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      • KCI등재

        조선후기 가집 편찬의 전통과 『고금가곡』

        송안나 ( Song An-na ) 국제어문학회(구 국제어문학연구회) 2021 국제어문 Vol.- No.89

        『고금가곡』은 주제별 가집으로 알려졌으나 시조 작품을 내용별로 분류하여 가집에 수록하는 전통이 과연 어디에서 유래한 것인지는 그간 논의되지 못하였다. 당대 주류적 편찬 방식에서 벗어난 독특한 가집 정도로 평가받은 것이다. 그러나 가집의 작품들을 면밀히 검토한 결과 본 가집의 작품 편집 의식 기저에는 ‘내용별 편가(編歌)’의 구성이 자리 잡고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 단순히 유사한 내용들을 한데 묶어놓은 것이 아니라 정서의 고양, 혹은 상황의 점진적 고조에 따라 연결되는 작품들이 모여 있는 것이다. 이는 당대 가창 현장에서 향유된 하나의 개별적 편가들이라 할 수 있다. 한시와 가사류를 전반부에 수록하고 후반부에 시조를 싣는 편집 형태 역시 유래를 찾아보기 힘든 독특한 방식이다. 이러한 편제의 기원을 홍만종의 「청구영언서」와 「이원신보서」를 통해 추적한 결과 17세기 말까지 존재했을 것으로 보이는 가집 편찬 방식과 상당히 유사함을 알 수 있었다. 사대부들이 창작한 다양한 가창물과 시조 작품을 함께 수록한 점은 명공석사, 문인사객들의 장가걸작을 실은 홍만종의 『청구영언』과 유사하다. 작품을 내용별로 분류하는 관습 역시 「이원신보서」에서 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 이 가집은 단순히 개인적 취향이 반영된 독특한 대상으로만 이해해서는 안 될 것이다. 17세기 말 가집 편찬 전통의 한 양상을 계승하였으며 내용별 편가 편집 방식의 마지막 잔영을 확인할 수 있는 가집이 바로 『고금가곡』이라 할 수 있다. Gogeumgagok has been studied as a collection of sijos categorized by theme, but the origin of this tradition of compiling works into a collection has not been discussed. It has been evaluated as a unique method compared to mainstream compilations of that time. However, careful examination of the songs in the book reveals that performing arts (編歌) by Content is in the composition of the book’s editing ceremony. It is not just a collection of similar contents, but of works that gradually escalate the situation or provide an emotional upliftment. This is one of the individual artists enjoyed at the singing site of the time. The editing of Chinese poems and Gasa in the first half and sijo in the second half of Gogeumgagok is also unique. The origins of this compilation were traced back to Hong Man-jong’s “Cheongguyeongeon’s preface” and “Yiwon-shinbo’s preface,” which existed until the end of the 17th century. The combination of various songs and sijo works created by the nobility seems to be similar to Hong Man-jong’s Cheonggu-yeongeon, which also contained outstanding works by the nobility. The practice of classifying works by content was also found in “Yiwon-shinbo’s preface.” Therefore, the song-book should not only be understood as a unique object that reflects personal tastes, but as a successor to the late 17th century collection traditions. Furthermore, “Gogumagok” shows the last vestiges of the editing method of compilation by themes.

      • KCI등재후보

        알러젠 제거 옻나무 추출물 단독치료로 생존기간 연장 및 삶의 질 개선을 보인 진행성 비소세포폐암 환자 1례

        송안나,안지혜,김경석,정현식,이수경,최원철,Song, An-Na,Ahn, Ji-Hye,Kim, Kyung-Suk,Jung, Hyun-Sik,Lee, Soo-Kyung,Choi, Won-Cheol 대한암한의학회 2012 大韓癌韓醫學會誌 Vol.17 No.1

        Objective : This study reports one case of a patient diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung cancer with bone metastasis. Methods : A 56-year old male patient was diagnosed as squamous cell lung cancer in 1997 and received chemotherapy. The chemotherapy stopped after one cycle because of toxicity and the lung abscess. After four months from the diagnosis, rib metastasis was found and received the radiation therapy for two weeks. After the treatment, adverse effects such as nausea and anorexia appeared. The patient visited K. Korean Medicine Hospital and started the treatment with the allergen removed Rhus verniciflua stokes (aRVS) since December, 1997. Results and Conclusion : During treatment, the patient's quality of life had improved, and he had survived for 14 years after the administration of aRVS. This case suggests that aRVS can be an alternative treatment for the advanced NSCLC patients with bone metastasis.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 말~19세기 초가집(歌集) 편찬과 악곡 변화의 특징적 국면 -가람본 『 청구영언(靑丘詠言)』 을 대상으로 -

