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      • 아담의 창조연대

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2016 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.10 No.1

        지금까지의 논의를 요약하면 창세기가 기록하고 있는 아담의 나이는 그가 창조되었을 때부터 카운트 된 나이였을 것이다. 그러면 아담과 하와가 가인과 아벨을 낳은 나이는 100세 내외였을 것이지만 그 전에 여러 자녀들을 이미 낳았다고 할 수 있다. 가인이 아벨을 죽인 사건이 일어났을 때는 아담의 나이가 130세 정도였을 것이고 그 때는 이미 많은 아담의 후손들이 널리 퍼져 살고 있었을 것이다. 아벨이 죽은 후 얼마 지나지 않아 하나님은 곧 바로 하와는 임신했고, 셋을 주셨을 것이다. 첫 살인사건이 났을 때는 이미 아담과 하와가 창조된 후, 다시 말해 자녀생산을 시작한 후 5대 정도 경과했을 때이지만 여전히 아이를 낳고 있었다. 아담은 고손자가 있는, 다시 말해 고조할아버지였을 것이지만 당시에는 고조할아버지와 고손자가 함께 아이를 낳는 일이 실제로 일어나고 있었을 것이다. 이처럼 아담이 결혼할 수 있는 성년으로 창조되었고, 그로부터 아담의 나이를 카운트 한다면 가인의 출생과 아벨의 살해, 가인의 추방과 결혼, 가인이 여호와 앞에서 쫓겨날 때 두려워했던 사람들이 누구인지, 가인이 어디에서 아내를 구했는지를 좀 더 자연스럽게 설명할 수 있다. This essay deals with the creation date of Adam. This issue is closely related to interpret some difficulties in early part of Genesis. The author proposes that Adam"s age at the birth of Seth and Adam"s lifespan mentioned in Genesis was counted from the creation date of Adam, not from his biological age. Then we have 130 years before the death of Abel by Cain, which is long period enough for explaining people who threaten Cain and Cain"s wife.

      • 98.5%라는 착각

        양승훈(Paul S. YANG) 창조론오픈포럼 2017 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.11 No.1

        진화론자들은 인간은 다른 유인원들과 공통조상으로부터 진화되었다고 주장한다. 그리고 이의 가장 중요한 증거로서 사람과 침팬지의 DNA가 98.5% 동일하다는 점을 내세운다. 과학저술가이자 생리학자인 다이아몬드(Jared Diamond)는 저서 〈왜 인간의 조상이 침팬지인가〉(문학사상, 2015)에서 다른 침팬지와 단 1.6% 정도 다른 유전자를 지닌 제3의 침팬지가 인간으로 진화했다고 주장한다. 그러면서 그는 인간 DNA는 고릴라와 약 2.3%, 침팬지나 보노보(피그미 침팬지라고도 불리는)와는 약 1.6% 다를 뿐이라고 주장하면서 “외계인 과학자가 본다면 망설이지 않고 인간을 제3의 침팬지 종으로 분류할 것”이라고 단언한다. 98.5% 유사성 주장은 유전학이나 분자생물학, 그런 결과가 나오게 된 과정에 대한 배경지식이 없는 사람들에게 매우 큰 설득력을 갖는다. 그래서 일반인들이 접하는 매스컴이나 대중과학서적에서는 마치 인간의 진화가 확증된 것인 양 기술되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 그 동안 인간과 침팬지의 DNA 염기서열이 거의 같다는 주장을 비판적으로 살펴보고자 한다. Evolutionists say that DNA of human is similar to that of chimpanzee up to 98.5% and it is definite proof that human and chimpanzee share common evolutionary ancestor. But the real similarity of DNA is much lower than they say. This essay tries to check how was the data produced and what is the real situation in the area of molecular biology. The author argues that evolutionists were biased and their conclusion was not correct. Common ancestry between human and chimpanzee is not based on data.

      • 젊은지구론에 대한 비판적 소고

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2015 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.9 No.1

        In this paper, the author presents a critical reflection on young earth creationism(YEC), which is mainly focused on 6 non-radiometric issues: meteorite dust on the surface of the earth and the moon, helium of earth atmosphere, cooling of the earth and the sun, decay of geomagnetism, formation of continent by magma, erosion of the Niagara Falls. Those issues were presented by YEC supporters for the last four decades as evidence of recent creation. This paper, based on the paper of Brent Dalrymple, shows that those issues presented by YEC supporters can be clearly falsified and they should not be used as evidence to support YEC any more.

