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      • KCI등재

        레바논의 발전가능성에 대한 평가 - 금융산업의 개방정책을 중심으로

        김중관(Kim Joong-Kwan) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          This paper focuses on the potentialities of economic development through the open policy of Lebanon. The macro-economic developments of the financial sector and some of the issues faced by the its economy are discussed. Also, this paper identifies such problems and provides analysis as to how to improve the potentiality of the Lebanon, that has tried to becoming a regional trade center. The efforts to transform Lebanon"s financial market into a regional capital market could also host a regional development bank as a part of its economic strategies to strengthen the capital base of the Lebanese banking system.<BR>  To argue with the issue, efficient financial markets in Lebanon are necessary to develop and reconstruct in the dynamic process of the regional conflict. The author insists the capital flows required to finance Lebanon"s substantial reconstruction investment requirements. In particular, priority should be given to the development of a market. That can create a liquidity, provides long-term funding, allows for the sharing of investment risk and risk diversification, and reduces the potential burden on the government and the economy from a high level of international debt.<BR>  Lebanon should develop its capital markets to recover a regional financial center, attracting funds on an regional basis, and acting as a conduit of medium to long-term finance for the countries and companies of the region.

      • KCI등재

        The Economic Cooperation of the Arab Gulf States within GCC

        김중관(Kim, Joong-Kwan) 한국중동학회 2009 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.30 No.2

        21세기의 국제경제는 지역간 혹은 지역내 상호 의존경체제가 심화되어서 자원의 이용과 생산, 분배에 대한 다국적 협력이 필수적이다. 이에 따라 각국은 역내 경제협력과 더불어, 세계적 경제구룹과 연계하여 경제교류 활성화하고 있다. 걸프지역은 석유 산업시대에서 대표적인 군사적, 민족적 대립구도와 지역분쟁과 자원을 둘러싼 패권투쟁의 장이었다. 걸프지역 6개국은 현실상황은 극복하기 위하여 지역의 환경에 적합한 공동체인 GCC를 설립하여 공동의 정치경제 노선을 추구하여, 지역 내의 협력과 경제발전과 더불어 체제의 안정을 도모하고 있다. 사우디아라비아, 오만, 쿠웨이트, UAE, 카타르 그리고 바레인의 GCC 6개회원국은 정치적으로 왕정 체제이며, 석유산업을 중심으로 모노컬춰의 경제적 특징과 더불어, 글로벌 에너지패권 문제에 긴밀하게 연결되어있다. 동시에, 걸프지역 국가의 경제구조는 공공부문 주도형 경제라는 특징을 갖고 있다. 각국은 산업구조 다변화를 위한 정책개발과 개방체제를 지속하고 있지만, 국내 생산기능과 GCC 체제내 보완적인 산업경제 환경은 취약하다. GCC 국가들은 석유개발시스템에 적절한 경제개혁을 통하여 자국의 경제적 자립과 자생력을 확대하고 있다. 한편 GCC 공동의 국민 경제과 인프라를 관리하고 다양한 경제발전 요소의 개발과 더불어 왕정 이슬람국가의 정치적 상호이익을 위하여 EU 등 대외 경제그룹과 개방경제 전략의 성공가능성을 극대화하여 하고 있다. 걸프지역 국가를 중심의 중동지역 경제여건 변화에 대한 연구는 중동 지역 경제 연구에서 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 걸프지역은 에너지 수급뿐만 아니라, FTA 등 에너지안보 및 국제경제적인 문제에 우리나라와 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다. GCC 회원 국가의 개별경제 환경과 대외개방의 배경을 중심으로 GCC의 대외경제정책과 제도 및 성과에 대한 평가는 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구에서는 GCC각국의 역내 협력 내용과 각국경제의 발전정책을 평가하면서, GCC경제에 대한 전망과 대외 진출확대 전략에 대한 분석으로 확대한다. 이를 통해 중동 산유국경제의 정치경제체제를 파악하고, 한국의 진출확대에 대한 時事點을 도출한다.