        송안나 ( An Na Song ) 한국시가학회 2014 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this article is intended to clarify the characteristics of Gagok culture from the late-18th century to the early-19th century after studying the system of Garambon[Bibliotheca Garam] Chungguyeongeon(Chungyeong). Features of Chungyeong are the multiple prefaces no other songbook has been recorded. And it reflected more early time`s music systems than 19th century when collections of songs was compiled. In spite of these features, Chungyeong has not studied due to the difficulty of interpretation. Perhaps, by such features, it is recognized as a unusual collection of songs compared with other collections. Brief explanations of the features of Chungyeong are as follows. First, Chungyeong follows Jinbon[珍本] Chungguyeongeon in name and the system of collection of songs but it was not nearly influenced by Kim Cheontaek. Second, it shows intentions which had collected more pre-postfaces and musical records than other collections. Third, Chungyeong is estimated to be compiled in mid-19th century, but a tonal distribution characterized of the time-Woo-jo and Gyemyoun-jo, settling two musical tones-does not appear. Fourth, there was high probability of singing Joongdaeyeop without extinction because the Joongdaeyeop had been increased. Fifth, there are many compiler`s efforts to supplement the works of the Yisakdaeyeop items constantly. At last, Nong-Nak-Pyeon had been divided, but they did not completely settled in Gagok Hanbatang repertoire. Thus, the currently passed down Chungyeong was compiled in mid-19th century, but it is reflected various changes and unique features of the Gagok culture from the late-18th century to the early-19th century well.

