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        사회언어학에서의 담화연구

        김해연(Kim Haeyeon) 한국사회언어학회 2004 사회언어학 Vol.12 No.2

        Kim, Haeyeon. 2004. Discourse Studies in Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). Among many topics in sociolinguistics, many discourse studies have been carried out to explore how social factors are related to the use of language. The purpose of this research is examine assumptions, methods, and major topics/issues of the following discourse approaches to sociolinguistics: (i) interactional sociolinguistics, (ii) ethnography of speaking/communication, (iii) variation analysis, (iv) conversation analysis, and (v) critical discourse analysis, among others. In doing so, this paper first examines the developmental history of sociolinguistic research in discourse, discussing researchers' interest in discourse in exploring social activities and practices. After that, it starts with the interactional sociolinguistic approach to discourse analysis, discussing the notion such as Gumperz's contextualization cues. It also discusses Hymes' theory of ethnograpy of speaking/communication in exploring the relationship between communication and social contexts. In addition, it discusses Labov's variation analysis, particularly focusing on his analysis of narrative discourse. After that, this paper shows major topics and methods of conversation analysis, which deals with social actions reflected in talk-in-interaction. It also deals with critical discourse analysis which deals with many social issues, viewing language as a reality-creating social practice. Finally, this paper shows that many approaches to discourse in sociolinguistics have contributed to a better understanding of the roles of social factors reflected in the use of language.

      • KCI등재

        언론담화 선거기사의 비유적 표현의 은유 이론적 분석

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 서울대학교 언어교육원 2016 語學硏究 Vol.52 No.3

        Election is one of the most important formal decision-making processes by which a population chooses representatives in a democratic society. News articles on election often use figurative expressions in reporting election-related events. This research explores how election is viewed in media discourse and what metaphors are at work in the use of figurative expressions in terms of Metaphor Theory (MT). Examination of reports on election shows that election is viewed as waging wars, playing sports games in most cases, displaying metaphors such as ELECTION IS WAR/WAGING BATTLES and ELECTION IS PLAYING (SPORTS) GAMES, among others. This research also shows that some of the particular processes or aspects of election are mapped on prominent aspects of wars/battles, sports, games in denoting metaphorical meanings. This fact suggests that metaphors are at work for figurative meanings by matching the abstract notions in the target domains and concrete entities in the source domains. In sum, this research argues that MT is a useful tool for understanding and explaining metaphorically extended meanings of the terms of war, battles, sports, games, and so on in representing the competitive nature of election in written media discourse.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Predicate mean in Discourse and Grammar

        Haeyeon Kim(김해연) 담화·인지언어학회 2003 담화와 인지 Vol.10 No.3

        In recent years, there has been much research on many grammatical constructions from a discourse-pragmatic, interactional perspective. This research attempts to characterize the predicate mean (i.e., the verb mean) in English conversation as a way of understanding the relationship between discourse and grammar. To achieve this goal, it first investigates the distribution of grammatical properties of the predicate mean through distribution/frequency analysis, examining types of subjects and prosodic properties, and so on. Examination shows that mean occurs with the first- and second person pronouns in the majority of cases, that it rarely takes complements (i.e., object NPs, to-infinitive, or that-clauses), and that fixed expressions I mean and you mean frequently occur as independent intonation units. This research also shows that the grammaticalized fixed expression I mean performs the following interactional functions: (ⅰ) to clarify what the current speaker has said in the immediately preceding utterance, (ⅱ) to provide additional information as a way of making clarification, (ⅲ) to stall current speaker's talk, often as a way of doing search for words, phrases, or other appropriate expressions, (ⅳ) to change from the current topic to another one in the local domain, and (ⅴ) to perform an action of making repair, among others. It also shows that you mean is used to make repair, along with the function of seeking confirmation from the addressee. This exploration of interactional properties of the predicate mean shows a close relationship between conversation and grammar, suggesting the need to investigate grammatical constructions from an interactional point of view.

      • KCI등재

        바둑용어의 비유적 의미의 은유 이론적 분석

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon),김하나(Kim, Hana) 담화·인지언어학회 2016 담화와 인지 Vol.23 No.4

        In cognitive linguistics, metaphor theory (MT) has been widely adopted to characterize figurative meanings of lexical items. This research attempts to characterize patwuk ‘go’ terms from the perspective of conceptual metaphor, exploring how they are used metaphorically in Korean. First, this study introduces patwuk terms and their literal meanings in the go game. Second, this research discusses figurative meanings of patwuk terms by examining news media texts such as newspapers and journals available in internet portals. The examination shows that patwuk terms are used to describe playing go in terms of waging wars/battles, managing business, or transactions, etc. Third, this research attempts to explain figurative meanings of patwuk terms in terms of MT. The analysis shows that the figurative meanings of patwuk terms are derived from the following metaphors: (i) POLITICS IS GO, (ii) POLITICAL/ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ARE PLAYING GO, (iii) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT/TRANSACTIONS IS/ARE PLAYING-GO, among others. In sum, this research shows that MT is a useful tool for understanding and explaining metaphorically extended meanings of patwuk terms in written discourse.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회언어학 연구 개관

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 한국사회언어학회 2010 사회언어학 Vol.18 No.2

