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      • 大学生在校期间创业问题研究

        程文思(Wensi Cheng),李逢英(Fengying Li) 동아시아무역학회 2019 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.1 No.1

        近年来, 就业难成为了大家讨论的热门话题,面对严峻的就业形势, 大学生创业应运而生。 已经有部分在校大学生突破传统的思维进行了自主创业。 但我国在大学生创业方面起步较晚, 创业开展范围和规模还较小, 大学生创业成功率还较低。 本文通过发放调查问卷的方式对山东政法学院商学院在校学生创业情况进行了大致的调查, 统计结果显示, 山东政法学院商学院学生在校期间创有创业计划的人数占20%, 进行创业的人数仅占12%, 学生创业的意识较薄弱, 创业率较低。 论文对创业率低的原因进行了相应的分析。 论文最后针对大学生创业率低的相关问题, 有针对性地提出了相应的意见和建议。 In recent years, both society and college students, employment has become the most popular topics discussed. Faced with the severe employment situation, college students entrepreneurship arises at the historic moment. Have some college students break through the traditional thinking of self-employment. But in the aspect of college students entrepreneurship in China started late, entrepreneurship to carry out the scope and scale is small, college students entrepreneurial success rate is low. In this paper, by means of questionnaires in Shandong institute of politics and law school students entrepreneurship has carried on the general survey, the results showed that in Shandong institute of politics and law school students during the period of school has a business plan, the number of 20%, to business accounts for only 9%, the number of students entrepreneurial awareness is relatively weak, low rate of entrepreneurship. Paper finally related questions of low rate of entrepreneurship for college students, puts forward the corresponding opinions and Suggestions.

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