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        미술을 통한 창의적 글쓰기: 미술-문학 융합 미술관 교육프로그램

        원정연(Won, Jung Yeon),김형숙(Kim, Hyung Sook) 한국미술교육학회 2020 美術敎育論叢 Vol.34 No.1

        이 연구는 미술과 문학이 융합된 미술관 교육프로그램을 질 들뢰즈(Gilles Deleuze)와 펠릭스 가타리(Pierre-F lix Guattari)의 리좀(rhizome)과 하버드 프로젝트 제로팀(Project Zero)의 아츠 프로펠(Arts PROPEL)을 통해 분석하여 ‘미술을 통한 글쓰기’의 지향점을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 따라서 이 논문은 먼저 서양의 전통주의 철학에 대항하는 다양체의 사유 모델인 리좀의 여섯 가지 원리에 대해 논의하고, 현대 학습 이론과 인지심리학에 근거하여 실제 학생들에게 실행된 아츠 프로펠의 교육관과 교육과정이 이러한 리좀의 원리와 상응함을 설명한다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 맨체스터 미술관과 국립현대미술관의 미술-문학 융합 교육프로그램을 분석한다. 다양체라는 개념을 중심으로 전통적, 수목적 글쓰기와 구분되는 리좀적 글쓰기의 특성을 통해 미술을 통한 글쓰기 교육프로그램의 학생 구성과 상호작용 방식, 수업단계별 내용과 목적, 교사의 역할 등을 논의한다. 그리고 맨체스터미술관의 교육프로그램이 그림에 대한 지식을 재인식하고 자기 생각을 덧붙인 형태의 결과물을 만드는 것이 아니라 학습자 간의 상호작용을 통해 그림과 수평적인 하나의 글쓰기 작품을 창조한다는 점을 중심으로 이 프로그램이 리좀적임을 밝힌다. 따라서 이 연구는 미술-문학 융합교육인 미술을 통한 글쓰기 자체가 하나의 예술적 활동임을 인식한 창조적 글쓰기 과정이어야 한다는 점을 밝힌다. The purpose of this study is to present goals for ‘writing through art’ by analyzing the convergence of art and literature in museum education programs with Gilles Deleuze’s and Pierre-F lix Guattari’s rhizome and Arts PROPEL of the Harvard Project Zero team. For this purpose, first, this paper examines the rhizome’s six principles, a model of thought in opposition to traditional western philosophies and then proposes that this concept of the principles of the rhizome corresponds to Arts PROPEL, a practical model based on modern learning theories and cognitive psychology. Next, this study analyzes convergence education in the Art and Literature Programs of the Manchester Art Gallery and the National Museum of Contemporary Art. In particular, by focusing on the concept of multiplicity, the characteristics of rhizomatic writing alternative to traditional and arborescent writing are discussed to reveal the differences between the two programs. The analysis of these writing approaches through art programs highlight the Manchester Art Gallery education program as rhizomatic because the students participating in the program do not recognize knowledge and produce writings that not only incorporate a few students’ ideas but create writings as works of art equivalent to paintings through student-student interaction. Finally, this study argues that writing through art, the convergence of education in art and literature, should be an artistic activity and a process akin to creative writing.

