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      • 『제천 지역 향토지(鄕土誌)의 현황과 과제』 -지역 연구를 위한 기초조사-

        구완회 ( Ku Wanhoe ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2007 지역문화연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This article investigates all the publications that has been published in Checheon since 1969 when Checheongunji, Checheon district chronicle was issued. The publications include all the chronicles of districts like cities, counties, subcounties and villages. They also include periodical publications of organizations, data books, and collections of works. This article aims to examine the present state of these publications and point out the problems they have. The conclusion is as following: 1. It is essential to recognize the importance of recording for high quality publications. Local governments, organizations and schools need to organize their records systematically. 2. It is required to train researchers studying the district with the support of the local government and affiliation with local culture organizations and universities. 3. It is urgent to record the oral statements of seniors from various fields such as administration, education, society, and economy. 4. A systematic inspection is required to ensure the quality of publications cost by community tax. 5. The local library needs to play an important role to store the publications in order to be utilized with ease.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 ‘難治邑’의 여러 유형과 처방

        구완회(Ku Wanhoe) 부산경남사학회 2009 역사와 경계 Vol.70 No.-

        Intractable counties in the late Choson Dynasty can be divided into three types: 1) Large in size or located in the administrative or military center. 2) Carrying out special functions in the military or traffic, ect. 3) Having powerful local families. The solution centered on the point of selecting proper magistrates: 1) Selecting a capable magistrate proving his ability in active service. 2) Sending a civil magistrate to perform his educational and political duties and check the military magistrate. 3) Sending a strong or moderate magistrate proper to the conditions of the county. In the course of selecting proper magistrates, the incumbent magistrates were transferred to other counties. This caused frequent change of magistrates and, in turn, led to the spread of intractable counties. It is a halfway solution, with its limitations, to focus on personnel management without the ultimate change in the local ruling system. This way of solution are concerned with the idea that the success or failure of the local ruling depends on the magistrate’s ability and virtue.

      • KCI등재

        천관우의 지사적(志士的) 정체성과 시민 정신

        구완회(Ku Wanhoe) 백산학회 2017 白山學報 Vol.- No.107

        소년기에 이미 천재로 이름이 높았고, 젊은 시절에 이미 한국의 언론계를 이끌었던 언론인이자 뛰어난 국사학자였던 천관우. 그는 한때 대단한 문화적 전통과 자부심을 가졌던 고을이지만 지금은 제천에 합쳐진 곳 청풍 출신이다. 천관우는 고향에 대한 이중적인 감성을 가졌다. 성장기에 명성있는 양반 가문이 아닌 집안에서 태어났다는 열등감이 있었다. 강한 자부심을 느꼈던 고향이 제천에 합병되고, 결국은 수몰되는 경험을 거치면서 분노도 일었다. 이런 것들이 결국 그가 반골 기질의 지사로 이름을 얻게 된 바탕이 되었다. 천관우는 언론활동, 민주화 운동을 통해 독재정권에 맞섰던 실천적 지식인이었다. 결국, 그는 오늘날 제천시가 시민 정신으로 내세우는 의병 정신과 잘 부합하는 인물인 셈이다. 흔히 지역에서 태어난 특정 인물을 기억할 때 그가 가진 명성과 업적을 강조하지만, 그들의 치열했던 삶을 자신의 삶과 비추어보는 것이 필요하다. Cheon Kwanwu, well known as a genius in his boyhood, was a leading journalist and scholar of Korean history. He was from Cheongpung, which used to be a province of pride in great cultural tradition, later merged with Jecheon. Cheon Kwanwu had ambivalence about his hometown. He not only felt a sense of inferiority since he was not of noble birth in the town and also felt resentment about his prestigious hometown being merged with Jechoen and being submerged in water. These emotions led him to be an unyielding patriot. Cheon Kwanwu was an intellectual in action who rose against a dictatorial government through his participation in journalism and democratization. In this sense, he can be a role model who has the righteous army spirit, the civic spirit of Jecheon. Though figures representing the home are usually remembered for their fame and achievement, it is necessary that comparing their intense lives with ours.

      • 한말 의병장 이강년(李康秊)의 생애와 『운강집(雲岡集)』

        구완회 ( Ku Wanhoe ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2007 지역문화연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Yi Kangnyeon was a commander of the righteous army standing up against Japanese imperialistic invasion in the late Choseon dynasty. He joined Hochwaujin and fought against Japan during Yu Inseok's righteous army uprising in 1896. Later he became Yu Inseok's pupil. As a commander he rose in arms again in 1907 and fought near Sobaek Mountains to denounce the foreign power, keeping choseon from perishing. He was arrested in summer, 1908 and hanged the next year. He is still regarded as a good model of a patriotic righteous army leader in the late Choseon dynasty. His books and materials on his achievements were published in wood block printing after Choseon's liberation from Japan. The publications, however, were different from the original handwriting versions in some respects. Military achievements were exaggerated and controversial parts were eliminated. Ungangjib, published this time, includes both the original handwriting version and the wood block printing one together to be compared with and referred to each other.

      • KCI등재

        연해주 시기 유인석의 의병 노선과 `관일약(貫一約)`

        구완회 ( Ku Wanhoe ) 대구사학회 2017 대구사학 Vol.126 No.-

        Through the latter period of righteous army activity, Yu In-seok moved to Maritime Territory as a base for the activity, dreaming of organizing the unified corps(in autumn, 1908). There was, however, a split over struggle policies of AntiJapan movement groups among Koreans in Maritime Territory. He could not but band together with other groups. That`s why `Uian(the list of people dedicating themselves to righteous army uprising)` has the names of people supporting patriotic enlightment movement. Yu In-seok felt keenly the necessity of leadership leading the unified corps to the `right` direction. Otherwise, the `upright` country could not be realized even when the righteous army took the country back. So he organized Kwanilyak working as an advance guard for the righteous army activity. In the declaration of Kwanilyak, Yu In-seok recognized the situation as the collapse of `country`, `morality`, `body`, and `person`. He thought these four core values of Neo-confucianism should be penetrated in unison. Kwanilyak follwed the system of traditional Hyangyak. Supporters of righteous army participated in Kwanilyak following his idea. They met regularly, read the doctrines aloud, and strengthened their belief, hoping to take their country back. Kwanilyak wasn`t successful since it didn`t pass the bounds of conservative righteous army activists living in a foreign country; there was inside opposition to solidarity with the enlightment movement group; Japan annexed Korea; the international situation got worse. (Semyung Univ. / kuwanhoe@gmail.com)

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