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      • KCI등재

        딸기 검은무늬병(Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler)의 발생에 관하여

        조종택,문병주 한국응용곤충학회 1980 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        1979년 7월 경남 김해에서 딸기 성강 16호의 잎에 흑갈색 내지 암갈색 병반을 형성하는 병해를 발견, 그 병원균을 분리 검토한 결과 우리나라에서는 미기록병해인 Alternaria alternate (Fr.) Keissler로 동정되었으며 본병을 검은무늬병이라 명명하였다. 본균의 분생포자의 형태는 배지간에 차가 심하였으며 C.M.A.에서 평균 , beak의 길이는 으로서 자연감염된 딸기잎상에서 형성된 것 보다 짧았다. 딸기 49품종에 접종한 결과 성강 16호와 Robinson이 고도감수성이였으며 Catskill, Cyclone, Northwest, Merton princes, Juspa, 및 대학 1호 등의 품종에도 발병을 볼 수 있었으나 31 품종은 전연 발병되지 않았다. 10종(14품종)에 접종한 결과 해바라기, 겹해바라기, 및 멕시코 해바라기에만 심하게 발병되었다. A new disease of strawberry caused by Alternaria was found in Gim Hae, Gyougnam province, in July 1979. The symptoms of the disease occurred mainly on leaves as showing dark brown spots with circular to irregular, in diameter. The pathogen was identified as Alternaria alternate (Fr.) Keissler which has not been described in Korea as a pathogen of strawberry disease. The common name of the disease was given as Gum un mum byung of strawberry. The conidia shape and size of this fungus varied considerably with culture media. The measurements of conidia and beak on corn meal agar were , respectively, which were shorter than those on strawberry leaf lesions in the field. Among 49 strawberry varieties tested, Morioca 16 and Robinson were highly susceptible to the disease by artificial inoculation and Catskill, Cyclone, Northwest, Merton princess, Juspa and Daehak I were moderately susceptible whereas 31 varieties were resistant. This fungus could also infect the leaf of Common garden sunflower, Double sunflower and Mexican sunflower among the 14 plants species tested

      • KCI등재

        우리나라의 딸기 신병해 겹무늬병 (Dondrophoma obscurans)에 관한 연구

        조종택,문병주 한국응용곤충학회 1979 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        1. 1977년 경남 김해에서 처음 발견되어 현재 딸기 잎의 반점성병해로서 최우점종으로 나타났으며 그 피해 막심하였다. 그 병징은 논문이 뚜렷한 대형의 갈색반점 또는 V자형의 갈반을 형성하였으au 병반이오래되면 중앙 고사부의 표리양면에 흑색의 병자각이 다수형성되었다. 본병원균을 분리한 결과우리나라에서는 미기록 병해인 Dendrophoma obscurans로 동정되었으며 본병을 겹무늬 병이라 명명하였다. 2. 본균의 병자각형성에는 광선이 필수조건이었으며 PDA배지상에서 병자각의 형성이 많았다. 3. 딸기 48품종에 대하여 품종간 발병의 차이를 조사한 결과 Red gauntlet, Senga Sengana, Torrey, Horida's wonder, Hokowase, Kogyoku, Dehak I등이 발병율이 높았으며 또 어린엽보다는 노엽에서 발병이 심하였다. The study has been carried to describe a new disease of strawberry in Korea, which was found in 1977 at Kimhae. Symptom of the disease occurred mainly on leaves as showing large annular brown spots or 'V' shaped brown lesions. Many of dark pycnidia were observed from the both side of old lesions. The pathogen was identified as Dendrophoma obscurans (Ell. & Ev) Anderson which has not been described in Korea as a pathogen of strawberry disease. The common name of the disease was given, temporaly, as Annular leaf blight of strawberry. In the laboratory study, light was necessary for the production of pycnidia and potato dextrose agar was the best media for tile pycnidia formation. There were some difference on resistance to the disease among 48 tested strawberry varieties though none of them shelved highly resistant reaction, and the older leaves showed more susceptible reaction than younger ones.