      • KCI등재

        멘토링을 통한 예비화학교사들의 Pedagogical Content Knowledge 변화

        이송 ( Song Yeon Lee ),민희정 ( Hee Jung Min ),원정애 ( Jeong Ae Won ),백성혜 ( Seoung Hey Paik ) 한국과학교육학회 2011 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 예비화학교사들의 PCK가 어떠한지 분석해보고, 교육실습 전·후의 멘토링 과정을 통해 예비화학교사의 PCK에는 어떤 변화가 있는지 알아보는 것이다. 이를 위해 화학교육을 전공하는 4명의 예비교사를 멘티로 선정하고, 화학교육과 교수 한명을 멘토로 선정하였다. 예비교사의 PCK를 분석하기 위하여 멘티의 수업과 멘토링 과정, 면담 녹음 등의 자료를 수집하였다. 연구결과, 멘토링 전 멘티들은 거의 모든 PCK요소에서 부족함을 보였다. 이는 그들이 수업을 위한 실천적 지식의 필요성을 알지 못했고, 배운 지식을 어떻게 적용하는지 몰랐기 때문이다. 그러나 대부분의 멘티들은 멘토링을 통해서 PCK를 발달시켰다. 이 연구는 예비 교사들을 위한 대학교육에서 교육 실습 전 후에 잘 구성된 멘토링을 통해 예비교사의 PCK를 효과적으로 발달시킬 수 있음을 시사한다. The purposes of this study were to analyze the PCK of pre-service chemistry teachers and to know the changes of in PCK before and after the educational practice. For this study, four pre-service teachers majoring in chemistry education were selected as proteges and one professor of chemistry education department participated as a mentor. For the analysis of pre-service teachers` PCK, proteges` instructions, mentoring process, and semi-constructed interviews were collected. According to the results, most of the elements of the PCK were lack of proteges` instructions before the mentoring, because they didn`t know the necessary practical knowledge for instructions. They also didn`t know how they could apply their knowledge to the instructions. However, most of the pre-service teachers developed their PCK through the mentoring. This study shows that pre-service teacher`s PCK could develop effectively by well-formed programs of mentoring before and after the educational practice in college education for pre-service teachers.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Pulse Energy and Pulse Repetition Rate at the Identical Total Power During Enamel Ablation Using an Er:YAG Laser

        원정연,김미은,김기석,Won, Jung-Yeon,Kim, Mee-Eun,Kim, Ki-Suk Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine 2006 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.31 No.3

        The objectives of this study was to investigate the amount of tooth ablation and the change of intrapulpal temperature by Er:YAG laser as it relates to pulse energy and pulse repetition rate at the identical power and, thereby, to reveal which of the two parameters strongly relates with ablation efficiency and intrapulpal temperature. Extracted healthy human molar teeth were sectioned into two pieces and each specimen was irradiated within the combination of pulse energy and pulse repetition time at the same power of 3W; $300mJy{\times}10Hz$ group, $200mJy{\times}15Hz$ group, and $150mJy{\times}20Hz$ group. Each specimen comprised ten tooth specimens. A laser beam with conjunction of a water flow rate of 1.6 ml/min was applied over enamel surfaces of the specimens during 3 seconds and the ablation amount was determined by difference in weight before and after irradiation. To investigate the temperature change in the pulp according to the above groups, another five extracted healthy human molar teeth were prepared. Each tooth was embedded into resin block and the temperature-measuring probes were kept on the irradiated and the opposite walls in the dental pulp during lasing. When the power was kept constant at 3W, ablation amount increased with pulse energy rather than pulse repetition rate (p=0.000). Although intrapulpal temperature increased with pulse repetition rate, there were no significant differences among the groups and between the irradiated and the opposite pulpal walls, except at a condition of $150y{\times}20Hz$ (p=0.033). Conclusively, it is suggested that ablation efficacy is influenced by pulse energy rather than pulse repetition rate.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 신경병성 동통 환자에 대한 역학조사

        원정연,김기석,Won, Jung-Yeon,Kim, Ki-Suk 대한안면통증구강내과학회 2008 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.33 No.4

        The descriptive epidemiology of specific neuropathic pain disorders has not been well-des-cribed, although the burden of neuropathic pain is well recognized. The true incidence of neuro-pathic pain disorder is unknown, but it is believed to be under diagnosed and treated inade-quately, despite the development of various diagnostic system. The purpose of this study was to report the epidemiology of specific neuropathic pain as managed by all kinds of hospital in Korea. A descriptive analysis of the epidemiology of prevalent trigeminal neuralgia(TN)(n-=77,053 27,6%), atypical facial pain(AFP)(n=12,382 4.4%), glossopharyngeal neuralgia(GN)-(n=1,319 0.5%), post-herpetic neuralgia(PHN)-(n=84,598 30.3%), diabetic neuropathy(DN)-(n=85,989 30.8%), atypical odontalgia(AO)-(n=16,001 5.7%) and glossodynia(GD)(n=2,133 0.8%) and treatment departments and treatment durations from computerized Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service(HIRA) of Korea: January 2003 to December 2005, are reported with rates increasing over time for PHN and DN and decreasing for the other neuropathic pain disorders. Most patients were treated at private clinic record for 57.6-72.8% of patients except OA for 10.3%. The percentage of Dept of dentistry for outpatients was 3.2% for TN, 34.7% for AO and 15.4% for GD. Other neuropathic pain patients visited nearly medical clinic.

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