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        경제뉴스에서 보도 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과가 정책 지지와 공유 의도에 미치는 영향

        김은정(Eunjung, Kim),성동규(Dongkyoo, Sung) 한국정보사회학회 2021 정보사회와 미디어 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 경제뉴스에서 책임귀인 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과가 경제 정책에 대한 수용자의 지지와 공유 의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 살펴보았다. 실험에는 296명이 참여했으며, 2(책임귀인 프레임: 국내 환경 책임귀인, 해외 환경 책임귀인) X 2(수용자의 정치 성향: 진보, 보수)의 집단 간 요인설계를 통해 연구를 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 책임귀인 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과는 경제 정책에 대한 지지와 공유 의도 모두에서 확인되었다. 국내 환경 책임귀인 프레임일 때 보수 성향의 수용자는 유의미하게 낮은 경제 정책에 대한 지지 의도를 보이는 것으로 탐색되었다. 경제 정책에 대한 공유 의도에서는 보수 성향의 수용자가 국내 환경 책임귀인 프레임일때와 해외 환경 책임귀인 프레임일 때 모두 진보 성향의 수용자에 비해 낮은 공유 의도를 나타낸 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 경제뉴스 부문에서 메시지와 수용자의 특성을 결합해 기존 연구의 외연을 확대하고, 상호작용을 통해 경제 정책의 확산성을 높일 수 있다는 점까지 밝혀내 실용적인 시사점까지 주고 있다. This study examined how attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users interact in economic news. Through this, this study observed how interaction affects support intention, and sharing intention of economic policy. 296 people participated in the experiment. The experimental research was conducted by between-subjects factorial design of 2(attribution of responsibility frame: domestic environment, overseas environment) X 2(ideological tendency of news users: progressive, conservative). According to the research results(〈Figure 1〉, 〈Figure 2〉), the interaction between attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users was observed in the intent to support and share in economic policy. When seeking responsibility in the domestic environment, conservative news users showed low support for economic policies. In addition, conservative news users expressed lower intentions to share than progressive news users regardless of where the responsibility lies. According to the results of this study, ideological trends of news users are found to affect the frame effect. The ideological trend of news users has been shown to increase or decrease the persuasive effect of economic news. When the frame effect is combined with ideological trends of news users, the influence of economic news has been confirmed to be greater. Above all, it is worth noting the impact of frame form on conservative news users. Conservative news users expressed greater support for economic policy when exposed to the overseas environment than to the domestic environment-focused attribute of responsibility frame. After conservative news users experience frames that are responsible for the overseas environment, the level of sharing of economic policies has also been confirmed to increase as much as progressive news users. It can be understood that the negative perception of conservative news users decreases when finding the cause of economic problems on a wider scale. [Figure 1] The impact of the attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users on intention to support economic policy 〈그림은 논문참조〉 The results of this study give implications to domestic media. Applying this research result can infer what kind of news form amplifies ideological polarization in Korean society. Economic problems arise from a combination of various factors. However, pointing out the cause of economic problems limited to domestic situations or governments can encourage ideological polarization of news users. This study presents both academic significance and practical implications by combining the characteristics of messages and news users in the economic news sector. [Figure 2] The impact of the attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users on intention to share economic policy 〈그림은 논문참조〉

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