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      • 스크린 높이와 서류 고정대 위치에 따른 경부 주위 근육의 활성 정도 비교

        권혁철,정동훈,Kwon, Hyuk-Cheol,Jeong, Dong-Hoon 대한물리치료학회 2001 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Using Video Display Terminals(VDT) in the working environment often causes health complaints in the neck and shoulder region. This study was conducted on ten subjects, in order to investigate the change of electromyographic activities in the neck region(sternocleidomastoid muscle, upper trapezius muscle and erector muscle of cervical spine)with regards to the screen height and document holder position. A total of six different conditions of screen height and document holder position were measured during subjects performed a text-entry task for a duration of 10min. The raw EMG signal was transmuted into the root mean square(RMS). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was used to analyse the effects of the two factors. As a result, changing the screen height and document holder position has no effect on electromyographic activities in the neck region.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 낙상 경험 유무에 따른 노인의 기능적 보행성취도 점수(FAP score) 비교

        권혁철(Kwon Hyuk-Cheol),공진용(Kong Jin-yong) 한국전문물리치료학회 2003 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a difference in the Functional Ambulation Performance score of senior adults with or without a history of falls during walking at a preferred velocity. Twelve subjects with a history of falling (mean age=73.8) and eight subjects with no history of falling (mean age=70.4) participated in the study. Temporal and spatial parameters of gait were analyzed using the computerized GAITRite system. The GAITRite system integrates specific components of locomotion to provide a single, numerical representation of gait, the Functional Ambulation Performance score. The Functional Ambulation Performance score is a quantitative means of assessing gait based on specific temporal and spatial parameters. Statistical analysis of the two groups demonstrated a significant decrease in Functional Ambulation Performance score for those with a history of falls. They had lower values for step/extremity ratios, mean normalized velocity, and greater values for step times, percent in double support. These results indicate that the GAITRite system can be useful in detecting footfall patterns and selected time and distance measurements of persons with a history of falls and the Functional Ambulation Performance score can be used as indicators of gait performance for senior adults with a history of falls.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        단발성 피부망상조직구종

        권혁철(Hyuk Cheol Kwon),김한욱(Han Uk Kim),임철완(Chull Wan Ihm) 대한피부과학회 1989 대한피부과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        Solitary cutaneous reticulohistiocytoma is a type of reticulohistiocytosis. The cytoplasm of tumo cells characteristically shows abundant eosinophilic ground-glass appearance. We report a case of this rare cutaneous tumor in a 54-year-old woman. It was present as a single nodule on the right index finger of the patient for seven years.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 표준형 휠체어 추진시 휠손잡이 촉수위치 특성에 관한 연구

        권혁철(Kwon Hyuk-Cheol),공진용(Kong Jin-Yong) 한국전문물리치료학회 2002 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a pertinent information and research trends of biomechanics in wheelchair propulsion. Biomechanical studies for wheelchair propulsion mainly focus on the most suitable propulsion performance and methods for preventing upper extremity injuries. Recent issue have concentrated on wheelchair propulsion style and cycle mainly because of the high prevalence of repetitive strain injuries in the upper extremely such as shoulder impingement and carpal tunnel syndrome. Optimizing wheelchair propulsion performances as well as medical reflections are presented throughout the review. Information on the underlying musculoskeletal mechanisms of wheelchair propulsion has been introduced through a combination of data collection under experimental conditions and a more fundamental mathematical modelling approach. Through a synchronized analysis of the movement pattern and muscular activity pattern, insight has been gained in the wheelchair propulsion dynamics of people with a different level of disability (various level of physical activity and functional potential). Through mathematical modelling, simulation, and optimization (minimizing injury and maximizing performance), underlying musculoskeletal mechanisms during wheelchair propulsion is investigated.

