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      • KCI등재

        아베정권의 도덕교육 강화논리 근거에 대해

        정태준(Jeong, Tae-Joon) 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.80 No.-

        The study is about the logic of revision of Japanese moral education. The focus is on moral education in education policies led by the Abe administration. The Abe administration`s moral education policy is a political product to rebuild the strong Japan. They are educational revival, enhancement of moral education, and cultivation of nation`s perspective. I think the problem is that the Abe administration`s reinforcement of moral education is to strengthen or follow the revision process in the past. Re-examining the ways of national integration before the world warⅡ is like trying to bring back the past. In other words, the Imperial Rescript on Education(This is called the IRE) worked as a means of controlling the people. As such, the Abe administration is trying to reproduce the ways of past integration in the name of educational regeneration. Specifically, conservative right groups are trying to reset the education system based on the IRE to the traditional Japanese value system. In other words, it reflects the intention of reestablishing the IRE as Japan"s original standards of value. I believe that the intention of reusing the IRE from the following perceptions. It is that the function and role of the IRE worked well before the war, so the Japanese customs and traditions have been well preserved. Thus, strengthening moral education based on the IRE hinders the development of autonomous morality. Since the abolition of the IRE in 1947, moral education has been reorganized several times. However, social crimes by teenagers have not decreased, and the results have provided a justification for enhancing moral education. Specifically, revisions to methods and content have been repeated. The production and distribution of government-published textbooks, special setting of subject, extension of class time, etc. The ultimate goal of the Abe government`s strengthening of moral education can be attributed to the strong rebuilding of Japan. It is similar to the national integration based on the past General citizen mobilization system. This means the resurrection of the past national system represented by the IRE, and the IRE is the tool that has borrowed a recollective memory, history and story to achieve its purpose. In conclusion, the logic of strengthening the moral education of the Abe government is another one of the moral education policy of the past, and it can be concluded that it is an anachronistic idea that hinders the establishment of the identity of the moral education of Japan. It proves that there was no public consensus for moral education, that the logic of strengthening morality is the same as the past, that the background of the crime is juvenile crime, and that the nationalism based on the IRE is activated.

      • KCI등재

        일본어학습과 경제적 동기에 대해서

        정태준(Jeong, Tae-Joon) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.52

        The economic concept of language acquisition is human capital. Language acquisition requires new values and it is effective to give external motivation. The most effective motivation for foreign language learning is economic reward. It is aimed to acquire the second language as a human capital and enhance social utility. We investigated the purpose and motivation of foreign students to acquire the dominant language of Japanese. First, what is the purpose of studying Japanese as a second foreign language in the case of foreign students staying in Japan? Second, is learning Japanese motivated as a competitive human capital element in the future? Third, if so, what is the learning strategy and content for achieving the goal? Based on the relationship between language proficiency and economic benefits in the labor market, research shows that strong incentives for language acquisition are closely related to economic factors. For example, in relation to the relationship between Japanese acquisition ability and job influence by nationality, Chinese and Vietnamese students answered that they had more influence on salary and human relations than students from other countries. In addition, when asked about the relationship between the period of stay and purpose of studying in Japan, the longer the stay, the higher the economic reason and the higher the university entrance. In this way, foreign students in Japan were made sure that the acquisition of the economic dominant language of Japanese was motivated to acquire what they intended. They consciously aimed at university entrance and human relations formation, and were acquiring Japanese as a human resource to have jobs with high social treatment. In conclusion, the motivation and purpose of learning Japanese are as follows. It is analyzed that it aims to achieve the goal by investing effort and learning by economic motivation. In other words, as you can see from the survey results, acquiring Japanese as a second foreign language and inducing economic incentive were persuasive arguments even for Japanese foreign students from Southeast Asia.

