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      • 论杭州大运河水文化

        余小平(Xiaoping Yu) 세계문화관광학회 2012 International Journal of Culture and tourism Resea Vol.5 No.2

        从某种程度说, 水是城市的灵魂。杭州的环境优势就在于“水”, 它集江、河、湖、海、溪于一城, 是一座著名的“五水共导”的江南水城。千年运河从隋朝流淌至今, 带给a杭州千百年来的繁华, 并由此促成a杭州中国古都的地位, 构成a杭州城市重要的历史文化遗产和文化景观。而杭州城市发展的历史, 就是与京杭大运河的开拓、发展和繁荣紧密相关的。 本次交流论文试图通过京杭大运河对于杭州城市的形成与发展的历史作用, 以及与运河相伴而生的桥、船、码头等漕运文化物质遗存, 还有由运河产生的独特民居民俗风情和大量的运河诗词篇章等非物质文化角度, 对京杭大运河(杭州段)的水文化遗存进行系统、全面的整理和发掘, 全面展示大运河(杭州段)水文化的独特魅力, 为大运河(杭州段)水文化的开发提供必要的基础, 也为现代旅游发展中如何整理、发掘、弘扬历史文化提供一些新的思路。 To some extent, water is the soul of the city. The environmental advantages of Hangzhou, is the “water”, it set the rivers, lakes, sea and river in the city, is a well-known “Five Waters” Jiangnan Watertown. Millennium Canal flow far from the Sui Dynasty, bringing the downtown of Hangzhou thousands of years, and thus contributed to the position of the ancient capital of Hangzhou, China, constitute the Hangzhou city is an important historical and cultural heritage and cultural landscapes. The history of urban development in Hangzhou, with the exploration, development and prosperity of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is closely related to theThe exchange of paper tried by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal the history of the formation and development of Hangzhou city, born of the bridge, boats, docks and other water transport canal accompanied by cultural material remains, as well as unique residential folk customs generated by the canal and a large number of the canal poetry chapter and other non-material cultural point of view, the Beijing-Hangzhou large Canal (Hangzhou section) of water cultural relics system, full finishing and excavation, comprehensive display large Canal (Hangzhou paragraph) the unique charm of the water culture, for the Grand Canal (Hangzhou above) and water culture developed to provide the necessary foundation, but also for the development of modern tourism in how to organize, explore and promote the history and culture to provide some new ideas.

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