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        水分障碍 및 鹽藏碍하에서 水稻體중 酵素水準 및 有機代謝産物과 無機이온 함량의 변화

        朴魯東 한국응용생명화학회 1982 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.25 No.3

        Pot에 栽培한 水稻 진주벼와 이리 348號에 수분 결핍과 염장애를 유도한 다음 몇가지 有機代謝産物과 無機이온의 含量을 測定하고 관계되는 몇가지 酵素活性을 測定하여 比較檢討하였다.非耐監性으로 알려진 이리 348號가 不適環境條件에서 水分障碍區에서만 蓄積되었다. 조단백질에 대한 有機溶質의 比는 진주벼의 不適環境區에서만 증가한 반면 일 348號에서는 변화가 없었다.不適環境區에서 活性이 增加한 酵素로는 protease, ∝-amylase, phosphorylase가 있으며, 특히 조단백질에 대한 총유리아미노산의 比의 增加는 protease에 의한 단백질의 加水分解에 기인했다.Na^+과 CI^-의 함량은 이리 348號에서 진주벼에서 보다 높았다. Na^+/Ca^2+과 양이온의 一價/二價의 값들은 진주벼에서 항상 낮았고, K^+/Na^+은 진주벼에서 높았다. 그러므로 이러한 값이 鑒害와 早麴에 대한 저항성과 어떠한 相關이 있는지 더욱 硏究할 필요가 있다고 본다. Two rice cultivars, Jinju and Iri 348, were used to compare the changes in the contents of some organic metabolites and ions and in some enzyme levels under water-and salt-stressed conditions. The water loss and proline accumulation under water and salt stresses were accelerated more in the salt?sensitive cultivar Iri 348 than in the salt-tolerant Jinju. The contents of crude protein, total free amino acids, proline and polyphenols increased under water-or salt-stressed rice, but that of reducing sugar increased under water stress only. The water-and salt?stresses induced the high ratio of low molecular organic so-lutes to crude protein in Jinju but not in Iri 348. The ratio of total free amino acids to crude protein increased under the stressed conditions was likely due to high protease activity. The contents of Na^(+) and Cl^(-) were higher in Iri 348 than in Jinju. Iri 348 had higher values of Na^(+)/Ca^(2+) and monovalent/divalent of cations, but lower of K^(+)/Na^(+) than Jinju Rice. The further studies should emphasize to set the correlations between these ratios and tolerance to water and salt stresses among rice cultivars

      • 學習不振兒의 思考技能 診斷과 改善에 關한 硏究 : It's Diagnosis and Improvement

        朴敬玉,朴鎭玹,羅東晋,申東魯 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1989 學生生活硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Since 1980s, many studies have been attempted to explore the nature of thinking or intellectual skills of human being and to develop the program with the purpose of improvement on these skills. these studies have been expected to have a great influence on the educational effort of diagnosing and resolving a defect in underachiever's academic performance. Based on these expectations, this study was attempted to test the validity of various scales in diagnosing the impulsiveness and to develop a training program for the purpose of decreasing it and to evaluate the effectiveness of that program with underachievers. Subjects were 20 underachievers (10 in Ex. group and 10 in Co. group), of a middle school at Chonju city, who were rated to be more impulsive than other students by their teachers, using a teacher-rating impulsiveness scale. Before and after training, all subjects performed 3 tasks (Arithmatic, Logic, and Comprehension monitoring task), which were used to diagnose their impulsiveness. During 8 weeks, subjects in Ex. group spent 4 hours a week on the impulsiveness-reduced training, which was based on Baron's normative model of cognitive style and Parlinscar and Brown's comprehension monitoring strategies. Material was a expository text which was drawn from texts in history and geography. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The latency and accuracy (% error) composites for the Arithmatic and Logic correlated significantly with teacher-rating impulsiveness. Accordingly, it was found that these measures are valid. Also, these measures correlated significantly with the latency and accuracy (% correct) measures for the comprehension monitoring task, which represented a high correlation of cognitive style (Impulsiveness) with metacognitive skill. 2) The impulsiveness-reduced training was relatively successful in making the subject take time while problem solving, especially for Arithmatic and Logic. The training did not have a significant effect on accuracy, although the effect was in the predicted direction. But a additional analysis looked for a moderating variable that might influence the effect of training on accuracy : The training improved accuracy more for impulsives than for nonimpulsives. These results implied cognitive style can be modified.

