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        당뇨병 환자에서 혈장 Thrombin-Antithrombin Ⅲ 및 Plasmin-α_2-Plasmin Inhibitor 복합체의 임상적 의의

        김경욱,김은숙,정상수,윤수지,박우일,이준희,남수연,안철우,문병수,김경래,차봉수,송영득,임승길,이현철,허갑범 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.25 No.5

        연구배경:당뇨병 환자에서 혈액응고 및 섬유소용해 체계의 이상경향이 있어 그 결과로 여러 혈관합병증의 발생위험이 높다는 사실은 널리 알려져 있다. 그 기전은 아직 확실히 밝혀지지 않았으나, 고혈당으로 인한 혈장 단백질들의 비효소성 당화작용이나 산화성 스트레스로 인한 유리 라티칼 작용으로 응고항진이나 섬유소용해 활성의 저하를 유발하는 것으로 생각되고 있다. 최근 응고 및 용해인자와 그 억제자의 복합체들의 증가가 이 상태를 비교적 예민하게 반영한다고 알려져 있다. 방법:본 연구에서는 당뇨병 환자 101명과 정상 대조군 20명에서 혈장내 thrombin­antithrombin complex(TAT)와 plasmin­α₂­plasmin inhibitor complex(PIC)를 측정하여 비교하고, 당뇨병 환자에서 미세혈관 합병증과 대혈관합병증의 유무에 따른 차이와, 이미 혈관 질환의 위험인자로 알려져 있는 인자들간의 상관성을 알아보고자 하였다. 결과:1. 환자의 분포를 살펴보면 혈관합병증이 있는 군은 85명, 혈관합병증이 없는 군은 16명이었고, 평균연령은 각각 57.9±14.1세, 49.9±16.6세로 혈관 합병증이 있는 군에서 더 나이가 많았고, 체질량지수는 23.2±3.4㎏/㎡, 24.1±3.4㎏/㎡로 두 군간 유의한 차이는 없었다. 또 두 군간의 혈압 및 HbA1c, 공복혈당 및 인슐린과 C­peptide, 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, HDL­콜레스테롤, Lp⒜는 유의한 차이가 없었고, 미세혈관합병증이 있는 군에서 당뇨병의 유병기간이 길었다. 2. TAT 및 PIC의 농도는 정상 대조군에서는 2.8±1.2 ng/mL, 240.4±69.7 ng/mL이었고, 당뇨병 환자군에서는 9.5±22.6 ng/mL, 472.2±258.7 ng/mL이었다. TAT와 PIC 모두 당뇨병 환자군에서 정상 대조군에 비해 유의하게 증가되어 있었고(p<0.001), TAT/PIC ratio는 두 군간 차이가 없었다. 3. 당뇨병 환자의 혈관합병증에 따른 TAT 및 PIC, fibrinogen 농도는 합병증이 없는 군은 각각 4.1±2.4ng/mL, 362.2±272.0ng/mL, 322.7±102.4mg/mL으로 PIC와 fibrinogen의 증가를 보였으나, 연령을 보정한 후에는 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 또 대혈관 합병증군에서는 각각 6.0±4.9 ng/mL, 507.4±321.6 ng/mL, 427.1±194.7 mg/dL이었으며 미세·대혈관 합병증군에서는 10.4±6.4 ng/mL, 484.8±269.7 ng/mL, 388.4±132.4 mg/dL으로 TAT의 증가를 보였으나 역시 연령을 보정한 후에는 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 4. 미세혈관합병증군에서 HbA1c(>8%)가 높은 군의 PIC 농도가 유의하게 높았고(p=0.049), 대혈관합병증군에서 HbA1c(>8%)가 높은 군의 총 콜레스테롤 농도가 유의하게 높았다(p=0.042). 5. 총 당뇨병 환자군에서 PIC는 fibrinogen과 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를, BMI와 음의 상관관계를 보였으며(r=0.47, 0.31,-0.25), 혈관 합병증이 없는 당뇨병 환자군에서만 TAT는 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를 보였다(r=0.67). 결론:이상의 결과에서 혈장 TAT 및 PIC 농도는 당뇨병 환자에서 정상 대조군에 비해 의미있게 증가되어 있었고, 당뇨병 환자군에서는 연령의 증가와 유병기간이 혈액응고항진 및 용해의 장애에 큰 역할을 함을 알 수 있었으며, 총 당뇨병 환자군에 PIC와 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를, BMI와 음의 상관관계를 보였으며 혈관 합병증이 없는 당뇨병 환자군에서만 TAT는 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 따라서 당뇨병 환자에서 혈액응고 및 용해의 장애가 동반되어 있다고 볼 수 있으며, 혈장 TAT 및 PIC는 혈관합병증으로의 진행을 예측하는 지표로서 유용하리라 생각된다. 또 혈당조절정도와 상관성이 있으므로 혈당조절후에 추적검사를 시행하여 합병증의 예방이 가능한지 추후 연구가 필요하리라 생각된다. Background : Abnormality of coagulation and fibrinolystic system is known as a predisposing factor of vascular complication in diabetes. Although the pathogenesis is not well known, non-enzymatic glycation reaction and the increase in production of free radicals due to an increased oxidative stress may be linked to the hypercoagulibility and hypofibrinolytic activity. As indices of abnormality in coagulation and firinolysis in peripheral blood, plasma thrombin-antithrombin Ⅲ complex (TAT) and plasmin-α_2-plasmin inhibitor complex (PIC) were measured. