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      • KCI등재

        교과서 중심 통합교과 논술 수업 모형 구성

        김슬옹(Kim Seul-Ong) 돈암어문학회 2008 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.21

        이 논문은 교과서 중심의 통합교과에 의한 통합논술 교육 전략과 실제 수업 모형을 제시하였다. 통합교과 방식은 세 가지 기준으로 나눴다. 먼저 단일 교과냐 두 교과 이상이냐에 따라 소극적인 단일 교과통합(유형 1-1)과 적극적인 복합 교과통합(유형 1-2)으로 나눴다. 다음으로는 중심 교과 설정 여부에 따라 끌어들이기 교과통합(유형 2-1)과 내보내기 교과통합(유형 2-2), 주제 중심의 교과통합(유형 2-3)을 설정하였다. 세 번째로 외부 텍스트 끌어오기 방식에 따라, 열린 교과통합 1(유형 3-1), 열린 교과통합 2(유형 3-2), 열린 교과통합 3(유형 3-3)으로 설정하였다. 열린 교과통합 1은 교과서와 교과서 외의 단행본이나 주요 매체에 실린 글을 결합하는 방식이고, 열린 교과통합 2는 교과서 텍스트와 학생들이 직접 쓴 텍스트를 결합하는 방식이다. 열린 교과통합 3은 열린 교과통합 1과 2를 합친 것으로, 교과서와 교과서 외 텍스트, 학생들 텍스트를 모두 결합하는 방식이다. 여기서는 복합 교과통합(유형 1-2)이면서 주제 중심의 교과통합(유형 2-3)인, 열린 교과통합 2(유형 3-2) 방식의 수업 전략과 모형을 제시하였다. This paper presented a multi-subject integrated essay writing teaching method based on textbook centered subject integration. First, distinction was made between single subject integration(Type 1-1) and multi- subject integration(Type 1-2) depending whether it was on passive subject or active-subject basis. Single subject integration refers to the method of reconstructing Korean language related topics such as hearing, talking, writing and reading within the single subject of study. Next, depending on the core subject selection, a pulling-in subject reconstruction(Type 2-1) and a pushing-out subject reconstruction (Type 2-2), as well as a reconstruction of connecting different subjects on equal basis(Type 2-3) centered on one particular theme, were established. The pulling-in method is a method of integrating another subject with a given subject as the core, and the pushing-out method refers to applying the content or method of a subject, such as debate or singing or drawing, to another subject. Third, depending on the method of pulling in external text, further classifications of closed subject integration, open subject integration 1(Type 3-1), open subject integration 2(Type 3-2), and open subject integration 3(Type 3-3) were made. Closed subject integration is a textbooks-only reconstruction method. Open subject integration 1 is a method integrating textbooks and writings from publications and major media. Open subject integration 2 integrates textbook texts with texts written by students. Open subject integration 3 combines open subject integration 1 and 2, integrating textbook, non-textbook and student texts all together. In this paper, a teaching model for the open subject integration 2(Type 3-2) methods is presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        "훈민정음" 문자 만든 원리와 속성의 중층 담론

