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        단오의 대표음식으로서 쑥떡의 발달 배경과 단오의 성격

        김용갑(Kim, Yong-Kab) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2018 亞細亞硏究 Vol.61 No.3

        본 연구는 단오의 성격과 대표 절식인 쑥떡의 발달 배경을 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 단오는 농경관련보다는 건강한 여름을 보내려는 기원과 준비의 성격이 강한 명절이다. 이는 기념시기가 한창 바쁜 농사철이자 여름의 초입이라는 점, 풍속의 대부분이 제액초복과 건강 기원이라는 점에서 뒷받침된다. 대표 절식인 쑥떡도 이런 이유로 빚어진다. 단오의 대표 떡을 흔히 수리취떡이라 하지만 이는 ‘단옷날의 푸른 쑥’을 의미하는 ‘술의취애(戌衣翠艾)’의 와전에서 비롯됐다. 수리취는 고산지대에서만 자생하는 식물이며, 강원도 등 일부지역에서 떡의 재료로 쓰인다. 반면 쑥은 한반도 전 지역에서 자생하며 대부분 지역에서 이를 재료로 떡을 빚는다. 따라서 단오의 대표 절식은 쑥떡이다. 쑥떡 발달배경은 발해민의 단옷날 쑥떡 만드는 전통, 쑥을 약용과 식용은 물론, 벽사의 도구로 활용한 전통과 함께 수도작의 전래 및 한민족의 메성 선호 전통, 쌀의 증산과 자급에 따른 떡의 재료적 여유, 그리고 명절 떡을 전국에 알린 대중매체의 확산 등이다. The purpose of this study is to find reasons why Koreans have chosen and developed ‘mugwort rice cake(쑥떡-Ssuk-tteok)’ as a representative food in ‘Dano(단오, traditional holiday)’ and what the identity of it is. Dano is a holiday to prepare and pray for a healthy summer rather than the agriculture related. This is supported by the fact that the commemorative season is the busy agriculture season and the beginning of summer, and by the fact that most customs are to eliminate misfortune and to pray for blessings and health. For these reasons, ‘mugwort rice cake’ is made as a representative food in Dano. ‘Su-ri-chui tteok(수리취떡)’ is generally spoke as the representative rice cake in Dano. But it has come from the misrepresentaion of ‘Sul-ui-chui-ae(술의취애(戌衣翠艾))’ meaning of the blue mugwort in Dano. The Suluichui grows only in high mountains and the rice cake made with Suluichui is only made in a few regions such as Gangwon Province in Korea. On the other hand, mugwort is native to all parts of the Korean peninsula and is made of rice cake. Therefore, the representative food in Dano is Ssuk-tteok(mugwort rice cake). The developmental backgrounds of Ssuk-tteok are the tradition of Balhae people making Ssuk-tteok in Dano and the using mugwort as a medicine and food ingredients as well as a tradition that used mugwort to pray for happiness and health and to eliminate misfortune. Wet-rice farming entered into the Korean peninsula and Korean’s traditional food culture preferring the non-waxy rice, self-sufficiency of rice and the sufficient rice supply as a rice cake material, and the proliferation of mass media, which spread the holiday rice cake nationwide also served as developmental backgrounds.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • 스카이훅 제어를 통한 대형버스의 반능동 댐퍼 설계

        김용갑(Yong-Gab Kim),김민석(Min-Seok Kim),손정현(Jeong-Hyon Sohn),유완석(Wan-Suk Yoo) 대한기계학회 2011 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        In this study, A large bus model is established by using ADAMS/Car. To verify the bus model, the experimental test was carried out on proving ground and compared with the simulation results. Sky-hook control algorithm is introduced and adopted in the co-simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB. By using the sky-hook control, the required force on the damper was calculated. From the results, the design parameter of the damper was proposed.

      • 의약 발명의 진보성 판단 기준 - 일본 지적재산권고등재판소의 최근 판결 소개 -

        김용갑(Kim Yonggab) 한국정보법학회 2012 한국정보법학회 정기세미나 발표자료 Vol.- No.8

        일본 지적재산권 고등재판소(‘지재고재’)가 작년에 한 판결들 중 의약발명의 진보성 판단과 관련된 매우 의미있는 판결 두 개를 골라 그 내용과 의미를 소개한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 명절 쇠는 방식의 방향성

        김용갑(Kim, Yong-Kab),박혜경(Park, Hye-Gyeong) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2020 亞細亞硏究 Vol.63 No.1