      • 성경은 과학교과서인가?

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2008 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.2 No.2

        Is the Bible a science textbook? And can the textbook analogy guarantee the inerrancy of the Bible? This paper discusses the claim that the Bible is a science textbook and then shows how the textbook analogy can actually break the Biblical inerrancy. For the hermeneutical discussion of scientific expressions in the Bible, two "Chicago Statements" from <Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society> (1978, 1982) are employed as a reference.

      • 두 근본주의의 충돌

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2009 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.3 No.1

        Since the publication of Darwin"s <On the Origin of Species> in 1859, there have been numerous debates between creationists and evolutionists. Why are they still vigorous in debates and what are their main points? In this paper, I propose that the debates mainly arise between two fundatmentalisms: creation science and naturalistic evolutionism. And I try to expose the main points of the debates and conclude that there are some strong metaphysical elements of creationism and evolutionism, which are based on the unproved and quite ideological assumptions.

      • 켈트영성과 창조신앙

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2014 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.8 No.2

        Starting from the introduction of 3 representative spiritualities of the Christian church, this paper tries to find the relationship between Celtic spirituality and creation faith. The author summarizes the Celtic tradition as follows: the goodness and beauty of creation, the image of God in human beings, the equality in creation and positive attitude for traditional culture. In particular, he points out that emphasizing the goodness and beauty of creation in Celtic tradition has significant implications in modern Christian worldview movement which is considered as one of typical descendants of western spirituality.

      • 진화의 세 가지 층위

        양승훈(Paul Seung-Hun YANG) 창조론오픈포럼 2019 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.13 No.1

        This year marks the 160th anniversary of Darwin`s 〈The Origin of Species〉. The creation-evolution debate over the book first began in the U.K. and the U.S., and its field was limited to biology. Over time, however, the debate has spread around the world and all academic areas. In the long history of the creation-evolution debate, the beginning of creation science movement in the U.S. in the late 20<SUP>th</SUP> century was a new milestone in the debate. The movement spread over many countries and it entered Korea in the early 1980s. With strong support from the conservative Korean church, the movement in Korea has become the world`s most aggressive frontier just a decade after it began. But unfortunately the debate over theological differences of the movement within the church was not constructive. What`s the reason? It is pointed out that one of major reasons is the different understanding on the meaning of evolution. Therefore, this paper proposes three tiers in the meaning of evolution: evolution as an observed fact, evolution as a rational inference, and evolution as an ideology. It seems that the proper division of the tiers in the meaning of evolution will reduce the unnecessary debates and misunderstanding between the secular and Christian scholars as well as in evangelical circle.

      • 힉스입자, 창조에 말을 걸다

        양승훈(Paul S. YANG) 창조론오픈포럼 2012 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.6 No.2

        This paper reviews the recent discovery of Higgs particle which was predicted by Peter Higgs and some physicists in 1964 and announced to be found by CERN physicists on July 4, 2012. Higgs particle is the last piece in the Standard Model of Big Bang cosmology. It was a Boson and found in the theoretically predicted energy range. After reviewing the discovery briefly, this paper tries to see some biblical implications of discovering Higgs particle which is directly connected to Big Bang theory. So far, many conservative Christians interpreted the Big Bang theory in terms of atheism and materialism. The author, however, proposes that it can be theistically interpreted as a possible method or process of creating the universe by God, and encourages that Christian should learn to be pleased with new scientific discoveries because they could be the grand design of God"s creation.

      • 방사능 연대와 창조연대

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2011 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.5 No.2

        YEC(Young Earth Creationism) supporters presents critiques against radioactive dating methods. Their main critiques are summarized as (1) possible variable decay rate of radioactive elements; (2) uncertain initial conditions; (3) addition/subtraction of radioactive elements before sampling or contamination in the process of dating. The paper introduces recent research to show that the critiques are not based on academic works. In particular, isochron dating method provides quite definitive way to remove some ambiguities in radioactive dating method.

      • 외계 생명체 탐사와 기독교 세계관

        양승훈(Paul S. Yang) 창조론오픈포럼 2010 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper introduces basic methods for searching extra-terrestrial life, including analyzing meteorites, search for liquid water, radio astronomy, sending rovers on planets, etc. In particular, SETI project is focused as a scientific endeavor. From the research, the author tentatively concludes that there is no definite evidence of existing life on other planets but on the earth. This paper does not provide normative statements on the existence of life on other planets. If there is any form of life, the author concludes, it is a part of God"s creation, .

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