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        Mobile Flashcard Application for Vocabulary Learning: Effects on Development of Vocabulary Knowledge

        Seunghee Jin 한국영어어문교육학회 2019 영어어문교육 Vol.25 No.3

        Responding to the need of empirical research on the use of mobile phone applications (apps) for language learning in the current literature, the present study conducted a comparative study using a smartphone flashcard app and a traditional vocabulary learning tool, a paper-based flashcard, in order to determine if the new learning tool, flashcard app, presented effectiveness on learner development of vocabulary knowledge. Two college EFL classes in Korea were participated in this study. One EFL class of the experiment group (n=43) studied their target vocabulary using the smartphone flashcard app while the other EFL class of control group (n=40) studied the same vocabulary words on paper-based flashcards. The mixed research methods that combined both quantitative (e.g., a pre- and post-test, and a questionnaire) and qualitative approaches (e.g., a semi-structured interview) were employed. The results showed that the learners who used the flashcard app outperformed the learners who studied the paper-based flashcard in vocabulary growth. In addition, the learners showed an overall positive attitude and perception toward the use of the flashcard app for their learning. This study suggests that the flashcard app is useful to develop learners’ vocabulary knowledge and can be a new effective vocabulary learning tool in the classroom.

      • KCI등재

        Shadowing Practice Using TED Talks on the Metaverse Platform, Gather: Affective Factors and Oral Proficiency Development

        진승희(Seunghee Jin) 영상영어교육학회 2023 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.24 No.2

        This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of employing the metaverse platform Gather for shadowing practice using TED Talks, focusing on the development of oral proficiency and affective attitudes among Korean EFL learners. A total of 49 college students participated, divided into two experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 24) engaged in shadowing practice on Gather, while group 2 (n = 25) partook in the same shadowing activities in a traditional classroom. Data collection involved pre- and post-speaking tasks and pre- and post-questionnaires assessing affective attitudes. The results revealed significant improvements in speaking skills for both groups, with group 1 demonstrating a higher degree of effectiveness. Furthermore, participants in both groups exhibited increased interest, motivation, and confidence levels. However, a notable difference emerged in anxiety levels, as the students in group one displayed a significant decrease in speaking anxiety, while those in group two showed no improvement in speaking anxiety after participating in the study. The findings indicate that integrating Gather for shadowing practice can effectively enhance Korean EFL learners’ oral proficiency and positively influence their affective attitudes toward language learning. The study contributes to the growing body of research on the potential of metaverse platforms as alternative learning environments for language instruction.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 가상현실 게임 기반 언어 학습이 영어 학습자의 어휘 및 문화 지식 발달과 정의적 태도에 미치는 영향

        진승희(Jin, Seunghee) 영상영어교육학회 2021 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.22 No.3

        The current study investigated the effects of using a 3D virtual reality (VR) game on university EFL students’ development of vocabulary and cultural knowledge. In addition, it explored how this new approach affected the students’ affective attitudes such as interest, confidence, and learning motivation. Furthermore, it examined the students’ perception and attitude toward VR game-based language learning. Over one semester, an experimental group of 25 students participated in the VR game-based language learning, while a control group of 24 students followed the regular curriculum of the university EFL course. To collect data, 1) pre- and post-tests for both vocabulary and cultural knowledge, 2) a pre- and post-questionnaire for affective attitudes, 3) an online survey for students’ perceptions and attitudes, and 4) a qualitative interview were administered. The results revealed that the VR game-based language learning group outperformed the traditional learning group in both vocabulary and cultural knowledge gains. In addition, VR game instruction was effective in increasing students’ interest, confidence, and learning motivation. Furthermore, the students reported overall positive perceptions and attitudes toward this new kind of instruction. This study suggested that VR game-based language learning is a new, effective way to promote students’ vocabulary and cultural knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        AI 말하기 어플리케이션(앱) 활용 수업이 한국 대학생 학습자의 영어 말하기 능력과 정의적 태도에 미치는 효과

        진승희 ( Jin Seunghee ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2022 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.25 No.2