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether hypercoagulability exists in diabetic patients with or without vascular complication. Methods : In our study, we measured plasma thrombin-antithrombin Ⅲ compelx (TAT) and plasmin-α_2-plasmin inhibit or complex (PIC) in 101 diabetic subjects and 20 controls. Comparing TAT and PIC levels in diabetic microvascular complication group, diabetic macrovascular complication group and controls, we examined correlation between risk factors associated with diabetic vascular complication. Results : 1. The group with diabetic vascular complication was older than group without complication. There was no significant difference in BMI, blood pressure, HbA_ic, blood sugar level, insulin, C-peptide, serum creatinine, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, Lp (a) between two groups. The group with diabetic microvascular complication had longer duration of diabetes. 2. Concentration of TAT and PIC were 2.8±1.2 ng/ mL, 240.4±69.7 ng/ mL in controls and 9.5±22.6 ng/ mL, 472.2±258.7 ng/ mL in diabetic patients, respectively. TAT and PIC were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in control (p<0.001). But TAT/PIC ratio was no significant difference between two groups. 3. In diabetic patients, concentration of TAT and PIC and fibrinogen were respectively 4.1±2.4 ng/ mL, 362.2±272.0 ng/ mL, 322.7±102.4 mg/ dL in group without vascular complication and 5.3±4.1 ng/ mL, 529.5±258.7 ng/ mL, 374.9±106.2 mg/ dL in group with microvascular complication, which group had increase in PIC and Fibrinogen but no significance after correction of age. Concentration of TAT and PIC and Fibrinogen were 60.±4.9 ng/ mL, 507.4±321.6 ng/ mL, 427.1±194.7 mg/ dL in macrovascular complication, and 10.4±6.7 mg/ mL, 484.8±269.7 ng/ mL, 388.4±132.4 mg/ dL in combined vascular complication which group showed increase of TAT but also had no significant increase after correction of age. 4. In diabetic microvascular complication patients, group of high HbA_1c (>8%) (p=0.049) had significant high PIC concentration. In diabetic macrovascular complication patients, group of high HbA_1c (>8%) (p=0.042) had significant high total cholesterol concentration. 5. In all diabetic patients, PIC was positively correlated with fibrinogen and HbA_1c and negatively correlated BMI (r=0.47, 0.31, -0.25). Only in daibetic patients without angiopathy, TAT was positively correlated with HbA_1c (r=0.67). Conclusion : In this study, plasma TAT and PIC concentration significantly increased in diabetic patients compared with controls, and PIC was increased in group with microvascular complication, TAT were increased in group with combined micro macrovascular complication. However, there was no significance relationship existed when correctinf for age. PIC was correlated with HbA_1c. TAT was correlated with HbA_1c only in the group without angiopathy. Abnormality of coagulation and fibrinolysis were combined in diabetes, plasma TAT and PIC can be used as an index of vascular complication. Also we found the correlation with the degree of the blood glucose control. Therefore we need follow up study for the possibility of prevention of vascular complication after controlling the blood glucose to age-matched patients (J Kor Diaabetes Asso 25:354~363, 2001).

