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        휘트먼의 죽음의 수사와 남북전쟁

        손혜숙(Hyesook Son) 한국아메리카학회 2013 美國學論集 Vol.45 No.3

        For Whitman, death is a productive stage in the infinite and progressive development of the human soul. It also provides a solid spiritual basis for nurturing each individual consciousness with a strong sense of self. Whitman thought it necessary to empower the individual through death for the democratic future of the restored nation after the Civil War. His death poems, therefore, combine the private and public spheres and are characterized by many binaries-progressive and conservative, social and individual, realistic and sentimental. However, much of Whitman scholarship has failed to explore the complex implications of death in his poetry, reading his texts as an ideologically conservative apology for the patriotic cause of war or as a progressive critique of the dominant cultural and religious discourses. Whitman's death poems cover a wide range, from his transcendentalist convictions about the afterlife to a memorializing of the private and public trauma and wounds. In his rhetoric of death, he identifies death with nature and affirms the natural law of eternal regeneration through the speaker's awakening, as can be seen in "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking" and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd." Whitman's idea of perennial resurrections within the material world cannot completely silence the voices of doubt and anxiety about death, but it does revitalize a libertarian confidence in American democracy and confederate harmony among the states with its emphasis on the divinity inherent in every human being.

      • KCI등재

        학경 차의 『딕테』에서의 비워내기

        손혜숙(Hyesook Son) 한국아메리카학회 2015 美國學論集 Vol.47 No.2

        My essay suggests that Hak Kyung Cha's idea of emptiness should not be read as the effect of hegemonic erasure of minority discourses and histories; it is not a negative result of colonialism and marginalization, but a generative and transformative concept appearing widely in her works. Dictee criticizes dominant colonial and imperial interpellations, stresses the myriad moments of conflict and disjunctions, and finally empties the subject of the uneven determinations of ideological apparatuses and their historical and mythical implications. While resisting any attempt to reduce itself to a single classification, Dictee problematizes the official discourses of history and myth, displaces the subject by foreign voices, multiple onsciousnesses, and mixed languages, and prepares the emptied self for other possibilities beyond temporal and spatial boundaries of diaspora. Cha's void is not loss, lack, or abjection. It is rather a site where the writer as well as the reader can be released from the constriction of the superimposed languages and return to the undifferentiated infinity. While liberating the reader from the totalizing grammar of hegemonic ideologies, Cha empties her writing of its authorial presence and actualizes the rejuvenating potential of negation and deconstruction.

      • KCI등재

        주체, 언어, 재현의 경계에서: 스나이더의 공(空)의 시학

        손혜숙 ( Hyesook Son ) 한국아메리카학회 2016 美國學論集 Vol.48 No.3

        My essay explores the possibility of poetics of emptiness in the poetry of Gary Snyder. His Buddhist concept, emptiness, demonstrates the lack of intrinsic nature in all phenomena and the absence of an independent, perduring self. He locates the extralinguistic reality, emptiness, within the contingent nexus of language itself instead of transcending or discarding it: the elision of a lyric “I” and transitive verbs, for example, is his grammatic attempt to represent the illusory nature of the self. He replaces the solitary speaker with sparely modified, concrete, but generic images to demonstrate human enactment into a harmonious interplay with other elements of life as a part of a vast web of interconnections. Through various uses of grammatical and structural ellipse, paratactical construction, and typographical and semantical space, his poetry forces the reader to experience the “thought-pause” and intuitively perceive things-as-they-are. Snyder enacts in his poetics an alternative to postmodern perspectives on subject, language, and representation, and revitalizes their skeptical look at any account of human agency and the possibility of language.

      • KCI등재

        H.D.의 서사시와 이미지즘

        손혜숙 ( Son Hyesook ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원 2018 人文科學 Vol.0 No.68

