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      • KCI등재

        라즈베리파이를 이용한 개인 비서 시스템 구현

        박나현,박지현,윤소현,박정식,김태우,Park, Na-Hyun,Park, Ji-Hyun,Yun, So-Hyun,Park, Jeong-Sik,Kim, Tai-Woo 한국사물인터넷학회 2017 한국사물인터넷학회 논문지 Vol.3 No.1

        Information and time are very important for a modem life, and researches about the personal secretary system that provides specific information for each individual are being studied. In this research, we developed the personal secretary system called Genie which provides the user with desired informations such as weather, news, and traffic information with time. It is expected that the Genie system will provide information on news, weather, traffic information including bus arrival times, and memos with time so that users can find their own leisure time and live a comfortable life. 현대인들에게는 정보와 시간이 매우 중요하며, 각 개인에 맞는 특화된 정보를 제공하고 알려주는 비서시스템에 대한 연구가 폭넓게 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 날씨나 기온, 뉴스, 교통 정보 등의 사용자가 원하는 정보를 시간과 함께 제공하는 개인 비서 시스템 (Personal Secretary System) 일명 지니(Genie) 시스템을 개발한다. 지니 시스템에서는 뉴스, 날씨와 온도, 버스 도착 시간을 포함한 교통 정보, 그리고 메모 등의 정보를 시간과 함께 알려주어 사용자의 삶의 여유를 찾고, 안락한 생활을 영위할 수 있도록 도움을 줄 것으로 예상된다.

      • Optimization of organosolv pretreatment with sulfuric acid for enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida)

        박나현(Park, Na-Hyun),김혜연(Kim, Hye-Yun),곽기섭(Gwak, Ki-Seob),구본욱(Koo, Bon-Wook),어환명(Yeo, Hwan-Myeong),최인규(Choi, In-Gyu) 한국신재생에너지학회 2009 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11

        The object is to optimize the best condition of organosolv pretreatment process with sulfuric acid as a catalyst. As a material, Pitch pine (Pinus rigida) was ground and sieved through 40-mesh screen, and Celluclast and beta-glucosidase were used as enzymes for enzymatic hydrolysis. Pretreatment processes were carried out in the minibomb, and 20 g of materials with 200 ml of 50% ethanol solution (v/v) with 1% sulfuric acid as a catalyst. Pretreatment temperature was varied from 150?C to 190?C, and time was varied from 0 to 20 min. Then, residual materials were used for enzymatic hydrolysis. The best conditions were selected by estimating followed enzymatic hydrolysis rate and degradable rates after pretreatment process. The highest value of enzymatic hydrolysis rate was obtained as 55 - 60% at 160 and at 180?C, but the value decreased under more severe conditions. As the residual rates decreased under severe conditions, it infered that the decrease of sugar contents limits enzymatic hydrolysis rates. Combined with enzymatic hydrolysis rate, degradable rates and H-factors, the temperatures at 160?C for 20 min and at 180?C for 0 min were concluded as the optimized conditions where have the lowest H-factor value for considering energy input.

