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      • KCI등재후보

        『가장 푸른 눈』에 나타난 이중의식과 흑인성 연구

        안경미(An Kyung-Mi) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2010 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.27

        본 논문의 목적은 토니 모리슨(Toni Morrison)의 ??가장 푸른 눈??(The Bluest Eye, 1970)에서 아프리카계 미국인의 정체성 확립에 중요한 요소로 작용하는 이중의식(double-consciousness)과 흑인성(blackness)은 어떤 의미를 지니는지를 고찰해 보는데 있다. 1940년대의 흑인 사회의 한 단면을 보여 준 ??가장 푸른 눈??은 브리드러브가(The Breedloves)와 맥티어가(The MacTeers)를 대비하여 진정한 흑인으로서의 삶은 어떻게 사는 것인가를 추론케 한다. 작품 속에서 브리드러브가는 이중의식의 이해에 실패하고 백인의 가치관을 아무런 비판 없이 받아들임으로써 흑인성을 점차 잃어가지만 반대로 맥티어가는 흑인으로서의 자존감을 잃지 않고 문화의 보존을 추구하며 공동체의 일원으로 살면서 삶의 지혜를 후손에게 전하는 전수자 역할을 해낸다. 브리드러브가는 산업화된 북부로 이주하면서 남부 시절에 간직하고 있던 흑인문화와 공동체 의식을 점차 상실하여 흑인성의 결여를 초래한다. 이 과정에 영향을 미치는 외부적인 요인은 흑인들을 경멸하고 존재가치가 없다고 여기는 백인들의 태도이고 내부적으로는 흑인들 스스로 자신의 가치를 폄하하는 태도가 동시에 작용한다. 브리드러브가의 사람들은 자신이 지닌 흑인성 보다 백인성을 우월하다고 생각한다. 이들은 진정한 미국인이자 정체성을 지닌 흑인도 되지 못하고 결국 진정한 인간으로 성장할 수 없다. 맥티어가 사람들은 자신들의 힘겨웠던 과거에서 얻은 믿음과 가치를 바탕으로 자신들의 아이들을 키워낸다. 부모가 전하는 흑인 음악과 구전문학은 흑인의 역사와 공동체의 중요성을 지니고 있다. 그들은 검은 피부를 자랑스럽게 생각하고 흑인성으로 각인된 ‘경외스러운 멋스러움(dreadful funkiness)’의 분출을 자연스럽게 여긴다. 작가 모리슨은 아프리카계 미국인은 두 개의 상반된 가치를 지닌 이중의식을 느낄 수밖에 없음을 지적하고, 브리드러브가와 맥티어가를 비교하여 보여줌으로써 어떻게 사는 것이 흑인성을 회복하고, 흑인의 고유 가치를 간직하고 사는 것인지, 또 앞으로 흑인들의 긍정적 미래상은 무엇인지를 제시하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to look into Afro-Americans' double consciousness and blackness in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. Toni Morrison implies in The Bluest Eye that Afro-Americans should urgently restore the substantial double consciousness and the integrity of blackness to maintain the human dignity, which results from the establishment of self-identity. Two main characters, Pecola and Claudia, more fully developed than any of the others in The Bluest Eye play a symbolic role to convey the writer's central ideas. Pecola's parents learn to hate themselves. Thus they lose or never develop their potential to be responsible for Afro-American children. Much of the damage inflicted on Pecola comes from her parents, Geraldine, and Soaphead representing Afro-American adults who are impatient to erase their dreadful funkiness. Pecola can't possibly build her integral personality because she blindly accepts American value system formed by racial prejudices. The Bluest Eye structurally parallels some black proponents of white-dominated values with the other black characters who are willing to keep their own identity by not being influenced by it. The MacTeers manage to maintain their marriage, protect their children, and even offer Pecola some shelter. The MacTeers successfully bring up Claudia with their own faith and values. They enable Claudia to express her own feeling and get over the pressure from the outside. Her family members are proud of their identity as black people and they know ‘how to live decently’. On the other hand, Pecola's parents fail to acquire how to live with human dignity, which leads to Pecola's ruin. In conclusion, Morrison suggests that Afro-Americans should lead their own lives in two ways in a white-dominated American society: to restore blackness by fulfilling their sense of community and to realize double-consciousness correctly.

