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        정상혈압자의 Beetroot 섭취가 정적운동 시 Group IV 대사적 수용기에 미치는 영향

        김경애(Kyung Ae Kim),최현민(Hyun Min Choi),김종경(Jong Kyung Kim),노호성(Hosung Nho) 한국발육발달학회 2015 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        It is reported that beetroot juice supplementation reduces blood pressure in healthy subjects at rest. It is not known that beetroot juice supplementation alters the pressor response mediated during exercise and by the muscle metaboreflex activation in normotensive. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary nitrate derived from beetroot on muscle metaboreflex in normotensive compared with placebo. Fifteen normotensive (22.7±0.5 yrs) were recruited in this study. All subjects were assigned in a randomized, double-blind, crossover design to receive beetroot (70 mL/day, ~5.6 mmol of NO₃ -) and placebo (70 mL/day, no NO₃ -) for 15 days. The subjects completed 2 min static handgrip exercise at 50% maximal voluntary contraction followed immediately by post exercise muscle ischemia(PEMI). On day 15, the same protocol was repeated after beetroot or placebo supplementation. All subjects were continuously instrumented to measure heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), and obtain cardiac output (CO), mean arterial pressure (MAP), total peripheral resistance (TPR) at rest and during static exercise and PEMI. Compared with beetroot, placebo significantly decreased resting MAP (2.5±1.7 vs. -1.1±1.7 mmHg) and during exercise HR (5.4±2.2 vs. 2.6±2.6 beats/min). There were no difference in SV, CO and TPR between beetroot and placebo at rest and during static exercise and muscle metaboreflex activation. Thus, this study indicates that beetroot juice supplementation reduce MAP at rest, while no effects on muscle metaboreflex. Therefore, this study suggests that beetroot diet are regarded as healthy and associated with low incidence of cardiovascular disease in normotensive.

      • KCI등재

        저강도 걷기 운동 프로그램이 고도비만여성의 체력 신체구성 및 혈중 지질에 미치는 영향

        김종경(Jong Kyung Kim),박시영(Si Young Park),이준희(Joon Hee Lee),전종목(Jong Mok Chun),노호성(Ho Sung Nho),최현민(Hyun Min Choi) 한국발육발달학회 2010 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Obesity is being regarded as a disease which causes the most serious public health problem in single disease. It also has a big impact on mortality directly and indirectly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of low intensity walking for 12 weeks on body composition, physical strength, blood content and nutrition uptakes in obese women. The subjects of this study were 17 women in middle ages, who has no case past history, and their percent body fat was over 35%. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were indicated, and paired t-test was used at p<0.05. After aerobic exercise for 12 weeks, body composition, physical strength and blood contents showed significant differences compared with pre and post respectively. This data suggest that low intensity walking exercise for 12 weeks have any beneficial effects in a major mechanism of physiological variation and obese reduction.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 전신지구력 평가를 위한 고정식 자전거와 트레드밀의 비교

        김종엽(Kim, Jong-Yeob),김경애(Kim, Kyung-Ae),박준성(Park, Joon-sung),김종경(Kim, Jong-Kyung),노호성(Nho, Ho-Sung) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Various exercise modes are used in the fields including fitness program and cardiac rehabilitation programs. An exercise training intensity is prescribed as a percentage of an individual`s maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). The appropriate identification of anaerobic threshold (AT) may be important for safe and effective exercise prescription. Therefore, we investigated whether there was a difference in AT when older individuals used different exercise modes. Ten subjects completed a maximal exercise testing on both cycle ergometer and treadmill. were much higher than those of cycle ergometer.<br/> <br/> There was no significant difference in HRmax, HRAT and VEmax, VEAT across exercise<br/> Thus, these results have important implications for older adults who use AT for exercise prescription. Exercise modes must be considered to prescribe exercise intensity because there was a difference among exercise machines.

