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        『잊혀진 구두 왕 Olvidado Rey Gudu』의 환상성

        권미선 ( Kwon Mi Seon ) 한국스페인어문학회 2003 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.29

        Ana Mari´a Matute es una de los escritores que han construi´do un mundo auto´nomo con su atmo´sfera propia y reconocible en sus novelas y en sus cuentos. Por eso, ella es considerada una´nimamente por los investigadores y cri´ticos como una escritora de difi´cil clasificacio´n. Asi´, el cara´cter muy peculiar y homoge´neo de su produccio´n se define con frecuencia como `otro mundo literario`. Lo que aleja a Matute de `los escritores del medio siglo` es su modo de escribir, distinto del tipo de narrativa basada en realismo social, realismo objetivo o literatura testimonial. Frente a ella, la obra de Matute adquiere dimensiones mi´ticas y simbo´licas a trave´s de su exacerbado lirismo subjetivo, es decir, la fantasi´a. Y la continua repeticio´n de temas y personajes da a su mundo de ficcio´n una unidad y un acento personales. Su reciente novela, Olvidado Rey Gudu´(1996), ha sido clasificada como una novela fanta´stica, pero en mi opinio´n, ma´s que eso, es una novela con mucha fantasi´a donde se reflejan casi todas sus obras anteriores, otras literaturas y cuentos de hadas. Olvidado Rey Gudu´ es la obra cumbre de Ana Mari´a Matute, en la que ella ha trabajado gran parte de su vida, segu´n sus propias palabras. Se trata de un libro ambientado en la Edad Media, que tiene un gran componente de fabulacio´n y fantasi´a, y narra la creacio´n y expansio´n del Reino Olar. Pero no es u´nicamente una novela de aventuras, sino esta´ plagada de simbologi´a, que todo parece tener una segunda lectura, desde los personajes hasta el propio paisaje. Todo remite a una gran meta´fora sobre el hombre, su vida y su memoria.

      • KCI등재

        비포화대 오염정화 설계를 위한 공압파쇄 모사 해석

        권미선,박은규,이철효,김용성,김남진,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Park, Eun-Gyu,Lee, Cheol-Hyo,Kim, Yong-Seong,Kim, Nam-Jin 한국지하수토양환경학회 2010 지하수토양환경 Vol.15 No.6

        Pneumatic fracturing is an emerging tool to enhance the remediation efficiency of contaminated unsaturated zones by injecting high pressure air and inducing artificial fracture networks. Pneumatic fracturing is reported to be well suited for the cases where the contaminated unsaturated zone thickness is less than 5 m as many contaminated domestic sites in Korea. Nevertheless, there have been almost no studies carried out on the site-specific efficiency and the optimized design of pneumatic fracturing considering the unsaturated zone characteristics of Korea. In this study, we employ numerical simulations to compare the efficiency of pneumatic fracturing on the aspect of the site remediation and the porosity improvement at several hypothetic unsaturated zones composed of four typical soil types. According to the simulation results, it is found that the zone with fine grains soil such as clay and silt shows better efficiency than the zone composed of coarse grains in terms of air flow and porosity enhancements. The results imply that pneumatic fracturing may improve the efficiency of site reclamation by jointly or independently applied to the many contaminated sites in Korea.

      • 원발성 갑상선 림프종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        권미선,이승숙,고재수,정진행,이교영,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Lee, Seung-Sook,Koh, Jae-Soo,Chung, Jin-Haeng,Lee, Kyo-Young 대한세포병리학회 2001 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid gland is uncommon malignancies. Its fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) findings are rarely described in the literature. This article highlights the FNAC diagnosis of primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid gland. A 70-year-old female presented with a rapidly enlarging thyroid mass of five months' duration. FNAC smears showed low cellularity consisting of predominantly atypical enlarged lymphoid cells admixed with a few small lymphocytes, plasma cells, and oncocytic cells. Some disrupted lymphoid cells were also present. The tumor cells infiltrated into the thyroid follicular epithelium forming lymphoepithelial lesion, The cytologic appearance showed a diffuse mixture of cell types with only a few small, mature lymphocytes and many enlaraed lymphoid cells. The enlarged lymphoid cells were atypical and pleomorphic with nuclear clefting and irregularities. Grossly, the left lobe of the thyroid was nearly replaced by a diffuse firm to soft solid mass with smooth tan fish-flesh homogeneous cut surface. Histological diagnosis was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with areas of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type.

