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        국내 호수에서 Microcystins의 생합성에 관여하는 mcyA 유전자의 염기서열 다양성 분석

        오경희,한아원,조영철,Oh, Kyoung-Hee,Han, Ah-Won,Cho, Young-Cheol 한국미생물학회 2010 미생물학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        국내에서 분리된 독소생산 Microcystis 속과 조류 대발생 시기에 대청호, 충주호, 용담호, 소양호, 및 의암호에서 채취한 시료에서 조류 독소인 microcystins의 생합성에 관여하는 mcyA 유전자의 염기서열 다양성을 분석하였다. GenBank에 등록된 mcyA 염기서열과 비교한 결과, 국내 호소에서 분리된 Microcystis 속의 mcyA 유전자 염기서열은 매우 낮은 다양성을 나타내었다. 환경 시료 분석 결과, 2-3종류의 clone이 전체의 87-100%를 차지하였으며, Anabaena 속이나 Planktothrix 속의 mcyA 유전자와 유사한 염기서열은 발견되지 않았다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때, 대상 호소에서 microcystins는 주로 Microcystis 속에 의해 생산되며, 독소 생산에 관여하는 mcyA 유전자의 염기서열은 보존되어 있는 것으로 판단된다. The sequence diversity of mcyA gene involved in synthesis of microcystins was analyzed in Microcystis spp. isolated from the Korean reservoirs and in the environmental samples taken from the Daechung, Chungju, Yongdam, Soyang, and Euam Reservoirs at the cyanobacterial blooming season. It was estimated that the sequences of mcyA gene in the isolated Microcystis spp. were much conserved when compared with those in GenBank database. A few kinds of clones were dominant in the investigated environmental samples, occupying 87 to 100% of total clones. No mcyA sequences originated from Anabaena spp. or Planktothrix spp. was found. These results indicated that microcystins are produced mainly by Microcystis spp. and the sequences of mcyA genes are much conserved in the investigated Korean reservoirs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학부과정 교육학과의 교육 경쟁력 제고를 위한 차별화 전략

        오경희(Kyoung-Hee OH),이지영(Jee-Young LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2013 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        This paper focuses on a differentiation strategy to improve educational competitiveness of education department. The reason is that education department stand now on the brink of a precipice because of low employment rate. For this, I researched on employment rate and curriculum nature of educational technology department of YW university and A university, lifelong education department of S university and D university, educational psychology department of SW university which are all related to pedagogy relation department recording relatively high-employment rate. Through the date, Id like to emphasize that competitiveness of education department depends on a differentiation strategy and that strategy must be based on the influence of education with the consideration of obligation and characterization. And we find that a influence of education can be demonstrated in two aspects : a rational schemes side and lively cultures side. In the rational scheme aspects, diversification and specialization of curriculum content considering department characteristics and curriculum management including mentoring and sense of realism are emphasized. On the side of culture scheme, positive involvement of members, outlook on the world defined by the concepts like challenge and passion to the future, a sense of community. These discussions will be a guide role on the future researches which focuses on improving competitiveness of education department.

      • KCI등재

        유아들의 우정에 관한 사회적 및 공동체적 특성: 해석적 재생산론적 접근에서

        오경희 ( Kyoung Hee Oh ) 미래유아교육학회 2012 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study investigated social·communal quality of an early childhood children` “friendship” by interpretive reproduction approach and emphasized the importance of early childhood children` friendship as a beginning for educational community formation. This paper focused on two distinct qualities of the friendship: “Social quality and Community quality”. The former meant ``a loosely normative quality`` and ``autonomous typification quality``. The latter consists of ``quality of symbolic and courtesy`` and ``quality of conflict and sharing``. The researcher hoped that these discussions can contribute to building up the comprehensive perspective on an early childhood children` friendship, and provide an opportunity for other researches to be interested more in diverse aspects of “friendship”.

      • KCI등재

        예비교사의 교직실무수업 경험에 관한 질적 연구

        오경희(Kyoung-Hee OH),한대동(Dae-Dong HAN) 한국수산해양교육학회 2012 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        This is a qualitative study of pre-service teachers’ experiences in a teaching practicum course which attempted to identify the characteristics of the course that has been recently revised as professional education course. Data were collected from college students who took the professional education courses including the teaching practicum course by using both a survey on the opinions and suggestions of the students on the teaching practicum and a in-depth interview with 12 students of them. The results are as follows. First, pre-service teachers’ perception of a teaching practicum course was divided into two sides : functional side and sociocultural side. The formal is that the professional education courses significantly handed to discipline practical jobs related to educational administration. The latter is that the professional education courses significantly handed to deal for teachers like pay step, extra pay, vacation, and leave of absence. Second, the pre-service teachers had suggestions that were divided into the ‘curriculum content’ and the ‘instructional method’. For instance, regarding the ‘curriculum content’ they suggested such things needed as ‘lessening and differentiation of content, sensitive about the scene, and lesson hands-on’, and as for the ‘instructional method’ they suggested such things needed as actively ‘doing, participating, assessing, coursework participating’. Based on these results, I have comprehended the pre-service teachers’ positive response. Untill now, we have perceived that the professional education courses is excessively theory-oriented one. But a teaching practicum course is different. Meanwhile, It is not identify what the teaching practicum course as teaching refinement education course is. Due to this cause, I have comprehended that ‘curriculum content’ and the ‘instructional method’ is plunged in confusion. As pointed out this, I did concrete proposals in response to such a confusion. This proposals have helped decided on a direction of a teaching practicum course.

