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        딜런 토마스의 내심리적 신화

        박재열(Jae Yeol Park) 한국영미어문학회 2005 영미어문학 Vol.- No.76

        When Dylan Thomas said that his poetry is the "movement from an overclothed blindness to a naked vision", he meant that his poetry is the reflection of his blind, obscure mind, that is, the unconscious. Deep psychologists such as Freud and Jung agree that myth is none other than the projection of psychical factors and relations in the unconscious, of what Freud calls 'endopsychic myth.' However, Jung calls it an 'archetype' instead, believing that it is the pattern, matrix and blueprint of all our behavior in our collective unconscious. In this article, however, I use 'endopsychic myth' because 'archetype' is liable to mislead us to believe that all primordial images and motifs can easily be classified, and have one fixed meaning or value. I found that the motifs in “Before I Knocked” gather around the myth of Crucifixion, so that the narrator's birth is merged with the images of the Crucifixion and Genesis in a subtle way. As Christ's death means rebirth in Heaven, the narrator's birth implies his mortality or death (hence, 'womb-tomb'). The other poem “Once Below a Time”, in contrast, does not depend upon any previously known myth, but creates a new myth out of autobiographical experiences and mythic visions. In conclusion, it seems that Thomas attempted throughout his lifetime to reveal his unconscious dramas. In other words, his poems are projections of his deep inner life. He wants to live and reveal a myth below or beyond his conscious mind, as Jung wants to live a myth.

      • 컴파일러 퍼저에서 머신러닝의 적용에 대한 연구

        박재열 ( Jae-yeol Park ),박성환 ( Seong-hwan Park ),권동현 ( Dong-hyeon Kwon ) 한국정보처리학회 2023 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        브라우저, 컴파일러 등과 같이 규모가 큰 소프트웨어에 존재하는 버그 및 취약점을 찾기 위해 퍼징은 자주 사용되는 방법 중 하나이다. 특히 컴파일러에 존재하는 버그를 찾기 위해 다양한 퍼징 방법이 연구되었으며 컴파일러의 문법 검사를 통과하여 컴파일러 내부 깊은 곳에 존재하는 버그를 찾기 위한 연구도 진행되었다. 최근 머신러닝을 활용하여 특정 언어의 문법을 학습 시킨 모델을 활용해 퍼징을 하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 컴파일러를 퍼저에 머신러닝을 적용한 연구에 대하여 정리했다.

      • KCI등재

        『볼록거울 속의 자화상』: 페넬로페의 피륙

        박재열(Jae-Yeol Park) 신영어영문학회 2009 신영어영문학 Vol.44 No.-

        This paper aims to investigate the post-modern qualities of John Ashbery’s Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror in comparison with Penelope’s weaving in the Odyssey. Just as she works on a shroud by day and unweaves it by night, reflecting her unstable mind, Ashbery successively establishes and destroys ideas or images arising from his contemplation of Parmigianino’s self-portrait. Applying Roman Jakobson’s theory that ‘the poetic function projects the principle of equivalence from the axis of selection into the axis of combination,’ this paper identifies various warps of selection in the poem in allusion to Penelope’s web, including those of theme, language, point of view, tone, and so on. They in turn project equivalence respectively on the weft of combination, with resulting recurrence and interweaving of themes, language, rhetoric, etc. in the poem. To complete the analogy, the ideational shuttle skimming back and forth across the web/poem intertwines the warps in contrast and conflict, producing a more neutralized, yet fresh and polyphonous whole.

      • KCI등재

        『밀크 우드 아래서』의 시적 언어

        박재열(Jae-Yeol Park) 신영어영문학회 2007 신영어영문학 Vol.37 No.-

        Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood is a radio play in which all the verbal devices, contrivances, inventions, and tricks he experimented with in his poetry are successfully integrated in a masterful dramatic work. Particularly attractive is the vivid and poetic description of the ways people in a small Welsh town talk, behave, and think. Thomas was concerned with poetic language during his life, and especially with refurbishing the stereotypical words and phrases that are often taken for granted. He therefore devised a number of methods of retrieving the original and fresh meanings of words: paradox, allusion, paranomasia, catachresis, slang, etc. In addition, he sometimes twists, reshapes, and combines words and phrases to deliver the ‘immediacy’ of things, or ‘thingness’. Finally, he also uses a variety of symbolic devices: assonantal rhyme, sprung rhythm, consonance, and alliteration. These techniques are all found in Under Milk Wood and contribute greatly to the overall poetic effect.