        김슬옹 ( Seul Ong Kim ) 한민족문화학회 2007 한민족문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        이 논문은 훈민정음 제자해에 나타난 문자의 중층 속성과 창제의 복합 원리에 담론적 의미를 부여한 것이다. 따라서 훈민정음 만든 원리를 다층적으로 살폈다. 자연의 소리를 제대로 반영하려는 바탕층위에서부터, 문자의 최종 체계가 하나의 과학으로 집약되는 최종층위를 순환적 맥락으로 보았다. 기본적인 바탕층위에서부터 과정층위, 제자층위, 내용층위, 쓰기층위, 최종층위로 나눴다. 바탕층위를 ``자연과 소리``를 그대로 재현하려는 전략으로 보았고, 과정층위는 자음과 모음의 이원화를 통한 보편성의 확보와 초성, 중성, 종성의 삼분법을 통한 특수성 실현으로 보았다. 제자 층위에서는 "상형, 도형, 조화" 세 개의 원리를 설정하였다. 내용층위는 음운 성격을 반영한 자질 부여와 조화를 추구하기 위한 역철학에 의한 상징적 의미로 구성된다. 그리고 배치층위는 초성자, 중성자, 종성자를 모아 적는 전략으로 이루어진다. 이렇게 해서 완성된 문자시스템 ``과학``이라고 보아 최종층위를 ``과학층위``로 설정하였다. 이러한 층위별 계열화와 복합적 배치에 의해 훈민정음이 갖는 문자 속성을 온전하게 드러내 줄 수 있었다. 이에 따라 기존의 훈민정음 문자 범주를 음운문자, 자질문자 등으로 한정하는 것은 단선적 인식임을 밝혔다. 훈민정음은 가장 중요한 소리문자로서의 특성을 중심으로 네 계열의 문자 속성으로 나뉠 수 있다. 곧 상형문자이면서 도형문자이고, 음운문자이면서 음률문자이며, 자질문자이면서 상징문자이고 또한 음절모아문자의 특징을 함께 가지고 있는 복합문자임을 밝혔다. This report indicates the multiple property of the Korean Alphabet, Hunminjeongeum and the complex principles of creating of discourse meaning mentioned in ``Jejahae(制字解)`` of Hunminjeongeum. We regard the principle of Hunminjeongeum as circular vein from fundamental stratum which reflects natural sound as it is to final stratum which is integrated one of science. We classified the discourstic meanings of Hunminjeongeum as the fundamental stratum, and the process stratum, the creative stratum, the contents stratum, the writing stratum, last stratum. We regard the fundamental stratum as the strategy of reflecting ``nature and sound`` as it is, process stratum as universality insurance through dualizing consonant and vowel`s and actualizing distinctiveness through dividing into three parts of choseong(初聲, consonant), jungseong(中聲, vowel) and jongseong (終聲, consonant). We regard the creative stratum as three principles of hieroglyphic, graphic, harmony. The contents stratum is consisted of symbolism meaning for the oriental philosophy that sound-feature endowment that is reflected phoneme character and in order to persuit harmony. The writing stratum regards choseong, jungseong and jongseong as strategy of writing at a time for the one character. These complex character system regards that it is constructed one of science so we regard the last stratum as ``science``. Due to these systematization of stratums and complexing arrangement, we could wholly reveal the character property of Hunminjeongeum. Therefore, limiting the existing Hunminjeongeum of category of character as phoneme character, natural character etc. is found out one-sided view recognition. We found that Hunminjeongeum is the complex character which has the characteristic of the most important phoneme character and hieroglyphic, graphic, natural and syllabic letter character together.

      • 서울특별시 차별어 순화어의 확산을 위한 주요 방안 - 국어진흥 운동 차원에서

        김슬옹 ( Kim Seul-ong ) 한국공공언어학회 2019 공공언어학 Vol.1 No.0

        This study suggests the main countermeasures based on the appropriateness of the context and simplification of the nine discriminant terms introduced by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Nine littermates were categorized as disabled, family, neighbors and neighbors. This movement of purification is seen as the purpose of sharing the knowledge and information with easy characters and bringing up the spirit of Hunminjeongeum which was promulgated. Therefore, policy institutions, civic groups, and civic organizations have suggested ways to promote the Korean language promotion as a way to root out the Korean language life in our lives. Specifically, it provided links between NGOs and government agencies.

      • KCI등재

        세종의 “정음 문자관” 맥락 연구

        김슬옹 ( Seul Ong Kim ) 한말연구학회 2014 한말연구 Vol.- No.35

        This paper explains the true nature and context of Sejong`s “view of jeong-eum language.” Jeong-eum (正音 proper sounds) is the special name for universal letters that can most scientifically express the audible sounds of nature, including the sounds of human speech. By allowing sounds and letters to circulate (流通_Sejong Introduction) through jeong-eum, Sejong made communication between people possible. Based on this perspective, the paper re-stipulated the core formation process of Sejong`s jeong-eum or view of jeong-eum in terms of hieroglyphics, tone and rhythm placement, and agent of communication. The true nature of the view of jeong-eum was illuminated with the principle of convergence between universality and particularity and the principle of convergence between naturalist philosophy and scientific generativism chosen as the background principles. Based on the scientific analysis of sounds and letters, Sejong determined the absolute phonetic value of each grapheme and at the same time captured the dynamism of diverse sounds of speech produced by them, and in so doing, he presented the path of the right world that the “correctness” of jeong-eum should follow while transcending time and space. The true nature of Sejong`s jeong-eum lies in realizing communication between people on the basis of the universality of sounds and letters and in making it possible with music and scientific methodology to have correctness and standards for sounds and letters. Therefore such a view of jeong-eum letters is established on the “circulation” spirit where all elements forming the context of letters naturally converge in mutual support.