      • KCI등재

        아프리카니즘과 성숙의 의미

        백낙승(Baek Nak-Seung),안경미(An Kyung-Mi) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.28

        The purpose of this study is to examine Africanism and the moral growth of the protagonist, Milkman in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. Toni Morrison, one of the most influential Afro-American female writers in America has dealt with subjects such as the black people’s search for self-identity and the urgent necessity of their moral growth in her works, which is closely related to Africanism. Song of Solomon is based upon Africanism and the African flying myth in order to dramatize Afro-Americans restoring their identity and authenticity by accepting their African roots. Moreover, the importance of relationship between black ancestors and descendants is represented in their realization of Africanism. Macon Dead, Milkman’s dad, is the very person who belittles his black identity or heritage. His final goal of life is to accumulate wealth and to blindly follow white upper middle-class values, which leads to his moral degradation. He misleads Milkman into his wrong judgement of material superiority to spiritual ones. On the other hand, Milkman’s true insight into black inheritance, black cultural identity and ancestry, is given by his aunt, Pilate. She assumes the role leading Milkman to the authentic existence. Most importantly, Milkman’s journey to Southern part of America, where Afro-American tradition is still alive, awakens him to a sense of black people’s vitalizing spiritual assets in history. It serves to slough off his spoiled past life and start his new life embodying Africanism. The protagonist's spiritual flight to self enables him to transcend his false life and to accept African positive values inherent in African tradition. The flight here refers to black people's return to Africanism, which is essential to their establishment of self-identity and integrity. In conclusion, Morrison symbolically presents in Song of Solomon that black people can’t lead their lives worthy of Man and maintain human decency without their acceptance of the traditional innate Africanism.

      • KCI등재후보

        하악 구치부에 식립한 sintered porous surfaced implants의 후향적 다기관 연구

        김우성(Woo-Sung Kim),안경미(Kyung Mi An),손동석(Dong-Seok Sohn),정희승(Heui-Seung Jung),신임희(Im-Hee Shin) 대한치과의사협회 2009 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.47 No.12

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival rate of sintered porous-surfaced implants placed in the edentulous posterior mandibles, in relation to implant length and diameter, crown-to-implant ratio, and types of prostheses, for a maximum of eight years of functioning. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 43 partially edentulous patients who visited Catholic University Hospital of Daegu and one private dental clinic. A total of 122 sintered porous-surfaced implants - Endopore<SUP>R</SUP> (Innova Life Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) - were placed in the edentulous posterior mandibles. Two diameter sizes (4.1 ㎜ and 5.0㎜) and four lengths (5.0㎜, 7.0㎜, 9.0㎜, and 12.0㎜) were used. One hundred and three implants were splinted and 21 implants were non-splinted. The survival rates of the implants in relation to length, diameter, crown-to-implant ratio, and types of prostheses were investigated. Statistical data were analyzed using SPSS Win. Ver 14.0 software with the Chi-square test. Results: The survival rate of the 4.1㎜ diameter implants was 100% and 91.2%) for the 5.0㎜ diameter implants. The survival rates of the implants of differing diameters were found to be statistically different (p=0.005). The survival rates of both the 5.0㎜ and 7.0㎜ length implants were 100%. The survival rate of the 9.0㎜ length implants was 97.9% and for the 12.0㎜ length implants was 95.1%. There was no statistical difference in survival rates for the differing lengths of implants. Of the 103 prostheses that were splinted, the survival rate was 98.0%. The survival rate of splinted prostheses was higher than that of the non-splinted prostheses, but was found to be not statistically different. There were no failed cases when the crown-to-implant ratio was under 1.0. When the crown-to-implant ratio was between 1.0 and 1.5, the failure rate of the implants was 6.7%. No failure was recorded with the ratio range of 1.5 to 2.0. Relative to the crown-to-implant ratio of 1.0, the failure rates were statistically different (p=0.048). Discussion and Conclusion: The cumulative survival rate of the porous-surfaced implants placed in the edentulous posterior mandibles was 97.5%. Short porous-surfaced implants showed satisfactory results after a maximum of nine years of functioning in the edentulous posterior mandibles.

      • KCI등재

        임플란트 수술 시의 합병증; 증례 보고

        이현진,여덕성,임소연,안경미,손동석,Lee, Hyun-Jin,Yeo, Duck-Sung,Lim, So-Yeon,An, Kyung-Mi,Sohn, Dong-Seok 대한구강악안면외과학회 2007 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        According to the increase in use of implants in clinical dentistry, new kinds of complications happen. Complications that can happen during implant placement are bleeding, nerve injury, jaw fracture, fenestration of maxillary sinus or nasal cavity, dehiscence, fenestration, injury of adjacent tooth. And complications that can happen after implant operation are infection, bleeding, hematoma, chronic sinusitis, peri-implantitis. Problems that are confronted during implant placement happen by inadequate preoperative treatment plan, inadequate consideration about individual anatomic difference, inadequate operation process and lack of experience of clinician. It is important that clinicians consider possible complications in advance and make a comprehensive treatment plan. We report the patient who was happened ramus fracture during block bone harvesting from ramus of severely atrophic mandible, the patient who came to emergency ward due to postoperative swelling and bleeding and the patient whose implant was migrated to maxillary sinus with a review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        간경병증 환자의 원인상병이 재원일수에 미치는 영향

