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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 輸入自由化에 關한 小考

        姜錫中 漢城大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Theoretically the concept of import liberalization can be defined similar to that of free trade. Many Ricardians have taught us that we can enjoy the benefits of free trade through the specialization under perfect competition. The benefits of free trade are efficient resources allocations and the improvement of economic welfare. On the other hand, this ideal theory has some problems, especially in the case of its actual application. We have to consider the environmental situation before introducting a new policy into the reality. Most of small or developing countries do not give up easily their protectionism, and their adoption of import expansion policy mainly depends on their basis of economy and level of technology. Little attention of this point perhaps cause the unbalance of international payments and unemployment, etc. It is notable that such liberalization will do harm a small country's economic development. Korean economy has recorded the average annual growth rate of 41.5% during the First Five-Year Economic Development Plan period(1962∼1966). Korea's commodity exports began to increase rapidly in 1960s and it amounted to more than $10 billion in 1977. Hence Korean economy, called as a model of Newly Industrializing Countries, came to mark a turning point. The Korea's unbalanced growth of trade sector under the plan of the government could not lead the economy to the optimal state further more. Under this situation, therefore, the domestic economy policy changed to emphasize the restoration of mraket function and its price mechanism. The trade strategy in Korea switched also to an overall import liberalization in order to adapt itself to an ever-changing internatonal economic circumstances. Evaluating the international trade policy from the mutual give-and-take theory, we find the dispensibility of above-mentioned changes in Korea. The Korean government has announced the import liberalization plan several times since late 1970s. The government's goal of liberalization ratio by 1986 is 90% or more under the Fifth Five-Year Economic Development Plan(1982∼1986). The ratio of that year will approach near to the level of developed countries. We have to consider the related policies together to execute import expansion poliey. One of the most important policy among them is well-prepared import control system. To make the best use of the benefits of liberalization and import control system in Korea, here we suggest as follows: First of all, we should set up the basic plan for efficient import control and private sectors(producers and consumers, etc) as well as bureaucrats should take the egual opportunity to participate in that planning. Agressive participation of private sector in that plan shall make it possible to link the trade policy with the difficult industrial policy. Secondly, we should prepare the counter-measures to cope with the increasing defiit of the trade balances. Finally, we also should put in good order of trade related laws and institutions. Modernized trade law sytem will promise the success of import liberalization and reasonable related institutions will show the development of trade administration in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        연천 홍석주의 교유시에 대하여

        강석중 한국한시학회 2011 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        Hong Seokju(洪奭周 1774∼1842) was a leading scholar in early 19th century. He was a scholar of the Noron(老論) school that was based on traditional Seungrihak(性理學) and also a most prominent literary man, who showed most great scholastic level. His academic achievements derived from his own homeschooling and academic hard study. I investigated those poems that was rubbed with shoulders in the instruction and that courses. I researched that in his childhood, he was instructed with Shim Myungyoung(沈命永 1771∼1835), who was taught by Hong Inmo(洪仁謨) and his cousin Jeong Seik(鄭世翼 1784∼1835) who was ten years younger than Hong Seokju. In that courses, the poems showed the consistent relations recommended the diligence with pureness untied with personal gains. Those poems were always based on the sentiment which was irrespective with time. In his companionship with colleagues, Kim Keunsoon(金近淳 1772∼1820) who was "chogyemoonshin(抄啓文臣)" in Kyujanggak(奎章閣) under the favor of the King Jeongjo(正祖) and who studied with Hong and Kim Gyeon(金啓溫 1773∼1825). He left the pure companionship poems in the basis of buddy affection in young days. He outlived his friends and that resulted in the elegy with deep lamentation for his friends' demises. It shows that Hong wrote the classical poetry of the literary theory while he had a lifelong friendship with Kim Sohaeng(金紹行1765∼1859) who had lots of literary discussions with Hong. When Kim visited from Chungju(忠州) to meet Hong at the age of 75, Hong gave three poems about their friendship. 淵泉 洪奭周(1774∼1842)는 19세기 전반의 시기에 활동한 대표적인 학자이다. 그는 전통적인 성리학을 바탕으로 한 老論 계열의 학자이자 당대 제일의 문인으로, 당대의 일반적인 학자의 경향을 대표하는 동시에 최고의 학문적 수준을 보여준 인물이다. 그의 학문적 성과는 가학으로 이룬 바탕 아래 친우들과의 학문적 연찬을 통해 이루어졌다고 할 수 있는바, 그의 교유와 그 과정에서 이루어진 교유시들을 살펴보았다. 어린 시절 백모의 아우로 홍석주의 부친 홍인모에게 글을 배워 홍석주와 십여 년 간 함께 강학을 한 사이인 沈命永(1771∼1835)과 10세 연하의 이종사촌 동생으로 홍석주에게 학문을 배운 鄭世翼(1784∼1835)의 사이를 살펴 보았다. 이들과 이루어진 교유에서는 이익으로 맺어진 사이가 아니라 순수하게 서로 권면하는 관계를 이어간 모습을 보이고 있으며, 시간의 흐름과 관계없이 늘 이어진 정감을 바탕으로 한 시를 낳고 있다. 동료들과의 교유에서는 신진의 士類로 정조의 총애를 입고 규장각의 초계문신이 되어 함께 학문을 연찬하였던 金近淳(1772∼1820)과 金啓溫(1773∼1825)의 사이를 살펴보았다. 젊은 시절을 함께 한 동료애를 바탕으로 한 순수한 교유시도 여러 수 남기고 있지만 홍석주가 동료들에 비해 비교적 장수를 누렸기에 그보다 먼저 세상을 떠난 동료의 죽음을 애도하는 만시를 통해 깊은 애도를 펴하였다. 평생 교유를 지속한 金紹行(1765∼1859)과는 문학적 논의를 서로 간에 많이 나누었기에 문학론을 담은 고시를 교유 과정에서 지어 남기고 있다는 특징을 보이고 있다. 김소행과의 사이에서는 가장 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 가장 많은 교유시를 남기고 있는바, “十八歲作”이라는 주석이 붙어 있는 <答金平仲深山操>에서 75세의 나이에 충주에서 찾아온 김소행에게 준 <金平仲自忠州來訪, 時年七十五矣. 次憲仲韻以贈>에 이르기까지 모두 12題의 시를 쓰고 있다.

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