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      • 英语专业精读教材思政元素呈现研究

        梅勇(Yong Mei),袁博(Bo Yuan),朱雨彤(Yutong Zhu) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.1 No.2

        充分挖掘并分析高校外语教材中蕴含的思政元素有助于发挥外语专业的育人作用。本研究提出英语专业教材思政元素分析框架,以《新编英语教程》为研究对象,从内容和呈现形式两个方面进行分析。内容分析结果表明该教材整体符合育人基本要求,文化和自然内容有待加强,具体体现如下:人与自我维度占比最多,各范畴分布与年级较为相关;人与世界维度占比其次,世界知识范畴占比高,国际视野内容待加强;人与国家维度占比较少,中华文化的呈现方式丰富,内容频次比例较低;人与自然维度占比最少,主要以提供自然知识促自然保护意识;呈现方式结果包括:横向比较:寓理于事使用最多,人物形象使用最少;纵向比较:直接说理频次逐年下降,议论说理重要性凸显。基于此,提出如下建议:思政元素分布不均,教材编写应与时俱进满足学生发展需求;中华人文精神的思政元素体现不足,教材教师双管齐下提高学生人文素养;思政元素呈现方式分布仍需完善,教材教师相辅相成促学生思辨能力发展。 To explore and analyze the ideological and political elements in college foreign language textbooks is helpful to implement morality cultivation in English majors. The study, therefore, builds an analysis framework of ideological and political elements to analyze ‘New English Course’ in terms of the contents and the presentation methods. Firstly, in terms of contents, the results of content analysis show that the textbook meets the basic requirements of educating students, and the cultural and natural contents need to be strengthened. The details are as follows: 1. the dimensions of human and self-occupy the largest proportion, and the distribution of each category is related to the grade; 2. the dimensions of man and the world ranks second, among which the category of world knowledge is high, and the content of international vision needs to be strengthened; 3. the dimensions of man and the country accounts for a relatively small percentage, within which Chinese culture is presented in a variety of ways with low contents frequency; 4. the dimensions of man and nature accounts for the least proportion, mainly by providing nature knowledge to promote students’ awareness of nature protection. Secondly, in terms of the presentation methods, the study shows: 1. Reasoning behind facts is the most used method, while image is the least used one; 2. The frequency of direct reasoning represents a decrease over years, while the importance of argumentation appeared. Therefore, the study suggests: 1. Ideological and political elements are unevenly distributed, so textbook editor and writers should keep pace with time to promote students’ development; 2. The ideological and political elements of Chinese human spirit are insufficient, so both the textbook and English teachers should make efforts to improve students’ humane accomplishment; 3. The distribution of presentation methods needs improvement, and textbooks and teacher should work together to develop students’ critical thinking ability.

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