      • KCI등재

        중동지역 연구의 혁신적 접근방법론

        김중관(Kim, Joong-Kwan) 한국중동학회 2010 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.31 No.1

        The convergence on the area study can be thought of as existing between the central insights of 21st century in the humanities and social science. Specially, the fundamental insight is merged with cognitive idea to understand how linkage and system emerges out of routine approach on the area study. This conception of the topic is joining with fundamental insight to understand the evolutionary changes that gave rise to human culture and knowledge. By linking academic unit to culture of Middle East from the top, convergence might be effectively systemized in between humanities, literature and the social sciences in the Middle East area studies. I try to give the outline for theoretically base of convergence on the inter-disciplinary study on the Middle East area study in Korea. A new evolutional system is used to provide a unique vantage point to examine how to develop the system of area study exists in relationship one to the other sciences. It is well known that there currently is convergence in the interdisciplinary academic studies since 2000. There have been so many theoretical approaches on the diversity of academic approaches that the task of new idea will be immensely difficult. Indeed, many scholars would argue that such a convergence is impossible. Others, however, are relies on the fruitful searching for greater convergence within the area studies. In this article, I would also like to develop a concept that contributed to the fruitful exchange on issues pertaining to cognitive and behavioral science on the Middle East for economics. politics, culture, history, religion and etc. My concerning in this article is to discover the absence of a unifying perspective. However, I ultimately minimized the problems associated with disunity and suggested that the diversity of approaches. Convergence has so many unrelated elements of knowledge with so much mutual discrimination, inconsistency, and controversy. To remove the obstacles, I suggest pluralistic approach from a perspective, and overcome a different view on the issue of theoretical disunity on the convergence approach with inter-disciplinary research in the Middle East area studies.

      • KCI등재

        MIPEX지수에 의한 다문화사회통합 정책의 비교분석

        김중관(Kim, Joong-Kwan) 한국중동학회 2013 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.34 No.1

        This paper is focusing to analyze the multiculturalism developed countries through the seven components Migrant Integration Policy Index: MIPEX and comparative analysis based on the results of analysis. This paper adapt a method of concrete measures in seven areas consists of four sub indices to get a policy implication for Korea. The 2007(MIPEX II) and 2011(MIPEX III) were used to comparative analysis of the practices of France and Canada. France government highlighted the specific religious, cultural features of North African immigrants, and has imposed assimilation within French secular society. Canadian government, however, invented a legal frame work to guarantee the existence of the development as well as the security of its population and territory. This study derived the policy implications as follows. First, the multi-cultural society and integration is a long-term challenges to be pursued, to formate a social psychological mechanism on the multicultural expatriates in the respect of long-term vision. Second, the responsibility of the central government under independent supervision mechanism to manage the entire control to be effective. Third, study on the Muslim immigrants are promoted as part of a effective solution for locals and migrants, Fourth, the process and perception on the multo culturalism of the social consensus is important. Finally, multi-cultural policy and promotion strategy of repatriation program to maintain a sustainable immigrant system in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        카자흐스탄의 다문화 공존정책

        김중관(Kim, Joong-Kwan),윤희중(Yoon, Hee-Joong) 한국중동학회 2014 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.34 No.4

        This study analyzes that how the Kazakhstan government uses Islam in order to justify their moral values and social ethics through multi-cultural coexistence policy by applying the legitimate rule. It also explores the implication of multi-religious phenomenon and the characteristics of the socio-psychological mechanism in the country. Islam is considered as a key element shaping cultural identity, mediating social life, being a part of personal and ethnical identity, and finally strengthening regional solidarity in Kazakhstan traditionally. However, extreme Islam fundamentalist pose some threats to the regime. The regime has fear of what if Islam is out of control. They apply a double standard by dividing and destroying Islamic identity as a source of solidarity and unification among whole Muslims. Anyhow, today Kazakhstan is going through fragmentation by ethnicity, religion and culture. Parliament establish more restrictive procedures for registering religious organizations to prohibit smaller groups from preaching outside of the group, producing religious literature, or maintaining worship facilities open to the public. However, the Government continued to express publicly its support for religious tolerance and diversity. Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, shamanism, ranging from ethnic and political, in the form of a new nationalism of the Kazakh Republic since independence developed in Kazakhstan in the field of religion, culture, and society of the population should be done with the statistical analysis.