      • KCI등재

        자폐스펙트럼장애아동 가족을 위한 가족미술치료 질적사례연구

        박나현(Park Na-hyun),김지혜(Kim Ji-hye) 한국미술치료학회 2018 美術治療硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 자폐스펙트럼장애아동 가족이 가족미술치료를 통해 어떠한 경험을 하고, 그 의미는 무엇인지 살펴보는 데 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구는 질적사례연구 방법을 적용하여 탐색하였다. 본 연구의 참여자는 자폐스펙트럼장애 2급을 진단받은 7세 남자 아동과 부모, 초등학교 4학년과 2학년 여자 아동 2명으로 구성된 가족이다. 사례는 2017년 7월 19일부터 2017년 10월 21일까지 주 1-2회, 회기당 60-90분 동안 진행하여 총 20회기의 탄력성을 위한 가족미술치료를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 연구결과를 바탕으로 자폐스펙트럼장애아동 가족의 가족미술치료 경험에 대한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구 참여자인 자폐스펙트럼장애아동 가족은 가족미술치료 과정에서 가족의 강점을 파악하며 장애아동 가족으로서의 역경에 대한 긍정적 시각을 가졌다. 둘째, 연구 참여자들은 미술작업과 작품을 통해 개방적 자기표현과 의사소통 명료화의 필요성을 인식할 수 있었다. 셋째, 연구 참여자들은 미술과정에서 서로에 대한 이해와 지지를 통하여 상호협력적인 관계를 형성하였다. 이를 종합하여 볼 때, 자폐스펙트럼장애아동 가족은 가족미술치료 과정을 통하여 강점을 파악하고 역경에 대한 긍정적인 시각을 가지며, 안정된 가족구조와 개방적 자기표현, 의사소통을 명료화하는 기회를 경험하였다. 또한 자신과 가족의 역기능적 문제와 해결방법을 발견하여 역경에 적응하는 힘을 발견할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to determine what experiences for a family of a child with autism spectrum disorder had through family art therapy for resilience and what they meant. For this purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted for exploration. A family consisting of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the parents, and two girls, participated in this study. Family art therapy for resilience was given in a total of 20 sessions, 60-90 minutes per session―from July 19 to October 21, 2017. From the results of this study, the following conclusions on the experiences of family art therapy for resilience in the family of a child with autism spectrum disorder were drawn. First, the family of a child with autism spectrum disorder identified the strengths of the family and developed positive views of hardships for the family of a disabled child. Second, the participants were enabled to understand the need to make open self-expression and clarify communication through art therapy. Third, the participants established mutually cooperative relationships through the mutual understanding and support during the course of art. To put these conclusions together, the process of family art therapy for resilience generated positive views of hardship, stabilized the family structure, encouraged the family to embrace open self-expression, and clarified family communication.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어고빈도동사의윤곽과토대에관한연구 ― 고빈도 동사 ‘開’를 중심으로

        朴懦賢(Park, Na-hyun) 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.134

        This study was conducted to define the various meanings of the modern Chinese polysemous verb “开” based on semantic profile and base of verb from the perspective of cognitive linguistics and presents a schematic for how these meanings are connected and have changed over time. This paper is divided into four parts: 1) The cognitive linguistics concepts of profile and base are based on the perceptual psychology concepts of appearance and foundation, respectively. Perception is the consciousness of the entire image of an object caused by the stimulation of the sensory organs. It is also defined as a basic stage of recognition of objective reality through direct and emotional simulation. 2) In order to analyze the combination conditions of the verb “开,” first data about “开x” was collected based on the heading characters of the verb “开” included in the Modern Chinese Dictionary (7th Edition). Out of a total of 195 heading characters, only “verbs” were selected based on modern standard Chinese and the semantic roles of “开” were classified. Data about “x开” were targeted for 18 vocabulary words, including the predicative components searched at high frequency in the heading characters and the corpus presented in the Modern Chinese Reverse Dictionary (2011). Based on this data, the following six semantic profiles were generated: separation, open, expansion, start, movement, and appearance. 3) Frequently used polysemous verbs become multilingual through metaphor or metonymy. This study examined what mechanisms are used and how it is involved when the verb “开” is involved in the process of expanding meanings. The separation and open categories reflected the cognitive effects of metaphor while the expansion, start, movement, and appearance categories showed the cognitive effects of metonymy. 4) Finally, the profile category of each example was defined according to the semantic qualities of the patterns in which words in those categories combined with the polysemous verb “开.” An abstract image schema was implemented by dividing the profile and base based on the words from which the meanings were derived.

      • KCI등재

        아나키스트 정화암의 독립운동

        박나현(Park, Na Hyun) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2024 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.- No.86