      • KCI등재


        조종택 호남수학회 2014 호남수학학술지 Vol.36 No.3

        We study 3-dimensional non-unimodular Lie groups with a left-invariant almost Kenmotsu structure.

      • 딸기 시들음병균에 대한 Trichoderma 속 균의 길항작용에 관한 연구 : Ⅲ. Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase Activity Ⅲ. Chitinase와 β-1,3-glucanase 활성

        문병주,정후섭,조종택 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        T. harzianum은 합성 배지에 유일한 탄소원으로서 chitin, laminarin, 본 병균의 세포벽, 밑기울 분말, clover잎 분말, maltose를 단독으로 첨가하여 생육시키면 chitinase와 β-1, 3-glucanase를 생성하였으나, chitinase 활성은 세포벽 첨가구에서 가장 높았고 다음은 chitin이었으며 maltose와 밑기울에서도 높은 활성을 보였으나 clover에서는 극히 낮았다. β-1, 3-glucanase 활성은 maltose에서 가장 높았고 다음은 laminarin이었으며 그 이외에는 극히 낮았다. 양 효소의 활성은 pH 3.5와 5.5가 pH 7.5에 비하여 높았으며, T. harzianum과 본 병균을 혼합하면 단독배양에 비하여 높았다. T. viride도 유일한 탄소원으로서 chitin 또는 laminarin을 첨가하면 각각 chitinase와 β-1,3-glucanase를 생성하였으나, chitinase 활성은 T. harzianum에 비하여 현저하게 낮았고 β-1,3-glucanase의 활성은 비슷하였다. Chitinase production by Trichoderma harzianum was highest in the culture with cell walls of the pathogen or chitin, moderately high with maltose or wheat bran, and very poor with clover leaf power. Relatively large amount of β-1,3-glucanase was excreted by T. harzianum when maltose or laminarin was used as a sole carbon source for the culture of the fungus, whereas cell walls, wheat bran and clover leaf powder had little effect on the enzyme production. For both of the enzymes, the enzyme activities were higher at pH 3.5-5.5 than at pH 7.5, and higher enzyme activities were detected in the dual culture of T. harzianum and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae than in the culture of T. harzianum alone. The activity of chitinase by T. viride was significantly lower than by T. harzianum, and the activity of β-1,3-glucanase was similar between the two antagonisitcs, although T. viride produced chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase when chitin or laminarin was added as a sole carbon source.

      • KCI등재

        Gradient Ricci solitons with semi-symmetry

        조종택,박지연 대한수학회 2014 대한수학회보 Vol.51 No.1

        We prove that a semi-symmetric 3-dimensional gradient Ricci soliton is locally isometric to a space form S3, H3, R3 (Gaussian soliton); or a product space R×S2, R×H2, where the potential function depends only on the nullity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        $\eta$-parallel H-contact 3-manifolds

        조종택 대한수학회 2018 대한수학회보 Vol.55 No.4

        In this paper, we give a local and global classification of 3-dimensional H-contact manifolds whose Ricci tensor is $\eta$-parallel.

      • KCI등재

        Geometry of contact strongly pseudo-convex CR-manifolds

        조종택 대한수학회 2006 대한수학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        As a natural generalization of a Sasakian space form, wedefine a contact strongly pseudo-convex CR-space form (of constantpseudo-holomorphic sectional curvature) by using theTana-ka-Webster connection, which is a canonical affine connectionon a contact strongly pseudo-convex CR-manifold. In particular, weclassify a contact strongly pseudo-convex CR-space form(M,eta,varphi) with the pseudo-parallel structure operatorh(=1/2L_{xi}varphi), and then we obtain the nice form of theircurvature tensors in proving Schur-type theorem, where L_xidenote the Lie derivative in the characteristic direction xi.