      • KCI등재

        여성리더십교육: 교육적 경험, 그 특성에 관한 탐색

        오경희(Kyoung-Hee OH),박신영(Sin-Young PARK) 한국수산해양교육학회 2012 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        This paper focuses on understanding what kind of experience the women leadership education can provide for adult learners and how the learners grasp a characteristic of a women leader. For this, the research interviewed learner who complete the women leadership course at the P center in Busan. To this end, it is discussed in two sides. One side is about educational experience, the other side is about leadership. In the aspect of former approach, the leadership education shows the characteristic which is much closer to the meaning of the education itself rather than that of leadership. It not only put much emphasize on the recovery to the self but also shows the relation-oriented characteristic like building up social net-work. In the aspect of the latter, by connecting the woman and leader, women expects they wish to be a trustful leader. For them, trustful leader is the true leader. In addition it also means charismatic leader, servant leader, the leader with member to growth and the leader with a rational and reasonable. Although women acknowledge that women leaders authority and power is important for the realization of the real equality of women, at the same time, however, they worry about the possibility that this leader become a kind of a power-oriented leader’ which causes conflict and suppress the weaker. This study argues that we need to concentrate more on the new perspective which focuses on the sharing and bordering occurred in inner gender rather than the former approach which focuses on the difference between genders.

      • KCI등재

        민족과 젠더의 경계에 선 여성의 이산

        오경희(Kyoung-hee Oh) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2007 아시아여성연구 Vol.46 No.1

        최근 우리 사회에 국제결혼과 이주노동을 하기 위해 입국한 이주여성이 증가하면서 이들의 정착과 관련된 쟁점이 부각되고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 이 글은 강경애의 『소금』과 조선족 여성작가 허련순의 『바람꽃』에 담긴 젠더화된 이산의 현실을 살아가는 이산여성의 삶의 궤적을 통해서, 제국주의 식민지배 시대와 전지구화 자본주의 시대에 이루어지는 민족사의 순환고리적 ‘이산’과 민족과 젠더의 경계에 선 여성의 삶과 몸의 체험 속에 중첩된 민족적, 계급적, 성적 모순의 양상을 탐구한다. 나아가 이들 여성이 성별 주체로서 수시로 대립 또는 공모, 충돌하는 성별과 계급, 민족국가라는 다중적 변수들 속에서 어떻게 스스로의 정체성을 확인하고 그것을 삶의 동력으로 승화해 나가는지를 살펴보았다. 두 작품은 창작 시기가 60년이라는 시간적 간격과 시대적 배경의 상이성에도 불구하고, 우리의 의식 한 부분에 순환고리적으로 존재하는 민족과 젠더의 문제를 ‘이산’의 프리즘을 통해 구체적으로 보여준다. 두 작품에 각각 등장하는, 1990년대 전지구적 자본주의 시대의 ‘중국조선족 이주여성노동자’와 1930년대 제국주의 식민지배 하의 ‘조선인 이주여성’ 사이에 있는 ‘조선’이라는 공통적 민족국가 코드는 1930년대 식민지 조선의 여성이 경험한 역사를 ‘조선족 여성’의 현재 경험으로 악순환시키는 현실의 동력 장치이다. 이산여성을 둘러싼 민족과 계급, 성을 매개한 억압의 코드, 그리고 몸의 고통스러운 체험을 통한 여성 디아스포라의 고난, 여성이 주체적으로 선택한 처절한 삶의 결과 등 작품에서 드러나는 이산여성의 경험과 정체성은 동질화되고 획일적인 ‘민족’ 경험만으로는 설명할 수없는 부단한 협상과 타협을 통해 소통에 이르려는 여성의 ‘몸’으로 체험한 삶이다. As the number of migrant women is recently increasing owing to intermarriage and immigrant labor, their resettlement raises a social issue in Korea. Chosun-zok(Korean-Chinese) women have a majority in the migrant women. The study traces migrant women's lives described in 〈Salt〉 by Kang Kyong-ae in 1934 and 〈An Anemone〉 by Huh Ryon-soon in 1994. It shows that they are placed in genderized diaspora in recurring diaspora in the national history, which it happens not only in the period of imperialism colony but also in this age of global capitalism. It explains the aspects of contradictions related to nation, class and gender, which are repeated in migrant women's lives and their physical experience as well as the national diaspora. It, moreover, examines how migrant women ascertain their identity as the subject of gender and regard it as life-moving power according to multi-layed variables such as gender, class and nation. Two works are very different in the backing of the times due to a gap of 60 years. It, however, concretely display the issue of nation and gender through the prism of a diaspora. The migrant women's lives in the works are oppressed by nation, class and gender, experience pains carved in woman's body, and suffer painful life because of their select subjective selection. Consequently it says that their life is just bitter experience of identity realized by their 'eyes' and 'body,' not the part of the same national experience.

