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      • 红色资源融入高校党史学习教育的路径研究

        张雯雯(Wenwen Zhang),张泽琪(Zeqi Zhang),张博焱(Boyan Zhang),王怡(Yi Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.2 No.4

        红色资源具有强大的文化内涵和育人价值,是启发高校大学生思想政治教育觉悟的重要内容,作为革命老区的山西省,蕴含着丰富的红色资源。探索红色资源融入高校党史学习教育的实践路径是当前思政课教学改革的必然要求,高校应在课堂中发挥“大思政课”主阵地的作用,用好红色资源,提升党史教育成效;在实践中借助社会实践活动的力量,用活红色资源,开展多样化实践活动;新时代高校还应创新传播途径,依托网络新媒体,用足红色资源,拓宽党史传播渠道。 Red resources have strong cultural connotation and educational value, which is an important content to inspire the ideological and political education consciousness of college students. Shanxi Province, as a revolutionary old base area, contains rich red resources. Exploring the practical path of integrating red resources into the study and education of Party history in colleges and universities is the inevitable requirement of the current ideological and political course teaching reform. Colleges and universities should play the role of “big ideological and political course” in the classroom, make good use of red resources, and improve the effectiveness of Party history education. In practice, with the help of social practice activities, use living red resources to carry out diversified practice activities; In the new era, colleges and universities should also innovate communication channels, rely on network new media, and use sufficient red resources to broaden the channels of Party history communication.

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