      • 高冷地育苗에 의한 딸기의 促成栽培試驗

        曺種澤 東亞大學校 1969 東亞論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        1. 딸기 苗를 高冷地인 慶南 梁山郡 神佛山農場(標高 800m)에 올려 低溫處理와 短日處理를 兼하여 花芽分化를 促進시켜 年末 年始에 딸기를 收穫할 수 있는 促成栽培試驗을 實施하였다. 2. 本 試驗의 主目的은 日本等地에서는 標高 1000m∼1400m 高冷地에서 實施하고 있는 이 方法이 標高가 800m 밖에 안되고 또 緯度가 다른 이곳에서도 栽培可能性과 經濟性의 與否를 알고자 花芽分化期 및 開花期와 收量調査를 實施하였다. 3. 供試品種은 紅鶴, 福羽, 幸玉, Danner 4 品種을 使用하였고 處理는 가마니 거적 一枚로 短日處理한 區와 Silyerpolydo로 短日處理閑具, 발 1枚로 終日 蔗光한 區, 標準區로 區分하여 三反覆 分割區 配置法으로 設計하였다. 4. 花芽分化 調査는 高冷地 育苗其間中 9月 10日부터 5日 間隔으로 每區에서 딸기 苗를 5株씩 Random으로 採取하여 檢鏡하였더니 9月 25日엔 Silver polydo區의 分化率은 紅鶴이 80%, 福羽는 60%, Danner 40%, 幸玉은 20%를 나타내었다. 5. 開花期의 調査는 年末年始에 收穫 可能 限界期인 11月 20日 現在로서 總開花數를 調査하였으니 品種間 處理間에 있어서 各各 高度의 有意性을 나타내었고 紅鶴이 開花數가 가장 많아 株當 平均 15個, 福羽및 Danner는 8∼10個, 幸玉은 開花數가 극히 적었다. 處理間에 있어서는 Silver polydo區와 가마니 거적區의 開花數가 가장 많았다. 6. 收量 調査 結果는 2月 10日 現在 가장 成績이 좋은 區인 Silver polydo區에서 紅鶴이 株當 12個, 福羽는 7.6個, Danner는 6個, 幸玉은 4.6個 收穫되었다. 7. 딸기의 時勢는 11月 中旬부터 2月 10日 現在까지 個當 20원 程度에 處分되었으니 經濟性이 극히 높은 栽培樣式이라고 생각된다. 1. This experiment was carried out in order to harvest strawberries at the Christmas and New Year season. Strawberry seedling were taken up to the cold high land, Sin-Bul mountain farm (800m above sea level), and the flower bud differentiation was hastened by conducting both lowtemperature and short day treetment. 2. Varieties observed were Hong-hak, Bog-u, Hang ok and Danner, Treatment plots were divided into short day treatment plots, with a sheet of straw mat, silver polydo short day Treatmentplots, the plots shaded from the sun all day long by a marsh-reed mat and control, and this experiment was designed by the split plot design of three replications. 3. Observation of the Flower bud differentation: The result of the investigation conducted on septemder 25th was that Hong-hak showed 80%, Bog-u 60%, Danner 40% and Hang-ok 20% in their ratio of the flower bud differertiation of the siverpolydo plots which was the best result. 4. Observation of flowering period: On Novemder 20the, the final period when we can harvest strawberries at the christmas and Newyear season, Hong-hak bloomed 15 flowers per a plant, Bog-u and Danner 8.5 and Hang-ok 5.6. Among the treatment plots, silver polydo and straw mat plots had many flowers of them. 5. observation of yields; The yield of the most abundant plots from Novemder 15th to February 10th indicated that Hong-hak produced 12 berris per a plant, Bog-u 7.6, Danner 6, Hang-ok 4.6. Among the treatment plots, silver polydo plots were the most abundant. 6. It was considered that this way of cultivation was profitable, for the strawberries had been sold for about 20won per a berry from about the middle of November in 1968 to 10th of Februaty in 1969.

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