        This study aims to examine the effects of using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based speaking application (app) for English speaking courses on Korean EFL learners’ speaking skills and their affective attitudes such as motivation, interest, and confidence. Over a semester (16 weeks), a total of 50 students participated in the study. They are assigned to an experimental group who participated in AI app-assisted speaking activities and to a control group who engaged in the speaking activities without the aid of a smartphone app. To collect the data, 1) a pre- and post-test on speaking skills and 2) a pre- and post-survey on affective attitudes were conducted for both groups. The results indicated that an AI app-assisted learning group has shown significant development in speaking skills when compared to the control group. In particular, AI app-assisted learning group’s speaking abilities concerned with vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation were significantly enhanced. This study also revealed that the AI app-based speaking instruction was effective in improving the students’ affective attitudes such as motivation, interest, and confidence. The results supported that AI app-assisted speaking instruction is an effective way to develop students’ speaking skills and affective attitudes and is more effective than the traditional speaking instruction.

      • KCI등재

        플립러닝을 활용한 영어 말하기 수업이 학습자들의 영어 말하기 불안과 말하기 실력 향상에 미치는 영향

        진승희 ( Jin Seunghee ) 글로벌영어교육학회 2021 Studies in English education Vol.26 No.4

        This study aims to investigate the effects of implementing flipped learning into an EFL speaking class on Korean EFL undergraduate learners’ speaking anxiety and speaking skills. 48 Korean EFL learners participated in this study and they were assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Over a semester, the experimental group of 25 students engaged in flipped learning, while the control group of 23 students participated in traditional EFL instruction. To collect data of this study, 1) a pre- and post-test on speaking abilities and 2) a pre- and post-questionnaire on the participants’ speaking anxiety were administered for each group. The results showed that the flipped classroom was more effective than the traditional classroom in terms of increasing the participants’ speaking proficiency. In addition, flipped learning in the EFL speaking class effectively decreased the participants’ speaking anxiety. This study suggests that incorporating flipped learning into the EFL classroom is beneficial for anxious learners who suffer from speaking anxiety in terms of effectively lowering their speaking anxiety and developing their speaking skills.

      • KCI등재

        영화를 활용한 섀도잉 학습법이 대학생 EFL 학습자의 영어 말하기 능력과 정의적 태도에 미치는 영향

        진승희(Jin, Seunghee) 영상영어교육학회 2022 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.23 No.1

        The present study investigated the effects of a shadowing activity using movies on Korean EFL college students’ speaking skills and their affective attitudes. Over a semester, a total of 138 students participated in the study and they were assigned to an experimental group (n = 71) and a control group (n = 67). According to language proficiency, the participants in the experimental group were assigned to advanced, intermediate, and beginner-level groups. Over a semester, all the experimental groups engaged in a shadowing activity once a week while the control group participated in a traditional speaking activity. To collect data, both 1) pre- and post-speaking tests and 2) pre- and post-questionnaires on affective attitudes were conducted. The results showed that the shadowing activity is more effective than the traditional speaking activity in terms of increasing speaking proficiency. In addition, there was a statistically significant improvement in speaking proficiency of both the intermediate and beginner-level groups while there was no statistically significant difference in the advanced level group’s speaking proficiency. Furthermore, the shadowing activity significantly improved the confidence, interest, and motivation level of the experimental group. Based on the findings, it is suggested that this shadowing activity using movies can be an effective tool to develop EFL learners’ speaking skills and improve their affective attitudes.

      • KCI등재

        브이로그를 활용한 영어 말하기 수업이 한국 대학 EFL 학습자의 자기주도학습 능력, 학습 흥미, 말하기 실력에 미치는 효과

        진승희 ( Jin¸ Seunghee ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2021 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.24 No.3

        This study investigated the effects of using Vlogs for English language learning on Korean EFL learners’ self-directed learning ability, learning interest, and speaking skills. In recent years, ‘Vlogging’ has become one of the most entertaining and popular ways to connect with people on social networking services (SNSs). Over one semester, an experimental group of 24 students participated in Vlogging activities (a total of 10 Vlogs was created and shared with their classmates), while a control group of 22 students received a traditional teaching method. To examine this study, 1) a pre-and post-questionnaire on participants’ self-directed learning ability, 2) a pre-and post-questionnaire on learning interests, and 3) a pre-and post-test on speaking abilities were conducted. The results indicated that the Vlogging-based instruction was more effective than the traditional classroom in terms of increasing students’ self-directed learning abilities and learning interests. In addition, the Vlogging learning group has shown a statistically significant improvement in the English speaking abilities concerned with vocabulary, task, fluency, and comprehension. The study also revealed that Vlogging activities were more beneficial in developing students’ speaking skills than traditional classroom activities. This study suggested that Vlogging activities are useful to develop learners’ self-directed learning ability, learning interests, and speaking skills.

