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      • 호스피스 전문교육과정을 마치면서

        조영 가톨릭대학교 간호대학 호스피스 교육연구소 2001 호스피스논집 Vol.5 No.-

        호스피스 전문교육과정을 시작한 때가 어제 같은데, 어느덧 12月이 되었다. 시작이 있으면 끝이 있다는 말이 새로이 실감이 난다. 커다란 포부를 가지고 시작에 임했는데도 불구하고 성실하지 못했음에 다시금 반성을 하게 된다. 그간 수많은 암환자들과 죽는 이들을 대하면서, 그리고 가까이 친척들의 생사를 보면서 죽음이 결코 죽음으로만 보이지는 않았고, 죽음도 우리 삶의 일부임을 느끼게 되었다. 하루하루의 삶이 얼마나 중요한지 다시금 깨닫게 되었다. 서먹서먹했던 관계가 이제 조금 익으려고 하는데 다시 헤어짐이 기다리고 있고, 너와 내가 조금씩 열리려고 하니 다시금 닫아야 되는 것이 우리의 운명이라는 생각이 들게 한다. 그렇지만, 길다면 긴 시간동안 우리는 같은 간호사라는 입장에서 많이 열려 있었고, 나이와 신분을 초월하여 호스피스에 대해 모두 같은 마음의 소유자였으며, 강의하시던 교수님들도 같은 마음이셨다. 그래서 우리는 더욱 더 친밀한 관계로 있을 수 있었는데도 불구하고, 생각보다는 깊은 관계로 지내지는 못했던 것 같은 게 못내 아쉽기만 하다. 전라도에서 이른 아침 어둠을 뚫고 오시는 선생님들, 가정주부들, 직장생활을 하며 귀한 시간을 내어 오시는 선생님들의 눈에는 열의가 가득했었다. 이제 『죽음』이라는 단어는 마치 친구처럼 나와는 뗄레야 뗄 수가 없게 되었는가 보다. 죽음을 눈 앞에 두고 있는 주위의 여러분들이 나에게 함께 해달라고 부탁 권유해 보기도 하였다. 암환자들에 대해서는 오늘이 마지막이란 마음을 가지고 임해야 할 것이라는 생각이 들었다. 조금만 마음을 놓고 있으면 어느새 주님 곁에 가시기 때문이다. 개인적인 죽음에 관해서도, 공동체의 죽음에 관해서도 조금은 자신이 생긴다. 실질적인 도움이 되어드릴 수 있으리라는 생각에 이제 손과 발의 움직임만이 남아 있을 뿐이라는 작은 다짐을 해본다. 광주 천주의 성요한 병원 견학지에서 수도회 정신이 살아있음에 감사드리고, 환자들이게 실질적인 도움이 되어 주고 있었기에 기뻤다. 실습할 수 있도록 허락해 주신 병원 측의 배려에도 감사드리고, 호스피스 관련 비디오 한 프로를 관람할 때에도 소홀히 하지 않고, 보고서를 작성해보도록 했던 연구소측에게도 물론 그러하다. 수업교재 역시 우리가 실무에서 활동할 때에 많은 도움이 되리라 생각한다. 이제 끝났다는 생각에 덮어두어서는 안될 것 같고, 필요한 때 언제든지 다시 펼쳐 보아야 겠다는 생각이 든다. 가을세미나, 너싱홈으로의 견학, 그리고 생각하지도 않았던 홍콩 연수회 역시 감사드린다. 우리 지역사회의 여러 곳에 다양한 호스피스 센터가 설립되었으면 하는 바람이 있고, 나 역시 수도회에서 이런 센터가 세워지기를 간절히 기다리고, 제안할 것이다. 올해 일 년은 참으로 알찬 한 해였다는 생각이 든다. 이 과정을 이수할 수 있도록 배려해주신 연구소, 공동체, 그리고 좋으신 하느님께 감사드린다. 그리고 새롭게 만나게 된 모든 선생님들께도 감사드린다.