        본 논문은 H.D.의 초기시와 후기 대표작 『삼부작』(Trilogy) 간의 연속성을 이미지즘의 시각에서 접근하려는 시도이다. 본 논문은 주류 비평에서 H.D.에게 덧씌운 “완벽한 이미지스트”라는 정의가 그녀 시의 본령에 대한 심도 깊은 이해보다는 여성 시인을 규정하고 통제하는 일종의 성적 이데올로기라는 점에서 비판적 입장을 취한다. 그렇지만 이러한 문제에도 불구하고 H.D.를 이해함에 있어 이미지즘은 여전히 결정적인 중요성을 지니고 있으며, 따라서 이데올로기로서의 이미지즘이 아닌, 그녀의 텍스트의 핵심적 특질로서 이미지즘을 다시금 논의의 전면에 내세울 필요성이 있다. 이는 기존의 양분된 H.D. 연구를 지양하면서 그녀 시의 일관된 흐름과 연속성을 찾아내려는 시도이자, 초기 이미지즘과 후기 장시 연구 사이에 접합점을 찾아 논의 자체를 입체화시키려는 시도이기도 하다. 따라서 본 논문은 저간 H.D. 연구에서 문제가 되었던 전기 이미지즘, 후기 예언시의 단절적 연구 경향을 지양하면서, 이미지즘 논의에 있어 왜곡되어 있는 H.D.의 역할에 대한 평가를 바로 잡고, 이미지즘의 발전 경로로 그녀의 후기시를 설명하면서 이미지즘의 시들과 『삼부작』 간의 구체적인 연속성을 밝혀낸다. My essay reads H.D.’s Trilogy as an emanation of her imagist spirit. Throughout her long-ranging career, she continues to maintain the principles of imagism, contrary to the mainstream critical tendency of bi-secting her oeuvre. While the early criticism foregrounds the period of imagism, the recent feminist critics mainly focus on her later long poems, denouncing male imagists’ and modernist critics’ confinement of and control over her texts. However, I suggest continuity between these seemingly disparate periods, appreciating her persistent characteristics of imagism. Trilogy does not so much obscure the earlier imagist impulse and techniques as it weaves them into a new pattern. Its repeated images, especially those of enclosure and opening, are as clear, sharp, precise, and even dynamic as in her earliest imagist poems, “Priapus” and “Hermes of the Ways.” Trilogy’s free verse dispenses with any consistent rhyme scheme or meter, but carries various chains of repeated sounds whose coherence and beauty create a unified web of meaning. Trilogy is an acknowledgement of the unity of H.D.’s career, depending both conceptually and technically on imagism.

      • KCI등재

        언어와 자각 : 명상적 접근을 통한 영미시 읽기

        손혜숙(Hyesook Son) 한국영미문학교육학회 2021 영미문학교육 Vol.25 No.2

        This study illustrates that the cultivation of awareness has a positive effect on the learner’s ability to read and appreciate English poetry. Poetry is characterized by its ungrammaticality, which inevitably asks for the more active engagement with the text than in other literary genres: readers are expected to interpret the text based on their innate and subjective senses, feelings, and thoughts, and the process of interpretation involves various occasions in which they can relativize and expand themselves in awareness of the world and themselves. Such awareness is an understanding of a situation or subject at the present moment based on our bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts that have been lost or removed from modern academic world. It is a cognitive ability deeply rooted in the existential and holistic world of experience. Contemplative science, which has been widely applied in the English-speaking world in the 21st century, can be a useful tool to help the learner to become well focused and balanced, perceptive, flexible, and open-minded in studying English poetry. The cultivation of awareness has improved the learner’s ability to read and understand literary texts, and the combination of the two disciplines─literature and contemplative science.

      • KCI등재

        미국 모더니스트 서사시의 장르 형성 문제 : 크레인의 『다리』를 중심으로

        손혜숙(Hyesook Son) 韓國아메리카學會 2010 美國學論集 Vol.42 No.2

        Hart Crane, representative American modernist, resists and re-forms social modernity in a textual realm of the epic literary tradition. However, genre studies of his text have become marginalized since New Criticism failed to appreciate the poet's dialectic relationship with history and the value of his works as an extensive cultural text. My essay focuses on Crane's preoccupation with genre formation with a reading of his representative American epic, The Bridge. In this essay, I elucidate three levels of the epic: the historical-social, the mythological, and the psychological level. My aim is to reveal Crane's pattern of composition and compositional evolution in The Bridge. Crane combines his epic ambition with formal inventiveness and redefines and reconstructs history in a new form of polyphony and complexity. In his epic, Crane seeks to represent early twentieth-century America (a metaphor of the capitalist world system) through the mythical method and to regenerate corrupt reality through the sublime. The poet's conscious and unconscious movement, and his various perceptions and emotions, record the conflict between history, myth, and the sublime. His visionary manipulation of words and genre leads to a synthesis of redemptive imagination and a harsh criticism of modernity. Crane's epic embodies the modernist project to manage and contain social reality in the form and to subvert the closed capitalist system from the inside.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        디킨슨의 원전(原典)과 시각성

        손혜숙(Hyesook Son) 한국아메리카학회 2017 美國學論集 Vol.49 No.1

        My essay is a reassessment of current critical debates on Emily Dickinson’s manuscripts. Manuscript critics have argued for the visual aspect of the poet’s autographs, seeking to domesticate her within modernist paradigm of graphic innovation. While forgrounding the optical over the metrical, they criticize the first generation of editors who sought to regularize Dickinson within nineteenth-century cultural modalities of grammar, meter, and sound. However, most of her forms appear to have been sound related rather than visual: she wrote very often in hymn forms, and both meter and rhyme were primary structural elements in her process of composition. In addition, her original texts are not fully deliberate, depending on various accidental circumstances and procedures external to the text. Therefore, I promote an extensive study on the material indications of the drafts, her writing practices, her contemporary literary convention and readership as well as manuscript design to find out a reliable and sufficiently authoritative editorial version for critical and pedagogical purposes.

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