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        특허데이터를 활용한 자동차 사이버보안 강화방안 연구 - 특허분석을 통해 자동차 사이버보안 강화필요한 신규기술 탐색 및 보안요구사항 탐색 -

        곽동한,권헌영 한국융합보안학회 2023 융합보안 논문지 Vol.23 No.5

        최근 차량은 다양한 ICT 기술을 도입하고 활용하는 방향으로 변화하고 있다. 이에 따라 자동차에는 다수의 소프트웨어가 설치되었고, 그에 따라 해킹 등 사이버 보안 위협 문제가 발생되고 있다. 이 때문에 각국은 자동차 사이버보안 확보를 위한 법규정을 마련하고 있으며, 법규정 내 위협기술에 대해 리스크 완화방안 준비가 강제되고 있다. 다만 자동차 기술의 발전 속도에 비해 법규정의 제정은 상대적으로 느릴 수 밖에 없기에, 지속적으로 자동차 기술 발전 트렌드 파악을 통해 법규정을 개정할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 최신 자동차 사이버보안 특허출원을 탐색 및 분석하여 신규로 자동차 사이버보안의 보완이 필요한 기술 분야를 탐색한다. 또한 신규 기술분야에 대해서는 위협기술, 보안요구사항을 특허분석을 통해 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구는 자동차 사이버보안이 강화될 필요가 있는 기술분야를 사전에 도출함으로써, 법규정 개정의 필요성에 대한 논리를 제공하고, 자동차 제조사로 하여금 발생 예상되는 위협기술을 사전에 준비할 수 있도록 하는데 기여하고자 한다. Vehicles are changing in the direction of utilizing various ICT technologies. Accordingly a number of software has been installed in vehicles, resulting in cybersecurity threats such as hacking. So each country is preparing legal regulations to secure vehicles cybersecurity. However, the enactment of legal regulations is bound to be relatively slow compared to the speed of development of vehicles technology, so it is necessary to revise the legal regulations by continuously monitoring of vehicles technology development trends. In this study, we search and analyze the latest vehicles cybersecurity patent applications to explore new technologies that require supplementation of vehicles cybersecurity. Threat technologies/security requirements for new technologies are presented through patent analysis

      • 옛 화가의 채색비법 고정(考訂)

        곽동해(Kwak Dong Hae) 한국민화학회 2018 한국민화 Vol.- No.9

        옛 화가들은 자연에서 채취한 천연 채색을 물감으로 사용했다. 본 연구는 조선 시대에 사용되었던 각종 채색의 종류와 명칭 및 유래에 대해 분석했다. 현전하는 전통채색에 관한 우리나라의 고대 문헌 사료는 희귀하다. 고려 시대의 채색은 중국 송나라 『영조법식』을 통해서만 간접적으로 파악할 수 있다. 그러나 조선 시대는 채색의 재료를 확인할 수 있는 문헌사료가 상당수 전한다. 궁궐의 영건사업이 활발히 진행되면서 건축 채색의 전모를 기록한 『의궤』가 편찬되었기 때문이다. 이를 통하여 전통적으로 사용되었던 채색의 명칭과 유래를 파악할 수 있다. 이밖에도 다양한 문헌사료에서 조선 시대에 사용된 각종 채색을 확인할 수 있다. 조선 후기 학자 이덕무(李德懋, 1741~1793)는 옛 화가들이 사용했던 다양한 채색과 조색방법의 책을 편찬했다. 이것은 조선시대 화가들이 사용했던 채색과 다양한 사물의 색감을 파악할 수 있는 매우 중요한 자료이다. The old painters used natural pigments which they harvested from nature. This study analyzes various kinds of colors, names and origins used in the Joseon Dynasty period. There are not many ancient historical literature about traditional coloration in Korea. The colorations of the Goryeo dynasty period can be understood only indirectly through the 『Ying Zao Fa Shi』from the Song dynasty of China. However, there are lots of historical literature that can confirm a variety of the coloring material in the Joseon Dynasty. The reason is that the『Uigwe』was written which has records about the kind of pigments used in architectural coloration whenever buildings of palace were constructed. We can understand the origin and the kind of colors used traditionally from the historical literature sources. In addition, We can find the various colors and pigments used at that time from various historical literature of Joseon Dynasty. Lee Deokmu(李德懋, 1741~1793) who is a scholar of the late of Joseonn Dynasty compiled a book of various coloring and coloring methods used by old painters. This is a very important resource that explains about the colorations and the methods of mixing colors on various object used by the Joseon Dynasty painters.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 한국전통안료의 특성에 대한 인문학적 고찰