      • 大學生 適應生活檢査變因과 MMPI 變因과의 相關硏究 : 大學生의 性格的인 問題에 관련된 變因의 探索을 위한 基礎硏究

        朴鎭玹,金武吉,申東魯 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1985 學生生活硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was intended to examine the problmeatic trends in personality among college students by analysing their MMPI scales, and to relate the MMPI scales to several groups of variables related to their life-adjustment(e.g. their life-environment conditions, their general personality traits, and their awareness of problem) to find out the variables which might determine their personality symptoms. This study is carried out by analysing the data collected from a number of psychological tests and questionares, which the Giuidance and Counseling Center of Chon-buk-National University presented to the freshman of the university during the period of orientation, and from MMPI which was administered to them after two years. The tests and questionaires include : 1) The questionaire of Life Environment : This was specifically designed to measure student's home environmental variables, such as the place of growing-up, parental absences, father's education, home economic status, cultural facilities, birth order, harmonious relationship within family and parent's method of rearing up, and his individual traits and living conditions such as sex, number of college-entrance exam, religion, perception of health standards, preference for departments, friendship with opposite sex, perspects and a major. 2) Personality Inventories : The Personality Inventory, developed by Chung Won-sik and Kim Ho-kwon, measured validity, sociability (family), sociability(friend), conformity, adaptability, mood, emotional stability and leadership. In addition to the inventory, irrational thinking, negative thinking, aggressiveness and neurotic behaviors were measured to complete the variables of personality traits. 3) Student-life Adjustment scale : This scale measured the student's awareness of problem on 11 variables, such as physical health, personality, home, academic achievement, friend, recreation, sex, marriage, career planning and values. 4) MMPI : the MMPI(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), developed by Hathaway and McKinley, provided scores on 10 "clinical scales", which included Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria, Psychopathic deviate, Masculinity-femininity, Paranoia, Psychasthenia, Schizophrenia, Hypomania and Social introversion, and 4 "validity scales" which measured Cannot say score, Lie score, Validity score and Correction score. The study made various statistical analysis such as follows : 1) A series of one-tailed t tests for each of the MMPI subscales to find out the signifiant differences in personality traits between male group and female one. 2) χ^2 tests for each of 10 clinical scales of MMPI to find out the significant defferences in the number of personality disorders (T≥70) between sampling group and standardized one. 3) Simple and canonical correlation analysis of the 10 clinical scales of MMPI in relation to the life-environmental variables, 13 general personality traits, and 11 awareness-of-problem variables respectively. This study was shown the following facts : 1) Based on M and SD for each of the MMPI subscales, we could find that the sampling group was similar to the standardized, supported more by χ^2 tests for clinical scales in particular except for Hysteria and Hypomania, and that females were significantly higher than males in Histeria with neurotic personality, where as males were significantly higher than females in Schizophrenia with mental disorders, supported by t ratios for each of the MMPI subscales in particular. 2) Students' general personality traits and their MMPI scales were related on five independent dimensions : the first related sociability(friend) to Social introversion ; the second related adaptability, sociability(friend) and leadership to Hysteria, Paranoia and Hypomania ; the third related mood, emotional stability, sociability(friend) and adaptability to Hysteria and Depression but Schizophrenia ; the fourth related adaptability, conformity and mood to Psychopathic deviate without Hypochondriasis or Schizophrenia ; and finally the last related adaptability, nonagressive conformity and negative thinking to Hypochondriasis, Psychopathic deviate and Psychasthenia. 3) Students' life environmental factors and their MMPI scales were related on two independent dimensions : the first related perception of health standards and birth order, for female in particular, to Hysteria, Depression and Hypomania ; and the second related sex(male), major(humanities), non-urban residence, parent's method of rearing up, religion(Buddism), friendship with opposite sex and helpless perspects to Psychasthenia and schizophrenia. 4) No canonical variate were found which might relate students' awareness―of―problem to their MMPI scales significantly. Therefore, it was difficult to find out a constructive relationship between two sets. Finally, this study was an exploratory one rather than testing a specific hypothesis. Therefore, it should be asked for succeeding studies with more sophisticated hypothesis in this way. The facts, which have been found in the study, will be useful for those who want to test more sophiscated hypothesis of the relations in student's problem in personality.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        단백질과 色素 Coomassie blue G250과의 결합능력

        朴魯東,李淵,申容光 한국응용생명화학회 1982 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.25 No.4

