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        산림경영 지도사업의 경제적 효과 분석

        권오복 ( Oh Bok Kwon ) 한국산림경제학회 2014 산림경제연구 Vol.21 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 1978년부터 본격적으로 실시한 산림경영지도사업의 경제적 효과를 분석하는 데 있다. 분석 결과 산림경영지도사업은 2005~2012년간 임업성장의 30% 정도를 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 산림경영지도사업은 생산자와 소비자 모두의 후생을 늘리는 역할을 해왔는데 특히 소비자에게 더 많은 후생을 가져다 준 것으로 분석되었다. 결론으로서 산림경영지도사업의 성과를 높이고 제 기능을 다 하게 하기 위해 인건비 등 예산 지원이 현실화되어야 함을 강조 하였다. This paper analyzes the economic effects of the forest management extension service. It is analyzed that during the period of 2005~2102 the forest management extension service accounts for 30 % of forestry growth. Furthermore it is also turned out that the forest management extension service has contributed to increase both producer and consumer welfare with more to latter. As a conclusion, it is emphasized that the budgetary support for the forest management extension service including personnel expenses needs to be expanded.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「형통조합기본법」 시행에 따른 태동 가능한 임업,산촌분야의 협동조합 유형

        권오복 ( Oh Bok Kwon ) 한국산림경제학회 2013 산림경제연구 Vol.20 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 2012년 12월부터 시행된 「협동조합기본법」의 내용과 의미, 설립 현황을 살펴보고, 임업 및 산촌분야에서 태동 가능한 협동조합의 유형을 제시하는 데 있다. 이 연구를 수행하는데 있어서 계량경제 분석 또는 실험방법에 의존하지 않고 문헌연구 방법을 의존하였다. 임업 및 산촌분야에서는 임업소득의 향상, 산림경영 활성화, 지역경제 활성화 등과 같은 당면 과제를 안고 있다. 이 분야에서는 이러한 과제를 해결하기 위해 산림사업, 목재 및 단기소득임산물 생산·가공·유통, 산촌 및 산림자원 활용 등을 위한 다양한 형태의 협동조합들이 설립될 가능성이 있다. This paper overviews the major contents and meanings of the 「Basic Law of Cooperatives」 and present situation of cooperatives that have been established under the Basic Law of Cooperatives1 since December 1 2012, and suggests the possible cooperative types of forestry and mountain areas following the rBasic Law of Cooperativesj. The documentary study skill rather than the econometric analysis or the experiment methods is utilized for pursuing the study objectives. Today, Korea forestry and Mountain areas face three lessons; a)improving forestry income, b)vitalizing forestry management, and c)developing regional economy. Following the Basic Law of Cooperatives1, three types of cooperatives would be appeared in the field of forestry and mountain areas; a)forestry business, b)production, processing and marketing of timber and non-timber products, and c)utilization of mountain areas and forest resources in order to tackle those lessons.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 아프리카 食糧生産의 主要 規制要因