      • 발성실행증 사례연구

        권미선,나덕렬,김향희,정진상,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Na, Duk-L,Kim, Hyang-Hee,Jung, Jin-Sang 한국음성학회 2005 음성과학 Vol.12 No.2

        Apraxia of phonation (AOP) has often been described as a feature of apraxia of speech or of severe non-fluent type of aphasia. Pure AOP is rare and, to our knowledge, only two cases have been reported. Brain lesion sites of the reported cases were not those sites known to be responsible for apraxia of speech. This study presents a case of AOP which resulted from the secondary stroke in the left corona radiata immediately following the first stroke in the left temporoparietal lobe. A 61-year old right-handed man shwoed a global type of aphasia after the first cerebral infarction, but was able to generate spontaneously some short fragments of speech. On the day after the first infarction, he suffered from the secondary infarction, leaving him a complete loss of voluntary phonation. He did not showed any significant change in language functions. Several occurrences of involuntary phonation were observed upon laughing or crying. He was also able to cough unintentionally. A vidoe-stroboscopic examination failed to reveal any evidence of structural and functional impairment in larynx. Although this case is not of pure form of AOP, AOP appeared after the secondary stroke without significant changes of language impairment since the first stroke. Therefore, AOP may be a consequence of the brain lesion from the secondary stroke even though we cannot rule out the possibility of an additive effect of the secondary to the first stroke.

      • 방광에 발생한 원발성 소세포암종의 세포학적 소견 -1 예 보고-

        권미선,안긍환,정진행,이승숙,고재수,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Ahn, Geung-Hwan,Chung, Jin-Haeng,Lee, Seung-Sook,Koh, Jae-Soo 대한세포병리학회 2001 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Primary small cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is a rare malignant tumor. A more rapidly fatal course may be seen in advanced stages of small cell carcinoma as compared to similar stages of urothelial carcinoma. It is very important to recognize this distinct form of bladder cancer by urinary cytology The differential diagnosis of small cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder includes metastatic small cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma, and primary or secondary malignant lymphoma. This article highlights the urinary cytologic diagnosis of a case of primary small cell carcinoma. A 59-year-old male presented with gross hematuria for five months. Urinary cytology showed high cellularity consisting of tiny monotonous tumor cells in the necrotic background. The tumor cells occurred predominantly singly, but a few in clusters. The cytoplasm was so scanty that only a very narrow rim of it was seen. The nuclei were oval or round and had finely stippled chromatin. Rarely, the nuclei contain visible nucleoli. Frequently cell molding was noted in clusters. Many single cells demonstrated nuclear pyknosis or karyorrhexis. The histologic findings of transurethral resection and partial cystectomy specimen were those of small cell carcinoma. Cytologic distinction may be very difficult but careful attention to clinical features and cellualr details can classify these neoplasms correctly.

      • Polyomavirus 감염의 요 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        권미선,김영신,이교영,최영진,강창석,심상인,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Kim, Young-Shin,Lee, Kyo-Young,Choi, Yeong-Jin,Kang, Chang-Suk,Shim, Sang-In 대한세포병리학회 1996 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The principal significance of the urothelial changes caused by polyomavirus activation is in an erroneous diagnosis of urothelial cancer; however, the clue to their benign nature is the smooth structureless nuclear configuration and the relative paucity of affected cells. Though virologic studies and electron microscopy are usually needed to firmly establish the diagnosis, cytology is the most readily available and rapid means of establishing a presumptive diagnosis of human polyomavirus infection. A urine specimen of a 24-year-old man with hemorrhagic cystitis beginning two months after bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloblastic leukemia(M2) was submitted for cytologic evaluation. Cytologic findings revealed a few inclusion-bearing epithelial cells intermingled with erythrocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages. Most of the inclusion-bearing fells had large, round to ovoid nuclei almost completely filled with homogeneous dark, basophilic inclusion. The chromatin was clumped along the periphery and the cytoplasm was mostly degenerated. The other cells exhibited irregular inclusions attached to the nuclear membrane surrounded by an indistinct halo. These findings were consistent with polyomavirus infection.