      • KCI등재

        『해동가요』 박씨본에 반영된 가창전승의 특징적 국면

        송안나 ( Song An-na ) 민족어문학회 2021 어문논집 Vol.- No.93

        그간 김수장의 『해동가요』에 대한 연구는 거대한 원본적 실상을 추적하는 데에 집중하다 보니 해당 계열 이본 가집이 지닌 당대성과 연행의 현장성에 대한 논의가 많이 이루어지지 못했다. 본고의 연구대상인 『해동가요』 박씨본 역시 김수장과의 관련성 속에서 집중적으로 논의된 경향이 강하다. 물론 이 가집은 김수장이 편찬한 『해동가요』 1차본의 영향을 받아 편찬되었을 것으로 보이지만 김수장이 편찬한 『해동가요』 그 자체는 아니다. 또한 이 가집이 전승·향유된 공간 역시 한양이 아닌 대구 지역으로 추정된다는 점에서 볼 때 『해박』은 『해동가요』의 원본적 모습에서 상당히 벗어났을 가능성이 크다. 『해박』은 타 가집, 그 중에서도 해동가요 계열 가집과 비교했을 때 확연히 다른 노랫말 변이상을 보인다. 특히 김수장의 『해동가요』 1차본, 혹은 김천택의 여타 가집을 전사하였으리라 여겨지던 이삭대엽 유명씨부에서 『해박』만이 지닌 변별성이 선명하게 드러난다. 『해박』 수록 작품들의 독특한 노랫말은 이 가집이 지닌 지역성 및 연행성과 연결해 생각할 수 있다. 또한 『해박』이라는 가집의 주 근거지가 한양이 아닌 다른 지역[대구]에서 소용된 것으로 익히 알려진바, 이러한 노랫말의 이질적 모습은 가집 연행의 실질적 현장, 내지는 전승의 지역적 한계를 어느 정도 반영한 것으로 판단된다. 『해박』의 편찬자로 추정되는 한유신은 18세기 초반 당대 최고의 선가자 중 한 명인 김유기로부터 가곡을 배운 후 대구 지역 가곡 문화를 이끌어갔던 가객이다. 그가 『해박』에 수록한 「영언선 서」와 각종 발문들을 살펴보면 정통 가객으로서의 자긍심을 표출하고자 하는 의지가 강했음을 알 수 있다. 『해박』만의 독특한 노랫말 변화, 낙시조와 만삭과 같은 소가곡 계열 악곡의 수록은 이 가집에 대구 지역 당대 최신 가곡의 현장이 담겨 있었음을 뜻한다. 이는 대구가 예로부터 다양한 음악 활동이 활발하게 이루어진 공간이었기 때문에 빚어진 결과이다. Until now, Kim Soo-jang’s HaedongGaYo has focused on tracking the huge original reality, so there has not been much discussion on the contemporary nature of the a different version and the practicality of the performance. The subject of this paper, Park’s HaedongGaYo, also tends to be intensively discussed in relation to Kim Soo-jang. Of course, this collection seems to have been compiled under the influence of the first edition of HaedongGaYo compiled by Kim Soo-jang, but it is not HaedongGaYo compiled by Kim Soo-jang itself. In addition, considering that the space where this GaJip was passed down and enjoyed is also presumed to be Daegu, not Hanyang, it is highly likely that Park’s HaedongGaYo has deviated significantly from the original appearance of HaedongGaYo. Park’s HaedongGaYo shows a significantly different variation in lyrics compared to other GaJips, especially HaedongGaYo. In particular, the discrimination of Park’s HaedongGaYo is clearly revealed in the first copy of Kim Soo-jang’s HaedongGaYo or the ISakDaeYeop, who was believed to have been copy by Kim Cheon-taek’s other GaJips. The unique lyrics of the works of Park’s HaedongGaYo can be thought of in connection with the locality and performance of this GaJip. In addition, it is well known that the main base of the GaJip called Park’s HaedongGaYo was used in a region other than Hanyang, so the heterogeneous appearance of these lyrics is believed to reflect the actual scene of the performance of the GaJip or the regional limitations of transmission to some extent. Han Yu-shin, believed to be the Compiler of Park’s HaedongGaYo, is a singer who led the singing culture in Daegu after learning GaGok from Kim Yu-gi, one of the best singer of the time in the early 18th century. If you look at the YeongEonSeon’s Preface and various epilogues he wrote in Park’s HaedongGaYo, He had a strong will to express his pride as an authentic singer. The unique changes in the lyrics of the song, the soundtrack of arietta such as Naksijo and Mansak, means that this song contains the scene of the latest songs of the Daegu region at the time. This is the result of Daegu’s active space for various music activities since ancient times.

      • KCI등재

        고전문학 : 20세기 초 활자본 가집 『가곡선』의 편찬 특징과 육당의 시조 인식

        송안나 ( An Na Song ) 반교어문학회 2009 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.27

        이 논문은 20세기 초, 육당 최남선에 의해 편찬된 활자본 가집 『가곡선』의 편제와 편자(編者) 육당의 시조 인식에 대해 살핀 글이다. 『가곡선』은 『가곡원류』 계열 가집과 유사성이 많으며 가곡에 정통했던 육당의 편찬자적 면모가 종종 발견되는 가집이다. 이 가집에는 기존의 필사본 가집에 나타난 음악적 표지가 그대로 수록되거나 새로운 항목이 추가되어 부연 설명이 이루어지기도 한다. 또한 일부 작품의 악곡 전승 내력을 알려주는 기록들도 나타난다. 이러한 점과 함께 『가곡선』에는 근대 문학의 독자를 배려한 출판 체제 및 20세기 초 변화하는 시조에 대한 새로운 인식이 반영되어 있다. 가곡에 정통했던 육당이 가집 편찬자로서의 의식을 발휘하여 가집을 출판함과 동시에 시조를 국민문학으로 인식하여 `시조 향유의 일상화`를 목적으로 삼았던 것이다. 이는 육당이 조선광문회라는 단체를 설립해 우리의 고전을 보존하며 널리 배포하고자 했던 점과도 관련이 있다. 결국 육당은 고전을 보존하고자 하는 의식을 가지고 가곡 가집의 전통을 계승하였는데 여기에 국민문학으로 부상한 시조에 대한 새로운 인식이 더해져 필사·가창에 기반한 가곡 문화와 출판·음독에 기반한 근대 시조 문화의 양면성을 『가곡선』에 모두 담아내게 된 것이다. The purpose of this thesis is to find out Characteristics of the Gagoksun(歌曲選) and Choi Nam-sun`s recognition for the Sijo. Gagoksun was compiled by Choi Nam-sun at the early 20th century. This collection is similar with the series of GaGokWonRyu(歌曲源流). So indications of Gagok were collected in Gagoksun same as other written collections. On the other hand Gagoksun was reflected Sijo that was changed into not only as a music but as literature also in the early 20th century. Yuk-dang thought that Sijo was the National literature and he tried to enjoy Sijo in the everyday. He established Josungwangmunhoi(朝鮮光文會) and Shinmungwan (新文館). And then he supplied collections reflected his thinking through these groups. Yuk-dang expressed characteristics of the Sijo that had musical personality and literary personality through Gagoksun. After all, Yuk-dang published collections of Gagok with ideas to preserve classical literature and also he tried to reflect the two sides-as music and literature- of Sijo and Sijo as National literature in Gagoksun.

