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      • KCI등재후보

        Lehman Brothers 도산의 국제도산법적 쟁점

        권혁심 ( Kweon Hyukshim ) 안암법학회 2018 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.55

        2008 년 9 월 15 일 Lehman Brothers가 전 세계를 대공황의 파국으로 몰아넣은 것은 역설적으로 국제도산법제가 도약하는 계기가 되었다. 세계 각국은 자본과 상거래의 세계화과정에서 발생하는 국제도산을 지원하기 위하여 도산법제를 정비하여 왔다. 국제도산법제는 속지주의의 한계를 극복하고 보편주의적 관점에서 채권자의 국적을 묻지 않고 파산 사건을 객관적으로 처리하려는 방향으로 크게 개선되었으나 리먼 브라더스(Lehman Brothers)와 같은 다국적 기업집단(Multination Enterprise Group, MEG)의 파산을 다루는데는 한계가 있었다. 리만브라더스 도산의 도미노를 통하여 주권 국가의 관할 범위 내에서 단일 법인을 규제하는 기업 법률 시스템이라는 전통적인 방식이 다국적 기업의 가치를 크게 줄여 채권단의 파산 위험과 손실로 이어진다는 점이 밝혀졌다. 채권 배당의 극대화 방안으로써 다국적 기업집단 전체를 포괄하는 파산 절차로써 중앙 법원을 설립하여 절차적·실체적병합을 구축하는 것이 이상적이라는 주장이 나오는 계기가 되었다. 또한 각국의 법원, 관리자 및 이해 관계자들이 각 당사자와 적극적으로 조정함으로써 매우 복잡한 법적 관계를 해결하는데 드는 시간, 노력 및 비용을 절약 할 수 있다. 이러한 이상을 실천하는 과정으로써 2013년 UNCITRAL의 Crossborder Insolvency Law 입법 지침과 2015년 유럽 공동체의 국제도산규정에서 기업집단을 직접 규정하고 있다. 세계적 공동 시장을 추구하는 국가들은 보편주의를 추구하는 과정에서 공조, 조정 및 정보교환과정에서의 표준화 노력을 하는 것이 궁극적으로 채권자와 채무자의 공동선을 실현하는데 기여할 것이다. On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers drove the world into a catastrophic depression. Ironically, it became a leap forward in the development of the Crossborder Insolvency law. Since 2000, the international community and countries have been restructuring the Insolvency law in order to support the international bankruptcy that occurs in the process of globalization of capital and commerce. It was the result of the willingness to overcome the territorialism in the past and objectively handle the bankruptcy case without asking the nationality of the creditor from the perspective of universalism. However, the international domino phenomenon of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy raised the fundamental question about the crossborder insolvency regime itself and invoked the necessity of strengthening cooperation among nations. The emergence of the Multination Enterprise Group (MEG) such as Lehman Brothers and the bankruptcy of these groups have been pointed out as fundamental problems in applying the corporate legal system that regulates a single legal entity within the jurisdiction of each sovereign state. In the traditional way, when the bankruptcy of a group member in a multinational corporation group is immediately transmitted to another group member, the regulatory authorities and courts in the country treat it as an independent bankruptcy case in their own country, can not control the big wave of rocking. This drastically reduces the value of multinational corporations, leading to the risk and loss of creditors' bankruptcy. If the bankruptcy procedure of each country is actively coordinated, coordinated, and exchanged with each party such as the courts, managers and stakeholders in each country, it will save time, effort, and cost in resolving extremely complicated legal relations, It would have been more reasonable. Therefore, it would be ideal to establish procedural and substantive consolidation by establishing the central courts of the bankruptcy proceedings that encompass the entire multinational enterprise group in order to maximize bond dividend. As a process to realize this ideal, the UNCITRAL Crossborder Insolvency Law Legislative Guidelines in 2013 and the International Insolvency Regulations of the European Community in 2015 have issued interpretation guidelines or revised laws that directly reflect the issues of the enterprise group. The recognition proceeding in the perspective of universalism and the standardization efforts in cooperation, coordination and communication will be the right future in the countries that pursue the global common market. In order to develop the convenience of the crossborder insolvency of the debtor's rehabilitation law, a revision effort is needed together with a comparative legal study.

      • KCI등재후보

        디지털시대의 온라인 분쟁해결

        권혁심 ( Kweon Hyukshim ) 한국협상학회 2022 협상연구 Vol.25 No.1

        In the digital era, the paradigm of dispute resolution is shifting from traditional court-oriented systems to online processes. Online Dispute Resolution, also known as the ODR platform or Alternative Dispute Resolution, takes place virtually, eliminating the need for a physical space such as a courtroom. ODR also has the potential to provide a simple solution to the costs of litigation and the complications that often arise with traditional courtroom jurisdiction. Gradually, ODR continues to expand its consumer base from low-value complaints to high-value complex complaints, small and medium claims, family relations cases, and taxation cases. The ODR platform aims to provide all parties with a forum which allows them to self-diagnose, analyze, and resolve problems autonomously, using the information provided by ODR and software called the “fourth party.” This autonomy empowers the individual; ODR improves their access to justice and further establishes the individual’s legal capacity as a fundamental value in the development of an inclusive and sustainable society.

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