      • KCI등재

        에이드리엔 리치의 육체적 글쓰기

        박재열(Jae-Yeol Park) 신영어영문학회 2004 신영어영문학 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper aims to analyze the relationship between corporeality and language as seen in the writings of Adrienne Rich (1929-). Rich opposes the traditional assumption that mind (which is related to man) is superior to body (which is related to woman), and further insists that because language has evolved in terms of male-oriented views, sentiments, experiences, etc., it cannot fully express the experiences, perceptions, and intelligences which derive from women’s physical specificities. Rich believes that women have a specific unity, comprising their physicality, their bond with nature, and their corporeal intelligence. She therefore suggests that women need a politics of the body; that is, of pregnability and motherhood, orgasm, rape and incest, abortion, etc. Such politics would function as “remedies against the anti-material, anti-sensuous, anti-empirical dogmas of the Church,” since the body has its own signifying process, and its own means of mediating between the social and the natural, and of constructing the subject. In view of this, she feels that it is possible to convert such physicality into both knowledge and power, paralleling Julia Kristeva’s theory of the semiotic. As their patriarchal language misunderstands women, Rich intends to create a new ‘common language,’ through which they can liberate “language from its old context,” and in which they can “receive the experience of not me,” and deliver wholly “the heartbeat, memories, images of strangers.”

      • Regeneration Process 포함한 OCU 공정의 Multi-Treater System 배관진동

        박재열(Jae-Yeol Park),김만진(Manjin Kim),한민규(Minkyu Han) 대한기계학회 2018 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2018 No.12

        Acoustic-Mechanical coupling effect on piping dynamics is examined on site with measurement and analytical development. In this article, a multi-treater piping system with regeneration process in OCU (Olefin Conversion Unit) plant is subjected to investigation since significant piping vibration prevents the normal operation when some specific combinations of two Treaters are operated. There is severe piping and structure vibration problem especially with increased capacity. Measurement in frequency domain shows two peaks so close each other to result in high amplitude in the piping system vibration by beating phenomenon. In search of solution, extra safety valve is manually opened to increase the acoustic volume which changes the acoustic natural frequency in the subjected piping system and decrease the vibration. Analytical study with acoustic analysis software is also conducted and it shows the same results as the actual piping dynamics. Based on the acoustic study, piping modification is designed and applied to the piping system and vibration improvement is achieved as expected.

      • KCI등재

        오드르 로드의 『자미』

        박재열(Jae Yeol Park) 한국영미어문학회 2014 영미어문학 Vol.- No.112

        Audre Larde, a black lesbian feminist poet, attempts in her essays and poetry to reexamine the Euro-American stereotypical definitions and perceptions of her race and lesbianism, and to compose a new identity. In her fictional lesbian narrative, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, she discovers a new vision of lesbians when she visits Carriacou, the island home of her mother, and watches the lives of the lesbians, Zami, who live there without their husbands. She finds that her identity has been constructed out of many connections with other women. The first of these was with her mother, with whom she had an intimate and erotic relation in her childhood. Another connection with Kitty makes her plurality of identities (black, female, lesbian) coalesce into one name. Larde suggests that Kitty was an incarnation of Afrekete, an African goddess in Dahomey, whom she also aspires to become and, through whom, become all the great mothers of West India and Africa.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈의 관점으로 존 애쉬베리 읽기

        박재열(Jae Yeol Park) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.98

        Just as Ashbery avoids any fixed idea, system, or tradition as the basis of his poetics, implying that his work exists independently of any fundamental or guiding principles, so Delueze argues for the immanence of life, rather than seeing himself as a subject in a transcendent world created by an interventionist God. From this perspective, Ashbery agrees with Deleuze that without divine or other sources for his texts, his poetry is not representational. Instead, his decentered and polyphonous idea of self as a constantly changing assemblage of forces is mirrored in his poetry, which gives the appearance of having been assembled in a random, inconsistent way, corresponding to Deleuze's view of a pluralistic world. Ashbery’s method of collage in his poetry may be compared to Deleuze's rhizomatics, which describes the random, proliferating and decentered connections of things. The poet creates similar differential meanings through ‘repetition’ in ‘the double sestina’ in Flow Chart, following Deleuze’s theoretical lead and subverting the traditional order of hierarchy and coded systems. Deleuze also suggests the concept of ‘intensity’ in a text, offering thereby a new practical method of analysis through analyzing how a character is formed of a collection of intensities such as styles, gestures, tastes and quirks. The analysis of intensities in ‘the double sestina' reveals an inconsistent, decentered, unintentional subject.

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