        이 논문은 정화암의 독립운동과 그 과정에서 이루어진 아나키즘 수용에 관한 연구이다. 정화암은 재중한인 아나키즘 독립운동사에서 있어 당대에도 상당한 위상을 차지했고 현재의 한국 아나키즘 독립운동사가 편찬되기까지 주도적 역할을 담당했다. 이러한 정화암에 대한 연구는 한국 독립운동사의 이해를 위해 선행되어야 할 작업이다. 정화암은 3·1운동을 경험하며 본격적으로 독립운동에 참여한 뒤 중국에서 아나키즘을 수용했다. 그 후 1924년 북경에서 이회영, 이을규, 이정규, 백정기, 류자명과 함께 재중국조선무정부주의자연맹을 결성하며 최초의 재중한인 아나키즘 독립운동단체를 조직했다. 1931년 9월에 이르러 정화암은 상해에서 남화한인청년연맹을 결성해 한인애국단과 더불어 1930년대의 의열투쟁에서 한 축을 담당했다. 중일전쟁이 발발하자 정화암은 임시정부 및 중국 인사들과 함께 일본에 맞서 싸웠다. 이를 통해 살펴본 정화암의 활동을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정화암은 일제와 중국이 주시한 한인 아나키즘 독립운동의 지도자였다. 그는 지속적인 아나키즘 독립운동을 전개해 왔다. 1930년대 이후 정화암은 아나키스트들의 의열투쟁을 기획·지도해 일제와 맞섰고 중일전쟁이 일어난 뒤에도 독립운동을 이어갔다. 일제는 의열투쟁의 중심에 있는 정화암을 위험인물로 간주하며 그를 주시했다. 둘째, 정화암은 3·1운동부터 8·15광복에 이르기까지 독립운동의 산증인으로 활동했다. 정화암은 민족주의와 공산주의의 한계를 모두 극복할 독립운동의 방략으로 아나키즘을 채택했지만, 각계 독립운동가와 깊이 교류했고 중국에서 전개된 대부분의 아나키즘 독립운동에 관여했다. 이러한 그의 경험은 독립운동 증언자로서 아나키스트 독립운동사의 복원에 기여했다. 지역적으로는 그동안 주목받지 못했던 화남지역에서 전개된 독립운동을 조명하고 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 셋째, 정화암의 활동에 있어 중국 혁신 인사 및 임시정부, 흥사단 등 여러 항일인사와의 교류가 두드러지는 점에 주목해 보는 것이다. 그가 맺어온 국내외의 폭넓은 인적 관계를 통해 재중국 아나키즘 독립운동의 양상을 다시금 환기해 볼 수가 있다. The study examines the life of Jeong Hwa-am and his contribution to the Korean independence movement. Jeong Hwa-am held great significance in the anarchist independence movement among Koreans living in China. He also endeavored to publish The History of Anarchist Independence Movement in Korea. To understand the history of the Korean independence movement, we need to study the life and achievements of Jeong Hwa-am. Jeong Hwa-am actively participated in the independence movement after experiencing the March 1st Movement of 1919. Afterward, he accepted anarchism in China. In 1924, Jeong formed the Korean Federation of Anarchists which was the first Korean anarchist independence movement group in China with Lee Hoe-yeong, Lee Eul-gyu, Lee Jeong-gyu, Baek Jeong-gi, and Ryu Ja-myeong. Subsequently, he participated in the anti-Japan movement in Quanzhou, China and published the official journal of the Federation titled The Conquest. In 1930, he led the efforts to build a base for the independence movement in Manchuria while supporting Korean People’s Association in Manchuria. In September 1931, he organized the group called Namhwa Korean Youth Federation in Shanghai and planned an armed struggle against Japanese colonists. The organization played a pivotal role in the ‘Ui-yoel-Tujaeng’ (literally, ‘heroic struggle’) in the 1930s along with Korean Patriotic Organization. When the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, Jeong Hwa-am cooperated with members of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the Chinese to fight Japan. After the Liberation of Korea, he founded Joseon-Hakjeongwan and Shin-Chaeho Haksa to promote cultural exchange between China and Korea and preserve the relevant records. Then he returned to Korea, where he participated in various movements and anti-dictatorship activities based on his commitment to democratic socialism. He also wrote a memoir and an interview collection (Recollection of the Anti-Japan Movement by Revolutionists) while working on the restoration of the history of the anarchist independence movement in Korea. Jeong Hwa-am’s contributions reflected in this article can be summarized as follows. First of all, Jeong Hwa-am was a leader of the Korean anarchist independence movement, which attracted significant attention from the Japanese imperialists and China. He had steadfastly devoted himself to the anarchist independence movement. In and after the 1930s, he stood up against Japanese imperialists by organizing and leading heroic struggles by anarchists, which continued after the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War. As such, Japanese imperialists monitored Jeong’s activities, considering him as a threat. Secondly, Jeong Hwa-am’s experience between the March First Independence Movement and the Liberation on August 15th made him a living proof of independence movement in Korea. Even though Jeong chose anarchism as a way to overcome the limitations of nationalist and communist movements, he was deeply connected with independence activists across all factions and involved in most of the anarchist independence movement in China. These experiences made him an eyewitness to the independence movement and contributed to the restoration of the history of the anarchist independence movement. In addition, his experiences are significant in that they shed light on the independence movement in the Huanan region, which has been relatively less focused over the years. Thirdly, in the activities of Jeong Hwa-am, It should be noted that exchanges with many anti-Japanese officials such as China’s innovative personnel, the provisional government, and the Young Koreans Academy (興士團) stand out. Through his extensive personal relationships at home and abroad, It can once again evoke the aspect of the anarchist independence movement in China.