        이 연구는 한(韓)민족 고유의 명절 쇠는 방식 중 하나가 의례보다는 절식(음식) 위주임을 밝히고, 이 전통을 부활시켜 명절 환경의 변화와 과도한 가사노동 등으로 퇴색해 가는 명절 문화를 유지·계승하자는데 목적이 있다. 이 같은 문제 제기는 한국의 명절 기념 환경이 농업 중심에서 산업·정보화 시대로 바뀌는 등 생산과 정치·경제·사회·문화의 구조 및 제도는 물론 지향가치마저 크게 변화된 것에서 비롯된다. 따라서 남성 중심과 유교가 바탕이 되는 현재의 명절 쇠는 방식에는 한계가 있다. 특히 한국 사회가 1인 가구의 증가와 고령 사회 진입 등으로 실질적 명절 기념인구도 크게 줄고 있어 이를 극복하는 한 방향으로써 의례를 생략하고 절식 위주로 명절을 쇠는 것이 요구된다. 이 같은 방향성은 동지 팥죽과 대보름의 오곡밥(찰밥)에서 나타나듯, 유교의 차례 이전은 물론, 현대까지도 다수의 한국인에 의해 행해지고 있는 한민족 고유의 명절 기념 방식 중 하나라는 것에서도 기인한다. 본 연구는 절식 중심의 명절 쇠는 방식을 제시하고 팥죽 뿌리기 등이 한국 고유의 의례형식임을 밝혔다는 데 의의가 있을 것이다. 이 연구가 명절 기념 방식의 패러다임을 재고하고 명절에 따른 스트레스와 과도한 가사노동을 해소하는데 도움이 되길 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to show that the one of Korean’s unique and traditional way of celebrating traditional holiday is based on Jeolsik (representative food) rather than ritual, and to maintain and inherit the holiday culture that is fading due to changes in the holiday environment and excessive domestic work through the resurrection of this tradition. This topic is raised because Korea’s economic structure, social system, and political system as well as Koreans’ value directionality have changed greatly, with the holiday environment in Korea shifted from the agriculture-centered era to the industrial and information-centered one. Therefore, there is a limit to the current way of celebrating holidays, based on male and Confucianism-centered. As one of the way of overcoming this, it is required to omit the holiday ritual and to commemorate the food (Jeolsik) -centered holiday because the number of actual celebrating holiday populations in Korean society has been greatly decreasing due to the increase in the number of single-person households and entry into the aging society. Such directionality also comes from because Jeolsik -centered holiday commemoration is one of the Korean’s unique way of celebrating traditional holiday, which is practiced by many Koreans, not only before the influx of Confucianism but also in modern times, as shown in Patjuk (red bean porridge) of Dongji and Ogokbap of Daeboreum, This study may be meaningful in that it suggests the way of food-oriented holiday celebrating and reveals that sprinkling red bean porridge etc. are the Korea’s unique ritual form. It is hoped that this study will help to reconsider the paradigm of the holiday celebration way and to relieve the stress and excessive domestic work of the holiday.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 명절의 절식 출현빈도

        김용갑(Kim, Yong-Kab) 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2018 인문학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        본고는 세시 절식의 출현 빈도를 통해 20세기 전후까지 전남에서 가장 폭넓게 기념된 명절은 무엇이며, 그 이유는 어디에 있는지를 살피는데 목적이 있다. 이를 규명하기 위해 전통시기부터 현대의 세시풍속이 기록된 『전라남도 세시풍속』 조사서를 주요 자료로 활용했다. 전남지역 22개 시․군(66개 지역)의 세시 절식 출현 빈도는 동지, 추석, 설날 순으로 높았다. 전남의 모든 지역에서 동지에 팥죽이나 대체재로서 애동지 떡을 차려 기념했다. 추석과 설에는 10곳 중 9개 지역에서 각각 송편과 떡국을 마련해 명절을 쇠는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 전남의 경우, 세시 절식 출현빈도 면에서 동지가 가장 폭넓게 기념됨을 보여주는 것으로, 그 배경은 동지가 자연력의 새해에 가장 부합하고 고대시기 동짓달을 새해 첫 달로 삼는 풍속과 함께 태양을 숭배하는 무속 신앙의 영향 등에서 기인한다고 할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this paper is, through the frequency of the appearance of a ‘representative food during the traditional holiday(절식)’, to identify what is the most widely commemorated traditional holiday in Jeollanam - do until the 20th century and the reasons why it is the most frequent. To clarify this, the “Custom of seasonal holidays in Jeollanam-do”, which recorded the customs from the modern to the traditional era was used as the main source of data. The frequency of appearance of ‘a representative food for a traditional holiday’ was assessed in in 22 cities and in counties (66 areas) in Jeonnam province which had the highest in the order of winter solstice"s day (‘dongji’), Chuseok, New Year"s Day. "Dongji" was celebrated with ‘dongji rice cakes’ as a substitute for Patjuk or ‘Red Bean Porridge (Patjuk)’ in all regions of Jeonnam province. In 9 out of 10 regions in Jeonnam, they celebrated Chuseok and New Year"s Day with respectively Songpyeong and ‘rice cake soup (Tteokguk)’. This shows us that Dongji was most widely commemorated food in terms of the frequency appearance of ‘a representative food in the traditional holiday’ in Jeonnam province. This was influenced by the fact that Dongjj is matched up well with New Year"s Day from the natural calendar. It was also influenced by ancient customs considering Lunar November as New Year and the shamanistic belief in sun worship was also to be considered as a source of this tradition.

      • KCI등재


        金容鉀(Kim Yong-gab) 한국일본문화학회 2002 日本文化學報 Vol.12 No.-

        Kunikida Doppo, one of the literary men of modern Japanese literature, is called to complete the modern Japanese short stories. He left Tokyo from April 12, 1897 with Tayama Katai, stayed at the Syouson-temple in Nikkou, and wrote his literary works. We need to watch his work, Gen Uncle, which could be a huge momentum to his life. He was just a young writer aiming literature no one admire through the diary utnil then. He was reborn as one of the great literary man after expressing the Gen Uncle. Gen Uncle, who was one of ‘the men he never forget’ and became the base of his literary world, has an important meaning as a protagonist in his same-named novel. They say that the last line of the poem the teacher wrote was dropped by invoking inspiration of the young teacher who is the narrator in Gen Uncle. But it also allude that the more tragic things will be happened around Gen Uncle. The study on this work is concentrated on the protagonist, Gen Uncle, till now but by studying such as Kisyu, assistant character recently there will be a new study on Gen Uncle. Through the analysis of Gen Uncle, we can recognize that Gen Uncle is a monumental debut work and makes Doppo a teacher of life and a man of letters. He chose the way in the literary world and can took the literary world fairly through this work.

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