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      • KCI등재

        Microbial reduction field model for the table egg with chlorine dioxide gas

        명동훈,정한성,송경주,김성준,최광훈,최농훈 한국예방수의학회 2020 예방수의학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Recently, improvement of eggshell hygiene has emerged as an important issue in food industry. Various studies have continued to examine methods for controlling egg-borne pathogen, and among such methods, for table eggs, washing (with UV irradiation) is the most commonly used method. However, this method was not sufficient to control egg microbial contamination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to verify whether it is appropriate to use ClO2 gas, which has been proven safe in this experiment model, as an alternative to the conventional washing (with UV irradiation) method. As a result, we have identified a range of optimal effectiveness in response to exposure concentrations and time of ClO2 gas. Through experimental models that reflect differences in farm size, a microbial reduction effect of approximately >2 log CFU/eggshell was achieved at 40ppm/8h for small farms, and 160ppm/30min for large farms, indicating greater effectiveness than the conventional method. However, in large-scale experiment, when bulk eggs were stacked and exposed to ClO2 gas, eggs in the depths showed a lower effect by approximately 0.8~1.5 log CFU/eggshell, as compared to the eggs in the upper section. For further study, if technical improvements are achieved in the future studies allowing the gas to better penetrate the depths of stacked eggs, it will be a model that can be more useful to the field.

      • KCI등재

        Inactivation of Salmonella on Eggshells by Chlorine Dioxide Gas

        김효비,염보라,윤성식,송경주,김종락,명동훈,장병준,최농훈 한국축산식품학회 2016 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        Microbiological contamination of eggs should be prevented in the poultry industry, as poultry is one of the major reservoirs of human Salmonella. ClO2 gas has been reported to be an effective disinfectant in various industry fields, particularly the food industry. The aims of this study were to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of chlorine dioxide gas on two strains of Salmonella inoculated onto eggshells under various experimental conditions including concentrations, contact time, humidity, and percentage organic matter. As a result, it was shown that chlorine dioxide gas under wet conditions was more effective in inactivating Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Gallinarum compared to that under dry conditions independently of the presence of organic matter (yeast extract). Under wet conditions, a greater than 4 log reduction in bacterial populations was achieved after 30 min of exposure to ClO2 each at 20 ppm, 40 ppm, and 80 ppm against S. Enteritidis; 40 ppm and 80 ppm against S. Gallinarum. These results suggest that chlorine dioxide gas is an effective agent for controlling Salmonella, the most prevalent contaminant in the egg industry.

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