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      • 近代中国结核疗养院实态: 以牯岭普仁医院为中心

        瞿艳丹 인천대학교 중국학술원 2020 비교중국연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This paper probes the history of Kuling Medical Mission General Hospital and Tuberculosis Sanatorium. It analyzes the process of adopting overseas sanatorium models in China with the influence of foreign medical missionaries from the late Qing Dynasty to the establishment of the Republic of China. In the early 20th century, through the development and promotion of foreign missionaries, Kuling became a famous summer attraction and health resort. Kuling Medical Mission General Hospital, which was born under the missionary model, remained devoted to preaching to patients to significant effect even in the anti-Christian movement and the Northern Expedition. The Nanjing National Government had the intention of creating public tuberculosis sanatoriums, but such desires failed to materialize due to practical impediments. As a result, individuals, medical missionaries, doctors, and charitable organizations successfully constructed modern China’s tuberculosis sanatorium. 本文通过钩沉牯岭普仁肺结核疗养院的历史,分析清末至民国时期医疗传教士将海外疗养院模式移植至中国的过程,解明不同历史时期肺结核疗养院经历的变革及呈现的风貌。20世纪初期,牯岭在外国传教士的开发及宣传之下成为中外人士熟知的避暑、疗养胜地。诞生于医疗传教模式之下的普仁医院一直注重向病人传教,在非基督教运动及北伐的影响之下,也作出相应的转型。南京国民政府虽有创设公立结核疗养院的意图,但由于现实原因,迟迟未得实现。近代中国政府无力推进的结核疗养院建设事业,实由医疗传教士、医师、慈善机构等个人或团体完成。

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