      • KCI등재

        中東地域의 自由貿易協定(FTA)에 대한 硏究

        김중관(Kim Joong-Kwan) 한국중동학회 2005 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.26 No.1

          This paper is aimed at providing an overview of Middle Eastern countries’FTA policy and progress of individual bilateral FTAs with America and EU. This paper tries to present a comprehensive and organized view on Middle Eastern countries’FTA policy. It also provides a summary of recent developments in their FTA policy. Regarding a Middle Eastern countries" FTA, the author emphasizes that, despite of the some weak points in their industrial structures, a FTA is strategically significant and offers various economic benefits, by strengthening the strategic alliances.<BR>  A free trade agreement (FTA) eliminates tariffs and alleviates non-tariff barriers (NTBs), stimulating trade for member nations while limiting imports from non-member nations at the same time. In an effort to avoid the negative effects of exclusion from such agreements, to maintain economic reform and an open policy, and to actively cope with proliferating regionalism, the Middle Eastern countries have decided to pursue FTAs with other nations. Forming FTAs will enable them to create political allies, as a GCC. AMU AFTA, attract foreign investment, and establish overseas footholds, as well as allow their companies to secure foreign export markets and overcome discriminatory practices under other regions.<BR>  The Middle Eastern countries are in the process of FTA negotiations, and should expedite these negotiations to provide a feasible FTA environment internally and externally. Furthermore, it should endeavor to seek a model FTA that provides a basis for negotiations to facilitate future FTAs. In the meanwhile, Middle Eastern countries should hasten to conclude the FTA negotiations with EU to lay the foundation for future FTAs. since newly joined eastern EU members will be a potential rival against the Middle Eastern countries. In concluding, it should be stressed on the Middle Eastern countries should simultaneously promote FTAs with multiple countries. Finally, it can be pointed out that Middle Eastern countries should enhance its capacity to implement its FTA policy by improving public awareness of the potential benefits of preferential FTAs.

      • KCI등재

        사우디아라비아의 교육체제 및 제도의 국제화 과정 분석

        김중관(Kim Joong Kwan),김은경(Kim Eun Kyun) 한국중동학회 2015 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.36 No.1

        This paper discusses on the question of some issues in the educational system of an Arab country that upholds the most fundamental Islamic rules control human education in Saudi Arabia which has 25 million Muslim population, and it is the high time to acknowledge this issue as a separate entity that they have the right to be respected for Islamic society to minimize social dispute. Saudi's general educational policy, elementary education, middle school education, high educational system policy to get an understanding such details will serve us to track back to the main cause of the educational policy within nation development from technology enforcement. Also, elaborate upon reasons from different perspectives that might give us implications it has in Korean society. Saudi Arabia government is putting its efforts to resolve problems that arise by enforcing religious education by adopting some policies based on Islam. To resolve ongoing problems after 2001. However, These are not enough under the discriminated social environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        중앙아시아 고려인의 이주과정과 민족문화의 정체성