      • KCI등재후보

        시장경제질서와 우리나라 시민단체 활동의 문제점

        권혁철(Hyuk-Cheol Kwon) 한국비영리학회 2002 한국비영리연구 Vol.1 No.1

        비영리 공익추구 기구로서의 시민단체가 사익과 이윤을 추구하는 기업을 감시하고 견제하는 것은 자연스런 현상이다 그러나 이러한 시민단체의 활동이 기업에 대한 감시와 견제의 기능을 넘어 기업의 이윤과 경쟁력을 저하시킴은 물론 시장경제의 근본원칙을 부정하거나 훼손시키고, 더 나아가서는 자본을 통제하는 민(民)의 활동의 한 측면 또는 체제변혁적인 민중운동의 한 측면으로까지 변질되어 추구된다면 이는 기업이나 시민단체 모두에게 불행한 일이 아닐 수 없다. 시민단체에 대한 일반 국민, 특히 기업의 이러한 불신과 의구심이 해소되어야만 그들로부터 협력과 공조를 얻을 수 있고, 또한 소기의 성과를 거둘 수 있을 것이다 그리고 그 의구성 해소의 첩경은 기업과 시민단체간에 이념적 기반을 공유하는 일이며, 그 공유해야 할 이념이란 다름 아닌 '자유시장 경제질서'와 '법치주의'라고 하는 헌법의 기본원리이다 다시 말해 시민단체가 자유시장 경제질서와 법치주의를 준수하고, 구체적인 활동 또한 그 틀 내에서 행한다는 원칙을 지키는 것이 곧 기업과 시민단체간의 협력과 공조의 기반이다 그 동안의 우리나라 시민단체들의 활동을 살펴보면 시장경제질서와 법치주의라고 하는 협력과 공조의 기반을 공유하고 있지 못하다는 것을 알 수 있다 재벌 총수의 사재출연 주장, 소액주주운동, 기아사태와 관련된 주장 등에서 시민단체들은 사유재산권 보장이나 법치주의 같은 시장경제의 근본원칙들을 심각하게 훼손시키고 있다 또한 재벌개혁과 관련된 주장에서는 시장경제질서에 의한 개혁이 아니라 정부나 시민단체들이 시장질서에 개입을 하여 바람직한 시장, 바람직한 기업 구조를 계획하고 조직할 수 있다고 하는 지적 오만을 내 보이고 있다 제3자의 자의적인 시장개입이 빈번하고 시장경제의 근본원칙들이 훼손되고 법치주의가 뿌리를 내리지 못한 사회에서는 경제가 제대로 발전할 수 없으며, 따라서 국민의 복지는 그 만큼 낮을 수밖에 없다 또한 이익추구보다는 이권을 추구하는 사회가 되어 부정부패가 만연하게 된다는 것은 이미 잘 알려진 사실이다 이러한 점에 비추어 볼 때 시민단체는 최우선적으로 자유시장 경제질서와 법치주의를 확립하고 유지하는데 역점을 두어야 할 것이며, 모든 구체적인 활동 역시 전적으로 이 틀 안에서만 유의미하게 된다는 정을 인식해야 할 것이다 시민단체가 이러한 방향으로 활동을 한다면 이는 기업과 경제에는 물론 정치와 사회의 개혁과 발전에도 기여함으로써 시민단체의 활동에 대한 국민 전체의 신뢰와 지지도 확보하게 될 것이다 It seems natural that NGOs as nonprofit-organizations, which pursuit public interest, watch and oversee corporations that pursue self-interest and profit. But it is bad not only for corporations but for NGOs as well, when the latter go far beyond their function of "watching and overseeing" and carry corporations into profit reductions and weaker competitiveness, and furthermore when the activities of NGOs are used as part of a civil movement which aims at winning capital control by the people, or as part of revolutionary mass struggles. NGOs can win public, and particularly corporate cooperation and assistance if they get rid of public mistrust and suspicions This is also the right way to achieve their goals And the easiest way to eliminate mistrust and suspicions is to share an ideological basis between NGOs and corporations A commonly shared ideological basis between NGOs and corporations is nothing but the fundamental principles of our constitution-"Free Market Economic Order" and "The Rule of Law". In other words, NGOs can gain cooperation and assistance of corporations If they observe the free market economic order and the rule of law, and if their concrete behavior remains within this framework. A closer look at the activities of korean NGOs clearly shows that they do not comply with the free market economic order and the rule of law―the pillars of cooperation and assistance Through their advocacy of donation of private assets by large conglomerates( Chaebols), minority shareholder movement and assertions in relations to the Kia crisis, NGOs are seriously violating the fundamental principles of the free market economy, such as private asset rights and the rule of law. They also claim that reforms in large conglomerates should be executed not in accordance with the market economic order but by the intervention of the government or NGOs in the market Obviously, they think that a proper market and corporation structure could be intellectually planned and organized in advance, which is "the pretense of knowledge" In Society where market intervention from the third party is a usual thing and the fundamental principles of free market economy and the rule of law are severely violated, an appropriate economical development is significantly hindered and subsequently the level of public welfare of the nation is lower It is well-known fact that such a society is rather a rent-seeking society where irregularities and corruption are widespread Therefore, the activities of NGOs should concentrate on building and sustaining the free market economic order and the rule of law And the concrete activities of NGOs will become meaningful only if they remain within the framework of the free market economic order and the rule of law When NGOs set this direction for themselves, they can win trust and support of all people, as they will contribute not only to corporations and the economy but to the reformation and development of the national politics and society as well.