      • KCI등재

        오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯) 및 거풍산(祛風散)으로 발열, 통증, 전신활동도, 두통 호전을 보인 소음인 말초성 T세포 림프종 환자 1례

        최성헌,송안나,안지혜,김은희,박소정,김경석,이수경,Choi, Seong-Heon,Song, An-Na,An, Ji-Hye,Kim, Eun-Hee,Park, So-Jeong,Kim, Kyung-Suk,Lee, Soo-Kyung 사상체질의학회 2012 사상체질의학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to report the improvement of fever, myalgia, performance status, and headache after treatment with Osuyubujaijung-tang and Geopoong-san in a Soeumin with Peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the medical records, medical laboratory and image scans of 80-year-old male patient diagnosed as peripheral T-cell lymphoma. He couldn't conduct any conventional chemotherapy due to poor performance status, ECOG 4. Results : The symptoms of myalgia, poor performance status, and neck pain improved, and fever was reduced with Osuyubujaijung-tang. Headache was subsided with Geopoong-san. Conclusions : A patient with peripheral T-cell lymphoma suffering from fever, myalgia, poor performance status, neck pain and headache showed the improvement of symptoms with treatment of Osuyubujaijung-tang and Geopoong-san. After 4 months treatment, the patient could conduct self care, physical activity and social affairs.

      • KCI등재후보

        알러젠 제거 옻나무 추출물 투여로 생존기간이 연장된 4기 비소세포성폐암 환자 1례

        최성헌,송안나,안지혜,김은희,박소정,이수경,김경석,Choi, Seong-Heon,Song, An-Na,An, Ji-Hye,Kim, Eun-Hee,Park, So-Jeong,Lee, Soo-Kyung,Kim, Kyung-Suk 대한암한의학회 2012 大韓癌韓醫學會誌 Vol.17 No.1

        Objective : We introduce a case of non-small cell lung cancer patient treated with allergen removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes. Methods : This patient started Allergen-removed Rhus Verniciflua Stokes from Feb 2010 right after his firstline chemotherapy, and maintained his Oriental medicine regimen until now. Results : It shows 12.0 months of progression-free-survival since starting point of maintenance chemotherapy, and 9.3 months of overall-survival since progression disease after 2nd chemotherapy, compared with 6.3 months of its known overall survival. Conclusion : Allergen removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes prolonged overall survival and slowed disease progression of a non-small cell lung cancer patient.

      • KCI등재

        전이된 담도암 환자의 패혈증을 한다열소탕 및 우담과 항생제를 병행하여 치료한 환자 1례

        이수민,최성헌,송안나,이지영,채진,정의홍,이수경,Lee, Soo-Min,Choi, Seong-Heon,Song, An-Na,Lee, Ji-Young,Chae, Jin,Jung, Eu-Hong,Lee, Soo-Kyung 사상체질의학회 2013 사상체질의학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Objectives Despite the treatment with antibiotics, patients with sepsis has a high mortality (80%) in the underlying disease group. The aim of this study was to report the improvement of septic condition of the cholangiocarcinoma patient after the treatment with Handayeolso-tang, Fel Tauri, and antibiotics. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records. The patient's subjective symptoms such as chilling and abdominal pain were evaluated by NRS and the performance status was evaluated by ECOG. This case was literally compared with relevant published studies on prognosis of sepsis. Results Despite poor prognostic factor(MEDS score 18), the patient's symptoms such as fever, chilling, abdominal pain, and diarrhea and ECOG(Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) improved. The patient was hemodynamically stabilized on 3rd day from the treatment, and her laboratory test results were normalized on 7th day. Conclusions A female patient of metastatic cholangiocarcinoma came to the hospital for cholangitis, later causing septic shock. Both her symptoms and laboratory tests showed significant improvement after the treatment of antibiotics, Handayeolso-tang and Fel Tauri. To our knowledge, this is the first case reporting the synergistic combination of Korean oriental medicine and Western medicine approaching to sepsis.

