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      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of selenium polysaccharide from sweet corncob and its effects on non‑enzymatic glycosylation in vivo

        Wang Zhili,Wang Xin,Xiu Weiye,Ma Yongqiang 한국응용생명화학회 2022 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.65 No.1

        Selenium polysaccharide is an organic selenium compound, which has attracted much attention because of its unique biological properties. In the current study, a new selenium polysaccharide (Se-SCP) was synthesised, and its structure and effects on non-enzymatic glycosylation in vivo were studied. The molecular weight of Se-SCP was 9.02 g/mol, and its molecule was mainly composed of Man, Gal, GluA, Ara, Glu, Fuc, Rha, GalA, and Xyl. Selenium was present both as C–O–Se and Se=O. Compared with non-selenised sweet corncob polysaccharide (SCP) treatment, the blood glucose level in mice decreased considerably after Se-SCP treatment. Additionally, it improved oral glucose tolerance (OGTT) and significantly reduced the production of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) (P < 0.05), compared with the model group. In addition, Se-SCP exhibited a positive effect on the morphology of the pancreas and liver. The current study elucidated the physiological and pharmacological effects of selenium polysaccharides and provided a basis for future studies on selenium polysaccharides.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Lonicera edulis polysaccharide on reducing oral dyeing of lonicera edulis juice

        Wang Xin,Luo Yu,Ma Rui,Wang Zhili,Yu Shiyou,Li Chenchen,Han Chunran 한국응용생명화학회 2022 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.65 No.3

        Fluorescence spectroscopy, particle size determination, and potential analysis were exploited to elucidate the effect of Lonicera edulis polysaccharide on polyphenol protein. The results revealed that Lonicera edulis polysaccharides mediated the binding of polyphenols and proteins through competition and formation of ternary complexes and were also able to enhance the stability of the polyphenol-protein complex solution system. A certain electrostatic effect was also present in the process simultaneously. As confirmed by the dyeing test, to improve oral dyeing, the optimum conditions of adding polysaccharide, pectin, and casein were as follows: the dosage of the polysaccharide group was 1.2 mg/mL, coloring time was 100 min, pH value was 4.0. Pectin group added 0.8 mg/mL with coloring time 80 min, pH 5.0. The addition of casein was 1.2 mg/mL; the coloring time was 100 min with pH 5.0. The sample juice substantiated a significant improvement in the dyeing of porcine tongue mucosa. Under the optimal conditions, microscopic observation validates that the mucosal color of the porcine tongue epidermis was closer to that of unstained porcine tongue epidermis, which significantly improved astringency and oral staining. Fluorescence spectroscopy, particle size determination, and potential analysis were exploited to elucidate the effect of Lonicera edulis polysaccharide on polyphenol protein. The results revealed that Lonicera edulis polysaccharides mediated the binding of polyphenols and proteins through competition and formation of ternary complexes and were also able to enhance the stability of the polyphenol-protein complex solution system. A certain electrostatic effect was also present in the process simultaneously. As confirmed by the dyeing test, to improve oral dyeing, the optimum conditions of adding polysaccharide, pectin, and casein were as follows: the dosage of the polysaccharide group was 1.2 mg/mL, coloring time was 100 min, pH value was 4.0. Pectin group added 0.8 mg/mL with coloring time 80 min, pH 5.0. The addition of casein was 1.2 mg/mL; the coloring time was 100 min with pH 5.0. The sample juice substantiated a significant improvement in the dyeing of porcine tongue mucosa. Under the optimal conditions, microscopic observation validates that the mucosal color of the porcine tongue epidermis was closer to that of unstained porcine tongue epidermis, which significantly improved astringency and oral staining.

      • KCI등재


        王志立(Wang zhili) 대한중국학회 2011 중국학 Vol.39 No.-

        20世?初,在世界局???不居、中?政局?雨??的?代背景下,??秀、李大?作?中?共??的主要?始人,基于解?中?????的需要,?合自己的知?背景和?中?政局的判?,就中?政治?展有着?特的?解和思路,形成了各具特色的民主政治思想。今天,在?展社?主?民主政治、推???民主建?的重要?刻,?他?的民主政治思想?行比??究尤?必要。 In the early 20th century, as the main founders of the Chinese Communist Party, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao formed their respective characteristic democratic thoughts on China’s political development, which were based on the need to solve the practical problems of China, and combined with their cultural backgrounds, experiences as well as the judgments about China’s political situation, in the environment of the changing world and the turbulent politics of China. Today, it is extremely necessary to do the comparative studies on their democratic political thoughts at the important moment of developing socialist democratic politics and promoting democracy within the party.

