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      • KCI등재

        棉花의 受精現象과 面毛發生에 關한 硏究

        韓昶烈,李萬相,趙守衍 한국작물학회 1969 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.5

        우리나라에서 재배하고 있는 면화 품종 목포005, Red leaf, Paymaster, Acala 1517w 등에 대하여 수정현상과 면모발생 및 발육에 관해서 비교조사하였다. (1) 화분은 수분 4시간후부터 발아신장하고, 수분 10시간이면 화주의 기부에 달하고 수분 18시간이면 태좌를 거쳐 주공에 진입한다. (2) 화분관이 주공에 진입할때는 1개의 매조세포를 뚫고 들어가기 때문에 수정후에는 1개의 매조세포만 남는다. (3) 수분 18-485시간이면 수정이 전부 완료되는데 목포 005가 빠르고 Paymaster는 늦으며 Red leaf는 그 중간이다. (4) 면모는 표피세포의 분열에 의하여 생긴 낭세포가 신장하는데 개화전부터 시작한다. (5) 면모는 수분후 1시간에 발생수가 가장 많아 약 60-80%이고 4-6시간에 거의 완료되는데 배주의 상부보다 기부에 많고 내측면보다 외측면에 많다. (6) 평균 면모장은 수분 1시간이면 2.7-8.3u m , 수분 4-48시간이 되면 43.8-263.7u m 신장하는데 목포 005, Red leaf는 신장속도가 거의 같고 Paymaster는 늦은 편이다. A study has been made on phenomena of fertilization, hair genesis, and development of such forma of cotton flower as Mok Po 5, Red Leaf, Paymaster, Acala 1517w. 1) The pollen occurs to germinat at 4 hrs after its pollination and reaches the base of style 10 hrs. later, when 18 hrs elapsed, it gets enter at micropyle passes through placenta. 2) There may remain only one synergid as another one is occupied by pollen tube when it enters micropyle. 3) The fertilization completed at 18-48 hrs. after pollination. It was observed that Mok Po5 is the fastest, somewhat slower in Red Leaf and the slowest is the case of Paymaster in its speed. 4) Wool hair is formed by development of daughter cell which is. due to epidermal cell division' it starts its way right before blooming. 5) Wool hair is the most in its number covering about 60-80 within one hour ofter pollination and finishes its forming within 4-6 hours. The number is more abunbant at basal portion of ovule and rather at outer surface than at inner one of it. 6) The average length of wool hair checked at different time limit is as follows. 2.7-8.3~mu m 1 hr after pollination. 43.3-263.7~mu m 24-48 hrs. after pollination. The growth speed both of Mok Po 5 and Red Leaf get nearly same value but Paymaster is somewhat slower in its speed.

      • KCI등재

        생식생장기 냉수온이 벼의 Source와 Sink관련형질 및 양분호흡에 미치는 연구 1 : 냉수관개가 지경과 영화의 분화 및 퇴화, 불임, 등숙에 미치는 영향

        崔洙日,羅鍾城,蘇在敦,李萬相 韓國作物學會 1985 Korean journal of crop science Vol.30 No.4

        본 시험은 산간부인 진안(해발 303 m)에서 생식생장기에 일반상수를 대비하여 냉수를 유수형성기와 감수분열기에 4, 8, 12 일간 관개하였을때 야기되는 물질생산 및 수용계의 냉해반응을 알고자 수행하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 냉수관개기간이 길어질수록 간장, 수장, 추출도의 신장이 억제되었으며, 유수형성기 냉수관개는 하위절, 감수분열기 냉수관개는 상위절의 절간신장을 단축시켰다. 또한 지경 및 영화의 퇴화는 유수형성기 냉수 관개에 민감한 영향을 받아 2차지경과 영화의 분화착생수 감소 및 퇴화의 증가를 보였다. 2. 불임율과 등숙장해도 냉수관개기간이 길어질수록 심하였고 유수형성기보다 감수분열기 냉수관개에서 피해율이 현저히 높았는데 특히 피해반응이 예민한 시기는 영화원기분화기와 감수분열기경이었으며 불임율, 등숙비율과 수량과는 유의적인 상관관계를 보였다. 3. Source와 Sink 관련형질중 지경과 영화의 퇴화는 엽면적에 영향을 받고 불임율과 수량은 간장, 수장,추출도의 신장량과 상관이 있었다. This experiment was conducted to study effect of cold water damage on some growth characters related to source and sink at reproductive growth stage in Jinan (sea level 303m). The cold water irrigation duration had irrigated 4, 8 and 12 days at panicle formation stage and reproduction division stage compared to perennial water irrigation. Cold water irrigation shortened culm length and panicle length and degree of panicle exsertion. The shortening effect appeared great at lower internodes when treated at panicle formation stage but at higher internodes when treated at reduction division stage. Cold water irrigation decreased the number of secondary branches and spikelets per panicle, and increased the number of degenerated spikelets being high degeneration when treated at panicle formation stage. Spikelet sterility and impediment of grain filling were affected by duration of cold water irrigation being great when treated at spikelet primodium differentiation stage and reduction division stage in particular. Grain weight was also reduced. Significant relationship existed between spikelets sterility, grain filling and yield. The degeneration of secondary branches and spikelets correlated with leaf area but spikelet sterility and yield with culm length, panicle length and panicle exsertion.

      • KCI등재후보

        高麗人蔘의 受精現象에 關한 硏究

        C. Harn(韓昶烈),M. S. Lee(李萬相),J. M. Kim(金鍾萬) 한국육종학회 1974 한국육종학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Pollen tube penetration and fertilization of Panax ginseng were investigated, the results of which we re summarized as follows: Pollen tube started to grow into the stigmatic tissue about five hours after pollination, reached to the embryo sac by about 16 hours after pollination. Fertilization of secondary nucleus occured about 18 hours after pollination, while the egg cell was fertilized seven hours later than the fusion nucleus. First division of the primary endosperm nucleus was observed taking place around 25 hours af ter pollination, but the fertilized egg cell underwent its first division about 20 hours later than the primary endosperm nucleus.

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