      • KCI등재

        소음인(少陰人) 병증(病證) 분류체계와 표준증후 연구

        송은영,박병주,송안나,이의주,고병희,이준희,Song, Eun-Young,Park, Byung-Joo,Song, An-Na,Lee, Eui-Ju,Koh, Byung-Hee,Lee, Jun-Hee 사상체질의학회 2011 사상체질의학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        1. Objective This study is aimed to present the effective classification of Soeumin symptomatology and the standardized signs for classification which can be applied for KCD, ICD and the insurance codification system. 2. Methods 1) Differentiate Soeumin symptomatology based on exterior-interior patterns, favorable-unfavorable patterns, and mild-severe-dangerous-urgent patterns. 2) Investigate the standard signs and symptoms to claasify Soeumin symptomatology based on exterior-interior patterns, favorable-unfavorable patterns, and mild-severe-dangerous-urgent patterns. 3. Results and Conclusions 1) The diagnosis criteria for Soeumin exterior-interior disease is based upon signs & symptoms of cold/heat, condition of stool, state of digestive system(such as digestion and appetite)among others. 2) The diagnosis criteria for Soeumin favorable-unfavorable disease is generally based upon whether the vital force of the spleen is damaged or not. More specifically, for the exterior disease, whether or not sweating is present. For the interior disease, whether or not dry mouth, body ache(a main symptom of the exterior state), and anxiousness are present. 3) For the Soeumin Wool-gwang disease, the diagnosis criteria of mild-severe disease is whether or not chills is present and the degree of body fever. 4) For Soeumin Mang-yang disease, the diagnosis criteria of dangerous-urgent disease is whether or not chills is, the degree of sweating and urine condition. 5) For the Soeumin Greater-Yin disease, Abdominal-pain bowel irritability pattern and Epigastric discomfort pattern are early state signs, Jaundice pattern is mild-state sign, edema & Greater-Yang disease Yin-toxin pattern are terminal state signs. 6) For the Soeumin interior disease, Abdominal-pain bowel irritability pattern and Epigastric discomfort pattern are of the dangerous state pattern, Jang-gual and Exuberant-Yin-repelling-Yang pattern are of the urgent state patterns.

      • KCI등재

        미후등식장탕으로 오치하여 복통(腹痛), 자한(自汗), 오심(惡心)이 발생한 소음인 직장암 환자 1례 증례보고

        안지혜,권은미,송안나,김은희,박소정,정의홍,최원철,이수경,An, Ji-Hye,Kwon, Eun-Mi,Song, An-Na,Kim, Eun-Hee,Park, So-Jung,Jung, Yee-Hong,Choi, Won-Chul,Lee, Soo-Kyung 사상체질의학회 2011 사상체질의학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        In this case, we report a case of Soeumin rectal cancer patient who was mistreated with herb medication. This patient was 72 years old female diagnosed rectal cancer stage IV with multiple liver, lung, and LN metastases. She administered our cancer center in Sep. 2011 for cancer treatment, we diagnosed this patient as Taeyangin at first, and treated with Mihuedungsikjang-tang. After 1 week, she complained upper abdominal discomfort, severe abdominal pain, nausea and sweating. Considering several symptoms and conditions, the change of symptoms seemed to a adverse events caused by mistreatment. We re-diagnosed this patient as Soeumin, and treated with Soeumin herbal medication, Baekhaoleejung-tang(白何烏理中湯) and Hyangsayangyi-tang(香砂養胃湯). Several symptoms including abdominal pain were improved 2 weeks later. Therefore, we report this case as a reference that Soeumin misdiagnosed as Taeyangin and the improvement of adverse symptoms.

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