        임도선(Do-Seon Lim),황슬기(Seul-Ki Hwang),안경미(Kyung-Mi An),조한아(Han-A Cho) 한국보건복지학회 2020 보건과 복지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구에서는 간경병증 환자의 원인질병인 만성 B형간염, 만성 C형간염, 알코올성 간질환이 재원일수에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 건강보험심사평가원의 2013, 2014년 입원환자데이터를 이용하여 간경병증 환자를 K740 ∼ K746(만성 B형간염(B180, B181)), 만성 C형간염(B182), 알코올성 간질환(K70, K701, K7010, K7011))으로 정의하였다. 총 147명을 대상으로 간경병증 환자의 특성에 따른 원인상병의 차이와 간경병증 환자의 원인상병이 재원일수에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 독립변수는 성별, 연령, 의료보장 유형, 진료결과(퇴원, 사망)를 사용하였으며, 종속변수는 재원일수로 하여 포아송 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구결과, 간경병증 환자는 만성 B형간염, 만성 C형간염, 알코올성 간질환의 원인질환 상병을 동반하며 원인질환에 따라 재원일수에 차이가 있었고, 특히 만성 C형간염을 동반한 간경병증 환자는 만성 B형간염 환자에 비해 재원일수가 1.2배(20%) 증가된 것을 확인하였다. 만성 C형간염의 예방 및 바이러스보유자에 대한 선별검사를 통해 특별한 증상이 없는 초기 단계에 이들을 찾아내고, 이를 적절한 관리체계에 포함하는 임상적 관리방안을 모색할 필요가 있겠다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, and alcoholic liver disease, which are the cause of diseases in patients with liver cirrhosis, on length of stays. Patients with cirrhosis of the liver were defined as K740 to K746 using Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service National Inpatient Sample in 2013 and 2014 (Chronic hepatitis B (B180, B181), chronic hepatitis C (B182), alcoholic liver disease (K70, K701, K7010, K7011)). In a total of 147 patients, the difference in cause of diseases according to the characteristics of cirrhosis patients and the effect of cause of diseases in patients with liver cirrhosis on length of stay were analyzed. In the Poisson regression analysis, sex, age, type of medical coverage, treatment outcome (discharge, death) were used as independent variables, and length of stays were used as dependent variables. As a result of this study, patients with cirrhosis were accompanied by the cause of diseases of chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, and alcoholic liver disease. In particular, it was confirmed that patients with cirrhosis with chronic hepatitis C had a 1.2-fold (20%) increase in length of stays compared to patients with chronic hepatitis B. Through the prevention of chronic hepatitis C infection and screening tests for virus carriers, it is necessary to find them in the early stages without any special symptoms, and seek clinical management plans to include them in an appropriate management system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        좁은 결손부위에 One-piece narrow diameter implant를 이용한 즉시보철:

        배민수(Min-Su Bae),허정욱(Jeong-Uk Heo),박준섭(Jun-Sub Park),예선혜(Sun-Hae Yea),안경미(Kyung-Mi An),손동석(Dong-Seok Sohn) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2009 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        The aim of this case study was to report the clinical outcome of immediate provisionalization using one-piece narrow diameter (3.0mm) implants in missing maxillary lateral or mandibular incisors. The present study included 36 patients who were treated with 62 one-piece narrow diameter implants. After implant placement, immediate provisional restorations were delivered. All implants showed favorable osseointegration and after progressive loading from 3 months to 9 months (average of 5 months), final restorations were completed without failure in all cases. A survival rate of 100 % (62 of 62) was observed up to 23 months of observation (average of 12.6 months).