      • KCI등재

        Beetroot 섭취가 경계성 고혈압자의 GroupIV 대사적 수용기에 미치는 영향

        김보희(Bo Hee Kim),최현민(Hyun Min Choi),노호성(Hosung Nho),김경애(Kyung Ae Kim),정은지(Eun Ji Jung),김종경(Jong Kyung Kim) 한국발육발달학회 2014 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        It is reported that beetroot juice supplementation reduces blood pressure in healthy subjects at rest. However, It is not known that beetroot juice supplementation alters the pressor response mediated during exercise and by the muscle metaboreflex activation in prehypertension. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary nitrate derived from beetroot (BR) on muscle metaboreflex and endothelial function in prehypertension compared with placebo (PR). Eleven prehypertensives (24±2 yrs) were recruited in this study. All subjects were assigned in a randomized, double-blind, crossover design to receive BR (70 mL/ day, ~5.6 mmol of NO3 -and PL (70 mL/day, no NO3 -) for 15 days. The subjects completed 2 min static handgrip exercise at 50% maximal voluntary contraction followed immediately by post exercise muscle ischemia(PEMI). On day 15, the same protocol was repeated after BR or PL supplementation. All subjects were continuously instrumented to measure heart rate, stroke volume, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and obtain cardiac output(CO), mean arterial pressure(MAP), total peripheral resistance (TPR) at rest and during static exercise and PEMI. Compared with PL, BR significantly increased resting plasma nitrate/nitrite (NOx) concentration (PL: 147.8±10.3 vs. BR: 193.7±19.2, p <.05) and decreased SBP (133±1 vs 128±2 mmHg, p <.05). Normalized flow mediated dilation (FMD) was significantly increased (BR: 2.24±0.3 vs PL: 1.86±0.2, p <.05). There were no differences in CO, MAP, and TPR between BR and PL at rest and during static exercise and muscle metaboreflex activation. Thus, this study indicates that beetroot juice supplementation improves the endothelium function and reduce blood pressure at rest, while no effects on muscle metaboreflex. Therefore, this study suggests that BR diet are regarded as healthy and associated with low incidence of cardiovascular disease in prehypertention.

      • KCI등재

        Nattokinase 섭취가 경계성고혈압자의 유산소운동 시 심혈관 반응에 미치는 영향

        김은석(Eun Seok Kim),김경애(Kyung Ae Kim),이병선(Byung Sun Lee),최현민(Hyun Min Choi),노호성(Hosung Nho),김종경(Jong Kyung Kim) 한국발육발달학회 2015 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Previous studies showed that nattokinase supplementation lowered blood pressure in prehypertensives at rest. However, the effects of nattokinase on cardiac output (CO), blood pressure, and systemic vascular resistance in response to dynamic exercise are not clear in prehypertensives. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nattokinase on cardiovascular responses during mild and moderate dynamic exercise. Ten prehypertensive subjects were recruited in this study. To demonstrate the effects of nattokinase, it was designed to randomized, double blind way for 8 wk nattokinase or placebo supplementation. Initially, all subjects were continuously instrumented to measure stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, total vascular conductance, and blood pressure with increasing workloads from rest through mild and moderate exercise corresponding to 40% and 60% VO2peak, respectively. The results showed that CO, systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure were significantly decreased in nattokinase group during mild and moderate exercise, while there were no differences in placebo group. The decreased blood pressure response was due to an decrease in CO during exercise. Thus, this study suggests that nattokinase can lower an exaggerated blood pressure mediated by exercise in prehypertensives.