        3가지 단백질과 CBG250과의 반응에 의해서 생성되는 複合體의 分光學的 性質과 結合當量을 測定하였다.CBG250은 사용한 몇 가지 溶媒에 따라 最大吸光波長(λ_(m))이 移動하였으며, ethanoldyddor 중 λ_(m) 610nm에서 吸光係數는 82.4, 몰 吸光係數는 70.4×10₃이었다.CBG250은 ethanol―燐酸―水溶液에서 갈색(λ_(m)=465nm)을 가지나 일단 단백질과 결합하면 靑色(λ_(m)=590nm)으로 변환되었으며, 波長 590nm에서의 吸光度와 단백질 含量 사이에는 제한된 범위에서 비례관계를 나타냈다. 반응조건에서 단백질과 CBG250은 신속하게 複合體를 형성하였다. 단백질의 CBG250에 대한 結合當量은 단백질의 種類와 含量에 따라 현저하게 변하였다. BSA, Cytochrome C, λ-Globulin의 그것은 각각 110,103,88㎍ CBG250/100㎍ protein이었다. Commassie blue G250 Produced metachromatic effect with some solvents. The absorptivity and molar absorptivity of the dye in ethanol were 82.4 and 70.4×10³ at maximum absorption wavelength 610nm, respectively. The dye had a red from(λ_(m)=465nm) in ethanol-phosphoric acid·water solution and converted to a blue form(λ_(m)=590nm) after binding to protein. Absorbance at 590nm gave linear responses with respect to protein contents. The dye-binding capacities of proteins varied considerably with the content and source of proteins. Under the experimental condition the dye-binding capacities of bovine serum albumin, cytochrome C and λ-globulin were 110, 103, and 88㎍ commassie blue G250 bound Per 100㎍ protein, respectively.

      • 思考技能 訓練프로그램의 開發 및 適用에 關한 硏究 : 衝動性 減少를 中心으로

        朴鎭玹,朴敬玉,申東魯,羅東晉,李永植 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1994 學生生活硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        Many of college students have the cognitive deficits, one of which is the impulsiveness, in the process through which they solve their problems in the daily life. This study attemted to develop the program for the purpose of improving college students' thinking skills. Also, the program was intended to encourage the college students to reduce their impulsiveness, and to help them maintain the rational reasoning solving the complex of problems. For this purpose, researchers examined the difficulties which college students had in the process of their thinking, focussed on their impulsiveness in particular, based on the findings of preceding works related to the thinking skills, including some of programs for improving the thinking skills and intelligence. As a result, a program was developed to improve the thinking skills of college students in order to reduce their impulsiveness. This program was composed of two parts, each of which included five units. Part One, titled "Human Life and the Limited Rationality", was focused on training college students with metacognition or cognitive style. In this part, the trainees explored those phases passed on the human problem solving and the sources of impulsiveness. This part included five units: (1) Introduction; (2) Journey in the universe of learning; (3) Uncertainty and impulsiveness; (4) Human problem solving; and (5) Human information processing and limited rationality. Part Two, titled "Resolution of the Limited Rationality and Intellectual Limitations of Human Being", was focused on training college students with cognitive strategies. In this part, the trainees searched for the general cognitive strategies with which they would learn each unit, and used it to resolve the limited rationality of human being and thus to solve the problems more efficiently. This part included five units: (1) Search for strategies to resolve the intellectual limitations of human being; (2) Utility of the external representations; (3) Application of strategic knowledge of inferences; (4) Resolution of the inferential baises; and (5) Evaluation and termination. A pilot study attempted to verify the effectiveness of the training program. Subjects were 118 sophomores of a national university in Chon-buk. They were assigned to an experimental group(N=56) and a control group(N=62) to test the effectiveness of the training program. The experimantal group received 12 sessions of training instruction for 50 to 60 minutes each week. The control group was given no intervention. After training sessions, they were given a cognitive style (impulsiveness) scale as well as a reasoning test, and also checked a questionnaire which asked the participants to express their opinions of the training program. The findings of the study might be summarized as follows: 1. The program seemed to contribute posively to change participants' cognitive style, particularly to reduce their dysfunctional impulsiveness. 2. The program seemed to contribute substantially to improve participants' performance of reasoning tasks. 3. Many of participants (about tow-third) of the participants reported to have a novel feel- ing on the program, to perceive the program different from the existing curriculum, and also to take some benefits from the program. However, this study suggested several recommandations as follow: 1. It is necessary to verify the effectiveness of the program on the basis of a valid design of experiment. 2. It is necessary to take a effort to extend the breadth and depth of the program, including a discussion of the functional impulsiveness. 3. It is necessary to establish the reinforcement schedule in order to encourage the participant to engage in the program actively.

