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      • KCI등재후보

        大小麥 收量構成要素에 關與하는 몇가지 形質의 硏究 Ⅰ. 耐倒伏性의 品種間 差異

        Y. S. Ham(咸泳秀),C. Y. Park(朴正潤),Y. W. Ha(洪丙憙),C. H. Cho(曺章煥) 한국육종학회 1971 한국육종학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        耐倒伏性에 關與하는, 諸形質의 品種間差異를 檢討코저 標準肥區 多肥區를 두어 形態的 物理的特性을 檢討하였다. 1. 形態的 物理的特性의 品種間 差異를 檢討하여 表 10에서 耐倒伏性別 品種群을 分類하였다. 2. 耐倒伏性의 檢定에 있어서 窒素肥料만을 增施함이 倒伏과 相關이 높으며 判定이 容易하다. 3. 耐倒伏性의 判定은 어느한 特性調査만으로는 判定하기 어렵다고 본다. In order to investigate the varietal differences on characteristics concerned with lodging resistances, 9 barley varieties were tested in standard and double nitrogen fertilizer applied plots, and morphological and physical characteristics were measured. All tested varieties were classified into 5 types in lodging resistance. Therefore, it is considered that double nitrogen applied condition is efficient enough to determine the degree of lodging resistance.

      • KCI등재후보

        大小麥 收量構成要素에 關與하는 몇가지 形質의 硏究 Ⅱ. 보리 耐濕性의 品種間 差異

        Y.S. Ham(咸泳秀),C.Y. Park(朴正潤),B.H. Hong(洪丙憙),C.H. Cho(曺章煥) 한국육종학회 1971 한국육종학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        For the selection of highly resistant barley varieties, cultivated mainly in paddy fields of the middle and southern part of the country, this trial was performed in step-shaped plots of standard (treatment Ⅰ), high moist (treatment Ⅱ) and excess moist (treatment Ⅲ) in paddy fields at Suwon. Among the varieties examined, it was determined that Kyung Nam #89 and Buheung considered highly resistant varieties to wet-soil condition, and items and times for observation were also confirmed by calculating simple correlation between grain weight and other characteristics concerned. 韓國 奬勵品種을 供試하여 水原에서 畓裏作試驗圃場을 標準, 中濕, 過濕의 3段階로 區分한 階段式栽培로서 春期부터 收穫期까지 滯水시켜 品種의 耐濕性에 關與하는 諸形質間의 特性을 調査하여 品種을 分類한 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 濕害의 誘發方法으로 階段式 栽培法으로 한바 各處理間에 土壤水分面에서 差異를 認定할수 없었고 滯水後 2週日後에 濕土率, 孔隙量, Eh(6)等을調査한 結果 1處理의 地下水位 35㎝區는 乾畓의 土壤狀態, Ⅱ 處理의 地下水位 20㎝區는 中濕程度이었으며 Ⅲ 處理의 地下水位 5㎝ 區는 過濕狀態로서 濕害檢定에 알맞았다. 2. 過濕處理가 形態的 生理的 收量構成要素에 미치는 品種間差異를 檢定한 結果 表11에서와 같이 耐濕性品種을 分類하였다. 3. 耐濕性品種中 富興은 形熊的 生理的特性에서는 慶南89號에 多少 未及하나 一株粒重 卽 收量面에서는 慶南 89號보다 優秀하다. 4. 過濕處理의 種實重과 各形質과의 相關에서 5月의 草長, 分蘖數와 收量構成要素인 穗長, 穗抽節數, 一株穗重等은 特히 高度의 正相關을 보여 耐濕性品種選拔에 指標가 되리라 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        統一品種의 稻熱病 抵抗性에 關한 遺傳學的 硏究

        S. H. Kwon(權臣漢),J. H. Oh(吳正行),Y. S. Ham(咸泳秀),J. H. Kim(金鍾昊) 한국육종학회 1975 한국육종학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        To determine the number of genes controlling resistance of the variety Tong-il which is resistant to blast disease at present, F₂ populations of each cross between Tong-il and five susceptible varieties were genetically analyzed with two prevalent blast strain T-1 and E-7 of blast fungus. Results indicated that blast resistance of the variety Tong-il was conditioned by a single dominant-gene, and the resistance to the strain T-1 was controlled by one gene different from that controlling to the strain E-7 of blast fungus.