        곽동해(KWOK, DONGHAI) 아시아민족조형학회 2022 아시아민족조형학보 Vol.23 No.-

        Traditional pigments refer to colored pigments that have been used since ancient times. Traditional Korean pigments were used in various fields of color painting from ancient times to modern times. Artificial chemical pigments began to flow into Korea from the late 19th century. Chemical pigments of cheap and high-chromatic properties have begun to replace traditional pigments quiklely. Japanese colonial era Since then, dancheong of all architectural and cultural heritages in Korea has been colored with chemical pigments. The stable color tone of the traditional material pigment disappeared, and instead, the characteristics of the extremely colorful color appeared. This has resulted in undermining the identity of Korean traditional painting that has continued throughout its long history. Today, revealing the characteristics of traditional Korean pigments has emerged as an important task for the preservation of cultural heritage. The reason is to restore the beautiful hue characteristics of Korean traditional colors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        高句麗 古墳壁畵의 裝飾文樣 小考

        郭東海(KWOK Dong-hai),趙孝淑(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2003 고구려발해연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the symbol meaning with the moulding of a main pattern to be decorated at Koguryo old tomb wall painting Symbol meaning of the main decoration pattern of Koguryo old tomb wall painting to be found out through this research is as follow. Geometric the Silk Pattern(錦文)to be decorated at Koguryo old tomb wall painting is presumed to first stage's moulding mode of the Complex Pattern(?紋) which appears in 『yeongjobubsic營造法式』to be published at the Chinese North-Song Dynasty, has the meaning as the data to presume the existence of the Silk Pattern(錦文) which the today have been in fashion. Also, the Silk Pattern(錦文) to be decorated at the Anag 2th old tomb(安岳2號墳) is thought to the symbol pattern for the immortality with the way of Heaven and eternal life of the soul of the people which is buried in the tomb. The Arabesque Pattern(唐草文) to be decorated can classify as the Energy Arabesque Pattern(氣唐草文), the Clouds Arabesque Pattern(雲唐草木), the Honeysuckle Arabesque Pattern(忍冬唐草文), at Koguryo old tomb wall painting. the Energy Arabesque Pattern(氣唐草文) and Clouds Arabesque Pattern(雲唐草文) appear in the First stage(A. D. 4~5C) so that .it is prominent. The element of the Honeysuckle Arabesque pattern(忍冬唐草文) began to be added at the stem of arabesque in the middle(A .D. 5~6C). This is thought as the result of the inflow of the countries bordering on Western China art. TI1e Clouds Arabesque pattern(雲唐草文) disappears almost and the Honeysuckle Arabesque pattern(忍冬唐草文) appears so that it is prominent in the latter term(A. D. 6~7C). TI1.is the religious of Buddhism and Taoism culture is to reflect we were fixed completely. Divided things with the Clouds Arabesque pattern(雲唐草文) which among initial arabesque is designed so that it was only simple to the cable appears much. TI1e arabesque of such type classified as the Energy Arabesque Pattern(氣唐草文) to symbolize the vitality to be connected without the end not to be severed. The Energy Arabesque Pattern(氣唐草文) is the vigor the creature lives and to move description which means continuous motive power namely. The Sun and Moon Pattern(日ㆍ月象) decorated at the ceiling of the old tomb is to reflect the cosmic dual forces union thought and to desire the eternal life immortality of a tomb owner. As mentioned above, these patterns of Koguryo Old Tomb Wall Painting which are treated in research is to be painted for all pray the happiness in other world of the life of the tomb owner to come.

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