      • KCI등재

        농업용 저수지 준설토의 처리 공법에 따른 경제성 분석

        오경희(Kyoung Hee Oh),조영철(Young Cheol Cho) 大韓環境工學會 2013 대한환경공학회지 Vol.35 No.10

        농업용 저수지의 수질과 저서환경을 개선하기 위해 저수지로부터 제거된 퇴적물의 친환경적 처리 방안을 모색하기 위해 실시된 퇴적물처리 시범사업의 경제성을 분석하였다. 비용은 집행된 사업비로 산출하였으며, 편익은 퇴적물 재활용으로 인한 폐기물 처리비용의 절감, 퇴적물 제거로 인한 침강지 건설비용의 절감, 저수지 내용적 증가로 인한 용수 확보 등의 3가지 요소로 설정하였으며, 이를 대체비용법을 이용하여 화폐화하고 현재가치화하였다. 편익·비용 비율(B/C)을 구하였을 때, 대상저수지에 따라 달랐으나 전체 사업의 B/C 값은 1.32로 경제성이 높은 것으로 평가되었다. 준설토 처리 공법에 따른 경제성을 분석한 결과, 응집침전 공법, 기계탈수공법, 열반응안정화공법, 토양개량안정화공법의 순으로 경제성이 높았다. 기계탈수공법의 경우 타 공법에 비해 처리토의 재활용이 쉬우며, 2차 오염을 발생하지 않고, 경제성이 뛰어나기 때문에, 저수지로부터 제거된 퇴적물을 처리하기에 가장 적합한 방법인 것으로 평가되었다. The economical feasibility was conducted to find the adequate method to treat the dredged sediments from agricultural reservoirs in a pilot project that had been operated to improve the quality of water and benthic environments by dredging of contaminated sediments. For benefit/cost (B/C) analysis, the net expenses were considered as the costs of project, and the benefits were calculated from the saving of waste-treatment cost through reuse of dredged sediment, the saving of construction cost of settling pond, and the values of retained water by dredging. Although the economic feasibility depended on the sites of operation, the average B/C value of the pilot project was estimated as 1.32, indicating this project is economically feasible. Depending on the treatment methods, the B/C values were in the order of the methods of coagulating sedimentation, machinery dewatering, stabilization through exothermic reaction, and soil improvement and stabilization. The machinery dewatering method is estimated as the most adequate one to treat the dredged sediments because of the minimum riskiness of secondary pollution, the recyclability, and its economic feasibility.

      • KCI등재

        유아기 상징적 놀이에서 나타나는 판타지의 교육적 함의

        오경희(Oh, Kyoung-Hee) 한국영유아보육학회 2013 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.82

        본 연구에서는 유아기 상징적 놀이에서 나타나는 판타지의 배움과 돌봄의 융합적 특성의 강조를 통해, 유아기 판타지의 교육적 의미를 탐색하고자 하였다. 이는 그 동안 유아교육과정에서 배제되었던 판타지에 대한 관심을 불러일으키는 것으로, 교육학적 논의에서 판타지가 왜 중요한지를 인식하는데 기여하고자 하는데 있다. 이에, 먼저, 판타지의 일반적 특성과 유아기 판타지의 특성을 중심으로 유아기의 판타지가 가지는 창조적 특성을 살펴보았으며, 다음으로, 유아기 판타지의 돌봄과 배움의 융합적 특성을 강조하는 것으로 유아기 판타지의 교육적 의미를 탐색하였다. 이러한 논의들은 무엇보다 유아기 판타지의 교육적 의미에 대한 인식의 폭을 넓힘으로써, 유아교육현장에서의 판타지 교육에 대한 구체적 방안을 모색하는데 기여하게 될 것으로 여긴다. This study investigated in the educational meaning of fantasy in the early childhood imaginative play by emphasizing convergence characteristics of learning and caring in early childhood fantasy. In the meantime, it was excluded from early childhood education courses to arouse interest in fantasy by fantasies pedagogical discussion on why it is important to recognize is to contribute to. Accordingly, first, the general characteristics of fantasy and characteristics of childhood fantasy centered on the nature of childhood fantasy to have seen creative characteristics. Next, the childhood fantasy of the "care", "learning", "convergence" by emphasizing the characteristics of the educational implications of childhood fantasy was browsing. Childhood fantasy of all these discussions about the meaning of education by broadening the width of recognition, early childhood education in the field of education specifically, a fantasy of looking for ways to be considered to contribute to.

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