      • KCI등재

        비만 아동의 Group Ⅳ 구심성 신경의 대사적 수용기 자극에 따른 과도한 혈압반응

        김광일(Kim, Kwang-Il),최현민(Choi, Hyun-Min),김찬호(Kim, Chan-Ho),노호성(Nho, Ho-Sung),김종경(Kim, Jong-Kyung) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        Previous studies have demonstrated that obesity alters autonomic functions. Muscle metaboreflex (MMR) evoked excessive blood pressure response in obese adults. However, there is no information about the MMR control in obese children during exercise. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of MMR on pressor response in Korean obese children. Twelve obese children (OC), and Twelve non-obese children group (NOC) participated in this study. The maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was obtained using a handgrip strength device. Each subject performed handgrip static exercise (SE) at 50% of MVC for 3 mins followed by 2 mins of post exercise muscular ischemia (PEMI) by inflating a cuffs on the upper arm to 200 mmHg. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total vascular conductances (TVC) were continuously obtained from rest through SE and PEMI.. From resting baseline values, MAP was significantly increased in both groups, however, the increase in MAP was significantly higher in OC compared to the NOC (24.4±2.4 vs. 20.6±3.0 mmHg; 21.3±3.0 vs. 11.5±1.4 mmHg) during SE and PEMI. The metaboreflex-induced CO responses were little increased in both groups, while there was no difference in CO between two groups. The TVC was significantly decreased in OC with little change in NOC.. This study indicates that obesity exaggerated the pressor response mediated by muscle metaboreflex activation in children and may help to explain the neural mechanism by where obese children display excessive blood pressure response during exercise and an prevalence of hypertension in adulthood.

      • KCI등재

        단기간의 가압 걷기트레이닝이 심혈관 기능 및 근 기능에 미치는 영향

        전종목(Jong-Mok Jeon),박원일(Won-Il Park),전박근(Bak-Geun Jeon),김종경(Jong-Kyung Kim),노호성(Ho-Sung Nho),최현민(Hyun-Min Choi) 한국생활환경학회 2009 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Pressurization training (PT) is designed to perform short term training using exclusive pneumatic belt applying pressure on upper parts of arms and legs to reduce blood flow to limbs. It has not completely been proved whether PT could improve the cardiorespiratory fitness and skeletal muscle function. Subjects were divided into two groups, which were 8 PT group (21.6±1.7 years) and 8 control group without pressurization (23.4±0.6 years). All subjects completed 2 week walk training program. PT group performed walk training with specially designed elastic band wrapped around upper parts of both legs. Pressure was maintained with 220 ㎜Hg for the rest of training period. Control group performed walk training program without pressure on leg's blood flow. The result showed that VEmax and strength of knee flexor were significantly increased in PT group and cross sectional areas of quadriceps on both right and left leg were increased by 2.0 and 1.4%, respectively. VO₂max tended to increase (6%), but there was no significant difference. There were no significant differences in resting levels of IGF-1, testosterone, growth hormone, and myoglobin. It is concluded that short-term walk PT could improve cardiorespiratory function at low intensity and may also be useful method to improve skeletal muscle function such as muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy.

      • KCI등재

        대학 보디빌딩 선수의 대사적 수용기 자극에 따른 심혈관 반응

        김성민(Kim, Sung-Min),최현민(Choi, Hyun-Min),김종경(Kim, Jong-Kyung),노호성(Nho, Ho-Sung) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Previous studies have shown that resistive exercise training such as isometric handgrip exercise or weight lifting decreases arterial blood pressure. However, the mechanisms responsible for reduction in arterial blood pressure have not been investigated. One mechanism that may lower arterial blood pressure is a neural mechanism termed the muscle metaboreflex that is activated when oxygen delivery to active skeletal muscle falls below a critical level. The muscle metaboreflex, a component of exercise pressor reflex, increases the sympathetic activity to heart and vasculature and then increases arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, and ventilation during exercise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the muscle metaboreflex on hemodynamics following fatiguing rhythmic handgrip exercise and circulatory arrest in 10 male collegiate body builders and 10 age-matched controls. All subjects performed 3 min rhythmic handgrip exercise at the exercise intensity of 60% maximal voluntary contraction and 2 min of postexercise circulatory occlusion while heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured followed by the calculation of cardiac output, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and total vascular conductance (TVC). From resting baseline values, the changes in SBP, DBP, and MAP in body builders during PEI were significantly smaller compared to contol group (SBP: ? 31.2 ㎜Hg vs. ? 36.2 ㎜Hg; DBP: ? 9.9 ㎜Hg vs. ? 18.2 ㎜Hg; MAP: ? 17.0 ㎜Hg vs. ? 24.2 ㎜Hg, respectively). However, there was no difference in CO between two groups (? 2.2 l/min vs. ? 2.2 l/min) and TVC tended to be higher in body builders compared to control group (? 9.0 ml/min/㎜Hg vs. ? 3.9 ml/min/㎜Hg). This study suggest that chronic resistance training may improve the muscle metaboreflex. The mechanism in which the pressor response mediated by the muscle metaboreflex with resistance training is attenuated is due to peripheral vasodilation.