      • 저등급 섬유점액육종의 세포소견 -1예 보고-

        권미선,Kwon, Mi-Seon The Korean Society for Cytopathology 2006 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) is a rare soft tissue tumor. There have been only a few prior fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytological reports. Recognition of this tumor is important because of its potential for metastasis despite its indolent nature and its deceptively bland cytologic appearance. A 60-year-old male presented with a slowly growing mass in the left calf detected 10 years ago. The patient underwent surgical excision. FNA cytology was performed directly on the mass. The smears showed low cellularity composed of hypercellular tissue fragments, hypocellular loose aggregates, and stripped nuclei. The cytoplasm was seen as either collagenous material or very thin fibrillary collagen strands. Tumor cells had spindle, ovoid, or irregular nuclei, fine chromatin, and small nucleoli. Focally slight degree of nuclear pleomorphism is noted. There were no mitotic figures. Blood vessels were frequently seen. Immunocytochemically, tumor cells were negative for S-100 protein, desmin, smooth muscle actin, and CD34. The diagnosis of LGFMS is rarely possible by cytology alone; however, LGFMS should be included in the differential diagnosis of spindle-cell tumors consisting of hypercellular and hypocellular components with some capillary-sized vessels arising in the deep soft tissue of the lower extremities, particularly the thigh. The immunocytochemical findings are of help in the differential diagnosis.

      • 두피에 전이한 상피-근상피암종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        권미선,이승숙,고재수,정진행,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Lee, Seung-Sook,Koh, Jae-Soo,Chung, Jin-Haeng 대한세포병리학회 2000 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma is an uncommon, low grade malignant epithelial neoplasm and metastasis is exceedingly rare. This article highlights the fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) of a case of metastatic epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the scalp. A 51-year-old female presented with the left parietotemporal scalp mass two months after the lett parotidectomy for epithelial-myoeplthelial carcinoma. FNAC from the scalp mass showed a biphasic population of ductal epithelial and myoeplthelial origin. These epithelial aggregates were numerous and formed a distinct three dimensional architecture in the background of numerous naked nuclei. The three dimensional architectures were predominantly composed of tightly cohesive eosinophilic ductular epithelial cells which tended to aggregate, overlap, and form tubules. Clear myoepithelial cells in three dimensional tissue fragment were inapparent and a few were attached to the periphery of the fragments. A few myoepithelial cells with clear abundant vaculoated cytoplasm were found In the foamy background. The cytological diagnosis was metastatic epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma. The histologic findings of the scalp mass were those of typical epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma. Cytologic distinction of epithelial-myoepithleial carcinoma, pleomorphic adenoma, and adenoid. Cytologic carcinoma may be very difficult but careful attention to clinical features and cellualr details can classify these neoplasms correctly.

      • KCI등재

        Muertes de perro와 El fondo del vaso에 나타난 세르반테스의 영향

        권미선 ( Kwon Mi Seon ) 한국스페인어문학회 2003 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.28

        Francisco Ayala, que ejercio´ la carrera como profesor, cri´tico literario y escritor, siempre ha apuntado algo acerca de la figura de Cervantes al fondo. Con mucho intere´s por las obras de Cervantes, sobre todo, por Don Quijote, F. Ayala siempre lo tiene en cuenta a la hora de explicitar algunas ideas sobre el proceso literario, es decir, el sistema de inclusio´n de relatos en una estructura novelesca, la trama de la historia dentro de la historia, el autor y el lector ficcionalizados, la cri´tica insertada en el relato, el uso de la ironi´a, la pluriperspectiva, mejor dicho, la multiplicidad de voces narradores, ets. Y ello ha motivado algunos estudios sobre la proximidad de F. Ayala a Cervantes o la influencia cervantina en las obras de F. Ayala. Pero setos estudios siempre han sido algo superficiales, con lo cual quisiera atreverme a indagar un estudio profundo sobre las influencias cervantinas en las obras de F. Ayala, concretando ma´s en sus dos obras ma´s representativas, Muertes de perro(1958) y El fondo del vaso(1962). Asi´, he estudiado la tradicio´n literaria de la multiplicidad de voces narradores, basada en el `manuscrito encontrado` que viene desde las novelas caballerescas hasta las novelas modernas, sobre todo, las de F. Ayala, a trave´s de las obras de Cervantes. F. Ayala es un novelista que no so´lo se mantuvo fiel a la influencia cervantina, sino ha sabido renovar el arte de la novela, sin quebranto de la clasicidad y pureza del ge´nero.

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