zu machen, macht deutsche Methodenlehre im Allgemeinen von folgenden Abgrenzungen Gebrauch: die von Auslegung und richterlicher Rechtsfortbildung, die von Auslegungsziel und Auslegungskriterien. Subjektive - und objektive Auslegungslehre stellen zwei herkömmliche Lehre über Auslegungsziel dar, die derzeit auch auf ernsthafte Kritiken an deren Tragweite und Gültigkeit konfrontiert sind. Neben vier herkömmlichen Auslegungskriterien wie grammatischer -, historischer -, systematischer -, teleologischer Auslegung stehen folgende ergänzende Auslegungskriterien auf derzeitigen intensiven Diskussionsgegenstand: rechtsvergleichende -, folgenorientierte - und präjudizienorientierte Auslegung. Rangordnung oder Vorzugsregel von Auslegungskriterien gegeneinander wird oft infrage gestellt, insbesondere von denjenigen, die die Leistungskraft der juristischen Methodenlehre beim Kontrolle der Richtermacht skeptisch betrachten. Diesen kritischen Stimmen stehen diejenigen gegenüber, die prima facie Vorzugsregel, also Vorzugsregel im schwacheren Sinn vertretbar sehen. In Deutschland wird bei richterlicher Rechtsfortbildung aufgefordert, strikte Bedingungen zu erfüllen. Lückenerfüllung im Gesetz, also Rechtsfortbildung praeter legem oder - extra legem ist im allgemein anerkannt, während Rechtsfortbildung contra legem hoch umstritten ist. Die Frage auf ihre Zulässigkeit ist ebenso mit typisch rechtsphilosophischer Frage wie „richterlichem Umgang mit gesetzlichem Unrecht“ verbunden. Um das Verständnis für diese Diskussionslage zu vertiefen, wird etwa Ansätze von Larenz, Rüthers sowie Kramer auf kritische Betrachtung gestellt.

