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      • KCI등재

        Opioid Treatment and Excessive Alcohol Consumption Are Associated With Esophagogastric Junction Disorders

        Valeria Schindler,Daniel Runggaldier,Amanda Bianca,Anton S Becker,Fritz Murray,Edoardo Savarino,Daniel Pohl 대한소화기 기능성질환∙운동학회 2019 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.25 No.2

        Background/Aims The influence of external factors such as opioids and alcohol has been extensively investigated for various segments of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the association between their use and the development of esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction disorders (EGJOODs) is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze prevalence and clinical relevance of opioids and alcohol intake in patients with EGJOODs. Methods In this single-center, retrospective study, we reviewed clinical and pharmacological data of 375 consecutive patients who had undergone high resolution impedance manometry for EGJOODs. EGJOODs were classified according to the Chicago classification version 3.0 and to recently published normal values for test meals. Demographics, manometric data, and symptoms were compared between different groups using Pearson’s chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test, and multivariate analysis. A P < 0.05 was considered significant. Results EGJOOD was found in 30.7% (115/375) of all analyzed patients. The prevalence of opioids (14.8% vs 4.2%, P = 0.026) was significantly higher in patients with EGJOODs compared to patients without EGJOODs. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption (12.2% vs 3.5%, P = 0.011) was associated with EGJOODs. Excessive alcohol consumption was especially frequent in the non-achalasia esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction subgroup (16.2%) and opioid use in the achalasia type III subgroup (20.0%). Conclusions We found a significant association between EGJOODs and opioid as well as excessive alcohol consumption. This underlines the importance of detailed history taking regarding medication and ethanol consumption in patients with dysphagia. Further prospective studies on mechanisms undelaying esophagogastric junction dysfunction due to opioids or alcohol are warranted.

      • SCIE

        Effects of varying the 6-position oxidation state of hexopyranoses: a systematic comparative computational analysis of 48 monosaccharide stereoisomers

        Vickman, Alison E.,Ashley, Daniel C.,Baik, Mu-Hyun,Pohl, Nicola L. B. Springer-Verlag 2017 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING Vol.23 No.7

        <P>Knowledge of multi-dimensional carbohydrate structure is essential when delineating structure-function relationships in the development of analytical techniques such as ion mobility-mass spectrometry and of carbohydrate-based therapeutics, as well as in rationally modifying the chemical and physical properties of drugs and materials based on sugars. Although monosaccharides are conventionally presumed to adopt the canonical C-4(1) chair conformation, it is not well known how altering the substituent identity around the pyranose ring affects the favored conformational state. This work provides a comprehensive and systematic computational comparison of all eight aldohexose isomers in the gas phase with reduction and oxidation at the C-6 position using density functional theory (M05-2X/cc-pVTZ(-f)//B3LYP/6-31G**) to determine the conformational and anomeric preference for each sugar in the gas phase. All 6-deoxyhexose and aldohexose isomers favored the C-4(1) chair conformation, while oxidation at C-6 showed a shift in equilibrium to favor the C-1(4) chair for beta-alluronic acid, beta-guluronic acid, and beta-iduronic acid. The anomeric preference was found to be significantly affected by a remote change in oxidation state, with the alternate anomer favored for several isomers. These findings provide a fundamental platform to empirically test steric and electronic effects of pyranose substituents, with the goal of formulating straightforward rules that govern carbohydrate reactivity and drive quicker, more efficient syntheses.</P>


        Mechanistic Studies of Bismuth(V)-Mediated Thioglycoside Activation Reveal Differential Reactivity of Anomers

        Goswami, Manibarsha,Ashley, Daniel C.,Baik, Mu-Hyun,Pohl, Nicola L. B. American Chemical Society 2016 Journal of organic chemistry Vol.81 No.14

        <P>The mechanism of bismuth(V)-mediated thioglycoside activation was examined using reaction kinetics and quantum chemical reaction models. NMR experiments show an unusual nonlinear growth/decay curve for the glycosylation reaction. Further studies suggest an anomeric inversion of the beta-glycoside donor to the alpha-donor during its activation, even in the presence of a neighboring 2-position acetate. Interestingly, in situ anomerization was not observed in the activation of an alpha-glycoside donor, and this anomer also showed faster reaction times and higher product diastereoselectivites. Density functional theory calculations identify the structure of the promoter triphenyl bismuth ditriflate, [Ph3Bi(OTf)(2), 1], in solution and map out the energetics of its interactions with the two thioglycoside anomers. These calculations suggest that 1 must bind the thiopropyl arm to induce triflate loss. The computational analyses also show that, unlike most O-glycosides, the beta- and alpha-donor S-glycosides are similar in energy. One energetically reasonable anomerization pathway of the donors is an S(N)1-like mechanism promoted by forming a bismuth-sulfonium adduct with the Lewis acidic Bi(V) for the formation of an oxacarbenium intermediate. Finally, the computed energy compensations needed to form these alpha vs beta Bi adducts is a possible explanation for the differential reactivity of these donors.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Nutrient Challenge Testing Is Not Equivalent to Scintigraphy-Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Testing in Diagnosing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

        ( Valeria Schindler ),( Martin Huellner ),( Fritz Murray ),( Larissa Schnurre ),( Anton S Becker ),( Valentine Bordier ),( Daniel Pohl ) 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회(구 대한소화관운동학회) 2020 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.26 No.4

        Background/Aims Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a common condition in disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI). Recently, a combined scintigraphy-lactulose hydrogen breath test (ScLHBT) was described as an accurate tool diagnosing SIBO. We aim to analyze whether a lactulose nutrient challenge test (NCT), previously shown to separate DGBI from healthy volunteers, is equivalent to ScLHBT in diagnosing SIBO. Methods We studied data of 81 DGBI patients undergoing ScLHBT with 30 g lactulose and 300 mL water as well as NCT with 30 g lactulose and a 400 mL liquid test meal. Differences in proportion of positive SIBO diagnoses according to specified cecal load and time criteria for NCT and ScLHBT, respectively, were tested in an equivalence trial. An odds ratio (OR) range of 0.80-1.25 was considered equivalent. Results Diagnosis of SIBO during NCT was not equivalent to SIBO diagnosis in ScLHBT, considering a hydrogen increase before cecal load of 5.0%, 7.5%, or 10.0%, respectively ([OR, 3.76; 90% CI, 1.99-7.09], [OR, 1.87; 90% CI, 1.06-3.27], and [OR, 1.11; 90% CI, 0.65- 1.89]). Considering only time to hydrogen increase as criterion, the odds of a positive SIBO diagnosis in the NCT (0.65) was lower than in ScLHBT (1.70) (OR, 0.38; 90% CI, 0.23-0.65). Conclusions This study could not show an equivalence of NCT and ScLHBT in diagnosing SIBO. A possible explanation might be the different transit times owing to unequal testing substances. The effect of this deviation in relation to consecutive therapy regimens should be tested in further prospective studies. (J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2020;26:514-520)

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