      • KCI등재

        20대 여성의 중성두피에 샴푸세정시 유,수분과 각질량의 변화

        박나현 ( Na Hyun Park ),윤영한 ( Young Han Yun ),박해련 ( Hae Ryeun Park ),김기영 ( Ki Young Kim ) 대한미용학회 2011 대한미용학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Today people`s interest on scalp and hair care is growing, and everyone use shampoo for hair washing. But the most of them do not know right shampooing time. In this study, basic data on the contents of sebum·moisture and keratin after shampooing were investigated on normal scalp. The level of sebum·moisture and keratin at frontal, left and right temporal regions, and occipital region in 5 volunteers in 20`s age were measured respectively before shampooing, and 30 minutes, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 hours after shampooing, and also observed the condition of scalp with gross observation and light microscope. As a result, it was found that the contents of sebum before shampooing, it decreased significantly (p<0.05) from 30 minutes to 20 hours after shampooing, and the contents of sebum became similar after 24 hours. The moisture amount of moisture before shampooing, it increased from 30 minutes to 4 hours after shampooing, while decreased in some parts significantly (p<0.05) until 20 hours after shampooing, and the contents of moisture became similar after 24 hours after shampooing. Regarding the contents of keratin before shampooing, it increased from 30 minutes to 4 hours after shampooing, while decreased in some parts significantly (p<0.05) until 20 hours after shampooing, and the contents of keratin became similar after 24 hours. Unaided-eye observation on scalp before shampooing found that sebum was abundant throughout the entire scalp regions, and stuffy pores and expansion of capillary vessel due to lipid peroxide formed by sweat, sebum, and dusts was observed. Considering the observation of the contents of sebum·moisture and keratin on normal appropriate interval between shampooing is found to be about 24 hours, and the finding can be valuable basic data that people can apply in hair·scalp cleansing and care.

      • KCI등재
      • 휴먼형 로봇 손의 사물 조작 수행을 이용한 인간 행동 복제 강화학습 정책 최적화 방법 성능 평가

        박나현 ( Na Hyeon Park ),오지헌 ( Ji Heon Oh ),류가현 ( Ga Hyun Ryu ),( Edwin Valarezo Añazco ),( Patricio Rivera Lopez ),원다슬 ( Da Seul Won ),정진균 ( Jin Gyun Jeong ),장윤정 ( Yun Jung Chang ),김태성 ( Tae-seong Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2020 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        로봇이 사람과 같이 다양하고 복잡한 사물 조작을 하기 위해서 휴먼형 로봇손의 사물 파지 작업이 필수적이다. 자유도 (Degree of Freedom, DoF)가 높은 휴먼형(anthropomorphic) 로봇손을 학습시키기 위하여 사람 데모(human demonstration)가 결합된 강화학습 최적화 방법이 제안되었다. 본 연구에서는 강화학습 최적화 방법에 사람 데모가 결합된 Demonstration Augmented Natural Policy Gradient (DA-NPG)와 NPG 의 성능 비교를 통하여 행동 복제의 효율성을 확인하고, DA-NPG, DA-Trust Region Policy Optimization (DA-TRPO), DA-Proximal Policy Optimization (DA-PPO)의 최적화 방법의 성능 평가를 위하여 6 종의 물체에 대한 휴먼형 로봇손의 사물 조작 작업을 수행한다. 그 결과, DA-NPG 와 NPG를 비교한 결과를 통해 휴먼형 로봇손의 사물 조작 강화학습에 행동 복제가 효율적임을 증명하였다. 또한, DA-NPG 는 DA-TRPO 와 유사한 성능을 보이면서 모든 물체에 대한 사물 파지에 성공하여 가장 안정적이었다. 반면, DA-TRPO 와 DA-PPO 는 사물 조작에 실패한 물체가 존재하여 불안정한 성능을 보였다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 방법은 향후 실제 휴먼형 로봇에 적용하여 휴먼형 로봇 손의 사물조작 지능 개발에 유용할 것으로 전망된다.

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