        김중관(Joong-Kwan KIM) 한국글로벌문화학회 2016 글로벌문화연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구는 근세 한민족 수난사중 연해주로 이주한 조선인들의 중앙아시아 강제이주과정과 현지적응 상황 및 그리고 CIS로 독립한 이후, 새롭게 변화하는 환경에 대한 그들의 적응과 도전의 과정에서 유랑의 길을 걷거나 재이주 및 피난을 떠나는 중앙아시아 한민족(고려인)의 생존과정을 추적하고 대한민국의 협력 방안에 대하여 논의하였다. 일제의 강제점령 직후에 조선의 많은 주민들이 두만강을 건너 만주와 연해주로 이주하게 되었다. 특히, 연해주 지역에 많은 지식인들이 정착하게 되었고, 독립운동의 거점이 되었으며, 1919년 3.1운동과 같은 조선 내부의 격변 속에서 이주민의 숫자는 급격히 증가하였다. 1926년에는 소련 극동 남부지역의 조선인 인구는 16만 7400 명이 되었고, 돌아갈 조국이 없게 된 이주민들은 사회주의 이념을 받아들이며 소련에 귀화한 숫자가 약 3만 명에 이르렀다. 당시 스탈린정부는 조선인들의 인구증가를 위협으로 인식하고, 간첩이라는 누명을 씌워서 극동지방에서부터 중앙아시아로 1937년 9월부터 11월까지 2개월간 3만6442 가구 총 17만1781 명을 강제이주 시켰다. 이주 과정에서 1만1천 명이 사망하였다. 중앙아시아에 이주한 이후, 조선인사회는 1940년대까지 교사, 교과서, 서적 등이 존재하고 있어 민족문화의 명맥이 유지될 수 있었으나, 1950년대 초에 지식인, 교육자들이 사할린, 연해주, 북한 등지의 사회주의 건설 사업에 차출됨으로써 중앙아시아 고려인 사회의 민족적 정체성을 유지하는 데 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 그 이후, 러시아 국민으로써 한인들은 민족교육을 구현할 수 있는 전반적 여건이 향상되었다. 그러나 고려인들은 민족 정체성 강화 대신에 자발적으로 러시아 동화교육 수용을 선택하였지만 소비에트 역사는 붕괴하였다. 중앙아시아 각국이 독립한 이후에 나타난 가장 큰 문제는 이슬람의 발흥과 민족주의의 대두이다. 이 두 가지 요인으로 중앙아시아 지역이 독립하였고, 이후 각 지역의 분쟁으로 수만 명의 고려인이 난민이 되었다. 강제 이주되어서 70년 이상 살아온 터전에서 고려인이라는 이유만으로 차별을 받는 상황이 되었다. 또 다시 미래를 기약하지 못한 채 고려인들은 고립되어서 연해주로 재이주하는 등 러시아 전역으로 흩어지면서 민족정체성 유지는 치명적인 상황이 되었다. This study is focussing on the Korean immigrants in the Russian Far East in the 1850s. The Korean immigration increased dramatically during the 1910s after Japanese invading to Korea, after the Russo-Japanese war of 1904–1905. By the October Revolution in 1917, there were about 100,000 Koreans in Russia. During the Russian Civil War, Korean allegiance lay primarily with the Bolsheviks, due at least in part to the fact that, “Japanese oppression in Korea and occupied Siberia made most Koreans. As a result, a contradictory policy emerged. On the one hand, the State authorized smaller Korean national territories, On the other hand, the central government confirmed a secret plan (adopted on December 6, 1926) to resettle half of the Soviet Koreans. This resettlement plan was not implemented before 1930 for a variety of political and budgetary reasons, however. this was the first case of ethnic cleansing by the Soviet Union, However, the resettlement plans were revived with new vigor in August 1937, ostensibly with the purpose of suppressing "the penetration of the Japanese espionage into the Far Eastern Krai". From September to October 1937, the Soviet authorities deported tens of thousands of persons of Korean origin from the Russian Far East to Soviet Central Asia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation adopted a decree on the restoration of ethnic Korean rights. Under the new decree, the State permitted ‘individual and voluntary return to the former place of residence’ for deportees. But now the Korean in Central Asia has already adjusted in Soviet system, And Their living basis ruined in new muslim society.

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