      • KCI등재

        Metformin alleviates chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cigarette smoke extract-induced glucocorticoid resistance by activating the nuclear factor E2-related factor 2/heme oxygenase-1 signaling pathway

        Fulin Tao,Yuanyuan Zhou,Mengwen Wang,Chongyang Wang,Wentao Zhu,Zhili Han,Nianxia Sun,Dianlei Wang 대한약리학회 2022 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.26 No.2

        Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important healthcare problem worldwide. Often, glucocorticoid (GC) resistance develops during COPD treatment. As a classic hypoglycemic drug, metformin (MET) can be used as a treatment strategy for COPD due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, but its specific mechanism of action is not known. We aimed to clarify the role of MET on COPD and cigarette smoke extract (CSE)-induced GC resistance. Through establishment of a COPD model in rats, we found that MET could improve lung function, reduce pathological injury, as well as reduce the level of inflammation and oxidative stress in COPD, and upregulate expression of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1), and histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2). By establishing a model of GC resistance in human bronchial epithelial cells stimulated by CSE, we found that MET reduced secretion of interleukin- 8, and could upregulate expression of Nrf2, HO-1, MRP1, and HDAC2. MET could also increase the inhibition of MRP1 efflux by MK571 significantly, and increase expression of HDAC2 mRNA and protein. In conclusion, MET may upregulate MRP1 expression by activating the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway, and then regulate expression of HDAC2 protein to reduce GC resistance

      • KCI등재

        Oncomodulin/Truncated Protamine-Mediated Nogo-66 Receptor Small Interference RNA Delivery Promotes Axon Regeneration in Retinal Ganglion Cells

        Zhili Cui,Jun Kang,Dan Hu,Jian Zhou,Yusheng Wang 한국분자세포생물학회 2014 Molecules and cells Vol.37 No.8

        The optic nerve often suffers regenerative failure after injury, leading to serious visual impairment such as glaucoma. The main inhibitory factors, including Nogo-A, oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein, and myelin-associated glycoprotein, exert their inhibitory effects on axonal growth through the same receptor, the Nogo-66 receptor (NgR). Oncomodulin (OM), a calcium-binding protein with a molecular weight of an ~12 kDa, which is secreted from activated macrophages, has been demonstrated to have high and specific affinity for retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and promote greater axonal regeneration than other known polypeptide growth factors. Protamine has been reported to effectively deliver small interference RNA (siRNA) into cells. Accordingly, a fusion protein of OM and truncated protamine (tp) may be used as a vehicle for the delivery of NgR siRNA into RGC for gene therapy. To test this hypothesis, we constructed OM and tp fusion protein (OM/tp) expression vectors. Using the indirect immunofluorescence labeling method, OM/tp fusion proteins were found to have a high affinity for RGC. The gel shift assay showed that the OM/tp fusion proteins retained the capacity to bind to DNA. Using OM/tp fusion proteins as a delivery tool, the siRNA of NgR was effectively transfected into cells and significantly down-regulated NgR expression levels. More importantly, OM/tp-NgR siRNA dramatically promoted axonal growth of RGC compared with the application of OM/tp recombinant protein or NgR siRNA alone in vitro. In addition, OM/tp-NgR siRNA highly elevated intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels and inhibited activation of the Ras homolog gene family, member A (RhoA). Taken together, our data demonstrated that the recombinant OM/tp fusion proteins retained the functions of both OM and tp, and that OM/tp-NgR siRNA might potentially be used for the treatment of optic nerve injury.