      • KCI등재후보

        大小麥 幼穗分化 및 發育過程에 關한 硏究 1. 大小麥 幼穗分化基準設定에 關한 調査硏究

        Ham Y. S(咸泳秀),C. H. Cho(曺章煥),Y. S. Kim(金泳相) 한국육종학회 1972 한국육종학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        本 試驗은 우리나라 中部地方의 水原에서 栽培되는 奬勵品種을 使用하여 大 小麥의 幼穗分化發育의 基準을 作成하여 이것을 栽培面에 利用하기 위하여 1965~1966 2個年間에 걸쳐 調査硏究한 것이며 結果를 다음과 같이 要約한다. 1. 和田의 小麥, 稻村의 大麥에 對한 幼穗分化過程들과 比較하면서 小穗 및 ○花始原體의 分化와 形態 및 組織學的으로 發育을 主로 하여 大麥 및 小麥의 幼穗分化過程을 檢討하였다. 2. 大麥의 幼穗分化 過程의 各 段階에서의 待徵은 第Ⅴ期; 苞始原體가 보이나 小穗始原體는 보이지 않음. 第Ⅵ期; 幼穗의 中心部에 小穗 始原體가 分化하려 하고 二重隆期가 나타나지 始作하는 時期 第Ⅶ期; 幼穗의 下部에는 二重隆起가 보이고 後期에는 二重隆起가 不明遼하게 됨. 第Ⅷ期; 節間伸長이 보이고 小穗始原體가 3個의 小穗로 分化하며 또한 止葉이 決定되는 時期. 第Ⅸ期; 各 小穗에서 ○花 諸 器官의 始原體가 隆起되어 이 時期에는 穗에 稔實할 수 있는 段數가 決定됨. 第Ⅹ期; 護○과 芒의 伸長이 뚜렸한 時期. 3. 小麥의 幼穗分化過程의 各 段階에서의 持徵은 第Ⅴ期: 苞 始原體가 分化하고 小穗始原體의 分化는 보이지 않는 時期. 第Ⅵ期; 幼穗의 中央部에 小穗始原體의 작은 突起가 나타나고 基部에는 苞와 小穗始原體의 二重陵起가 나타나는 時期. 第Ⅶ期; 稈과 穗部의 區別이 容易하고 節數와 葉數가 決定되는 時期. 第Ⅷ期; 幼穗 最頂部의 小穗가 分化하여 小穗가 決定되는 時期.第Ⅸ期; 各 小穗에서 ○花 諸器官의 始原體가 分化 됨. 第Ⅹ期; 各 小穗에서 頂部 ○花의 諸器官의 始原體가 分化하여 基部의 ○花에서는 胞原細胞가 形咸되어 稔實할수 있는 一小穗當 ○花數가 決定되는 時期. 4. 花器의 分化 發育에 있어 各 小穗의 器官의 分化는 外○이 나타난 다음 內○이 出現하였으며 웅예기관의 分化가 웅예기관의 分化보다 빨랐고 웅예의 分化는 子房 花柱 및 柱頭의 順으로 形成되었다. The experiment has been carried out during the period of 1965-1966 to establish the standard of spike differentiation in barley and wheat, and to study the possibility of utilizing the standard for Practical cultivation. The standard of spike differentiation in barley and wheat was established by comparing the stadard of wheat made by Wada, and the standard of barley by Inemura mainly investigating the differentiation and growth of spikelet and floral initials in morphological and systematical aspects. The characteristics of each stage(5th stage to 10th stage) in spike differentiation of barley and wheat were described. In the differentiation of spikelet organs, palea appeared after lemma and the differentiation of anthers was faster than that of pistil. The sequence of the pistil parts is ovary, styles, and stigmas.

      • KCI등재후보

        田作育種의 最近의 進步

        Y. S. Ham(咸泳秀) 한국육종학회 1978 한국육종학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        Several models of breeding schemes which are to be contributed to the upland field crops in Korea are discussed. Upland field crops in Korea are in a worse sutuation of their geographical and management conditions, and they are sincerely required to be more stable and higher is yield of variety itself compared to the other crops. In self pollinated crops, the recurrent selection schemes which have been mostly used in cross pollinated crops are desired to be a breeding scheme, facilitated with genetic male sterility, to improve yield and other characteristics such as pest tolerance, and the plant type regards. to the characteristics of stalks or stem, leaves and ears etc are also important part to develop a variety of further higher yielding with increased utilization of solar energy and maximized dry matter production. Beside the accumulation of beneficial characters by means of inter-specific hybridization have been well known already recently, a chemical treatment of E-amino caproic acid(EACA) is attempted to help the inter-specific hybridization. The value of triticale as a new crop developed from the interspecific hybridization is being recognized, so this new crop is desired to be adapted and utilized in Korea and breeding schemes by means of inter-specific hybridizaion in the other crops are to be considered. In early and high yielding breeding program, particularly in wheat and barley, introduction of new gene source along the analyized results of internal factors of heading-ecotype, and selection dued to cold tolerance, winter habit and heading date in different location and paddy and upland field conditions are recommended according to the daylength response and true earlyness of Takahashi’s study. According to the demand of effective breeding technology against the occurrance of new strain or biotype and reduction of damage of disease and insect in upland field crops, chromosome engineering to replace a tolerant gene is a elaborated genetic technology and is to be emphasized as a new field to be developed. The breeding purposed on better nutritional content is one of the important program which is aimed internal yield increase by the increase of better nutrition rather than external yield increase. High content of protein and major amino acids are very valuable for solving of lack of food production, and the find of genes o₂, fl₂ and bt₂ in corn, hiproly in barley, high lysine of PI 181329 is wheat and erucic acid of Oro or Bronowski in rape are very valuable gene sources for the improvement of protein, amino acids and fat of grain crops. These kind of gene sources, however, are subjected to be solved in upland crops in Korea by introduction of backcross for the major genes, attempt to develop new genetic materials by the mutation breeding and study on ecumulation methods cf minor genes. To make breeding efficiency better the development of generation acceralation techniques are very important. In wheat and rape especially, the germination method of prematured seeds and green plant vernalization, which overcomed the difficulties of winter habit vernalizing and shorttening of ripening periods, are recent big progress. Selection criterion of desired characteristics at different growing stages and finding a reasonable place of summer growing are requied for the increase of number of growing seasons at green house and natural field as a practical utilization.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩收量 및 有用形質의 育種的 改良에 關한 硏究