      • KCI등재

        편마비 환자의 기립균형에 영향을 주는 요인에 관한 연구

        권혁철(Hyuk Cheol Kwon) 대한물리치료학회 1989 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing the standing balance of independent ambulatory hemiparetic patients. The subjects of this study were 30 hemiparetic patients (18 males, 12 females) being treated as admitted or out patients at Severance Hospital Medical Center, all of whom agreed to participate in the study, In order to assure the statistical significance of the results, the paired t-test and a Pearson`s correlation were applied at the .05 level of significance, The results were as follows: 1. The difference in maintenance time of standing balance on a stable and unstable support surface was significant at the .05 level. 2. The difference in maintenance time of standing balance according to the control of visual and acoustic stimuli was singificant at the .05 level. 3. The presence or absence of passive joint motion sense influenced the standing balance maintenance time, 4. There was no significant difference in the maintenance standing balance of the sound tower leg standing conditions according to spasticity, but the paretic lower leg standing conditions were significantly different (p$lt;.05). This type of evaluation should be more widely used in the field of evaluating standing balance with hemiparetic patients, However, more extensive study and reports on various factors of standing balance are needed.

      • KCI등재

        고관절 외전시 중둔근의 근력 및 활동전위 변화에 관한 연구

        권혁철(Hyuk Cheol Kwon) 대한물리치료학회 1990 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The right hip adbuctor musculature has been reported to demonstrate $quot;stretch weakness$quot; attributable to chronic elongation imposed by standing posture common to right-handed healthy persons, Kendall and associates have described the concept of $quot;stretch weakness$quot;. The purpose of this study was to assess isometric hip abduction torque and surface electro-myographic activity (using MYOMED 432) in a sample of 40 healthy right -handed persons (20 male, 20 female), all of whom agreed to participate in the study, and compare side difference in the hip abductor musculature, In order to assure the statistical significance of the results, the paired t-test was applied at the .05 level of significance. The results were as follows: 1. The difference in apparent leg length of right and left legs was significant at the .05 level. 2. There was a significant difference between right and left pelvic height (standing position) at the .005 level measurements, and scapula height at the .05 level. 3. Power measurements and action potentials of right hip adbuctor were greater than the left hip abductor regardless of the range of joint motion (inner range, outer range). 4. The difference in muscle power and action potentials according to inner or outer range of both hip abductor were significant at the .05 level. 5. In supine during active left hip abduction, the appearance of action potentials in the right hip abductors is indicative of contra-lateral effect (p$lt;.005). These results suggest ; In healthy right-handed persons, the apparent leg length on the right is langer than on the left, and pelvic height, is elevated on the right side. Muscle torque and muscle action potentials of the right hip adbuctor are higher than those of the hip abductor in the lengthened position. Therefore, the results in this study are contrary to Kendall`s. This type of study should be carried out in many physical therapy departments.

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