      • KCI등재

        『훈민정음 』 해례본 갈무리시[결시(訣詩)]의 교육용 텍스트 구성과 활용 방안

        김슬옹 ( Kim Seul-ong ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2017 청람어문교육 Vol.0 No.61

        이 논문은 『훈민정음』(1446) 해례본의 `갈무리시[訣詩]` 특성 분석을 바탕으로 `갈무리시` 교육용 텍스트와 교육 방안을 제시한 것이다. `훈민정음` 해례본은 `제자해, 초성해, 중성해, 종성해, 합자해`의 경우에는 불교경전에서 부처님 말씀을 만백성에게 더 잘 전달하기 위한 노래 갈무리 방식의 `갈무리시`를 본문에 이어 7언 고시 형식으로 서술하고 있다. 이는 천지자연의 이치를 담은 정음(正音) 문자를 만백성에게 효율적으로 잘 전달하기 위한 세종의 치밀한 훈민정음 보급 정책의 의지가 담겨 있는 의도적인 구성이다. 이러한 `갈무리시`는 본문의 전달 효과를 극대화하는 부속 텍스트이자 그 자체가 독립된 완결된 텍스트로서의 가치가 있다. 이런 관점에서 `갈무리시`를 세 가지 방식의 교육용 텍스트로 구성하였다. 그리고 갈무리시의 주요 서술 방식을 다섯 가지로 정리하였고 이를 바탕으로 교육적 가치를, (1) 훈민정음 창제 보급의 주요 전략과 가치, (2) 갈무리시는 매우 치밀한 지적 담론의 결정체로 보았다. 이런 가치를 바탕으로 세 가지 교육 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째는 훈민정음이나 해례본 교육 측면에서의 활용 방안이고, 둘째는 시나 노래 가사로 본문 요약하기 활용 방안, 셋째는 일반적인 요약 방식의 보기로 활용하기 등을 제안하였다. This paper describes the characteristics and teaching methods of the "summarizing verse" of the "Hunminjeongeum" (1446). The `Hunminjeongjeum` describes the `summarizing verse` in the Buddhist scriptures to convey the Buddha `s words to all people in a better way. It is an intentional composition that contains the intention of Sejong`s precise policy of spreading the Hunminjeongsun to efficiently convey the mental sounds containing the meaning of the nature of heaven and earth to all the people. This `summarizing verse` is an adjunct text that maximizes the transmission effect of the text and is itself worthy of an independent, complete text. From this point of view, `summarizing verse` is composed of three types of educational texts. And summarizing verse in terms of five major ways of describing the educational values, (1) the main strategies and values of the Hunminjeongnim intellectual dissemination, and (2) the decisiveness as a crystallization of very detailed intellectual discourse. Based on these values, three education methods were suggested. The first one is the application method in the aspect of Hunminjeongeum Haegeumbon education, the second is the method of summarizing the text by poetry or song lyrics, and the third is the use of the general summary method.

      • KCI등재

        『훈민정음(訓民正音)』(1446) 정음 예의 예의의 표준 공역 시안 시안

        김슬옹 ( Seul Ong Kim ) 겨레어문학회 2013 겨레어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        This paper is to present a draft proposal for a standard translation of the colophon by ‘Ye-ui(例義)’ written by King Sejong to the Hunminjeongeum Haerye Edition. To this end, the existing 34 kinds of translation was derived by comparing the preferred translation. ‘Ye-ui’is a collection of basic 28 and byeongseo characters with the phonetic value, examples, rest regulation, application Now, how to make a syllable characters, such as the law was composed of four tones. The first translation of strategy, training, subject to the public was oriented to communicate. Second strategy aims to paraphrase the phrase, meaning literally was oriented. Third strategy was derived with reference to the existing translation. These strategies were derived by the draft standard translation is as follows(Korean translation. Summary of the conclusion is replaced).

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