      • KCI등재
      • 일반논문 : 3-5세기 백제 지방 편제 과정 연구 -경기 서남부지역을 중심으로-

        이계만 ( Gye-man Lee ) 단국사학회 2015 史學志 Vol.51 No.-

        본 연구에서는 경기 서남부지역을 수계에 따라 탄천, 경안천, 발안천, 황구지천, 오산천, 안성천으로 구분하였다. 그리고 구분된 수계에 따라주거, 무덤, 출토유물들이 어떻게 변화하였는지 분석하였다. 분석 내용을 토대로 볼 때, 백제는 지리적으로 가깝고 문화적으로 밀접한 탄천·경안천·발안천유역에 있는 집단들을 가장 빨리 편입했다. 이후백제는 안성천유역을 편입했는데, 한성 주거 문화가 오산천유역 보다이른 시기에 확산되는 모습에서 잘 확인된다. 이러한 모습은 백제가 충청지역으로 진출하기 위한 교두보를 확보하기 위해 안성천 유역에 먼저 진출하였던 것으로 보인다. 이에 따라, 상대적으로 세력규모가 큰 황구지천 하류 및 오산천유역은 가장 늦은 시기백제에 편입되었다. 결국, 경기 서남부지역에 대한 백제의 편제 과정은 탄천ㆍ경안천ㆍ발안천→ 안성천 → 황구지천 하류 및 오산천유역으로 이루어졌을 것으로 파악된다. 이러한 양상은 백제가 지리적 근접성, 문화적 밀접성, 세력규모, 전략적 중요성에 따라 편제 시기와 강도를 달리 했기 때문이다. This study has divided the southwestern part of Gyeonggi into Tancheon, Gyeongancheon, Balancheon, Hwanggujicheon, Osancheon and Anseongcheon and analyzed on different aspects of culture in each region, based on which further analysis has been conducted on what differences there were synchronically in the expansion of central material culture. The result of the analysis indicates that Baekje Dynasty initially incorporated the powers in the vicinity of Tancheon, Gyeongancheon, and Balancheon, which are geographically close, to the country. This is further strengthened by the fact that a strong presence of Backje Hansung culture is found in these basins than others even after the Backje Hansung style earthenware was introduced in late 3rd country. Afterwards, Baekje Dynasty incorporated Anseongcheon earlier than Osancheon basin, which is reaffirmed by that fact that Hansung residential culture settled in Anseongcheon basin first before it spread to other areas. There was a rapid change in memorial service and relics during the Hansung Period Ⅱ, which implies that the governance of Baekje Dynasty continued to build up. The reason behind the early incorporation seems to be because Baekje Dynasty wanted to take this area as a strategic strongpoint to expand its presence to Chungcheon province region from the early stage. This fact is well explained given that the geographical location of Anseongcheon served as a transportation hub while being the shortest path that connects between the top and middle of the Namhangang River and the West Sea. Lastly, the downstream of Hwanggujicheon and Osancheon seemed to be the last area incorporated into the Baekje Dynasty, which is demonstrated by the fact that Sujeongdong district continued to maintain the largest Baekje ancient tombs and that the style of tombs continued to be the pit tomb and the pittomb with encircling ditch. The style of residence also continued to be ㄱ-shaped rectangle and four-poster native house, which indicates the tradition of wisdom and social foundation were maintained in a more stable manner than other basins. The reason behind a stable maintenance of tradition of wisdom and social foundation seemed to come from the fact that the scale of power and influence was larger than other basins. First, ancient tombs were most densely arranged with a higher ratio of hierarchical combination of relics. From the economic perspective, this region had a larger flat arable land than in other areas with agricultural production estimated to overwhelmingly exceeding that of other areas. This is how Baekje Dynasty is believed to have governed the powers of this region in a gradual and peaceful manner instead of dismantling and reorganizing them. In conclusion, the regional reorganization of the southwestern part of Gyeonggi during the Baekje Dynasty is believed to start from Tancheon, Gyeongancheon, and Balancheon and to expand to Anseongcheon, downstream of Hwanggujicheon and Osancheon. This phenomenon seems to have resulted from different periods and intensity of reorganization depending on the geographic proximity, cultural closeness and the size of powers.

      • KCI등재

        우리 법원의 법률해석/법형성에 대한 반성적 고찰

        이계일 ( Kye Il Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2015 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        The writer has first pointed out in the preceding study the reason why legal argumentation in legitimation of the judical decision of democratic constitutional state, is so important, and the writer has examined how the ``subsumption`` which can be said to be a basic framework of legal argumentation, is being materialized in sentencing of the court, and whether the current sentencing form of the court is functioning with friendly condition for devoted reasoning of subsumption, then the writer have discussed the direction of improvement. Following the preceding study, this study now aims to review basic principles of legal interpretation that the court is choosing to investigate meaning of law (that is relevant to precondition of ``subsumption``), while handling the limit and direction of improvement in detail. And in the next chapter, the writer will address separation issue of legal interpretation and law-making by judges, hence the rest of this paper will handle if the court is putting the right concept when sentencing in relation to law-making by judges, and if not, in which direction it is necessary to be corrected.

      • KCI등재

        법관법의 대상영역과 규범적 힘에 관한 연구

        이계일 ( Lee Kye Il ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2016 法學硏究 Vol.26 No.3