        S. D. Kim(金奭東),B. H. Choe(崔鳳鎬),E. H. Hong(洪殷憙),Y. S. Ham(咸泳秀) 한국육종학회 1983 한국육종학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        To evaluate 1:he degree of improvement of major characters of developed soybean varieties, four varieties, Keumgangdaelip a local variety, Kanglim derived from the cross between Keumgangdaelip and Norin #l, and newly developed Jangyeobkong and Hwangkeumkong, were tested under two levels of planting dates, planting densities, and fertilizer amounts, respectively. No varietal difference in initial standing or emergence. but significant difference in number of plants harvested were observed. The varietal differences in number of plants harvested were believed to be caused by varietal difference in resistance to various stresses during the growth. Among the tested varieties, Keumkangdaelip showed the lowest resistance. The days from flowering to maturity of new variety, Jangyeobkong and Hwangkeumkong were significantly short compared to that of old variety, Keumgangdaelip. Compared to new variety, Jangyeobkong and Hwangkeumkong, old variety, Keumkgangdaelip and Kanglim, showed more number of pods per plant and heavier 100 seed weight, but no consistent tendency was observed in plant height. No viral(SMV and SMV-N) and lodging resistance between Jangyeobkong and Hwangkeumkong, and between Keumgangdaelip and Kanglim, but significant difference between old and new varieties was observed. Lodging index, infection ratio of virus (SMV anal SMV-N) and number of branches, showed minus (-) correlations with seed yield, while plant height, number of nodes on main stem, and number of plants harvested showed plus(+) correlations with seed yield. No varietal difference in total dry weight, but significant difference in seed yield and seed yield per day was observed between old and new varieties. Compared to old variety, Keumgangdelip, new varieties, Jangyeobkong and Hwangkeumkong, showed distinct genetic improvement and recognizable breeding effects in resistance of lodging and virus (SMV and SMV-N), and seed yield. But no such significant genetic improvement or breeding effects were observed between Keumgangdelip and Kanglim.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Rice Blast Disease in Korea and Its Control with Race Prediction and Gene Rotation

        크릴피(P. CRILL),Y.S. HAM(咸泳秀),비체에이치엠(H.M. BEACHELL) 한국육종학회 1981 한국육종학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate seed leakage solutes during imbibition as physiological character associated with germinability of soybeans. The electrical conductivities of the leakage solutes of soybean seeds from four varieties Essex, Pickett, Wayne and Bonus were measured at different temperatures and soaking time. As time and temperature increased, leakage solutes from the seeds become significantly pronounced. There were significant differences in the leakage solutes among varieties. The average electrical conductivity of leakage solutes from Essex and Pickett after 40 minutes soaking was significantly lower at 20, 25 and 30℃ than those of Wayne and Bonus. The conductivity of leakage solutes was negatively correlated with subsequent seedling growth of soybean seeds.

      • KCI등재후보

        大小麥 幼穗分化 및 發育過程에 關한 硏究 Ⅱ. 地域에 따른 大小麥 幼穗分化 및 發育程度와 肥培管理에 對한 考察

        C. H. Cho(曺章煥),Y. S. Kim(金泳相),Y. S. Ham(咸泳秀),I. S. Yu(柳益相) 한국육종학회 1972 한국육종학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The study was made to establish the beneficial practical cultivations considering the processes of spike differentiation with the nine varieties of barley and wheat. The four varieties; Suwon No. 18, Buheung, Yuksung No. 3 and Yungkwang, were cultivated in the central region of Korea and examined at Suwon. Five other varieties; Kyungnam No. 89, Sekidorisaki No. 1, Suwon No. 18, Norin No. 4 and Norin No. 12, were cultivated at Chinju in the southern region. In both barley and wheat, the differentiation was started early to increase plant height. The year variation in spike differentiation was larger at Chinju compared with Suwon and considerable variation in spike differentiation was also found in different varieties. Only one of the material varieties, Yungkwang, shown slightly the year variation. The elongation of internode was late in barley compared with wheat and in Chinju compared with Suwon. The results demonstrated that practical cultivations coincide to the differentiation and development of spikes should be done earlier by approximately 10 days compared to the time of conventional cultivations already recommended by agronomists.

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