        王仁槿,權五復 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to overally analyze and examine some major derermining factors of the Sub-Saharan Africa's food production as part of a larger study primarily conducted by the second author through literature study approach. Significance of the study may lie in the fact that many latecomer developing countries in the Black African Continent have been seriously suffering from hunger and even famine, that the agricultural food production is the core of the agricultural and rural development in many of these countries, that the agricultural and rural development may be approximated to the national development itself in many countries, and that Africa as the major pocket of serious poverty and un-development of the world today is, manifestly and potentially, significantly concerned with national interests of Korea as an emerging donor firstcomer developing country in international assistance-cum-cooperation, in particular for agricultural and rural development. Five major categories of the determining factors of the food production have been selectively identified, problem- or constraint-wise. They are colonization antecedents, environments and resources, national development policy decision-makings including, of course, those of the agriculural and rural development, land tenure system, and technology and productivity. The relatively long colonization experiences by European powers the African countries had to historically undergo have had such impacts upon the food production as: the divergent use of the African native labor of the productive age bracket in mines and plantations owned and managed by Europeans of the colonizing countries, depriving the rural areas of the agricultural labor needed, plunder of good arable lands by European colonizers that were used to be cultivated for producing staple food grains, implementation of agricultural policies with special emphasis on export crops with the result of a typical monoculture farming skewedly developed, and introduction of the economic dualism. The major physical or natural environments that affect significantly the good production may be: frequent haunting of serious and wide-spread droughts in recent years, and the 'tse-tse fly' damage the extent of which, area-wise, has been estimated at nearly one-thirds of the Black African Content. Population and livestock have been rapidly increasing, resulting in ultimate consequences of deterioration of land fertility and desertification. The irrigation level is the lowest in the world, and agricultural population and economically active population in agriculture have a tendency to increase over the years, which, however, are falling behind the increasing rate of the total population. As a result, agricultural population is decreasing, relatively and absolutely. National development policies of most countries have tended to put priority on urban and industrial sectors, and agricultural policies have been concentrated on export and cash crops, neglecting food production for domestic consumption for a long time. In most cases, agricultural commodity prices have been maintained rather at a lower level, providing small farmers with little or no incentives for increased food production. Marketing functions of agricultural produce and inputs have been in the hands of governments or the public sector to have badly inappropriate performance. Traditional land tenure systems have been of communal type, allowing individuals or families to have only the usufruct, not the right of transaction, transfer or lease of lands. The traditional land tenure system, consequently, has been considered to discourage farmers' incentives for land improvement, investment in land, and flexibility in land management. The badly low level of technologies of food production and agricultural productivity at a very low level, as a result, have been noted, contributing to the lagged food production. The quantity of chemical fertilizers being used and the degree of mechanization have been very low. Damages of food crops by some exogenous crop pests have been increasing as foreign food imports have been on the increase, and the post-harvest loss of food is found high. The demand or consumption aspect of food also impinges upon the production or supply aspect, usually considered as another major derermining factor category. In this regard, however, analysis and examination of this aspect should be beyond the scope of this paper, too important to be dealt with in this paper. Therefore, with a very limited view to complementing the analysis and examination of the major determining factors of food production, the following may be summarized: over the past decade, food demand has been increasing by more than 3 percent on the average while food production by less than 2 percent annually, the most important contributing factor for the increased demand being the population increase; the impact of income may be considered as negligible; but changes in food consumption patterns seem to be a contributing factor. Alleviation or removal of major constraints of food production so far identified, or solution of Africa's food problems, may be duly considered formidable challenges at least in the foreseeably near future as long as the countries' self-generating and indigenous capacity is concerned. They need stepped-up external development assistance and cooperation primarily in the form of the efficient and effective international agricultural and rural development technology transfer.

      • KCI등재

        달리기 시 운동화 중저의 경도가 신발굴곡각도의 크기에 미치는 영향

        목승한,곽창수,권오복 한국운동역학회 2004 한국운동역학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        S. H. MOK, C. S. KWAK, O. B. KWON. The Influence of Midsole Hardness of Running Shoes on Shoes Flex Angle during Running. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 85-103, 2004. This study was conducted to determine what effects would the midsole hardness of running shoes have on shoe flex angle and maximum propulsive force. Furthermore, the relationship between the shoes flex angle and maximum propulsive force was elucidated in order to provide basic data for developing running shoes to improve sports performances and prevent injuries. The subjects employed in the study were 10 college students majoring in physical education who did not have lower limbs injuries for the last one year and whose running pattern was rearfoot strike pattern of normal foot. The shoes used in this study had 3different hardness, shore A 40(soft), 50(medium) and 60(hard). The subjects were asked to run at a speed of 4?.08m/sec, and their movements were videotaped with 2 S-VHS video-cameras and measured with a force platform. And the following results were obtained after analyzing and comparing the variables. 1. Although the minimum angle of shoes flex angle was estimated to appear at SFA4, it appeared at SFA2 except in those shoes with the hardness of 40. 2. The minimum angle of shoes flex angle was 145.1?with barefoot. Among the shoes with different hardness, it was the smallest when the hardness was 50 at 149.9? The time to the minimum angle was 70.7% of the total ground contact time. 3. Maximum propulsive force according to midsole hardness was the largest when the hardness was 50 at 1913.9?84.3N. There was a low correlation between maximum propulsive force and shoes flex angle.

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