        This study examined how to understand judge-made law and its normative binding, based on the typological classifications of all prominent theories, which are set forth surrounding the normative status of judge-made laws. While recognizing that the legal interpretation/application by the judge may create the actual meaning of law, this study considered that it is more valid to approach this problem in the way of the illumination of intrinsic nature of legal interpretation/application, rather than highlighting through the title called judge-made law. By doing so, it settled that it is proper to limit the object area of judge-made law to ‘the area in which rule-making of law by the court is affirmed’ and ‘the area of blanket clauses/vague norms that is considered to delegate concretion of legal meaning to the judge.’ However, even while limiting the object area of judge-made law to the area of rule-making of the court and concretion of blanket clause that are differentiated from legal interpretation, it was considered that the issue of ‘binding of precedents’ could be expanded to the usual legal interpretation area. It is because the binding of precedents is classified into a separate category as the issue of the binding of judge-made law. The issue of ‘whether to consider judge-made law as a separate source of law’ also was classified into a separate category as the issue of ‘normative binding of judge-made law’. Nonetheless, the position to understand the issue of a source of law of judge-made law in association with the normative binding of judge-made law was revealed to be more proper. It is regarded as the precondition of the normative binding of judge-made law that the application or overruling of the existing judge-made law can occur according to prior given criteria not depending on the outside arbitrary influence, as long as the existing judge-made law is identified relevant to the given case. And with respect to such criteria, the theoretical positions such as presumptive binding or subsidiary binding, which premises the burden of justification at overruling of the existing precedent, are not considered to satisfy the criterion of above normative binding. However, it was considered legitimate to derive the duty of justification on change of case law from the duty of justification that is settled as the sub-principle of the principle “rule of law”, which is where a certain normative force that the judge-made law has (different from legal binding authority) can be explained from. By denying the normative binding of judge-made law, this study also took the denying position of the judge-made law`s status as a source of law, and set forth that judge-made law is a content source of law that has a certain normative force. It also explained that the study doesn`t consider judge-made law as mere supplementary materials for decisions of the court, such as legal dogmatics or academic theories. In addition, the issue of the degree of burden of justification when intending to escape from precedent was examined, above all dividing the cases of supreme court decisions and lower court decisions. However, it was verified that the degree of duty of justification when escaping from precedent can be associated with how to construct the effect of overruling in the change of precedent: in other words, the form of overruling. This is where the judge-made law or binding of precedents is associated with the issue of retroactive effect of case law change.

      • KCI등재

        민주적 헌정국가에 있어 공화적 자유 이념이 가지는 함의와 역할에 관한 연구

        이계일 ( Kye Il Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2014 法學硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the idea of liberty which lies behind our constitutional norms and to determine, based on the findings, the nature of idea of liberty on our constitution and its implications. To achieve such a purpose, the author will determine ‘what the liberty is’ by way of classifying the entities which limit the liberty and also examine what types of freedom are embodied by the various norms in our constitution. Next, the author, based on the foregoing findings, will see if our constitution supports ‘the idea of liberty as liberty as non-interference’ emphasized by some within the legal circle as the means of evaluation and critic over various national policies, or if another liberty conception which embraces various types of liberty on our constitution exists. This quest will serve as the start towards ‘the liberty as non-domination’, an idea which embraces the emblem of liberty which lies behind our constitutional norms. The idea of liberty as liberty non-domination is caught as ‘the republican liberty’. Of course there is a question whether theoretical debates over understanding of liberty idea which lies behind the legal order will have practical implications. The author of this paper will address the additional advantages of establishing ‘republican liberty’ as the idea of liberty which lies behind our constitutional order, which will serve as the answer to the above question. Of course there can be multiple possibilities of theoretical grasping of positive norms, thus understanding various norms in our legal order on the basis of the idea of republican liberty may have disadvantages as well as advantages. The author will conclude this paper by way of reorganizing the principled implications of the theoretical study as well as reflecting the foregoing sketchily.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 농산물 표시 이용현황과 개선방향

        이계임 ( Kyei Im Lee ),최지현 ( Ji Hyeon Choi ),김민정 ( Min Jeong Kim ) 한국식품유통학회 2004 食品流通硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate current food labeling system based on consumer survey and to suggest policy directions for the future demand. The survey showed that consumers are mostly concerned about country of origin labeling for vegetables, and the place produced and country of origin labeling for fruits. Only 15 percent of consumers have recognized types of organic food labeling and its certifications, impling government`s public information are not well conducted. In order to promote understanding and utilization of food labeling, it is necessary to improve the style of labeling such as the size and location based on consumers` need. The basic idea for the improvement of public information for food labeling includes following aspects : consistent public relations for food labeling by news media, providing information related to food labeling through the related web site and hot telephone line, strengthening role and function of volunteer`s monitering system.

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