      • KCI등재

        최근 5년간 구강악안면 낭종 환자에 대한 통계학적 검토

        임소연(So-Yeon Lim),여덕성(Duck-Sung Yeo),이현진(Hyun-Jin Lee),김현경(Hyun-Kyung Kim),안경미(Kyung-Mi An),손동석(Dong-Seok Sohn) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2006 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        Cyst is pathologic disease develops in hard tissue as well as soft tissue, which is lined by epithelium filled with liquid, semi-liquid, or air. Origins and symptoms of the cyst are various according to region, and symptoms are malocclusion, diversion of root, tooth mobility, periapical swelling, discoloration and lesion expansion, because the odontogenic cysts begin in the numerous rests of odontogenic epithelium. But almost cysts produce no symptoms unless secondary infection occurs. Treatment of small cysts may include extraction, endodontic therapy, and apical surgery. Treatment of a large cysts usually involves surgical removal (enucleation), Marsupialization(a method of decompression) or combination of two before mentioned. Bone graft is done for helping of bone defect healing at the same time of enucleation This clinical research from January 2000 to December 2005, analyzed by the age, sex, classification, size, region, treatment method, whether or not of bone graft of cyst in the jaw in Daegu Catholic University Hospital.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        세라믹 브라켓 부착 시 레이저를 이용한 포세린 표면처리 효과

        안경미,손동석 대한치과교정학회 2008 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        본 연구는 포세린 표면에 CO₂레이저를 조사하여 세라믹 브라켓을 부착 후 전단결합강도를 측정하고, 산부식처리 및 샌드블라스트 등의 일반적인 방법을 시행하여 그 결과를 비교 분석하여 레이저 표면처리의 효과를 연구하고자 시행되었다. 90개의 포세린(8 × 8 × 4 mm) 시편을 제작하여 각각 10개씩 9개군으로 나누었다. 대조군(C)으로 아무런 표면처리를 하지 않은 글레이즈 표면을 사용하였으며, 실험군은 인산 처리군(OFA), 인산과 silane 처리군(OFA + S),샌드블라스팅 처리군(SB), 샌드블라스팅과 silane 처리군(SB + S), 레이저 처리군(L), 레이저와 silane 처리군(L + S),불산 처리군(HFA), 불산과 silane 처리군(HFA + S)으로 분류하였다. 만능시험기를 이용하여 전단결합강도를 측정하고 그 파절양상을 비교 분석한 결과 불산과 silane을 동시에 처리한 군에서 가장 높은 값(13.92 ± 1.92 MPa)을 보였으며, 측정값은 SB + S (10.16 ± 1.27 MPa), HFA (10.09 ± 1.07 MPa), L + S (8.25 ± 1.24 MPa), L (7.86 ± 0.96MPa), OFA + S (7.22 ± 1.09 MPa), SB (3.41 ± 0.37 MPa), OFA (2.81 ± 0.37 MPa), 대조군(2.46 ± 1.36 MPa)순이었다. 브라켓 부착 시 치과용 레이저를 이용한 포세린의 표면처리 결과 전단결합강도의 값은 임상적으로 받아들여질 만한 수치를 보였으며 레이저와 silane을 동시에 처리한 군과는 통계적으로 유의할 만한 차이를 보이지 않았다(p> 0.05). 이상의 연구결과는 포세린 표면에 세라믹 브라켓 부착 시 2-watt의 CO₂레이저를 사용하여 전처리를 하는 방법은 시간절약의 관점에서 임상적으로 표면 전처리의 적절한 치료 대안이 될 수 있음을 보여주었다. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using laser for ceramic bracket bonding of porcelain surfaces and to compare it with conventional treatment of porcelain surfaces. Methods: Ninety feldspathic porcelain specimens were divided into 9 groups of 10, with each group having different surface treatments performed. Surface treatment groups were orthophosphoric acid, orthophosphoric acid with silane, hydrofluoric acid, hydrofluoric acid with silane, sandblasted, sandblasted with silane, laser etched, laser etched with silane, and glazed surface served as a control group. In the laser etched groups, the specimens were irradiated with 2-watt superpulse carbon dioxide (CO₂) laser for 20 seconds. Ceramic brackets were bonded with light-cure composite resin and all specimens were stored in water at 37oC for 24 hours. Shear bond strength was determined in megapascals (MPa) by shear test at 1 mm/minute crosshead speed and the failure pattern was assessed. For statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA and tukey test were used. Results: Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the groups. The HFA + S group showed the highest mean shear bond strength (13.92 ± 1.94 MPa). This was followed by SB + S (10.16 ± 1.27 MPa), HFA (10.09 ± 1.07 MPa), L + S (8.25 ± 1.24 MPa), L (7.86 ± 0.96 MPa), OFS + S (7.22 ± 1.09 MPa), SB (3.41 ± 0.37 MPa), OFA (2.81 ± 0.37 MPa), G (2,46 ± 1.36 MPa). Bond failure patterns of HFA and silane groups, except L + S, were cohesive modes in porcelain while adhesive failure was observed in the control group and the rest of the groups. Conclusions : A 2-watt superpulse CO₂ laser etching of porcelain surfaces can provide a satisfactory result for porcelain surface treatment for ceramic bracket bonding. Laser irradiation may be an alternative conditioning method for the treatment of porcelain surfaces.

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