      • 衣服의 皮膚障害와 衣類管理

        조영 西原大學校 1987 西原大學 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        The purposes of this study are (1) to investigate the experience of skin irrita-tions and its treatment as well as the present conditions of its preventions in terms of the clothes management of girl students in high sbhools, (2) to provide the warnings on the skin irritation cause by clothes so that they can better ingormed in the pur-chase, choice and management of clothes, (3) furthermore, to provide the fundamental data for making a necessary law to prevnnt the skin irritation of clothes. The data of the study are collected from the questionnaires of 322 giri students in high schools in Chongju, in July 1984, and from the questionaires, the problems of their skin irritations, its treatment and prevention condition, and a few points of con-sideration in buying clothes are clearly noticed. These points are represented in per-centage. In order to clarify whether there are any relations among the amount of perspiring, allergic body conditions and skin irritations, we adopted Chi-square test. The results are as follows: (1) The girls who experience the skin irritation by clothes were 40.1%, and the amount of perspiring and allergic body conditions were significantly related to skin irritations. (2) The sorts of clothes causing skin irritations were jackets, foundations, under-wears. The physical parts of skin irritations were breast, abdomen, neck, the lower limbs, and textile fiber causing skin irritations was synthetic fiber. The causes of skin irritaitions which the girls checked were textile fibers and insuitable clothes size and the symptoms of skin irritations were itch, the red spot. (3) The girls of 58.1% discontinued to wear the clothes that they felt skin irritations, and they didn't recognized well about the textile fiber causing skin irritations and the selection of clothes size and textile finishes (4) I'suggest that the education of textiles and clothes is required more to consu-mers and the textile products will consider a countermeasure to skin irritations and the authorities of administration will manage the textile products.

      • 韓國 金工透彫 意匠紋樣에 對한 硏究 : Cut-Paper Pattern

        趙英玉 西原大學校 1986 西原大學 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        韓國の 美術す 特徵的に 現わす 意?樣式の 中に 透彫工藝は もつとも 長い 傳統的な 美術樣式で すると いえる 又 その 技法は 金屬工藝 普び 建築彫刻 繪書 各種民族工藝で 多くつかわ れて來で. 各國 それぞれの 民族美術を 特ているが する國では 浮彫的な ものが 優秀であり, ?丸彫に すぐれた 特種性 を 特つた ものも 有る. 我が 國では 古代から 平面的な ヂザリソに 技術が すくれて いた樣だ, その中に 線條 ?は 陰刻, 透彫 なとを 色容いた 玄體的な 技法 又は 技術形式と いえる 模樣を 考察する 方法には だい 次の 三つを 上げることが 出來る. その 一つに 標章風と いえる ものにある. 事物を 單獨に 構成するにも 中心的な 軸を 中心に 左右對稱を 切こす 圖形である. 此の 形式は 人類が 創準す 調形的な 行爲から もつとも 多く 使用されて來た. 人間の 身體が 又は 動物の 身體が 左右相稱 するが 對稱に 構成した 樣相とも いえる . もつとも 人類文明に 大きい 影響を およぼ したと いうとが あるいは 此の樣な 文樣と かんがえる. 二つには こうには 單獨模樣を 左右に ならべて こうせいした 模樣樣式であり. 三のには 左右. 上下に 同樣な 模樣を 相稱するか 對稱に 一構成された 樣式を Symmetry 形象とゆうが 此の 樣な 模樣を ?紙技法だよつて バラエチ一にしんだ. 模樣を 構成 することが 出來, 又 おごそがな 形態の 模樣を 作り 出すことが 出來る. 我國の 三國時代 出土された 古墳に 多くの 金屬裝身具から 我國の 文化の 獨特な 透彫工藝は 我國の 文化的 性格を 反映したと 見ることが 出來る その 透彫工藝の 傳統は 多くの 材料と 形態で 傳承さて來た. 特に 朝鮮王朝の 意?模樣は だいたい こうして 傳統を 受けつ いたと いえる, 我國の こうした 透彫技法は 早くは 我が 先祖が スキタイの 金屬文化 から 影響を うけたことが 古代美術と 比較して うなずけることだ. 我國の 建築と 家具に 付着した 金屬裝?は だいたい [長壽]を あらわし 多福 富實 幸福と 和合の 意味を 現わしている. 此の 紋樣, 模樣を 使用したことは 信仰から 由來した 東洋的な 反映と 見る.