        Sociolinguistics explores the relationship between language and/in society, dealing with topics such as (regional and social) dialects, bilingualism, multi-lingualism, language contact, ethnography of speaking, ethnomethodology/conversation analysis, language planning, and so on. This research provides a comprehensive overview of sociolinguistic studies in Korea, analyzing papers which have appeared in Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea. Analysis shows that a variety of topics has been dealt with in the Korean Sociolinguistic Society, covering topics on variation analysis of regional/social dialects, honorifics/politeness and address terms, gender studies, interactional sociolinguistics and discourse/conversation analysis, intercultural communication, language planning/policies, computer communication language, language learning and teaching and so on. This general overview shows the development of sociolinguistic studies in Korea, in terms of the topics, methods, objects of analysis and so on, and it will be a guide for future research in the field of Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        국어 명암 어휘 ‘밝다’와 ‘어둡다’의 의미와 용법에 대한 코퍼스언어학적 분석

        김해연(Haeyeon KIM) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2016 언어학 Vol.0 No.74

        In our daily life, light is vital, and brightness/darkness is determined by the presence/absence of light. This research explores how brightness is expressed in Korean by examining the lexical items palkta ‘bright’ and etwupta ‘dark’ through a corpus-linguistic analysis of the Sejong Project Corpus. Examination of the data shows that palkta occurs 914 times, and etwupta 957 times. Based on these statistics, we examined the frequency of the grammatical forms, and found that they are used attributively with high rates. Examination also shows that the nouns that cooccur with palkta and etwupta are categorized into concrete nouns, nouns of physical actions/appearance, nouns of psychological states and abstract concepts, and fixed or idiomatic expressions. This research characterizes the figurative meanings of palkta and etwupta in terms of metaphor theory. Examination shows that the extended meanings of palkta and etwupta can be characterized by metaphors such as ABSTRACT CONCEPTSARE- LOCATIONS, MIND-IS-A(N) LIGHT/ILLUMINATOR, INTELLIGENCEIS- BRIGHTNESS, among others. Finally, this research shows that a text-based analysis of brightness terms is a useful method in exploring meanings and uses of words in lexical semantics.

      • KCI등재

        반의어 ‘묶다’와 ‘풀다’의 의미와 용법에 대한 코퍼스언어학적 분석

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 담화·인지언어학회 2019 담화와 인지 Vol.26 No.3

        In lexical semantics, antonymy is one of the most widely discussed topics in characterizing “oppositeness” relations of the lexical items in question. This research aims to explore meanings and uses of the two Korean antonyms mwukkta ‘tie’ and phwulta ‘untie’ as a way of characterizing oppositeness relations of the two lexical items, showing that the two lexical items have asymmetrical relations. An examination of the co-occurrence relations of mwukkta and phwulta shows that mukkta frequently co-occurs with concrete nouns, whereas phwulta co-occurs not only with concrete nouns but also with abstract nouns, giving rise to diverse figurative meanings. Phwulta also forms collocational patterns, resulting in many fixed expressions. The analysis of mwukkta and phwulta shows that the two lexical items can be used interchangeably in limited patterns, displaying limited oppositeness relations. The examination also shows that mwukkta and phwulta show asymmetrical relations in their frequency rates, co-occurrence relations, and collational patterns. This fact suggests that the relations between mwukkta and phwulta should be understood in terms of partial antonymy. This study also shows that the figurative meanings of mwukkta and phwulta are derived from metaphors such as [DIFFICULT PROBLEMS ARE ENTANGLED THINGS] and [SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS ARE THINGS], when viewed from Conceptual Metaphor Theory. In sum, this research shows that better and proper understanding of antonymy can be attained through a careful examination of authentic linguistic data.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        문어 말뭉치에 나타나는 ‘거품’의 의미와 용법

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 담화·인지언어학회 2013 담화와 인지 Vol.20 No.2

        This research investigates the meanings and uses of the word kepwum ‘bubbles’, among many polysemous words, in a Korean written corpus from the perspective of corpus-based cognitive linguistics. First, this research examines dictionary definitions and meanings of kepwum. Second, it shows the distributional properties of kepwum in the database based on its meanings, which are divided into two: (i) literal: ‘small balls of air or gas in a liquid, and (ii) figurative: something unsteady, risky or unlikely to last. Third, this study investigates co-occurrence relations, collocational patterns, and idiomatic meanings of kepwum in the database. Fourth, it explores figurative meanings of kepwum in media discourse, finding out that kepwum is used to show economically unstable, risky, short-lived or inflated situations based on the metaphor [INFLATION IS BUBBLES]. Such findings confirm Deigan’s (2005, 2008) claim that metaphor is context-sensitive and ideological. Finally, this research shows that a corpus-based cognitive approach is a useful tool for characterizing polysemous words.

      • KCI등재

        국어 문어 말뭉치에 나타나는 ‘차다’, ‘춥다’, ‘차갑다’의 용법과 의미 비교 연구

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 담화·인지언어학회 2012 담화와 인지 Vol.19 No.3

        This research attempts to characterize three synonymous adjectives chata, chwupta, and chakapta ‘cold’ through an examination of a Korean written corpus. This study first examines the frequency of these three temperature-denoting adjectives in the database, showing that chata is lowest and chwupta and chakapta are almost equal in frequency. Second, it examines the frequency of grammatical functions of chata, chwupta, and chakapta, showing that chata is most frequently used in the attributive usage. Third, this work explores meanings of chata, chwupta, and chakapta, showing that chata displays speaker’s judgement about low temperature in weather or tactile feelings about concrete objects, that chwupta signals speaker’s judgement about low temperature in weather, and that chakapta shows coldness not only in concrete objects but also in abstract concepts, personal appearance or attitudes toward others. Fourth, it explores co-occurrence relations of the three adjectives, showing different patterns in the frequency of designated semantic categories. Finally, this research claims that a corpus-based analysis is a useful tool in characterizing and comparing synonymous words and similar grammatical structures in Korean.

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