      • KCI등재


        朴在德 ( Park Jae-duk ),鄭泰晙 ( Jeong Tae-joon ) 사단법인 퇴계학부산연구원 2021 退溪學論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        本研究は、近年の歴史観光学やコンテンツツーリズムに着目し、朝鮮王朝と琉球王朝時代に両国の狭間で歴史人物が使者としての活躍に注目した。また、両国の史書の中で両者はどのように認識され、後代の歴史学者はどのように理解·解釈しているのかを観光研究者の立場から比較·考察したものである。特に、観光コンテンツとして朝鮮·琉球交流史の中で登場する『朝鮮王朝実録』、『歴代寶案』の歴史人物である蔡璟と周辺人物を歴史観光学の立場から考察する。また、観光コンテンツとしての歴史人物は、知恵をもって過去を生き抜いてきた主人公であり、歴史観光資源にもなる。更に沖縄の場合、琉球·沖縄特有の歴史や文化のイメージから、「物語性」や「テーマ性」への記憶と体験が求められる。 本研究では、まず朝鮮·琉球通交における交流史の概略的な歴史的変遷と展開について検討する。次に、朝鮮·琉球を舞台とした両国の登場人物の具体的な物語を把握し、韓琉歴史人物における観光コンテンツとしての内容について考察する。さらに、琉球王朝の歴史人物である蔡璟と周辺人物を検討しながら、朝鮮·琉球·明を舞台とした蔡璟の具体的な履歴と渡唐記録を述べる。最後に、蔡璟という歴史人物における観光資源としての可能性と課題について考察する。 This paper focuses on the “story” and “theme” of historical tourism and content tourism in recent years, and how historians played an active role as messengers between the two countries during the Chosun and Ryukyu dynasties. This is a comparison and consideration from the standpoint of a tourism scholar on how both parties perceived and how later historians understood and interpreted it in the history books of. In particular, we will examine SAIEI, who is a historical figure in “Chosun Dynasty Record” and “Rekidai Hoan”, which appears in the history of Chosun-Ryukyu exchange as tourism content, and the surrounding people from the standpoint of historical tourism. In addition, historical figures who have been active as tourism content are the main characters who have survived with wisdom from the perspective of historical tourism, and are also content for tourism resources. Furthermore, in the case of Okinawa, memories and experiences of “story” and “theme” are required from the image of history and culture peculiar to Ryukyu and Okinawa. In this paper, we first examine the general historical transition and development of the history of exchanges in Chosun-Ryukyu communication. Next, we will grasp the “story” and “theme” of the specific stories of the characters from both countries set in Chosun and Ryukyu, and consider the contents of the Korean historical characters as tourism content. In addition, while examining the historical figures of the Ryukyu dynasty, Cai Ryu and the surrounding people, the specific history of SAIEI set in Korea, Ryukyu, and Ming and the record of traveling to Tang will be described. Finally, we will consider the possibilities and issues of a historical figure named SAIEI, as a tourism resource.

      • KCI등재


        朴在德 ( Park Jae-duk ),鄭泰晙 ( Jeong Tae-joon ) 사단법인 퇴계학부산연구원 2019 퇴계학논총 Vol.34 No.-

        本稿は、朝鮮·琉球交流史の中で登場する『朝鮮王朝實錄』の歷史人物を歷史觀光學の立場から考究する。近年のコンテンツツ一リズムの『物語性』·『テ一マ性』に着目し、兩國の狹間で歷史人物が使者·漂流民などとしてどのように展開され、また、兩國の史書の中で兩者はどのように認識し、後代の歷 史學者はどのように理解·解釋しているのかを比較·考察したものである。 朝鮮王朝と琉球王朝時代に活躍していた歷史人物は、歷史觀光學の觀点から見れば知惠をもって生き拔いてきた主人公としての觀光資源のコンテンツでもある。特に、沖繩の場合、琉球·沖繩特有の歷 史や文化のイメ一ジから、 「物語性」や「テ一マ性」への記憶と體驗が求められる。さらに、沖繩と韓國をまたがる歷 史人物の發掘、調査、蓄積が必要である。今後は、觀光資源とし ての「物語」そのもののコンテンツ表現が課題である。 それで、本論文ではまず、朝鮮·琉球交流史の歷 史的な變遷と展開を檢討する。次に、朝鮮·琉球を舞台とした兩國の登場人物の具體的な物語の『物語性』·『テ一マ性』を把握する。最後に、韓琉歷史人物における觀光資源としての可能性、コンテンツツ一リズムのコンテンツとしての課題等について考察する。 This article examines historical figures from the “Chosun Dynasty Record” appearing in the history of Korea-Ryukyu exchange from the perspective of historical tourism. Focusing on the “narrative” and “thematic” of contents tourism in recent years, how historical figures are developed as messengers and drifters between the two countries, and how they are recognized in the history books of both countries. However this is a comparison and study of how historians understand and interpret. First, consider the historical transition and development of Chosun-Ryukyu exchange history. Next, we will grasp the “narrative” and “theme” of specific stories of characters from both countries set in Chosun Dynasty and Ryukyu Kingdom. Finally, the possibility as a tourism resources for Korean and Korean historical figures, issues as contents tourism , etc. are discussed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Microwave처리에 의한 쌀 가공 부산물의 항산화능의 변화

        배성문(Sung-Moon Bae),김정한(Jeong-Han Kim),조철우(Cheol-Woo Cho),정태준(Tae-Joon Jeong),하정욱(Jung-Uk Ha),이승철(Seung-Cheol Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 2001 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.30 No.6