      • 現行 老人學校 Program과 老人興味에 관한 調査 硏究

        趙英玉 西原大學校 1981 西原大學 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The modern medical development, with the national economic extension, increased the population of the aged, which caues the severs social problem: (1) the change of the tradition valalues in Korea, (2) the current tendency of disregarding the aged. The movement of training the aged, since the first Lifelong Training Institute was founded in October 19, 1972, provided the broad fellowship and the comfortable life of their declining years for the old aged, who were isolated from society and kept lonely life. Nowadays there is a clear tendency that Institutshas grown up as a social community, amounting to almost 500 institutes and one hundred thousand students. This paper aimalyze (1) how much the aged are interested in the social program, (2) how much the present curriculum is appropriate and reasonavle for them and finnaly to study the effective programs for Institute for the aged. Using the detailed questionnaire, we sampled 363 persons out of 14 model Institutes opend in Seoul, diffedant in school characteristics. Summary is as follows: (1) span of age covers 20 years, (2) ratio of women students is 83.5%, (3) students shool level is 62.2% under elementary shool, (4) living standard is 68.7% above averge level, (5) the repoart says that students interest is not inclined in service activities or tourist tour, but in the instruuctive lecture. Their maject is (1) health management, (2) current affaires, (3) relationships between them and children and on the other side, singing and dancing training is less interested in. Most of the aged, 66.9% of them, recognized the necessity of Institute training and were content with the life of Institute. On the condition that Institute should be developed and programed as an effective lifelong training center for the aged, it conclude as follows: (1) the program should provide them with problem-solving ability: the aged can solve their own problem for themselve, (2) the program should be developed for the religious guidance for them, (3) the administrative operation should be studied and discussed in the direction of effective management: the systematic and professional curriculum should be provided to check program depreciation, (4) the aged should be respected systemantically by young generation, (5) they should be granted with the important oppertunities to study the subject for the aged through elementary school project to college training to prepare the life of their old age.

      • KCI등재
      • 유산소성 댄스 트레이닝이 신체구성, 혈중 지질 및 지단백 성분에 미치는 영향

        조영 順天靑巖大學 1999 論文集-順天靑巖大學 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to inverstgate effects of aerobic dance training of eight weeks on the body composition, serum lipids and lipoprotein component. 20 university student-age women participated this study. Subjects were assigned to 2 group(Trained; Aerobic dance training(n=10) and Control; non-exercise(n=10)). The results and conclusion of this study were as follows : 1. No significant difference observed between pre, post-4weeks and post-8weeks trained and control group in the body density, percent fat, fat weight and fat free weight. Also, it was not observed significant difference in a group compared. 2. No significant difference observed between pre, post-4weeks and post-8weeks trained and control group in total cholesterol. However, it was to decreased (p<.01) in trained group after 8weeks aerobic dance training, compared to control group. 3. High-density lipoprotein was to increased (p<.001) in trained group after 8weeks aerobic dance training, compared to before of pre test. However, it was not observed significant difference in control group. 4. No significant difference observed between pre, post-4weeks and post-8weeks trained and control group in low-density lipoprotein. However, it was to decreased in trained group after 4weeks(p<.01) and 8weeks(p<.05) aerobic dance training, compared to control group. 5. No significant difference observed between pre, post-4weeks and post-8weeks trained and control group in triglycerides.

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