      • Incidental Left Ventricular Thrombus Visualized by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging with a Normal Left Ventricular Systolic Function

        Sang Mi Ro1,Sung Ho Her,Sol Mi Huo,Kuhn Park,Jong Bum Kwon,Dong Jae Lee,Hyun Jin Noh 조선대학교 의학연구원 2015 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.40 No.3

        Left ventricular (LV) thrombi may be caused by various conditions, particularly myocardial infarction. In most cases, LV thrombus occurs in patients with a significantly reduced ejection fraction. A LV thrombus is extremely rare in patients with normal LV function. We report a case of LV thrombus initially detected on transthoracic echocardiography and confirmed using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with normal LV wall motion. We highlight the rarity of this condition and the usefulness of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of LV thrombus.

      • KCI등재

        유색 보리 종실의 품종별 색소 특성

        주완택,민경수,박노동 한국응용생명화학회 2003 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.46 No.4

        유색보리 4품종과 보통보리 4품종 종실의 종피에 함유되어 있는 색소의 특성을 분석하여 해당작물의 신품종 육성시 우수계통 선발에 유용한 자료를 제공코자 하였다. 유색(검정)쌀보리인 Ab2231을 표준시료로 하여 실험한 결과 에탄올의 농도가 80%일 때 색소추출 효율이 양호하였다. 80% 에탄올에 1.0% 염산을 첨가한 것이 추출효율이 가장 좋았다. 추출시간에 따른 추출효율성을 조사한 결과 1시간 추출이면 충분하였다. 추출된 색소의 안정성을 유지하기 위하여 첨가시키는 산의 적정농도를 알아본 결과 1.0% HCl을 첨가한 농도에서 가장 낮은 색소량 감소율이 나타났다. 각 보리 품종 시료에서 추출한 색소의 흡광스펙트럼을 조사하였던 바, Ab2231의 그것은 535㎚에서 최대흡광파장을 나타내어 안토시아닌계 색소로 판단되었으며, 호계4호의 그것은 안토시아닌계 이외의 색소를 주로 함유하는 것으로 보였다. 한편, 추출된 색소의 특성에 따라 유색보리의 품종은 Ab2231와 모찌무기로 대표되는 쌀보리 그룹과 Lion과 호계4호로 대표되는 겉보리 그룹으로 분류되었다. The characteristics of the pigments extracted from grains of the colored barley varieties Ab2231. Mozzimugi, Lion, and Hogye 4 were studied. Extraction of the pigments from powder (80 mesh) of the barley grains was most efficient in 80% ethanol containing 1.0% HCI for 1 hr at 60℃. The pigments were also stable in 80% ethanol containing 1.0% HCI. Depending on the absorption spectra, maximal peak wavelength, and the ratio of A_(440)/Anu_(max), the varieties were separated into two groups, colored naked barley (Ab2231 and Mozzimugi) and colored covered barley (Lion and Hogye 4).

      • Carbamate系 殺蟲濟 MIPC(o-Isopropylphenyl-N-methylcarbamate) 粉濟의 安定性에 關한 硏究

        孫炫洲,朴魯東,朴昌奎 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        Effects of moisture, pH, surface acidity and stabilizers on the stability of MIPC in the 2% dust formulations have been studied. MIPC dust formulations containing different levels of moisture and stabilizers were perpared from locally produced carriers, clay, talc and kaolin. The formulated MIPC dust formulation were subjected to thermo-accelerated test. The results are summarized as follows: 1. As regard to MIPC stability to moisture content, clay or kaolin based MIPC dust formulations was most stable when the carriers were used as received. Talc based MIPC dust was, however, most stable when moisture content of the carrier was adjusted to 1%. 2. Effects of stabilizers were best demonstrated when HMT, urea and PAP were added to talc based MIPC formulations. In general, stabilizing effects of varioul stabilizers were meagre in the clay based dust. The PAP alone had pronounced stabilizing effect in the kaolin based formulations. 3. Among three carriers, clay excelled itself over compatibility with MIPC in the dust formulations. 4. concentration of either HMT or urea at 5% showed greater stabilizing effect compared with those at 3%. 5. Among laboratory formulated MIPC dust formulations, clay I+MIPC+urea(5%), clay I+MIPC+urea(3%), clay II+MIPC+HMT(5%) and talc I+MIPC+urea(5%) proved equal or even superior to the commercial MIPC dust by the thermo-accelerated test.

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