      • KCI등재

        브이로그(Vlogs)를 활용한 영어 수업이 EFL 학습자들의 의사소통자신감 및 의사소통의지에 미치는 영향

        진승희(Jin, Seunghee) 한국영어어문교육학회 2021 영어어문교육 Vol.27 No.2

        This study investigated the effects of using Vlogging as a speaking activity on EFL university students’ development of 1) communicative self-confidence with covering anxiety and self-perceived communicative competence, and 2) willingness to communicate(WTC). A Vlog or a video log is a form of a blog where all of the content is in a video format. Vlogging refers to the process of creating a Vlog by recording a person’s life, thoughts, experiences, or interests. Throughout a semester, an experimental group of 25 students engaged in a Vlogging activity, while a control group of 26 students followed the regular curriculum for the university course of English communication. To collect data, a series of questionnaires was carried out for both groups. Results showed that both groups had high anxiety, low self-perceived communicative competence, low self-confidence, and low WTC before participating in this study. However, the result showed a significant improvement, with the Vlogging learning group feeling less anxious, more competent in their English abilities, more confident, and more willing to communicate in English, while little enhancement was found in the control group. This study suggested that Vlogging can have positive effects on the improvement of EFL learners’ self-confidence, anxiety, self-perceived competence, and WTC

      • KCI등재

        메타버스 게더타운 활용 영어 말하기 수업에 대한 학습자 인식 조사 연구

        진승희(Seunghee Jin) 한국영어어문교육학회 2023 영어어문교육 Vol.29 No.1

        With recent developments in Metaverse technology, the topic of integrating Metaverse platforms into language classrooms has received increasing attention due to its enormous potential for language learning. This study aims to adopt one of the most popular Metaverse platforms, Gather.town, for EFL speaking, and to investigate learners' perceptions of their learning experiences. Specifically, the study investigated how college EFL learners perceived the use of this Metaverse platform for their English speaking. A total of 23 college EFL students participated in this study, engaging in various speaking activities offered in the Metaverse platform throughout the semester. To collect data, the survey and qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted. The study results indicated that the participants perceived the interaction opportunities in the Metaverse platform positively overall. They thought this platform was useful for their learning, and they perceived that their engagement in speaking activities had enhanced and their confidence in speaking had improved. The affordance of using the Metaverse platform was its potential to create a more anxiety-free and comfortable learning environment for learners. Results suggest that Gather.town has potential to develop learners' speaking proficiency in the EFL classroom due to its learner-centered design advantages and ease of free communication among learners.

      • 영화 포스터의 타이틀에 사용된 색채 빈도에 관한 연구

        진승희(Seunghee Jin),한혜진(Hyejin Han) 한국색채학회 2020 한국색채학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.5

        영화 타이틀은 영화와 대중을 연결하는 중요한 홍보 매체이다. 또한, 관객인 소비자가 영화라는 상품을 처음 접할 때 만나는 커뮤니케이션의 수단이다. 따라서, 영화 타이틀의 타이포그래피는 영화 내용을 함축적으로 상징화하고 기호학적인 요소를 포함하여 제작되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 영화 포스터의 타이틀에 쓰인 타이포그래피의 종류와 색채의 특성을 분석하고자 한다. 연구 대상은 역대흥행 영화 30편이었다. 그 결과, 꺾임이 있는 세리프체가 가장 많이 사용되었고, 한국영화는 캘리그래피가 자주 사용된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 색채 분석의 결과, 하얀색이 가장 많이 사용되었고, 다음으로는 노란색이 자주 사용되었다. 근접한 배경과의 관계를 분석한 결과, 명암대비가 가장 많이 사용되어 명시성과 가독성이 높게 나타나는 시인성을 고려하여 배색된 것을 유추해볼 수 있었다.

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