        Microwave 처리가 쌀가공 부산물로 발생하는 왕겨와 미강의 항산화능에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 100 W, 200 W, 440 W의 출력으로 microwave를 처리하였을 때, 출력과 처리시간에 비례하여 갈변을 나타내는 색도의 변화가 관찰되었다. 그러나, 왕겨와 미강의 전자공여능은 조사된 범위 내에서 microwave 처리에 대해 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 활성산소종(H₂O₂, O₂^-,ㆍOH)을 발생시켜 어유의 과산화에 대한 왕겨와 미강의 과산화 억제력을 조사한 결과, 전반적으로 왕겨가 미강보다 microwave 처리에 안정함을 보였다. 특히, H₂O₂에 대한 왕겨의 과산화 억제력은 미강에 비하여 매우 높게 측정되었다. 이상의 결과로 왕겨가 미강보다 항산화 물질을 많이 함유함으로써 미강보다 높고 안정한 항산화능을 나타내고, 또한 microwave 처리로 인하여 항산화 물질이 일부 파괴되지만 항산화력을 가지는 갈변 반응 생성물이 생성되어 왕겨의 경우에는 microwave 처리에 대해 영향을 거의 받지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, microwave 처리 공정은 왕겨나 미강의 항산화능을 이용한 가공 방법에 이용될 수 있음을 의미한다. Microwave treatment was studied to investigate the antioxidant ability of rice hull and rice bran. The color changes were related to the intensity of microwave and to the treated time on rice bran. However, the electron donating abilities of rice hull and rice bran extract were not much affected by microwave intensity. Rice hull extract treated with a 100 W microwave showed 80% inhibition of lipid peroxidation when fish oil was treated with H₂O₂. Also inhibition activity against lipid peroxidation in rice hull is more stable than that of rice bran when treated with microwave. Overall, rice hull extract showed better antioxidant activity than rice bran. It seems that rice hull contains higher antioxidant components as well as the browning reaction products having anti-oxidant activity during microwave treatment.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        맥강의 항산화능에 대한 Microwave 의 영향

        배성문(Sung Moon Bae),김정한(Jeong Han Kim),조철우(Cheol Woo Cho),정태준(Tae Joon Jeong),김정목(Jeong Mok Kim),이승철(Seung Cheol Lee) 한국응용생명화학회 2001 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.44 No.4

        Effect of microwave treatment to barley bran was tested on antioxidative ability. Treatments of microwave at 100 W and 200 W, changed color of barley bran to brown, but carbonation was happening at 440 W. The electron donating abilities of barley bran was not reduced when treated with 100 W and 200 W microwave treatment for 10 minute. According to TBARS, the barley bran extract treated with 100 W and 200 W intensity of microwave for 10 min maintained the inhibition of lipid peroxidation, while the extract from 440 W microwave treatment for 5 min did not. Total phenolic contents were reduced with increased intensity of microwave treatment. The antioxidant activity of barley bran was not affected by microwave treatment at 100 W and 200 W, while the 440W microwave treatment reduced the activity due to carbonation of barley bran and decreased phenolic compounds.

      • KCI등재후보

        감마선 조사에 의한 왕겨, 미강, 맥강의 항산화능의 변화

        배성문(Sung-Moon Bae),김정한(Jeong-Han Kim),조철우(Cheol-Woo Cho),정태준(Tae-Joon Jeong),육홍선(Hong-Sun Yook),변명우(Myung-Woo Byun),이승철(Seung-Cheol Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 2002 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        감마선 조사가 왕겨, 미강, 맥강의 항산화능에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 4.2 kGy/h의 속도로 각각 5, 10, 15, 20kGy를 조사한 후, 메탄올 추출물을 제조하여 항산화능의 변화를 측정하였다. 감마선을 조사하지 않은 시료의 총 페놀함량을 측정한 결과, 왕겨가 0.873 mM, 미강이 0.643 mM, 맥강이 0.377 mM로 측정되었으며, 감마선 조사에 따른 총 페놀 함량은 조사선량에 상관없이 일정하게 유지되었다. 전자공 여능의 측정결과 감마선을 조사하지 않은 왕겨, 미강, 맥강에서 모두 비슷한 활성을 보였으며, 감마선을 조사한 경우에도 모든 시료에서 조사선량에 따른 유의적인 변화를 나타내지 않았다. TBARS분석에서는 감마선을 조사하지 않은 왕겨와 미강 추출물이 맥강 추출물보다 지질 과산화 억제력이 높았으며, 감마선 조사시에도 왕겨와 미강은 활성이 유지 또는 보유되었으나 맥강은 조사선량이 높을수록 지질의 산화 억제력이 상당히 감소되었다. 따라서 왕겨, 미강, 맥강의 페놀성분과 전자공여능에 관여하는 성분이 감마선에 매우 안정하며, 지질 과산화 억제능에 관여하는 성분은 왕겨와 미강의 경우에는 감마선에 안정하지만 맥강의 경우 불안정하였다. Effect of γ-irradiation to cereal processed by-products was examined for antioxidative ability. Rice hull (RH), rice bran (RB) and barley bran (BB) were irradiated with 5, 10, 15 and 20 kGy of γ-ray at 4.2 kGy/h. The amount of total phenol compounds of unirradiated RH, RB, and BB were 0.873 mM, 0.643 mM, and 0.377 mM, respectively. Irradiation up to 20 kGy did not show noticeable effect to the amount of total phenol compounds in RH, RB and BB. Electron donating abilities of RH, RB and BB were very similar, and they were not affected by irradiation. According to TBARS analyses, the inhibition abilities of lipid peroxidation of RH and RB were not affected by γ-irradiation, while those of BB were decreased with irradiation. These results indicate that BB is more sensitive to γ-irradiation than other rice processed by-products.

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