      • KCI등재

        단기간의 금연과 일회성 유산소 운동이 흡연자의 심혈관 반응에 미치는 영향

        송준경(Jun Kyung·choi),최현민(Hyun Min Choi),김종경(Jong Kyung Kim),노호성(Ho Sung Nho) 한국사회체육학회 2012 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.48

        The purpose of this study was to investigate cardiovascular responses to a bout of aerobic exercise and acute smoking cessation in smoker. nine collegiate male smoker who have been smoking(duration of smoking: 7.5 ± 0.9yrs; number of cigarettes per day: 15.5 ± 1.5) participated in this study. All subjects performed PEI to stimulate Group IV metaboreceptor at immediately after smoking, 24hours after smoking cessation and smoking after a bout of aerobic exercise. they were measured SBP, DBP, HR, SV, CO, TVC using by finometer(FMS co, Netherland). As a result, compared to immediately after smoking, SBP, DBP, and MAP were significantly decreased 24-hours after smoking cessation at rest and PEI(p<0.05). In addition, smoking after a bout of aerobic exercise caused by post-exercise hypotension indicated that SBP was significantly decreased compared to immediately after smoking(p<0.05). also, the changes in DBP and MAP at rest and handgrip exercise were significantly smaller compared to immediately after smoking(p<0.05). Thus, the results showed that smoking cessation during 24-hours and a bout of aerobic exercise relieve excess blood pressure response and enhanced arterial baroreflex in collegiate male smoker. It is concluded that caused exercise pressor reflex by stimulated Group IV may be effective to improve excess blood pressure responses.

      • KCI등재

        원문 : 3가지 유형의 호프 테스트와 Y-balance test를 통한 기능적 발목 불안정성 운동선수의 기능적 능력 평가

        김선주 ( Seon Ju Kim ),남혜주 ( Hae Ju Nam ),김종경 ( Jong Kyung Kim ),노호성 ( Ho Sung Nho ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2013 체육과학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 3가지 유형의 호프 테스트와 Y-balance test를 사용하여 기능적 발목 불안정성 운동선수의 기능적 능력을 평가하고, 이 평가방법이 기능적 발목 불안정성 선수의 기능적 능력을 평가하는 데 목적이 있다. K대학교 운동부에 소속되어있는 선수 27명을 대상으로 기능적 발목 불안정성 평가지(CAIT)를 사용하여 기능적 발목 불안정성 선수와 기능적 발목 안정성 선수를 구분하였다. 평가항목은 사이드 호프 테스트, 8자 호프테스트, 정사각형 호프 테스트, Y-balance test를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 기능적 발목 안정성 선수가 불안정성 선수에 비해 기능적 능력 측정값이 높은 경향을 나타냈고, 8자 호프 테스트에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. Y-balance test에서 기능적 발목 안정성 선수의 기능적 능력 측정값이 높은 경향을 보였으나, 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 보면, 사이드 호프 테스트와 8자 호프 테스트는 기능적 능력 평가 방법으로서 효과적이라 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to determine if there are functional performance deficits in athletes with functional ankle instability(FAI) in 3-types of hop test & Y-balance test, including side hop test, figure-of-8 hop test, and square hop test. Fourteen male (functional ankle instability) and thirteen male (Non functional ankle instability group) were selected based on the questionnaire (Chunberland Ankle Instability Tools: CAIT). Thereafter, functional performance were measured in this study. The results indicated that functional performance ability by 3-types of hop test of ankle joint in the FAI group was lower than the NFAI group. There was a significant difference in igure-of-8 test between the FAI and the NFAI. In addition, functional performance ability by Y-balance test in the FAI group was lower compared to the NFAI group. There was no significant difference between the FAI and the NFAI. Consequently, this study suggests that the side hop test & the figure-of-8 hop test might be an excellent tool to assess functional ankle instability. Further study is needed to determine if the Y-balance test is an appropriate tool to assess functional ankle instability.

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