      • KCI등재

        Oncomodulin/Truncated Protamine-Mediated Nogo-66 Receptor Small Interference RNA Delivery Promotes Axon Regeneration in Retinal Ganglion Cells

        Cui, Zhili,Kang, Jun,Hu, Dan,Zhou, Jian,Wang, Yusheng Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2014 Molecules and cells Vol.37 No.8

        The optic nerve often suffers regenerative failure after injury, leading to serious visual impairment such as glaucoma. The main inhibitory factors, including Nogo-A, oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein, and myelin-associated glycoprotein, exert their inhibitory effects on axonal growth through the same receptor, the Nogo-66 receptor (NgR). Oncomodulin (OM), a calcium-binding protein with a molecular weight of an ~12 kDa, which is secreted from activated macrophages, has been demonstrated to have high and specific affinity for retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and promote greater axonal regeneration than other known polypeptide growth factors. Protamine has been reported to effectively deliver small interference RNA (siRNA) into cells. Accordingly, a fusion protein of OM and truncated protamine (tp) may be used as a vehicle for the delivery of NgR siRNA into RGC for gene therapy. To test this hypothesis, we constructed OM and tp fusion protein (OM/tp) expression vectors. Using the indirect immunofluorescence labeling method, OM/tp fusion proteins were found to have a high affinity for RGC. The gel shift assay showed that the OM/tp fusion proteins retained the capacity to bind to DNA. Using OM/tp fusion proteins as a delivery tool, the siRNA of NgR was effectively transfected into cells and significantly down-regulated NgR expression levels. More importantly, OM/tp-NgR siRNA dramatically promoted axonal growth of RGC compared with the application of OM/tp recombinant protein or NgR siRNA alone in vitro. In addition, OM/tp-NgR siRNA highly elevated intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels and inhibited activation of the Ras homolog gene family, member A (RhoA). Taken together, our data demonstrated that the recombinant OM/tp fusion proteins retained the functions of both OM and tp, and that OM/tp-NgR siRNA might potentially be used for the treatment of optic nerve injury.

      • KCI등재

        A Chlamydomonas reinhardtii nuclear-encoded MinE homologue recognizes the Escherichia coli division site, and the evolutionary implications of MinE gene transfer from chloroplast to nucleus

        Lei Wang,Zhili Wu,Linyan Li,Weizhong Liu,Yong Hu 한국식물학회 2017 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.60 No.2

        Escherichia coli MinE is required for placement of a division septum. A nucleus-encoded and plastidtargeted MinE homologue, CrMinE, was identified from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Similar to the Arabidopsis nucleus-encoded AtMinE, the CrMinE protein possesses extra N-terminal and C-terminal extensions relative to the eubacterial and other algal plastid-encoded MinE proteins. The CrMinE protein functions in plastids, as revealed by a transient expression assay using a full-length CrMinE protein fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein. In addition, the overexpressed CrMinE:EGFP in wild-type E. coli with clear coiled structures could still recognize the cell division site of the host cell, which suggests evolutionary conservation of the MinE mode of action. No MinE homologue was found in a search of all researched plastid genome sequences of land plants; moreover, the researched MinEs of land plants are encoded by nuclear genomes. Thus, the identification of the CrMinE located in the nuclear genome implies that the transfer events of MinE from plastid to nucleus might have occurred before the evolution of land plants and during the evolution of green algae.


        Relationships among bedding materials, bedding bacterial composition and lameness in dairy cows

        Li, Han,Wang, Xiangming,Wu, Yan,Zhang, Dingran,Xu, Hongyang,Xu, Hongrun,Xing, Xiaoguang,Qi, Zhili Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.9

        Objective: Bedding materials directly contact hooves of dairy cows and they may serve as environmental sources of lameness-associated pathogen. However, the specific composition of bacteria hidden in bedding materials is still not clear. The aim of this study was to determine the effect bedding material and its bacterial composition has on lameness of Holstein heifers. Methods: Forty-eight Holstein heifers with similar body weights were randomly assigned into three groups including sand bedding (SB), concrete floor (CF), and compost bedding (CB). Hock injuries severity and gait performance of dairy cows were scored individually once a week. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment and bedding material samples were collected once a week for Illumina sequencing. Results: The CF increased visible hock injuries severity and serum biomarkers of joint damage in comparison to SB and CB groups. Besides, Illumina sequencing and analysis showed that the bacterial community of CB samples had higher similarity to that of SB samples than CF samples. Bacteria in three bedding materials were dominated by gastrointestinal bacteria and organic matter-degrading bacteria, such as Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and norank JG30-KF-cM45. Lameness-associated Spirochaetaceae and Treponeme were only detected in SB and CB samples with a very low relative abundance (0% to 0.08%). Conclusion: The bacterial communities differed among bedding materials. However, the treponemes pathogens involved in the pathogenesis of lameness may not be a part of microbiota in bedding materials of dairy cows.

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