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      • 2001년 농작물 병해 발생개황

        김충회 한국식물병리학회 2002 식물병연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Climate in the year of 2001 could be summarized as severe drought from March to May, unusually high temperature in whole plant growth period, and clear weather condition especially in harvesting time of September and October without any typoons. In rice, major diseases such as leaf and panicle blast, bacterial blight, sheath blight and bacterial grain rot developed little due to unfavorable weather conditions, however, brown spot occurred severely due partly to the reduced use of N-fertilizer. Rice stripe virus infection was unusually high mainly in the west coast areas with four times more diseased area campared to the previous year. In pepper phytophthora blight was extremely severe in Cheonnam and Cheonbuk provinces, where had frequent rainfalls during growing period. Incidence of major diseases of tomato and cucumber in 2001 was relatively mild. In watermelon, penicillium fruit rot, one of the peculiar disease, spread over major production areas, whereas CGMMV, usually severe in every year, was much reduced. Watermelon plants growing in open-fields were more severely diseased than those in plastic houses. Major diseases of chinese melon and strawberry occurred slightly and in particular, sudden wilt syndrome of chinese melon which was severe in 2000 showed mild infections in 2001. Incidence of white rot of garlic and onion was much lower unlike other years due mainly to spring drought and high temperature in the growing period. Infected area of potato bacterial wilt tended to increase in 2001 while fusarium wilt of sweetpotato was decreased. Apple diseases were generally mild, but powdery mildew of pear increased sharply. Barley scab was not severe as seen in other years.

      • KCI등재후보

        2002년 농작물 병해 발생개황

        김충회 한국식물병리학회 2003 식물병연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The year of 2002 was very unusual in climatic condition. Warm winter weather, high temperature and drought in March and April, little precipitation in June and early and mid-July and, nearly continuous rainfalls from late July to whole period of August accompanied with low temperature and insufficient sunshine in 2002 resulted in unfavorable conditions for plant growth in one way or another. In relation to the unusual weather, in general, diseases associated with low temperature, poor radiation and much rainfall occurred severely in this year. In rice, incidence of bacterial grain rot, and false smut increased sharply, whereas other major diseases including blast occurred mildly due mainly to the reduced application of nitrogen fertilizer. In vegetables, potato and sweet potato, and fruit trees, incidence of diseases was largely dependent on climatic condition of growth period in particular crops. However, diseases favored low temperature and much rainfall, such as Phytophthora disease increased markedly compared to those of normal years, while anthracnose and soft rot tended to decrease significantly.

      • KCI등재

        배추무사마병의 뿌리혹 형성에 미치는 묘령, 접종원 농도 및 접종방법의 영향

        김충회 한국식물병리학회 1999 식물병연구 Vol.5 No.2

        Effect of inoculum concentration inoculation method and plant age on development of clubroot disease of Chinese cabbage seedling were examined in growth chambers. Root galls were developed at the concentration of 105 resting spore or above per ml of incoulum and as the inoculum concentration became higher rate of development of root galls was faster. In the plants with root gall development fresh weight of above ground parts was reduced to 30-44% of that of healthy plants but root weight increased by 4-10 times. Growth of diseased plants was greatly reduced as compared to healthy plants. Planting in the diseased soil as a inoculation method was most effective for disease development showing uniform infections but time of initial root gall development was delayed by root soaking inoculation. Some plants inoculated by soil drenching method did not develop root galls. However root gall enlargement after its initial formation did not differ greatly among inoculation methods. Nine-day-old seedlings showed poor development of root gall but 16-days-old seedlings was found to be most adequate for inoculation for gall development.

      • 병발생 많은 장마철 채소병해 방제는 이렇게$\cdots$

        김충회 한국작물보호협회 1989 자연과 농업 Vol.10 No.4

        장마철에는 잦은 강우로 인해 병원균의 효과적인 전파가 가능하다. 또한 태풍, 폭풍우 등으로 생기는 식물체의 상처는 병원균의 침입에 좋은 조건이 된다. 고추, 토마토, 참외, 수박, 오이등 주요 채소작물에 있어서, 역병$\cdot$탄저병$\cdot$세균병해 등 장마기에 발생이 많아 피해가 큰 병해들을 중심으로 병해관리요령과 방제상의 주의점들을 알아본다.

      • 금년 고추 왜 문제였나?

        김충회 한국작물보호협회 1989 자연과 농업 Vol.10 No.6

        금년 고추 흉작의 주요 원인은 8월상순 이후의 잦은 강우로 탄저병이 대발생한 데 있다. 이 밖에 가격폭락으로 인한 농민의 생산의욕 상실도 큰 원인이 되고 있어 안정적인 고추가격 보장이 절실히 요구된다.

      • 오이$\cdot$고추$\cdot$토마토$\cdot$상치 최근문제병해 방제는 이렇게 - 주요경제작물병해 진단 요령과 방제 방법

        김충회 한국작물보호협회 1988 자연과 농업 Vol.9 No.3

        고추$\cdot$참깨등 경제작물에 발생하는 병해는 수십여종이 있으나 그중 국내에서 흔히 발생하며 피해가 큰 병해는 곰팡이병으로 노균병, 잿빛곰팡이병, 탄저병, 균핵병, 시들음병, 역병 등 6종, 세균병으로는 무름병, 풋마름병, 세균성점무늬병등 3종, 그리고 바이러스에 의한 병을 들수 있다. 이 병해들은 그 종류별로 병징, 병발생 양상, 전염방법 등에 특징이 있기 때문에 기생하고 있는 작물이 다를지라도 병의 구별이 가능하고 동일종류에서는 병의 방제방법도 비슷하다. 최근 문제되고 있는 병해를 중심으로 진단법과 방제법을 알아본다.

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