      • 혈액정상치에 대한 고찰

        정경환,차덕원,박재윤 順天鄕大學校 1977 의대논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        We have determined the mormal ranges using the probability graph method to the laboratory data. From within ranges there were found that hematolgical normal values and ranges calculated from it were applied to the determination of those, except red blood cells

      • 통계 팩키지에서의 데이터베이스 시스템

        강근석,차윤경 崇實大學校 生産技術硏究所 2002 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        We have investigated the database systems in several popular statistical packages. To handle more diverse types of data, many state-of-the-art data access technologies have been adopted to the new versions of statistical packages. One of the typical characteristics is that most systems provide direct and transparent access to data. We survey and compare those new functions. Also we propose our own system that allows seamless integration of data access capabilities with statistical packages. The system is modular and component based.

      • A Framework for Applying Randomized Alogrithms to Multiple Query Optimization

        Cha, Youn Kyung 수원대학교 기초과학연구소 1993 基礎科學論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        질의 최적화는 한개의 질의인 경우에도 질의가 복잡해 짐에 따라 탐색공간이 지수함수적으로 커지는 어려운 조합성 최적화 문제이다. 최근의 새로운 데이터 베이스시스템 응용 분야에서 그 중요성이 더하여 가는 복수 질의 최적화 문제는 더욱 큰 탐색공간을 가지며 질의들 간의 공통된 작업들을 활용하여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 복수 질의 최적화 문제에 무작위 알고리즘을 적용 시키기 위하여 사용 할수 있는 기본 구조를 보이고 무작위의 복수 질의 수행 계획을 효율적으로 형성하는 알고리즘을 제시한다.


        Radicicol Inhibits iNOS Expression in Cytokine-Stimulated Pancreatic Beta Cells

        Youn, Cha Kyung,Park, Seon Joo,Li, Mei Hong,Lee, Min Young,Lee, Kun Yeong,Cha, Man Jin,Kim, Ok Hyeun,You, Ho Jin,Chang, In Youp,Yoon, Sang Pil,Jeon, Young Jin The Korean Society of Pharmacology 2013 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.17 No.4

        Here, we show that radicicol, a fungal antibiotic, resulted in marked inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) transcription by the pancreatic beta cell line MIN6N8a in response to cytokine mixture (CM: TNF-${\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$, and IL-$1{\beta}$). Treatment of MIN6N8a cells with radicicol inhibited CM-stimulated activation of NF-${\kappa}B$/Rel, which plays a critical role in iNOS transcription, in a dose-related manner. Nitrite production in the presence of PD98059, a specific inhibitor of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-1 and 2 (ERK1/2) pathway, was dramatically diminished, suggesting that the ERK1/2 pathway is involved in CM-induced iNOS expression. In contrast, SB203580, a specific inhibitor of p38, had no effect on nitrite generation. Collectively, this series of experiments indicates that radicicol inhibits iNOS gene expression by blocking ERK1/2 signaling. Due to the critical role that NO release plays in mediating destruction of pancreatic beta cells, the inhibitory effects of radicicol on iNOS expression suggest that radicicol may represent a useful anti-diabetic activity.

      • Performance Study of Randomized Optimization Algorithms for Small Join Queries

        Cha, Youn-Kyung 수원대학교 산업기술연구소 1991 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        관계 데이타 베이스 시스템에서 질의어 최적화는 어려운 문제이다. Randomized 알고리즘, 특히 Simulated Annealing과 Iterative Improvement를 응용한 Two Phase Optimization은 매우 복잡한 질의어 최적화에 효율적인 알고리즘으로 보여졌다. 본 논문에서는 15-join 질의어에 이르는 비교적 간단한 질의어에 주로 사용되고 있는, 기본적으로 모든 가능한 해법들을 나열 생성해가는, 알고리즘과 이 Two Phase Optimization을 결과의 질과 소요시간면에서 비교 분석한다.


        Inhibition of ERK1/2 by silymarin in mouse mesangial cells

        Cha Kyung Youn,Sung Il Cho,Min Young Lee,Young Jin Jeon,Seog Ki Lee 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2017 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.21 No.1

        The present study aimed to show that pro-inflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interferon (IFN)-γ, and interleukin (IL)-1β] synergistically induce the production of nitric oxide (NO) production in mouse mesangial cells, which play an important role in inflammatory glomerular injury. We also found that co-treatment with cytokines at low doses (TNF-α; 5 ng/ml, IFN-γ; 5 ng/ml, and IL-1β; 1.25 U/ml) synergistically induced NO production, whereas treatment with each cytokine alone did not increase NO production at doses up to 100 ng/ml or 50 U/ml. Silymarin, a polyphenolic flavonoid isolated from milk thistle (<i>Silybum marianum</i>), attenuates cytokine mixture (TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-1β)-induced NO production. Western blot and RT-PCR analyses showed that silymarin inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in a dose-dependent manner. Silymarin also inhibited extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-1 and -2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation. Collectively, we have demonstrated that silymarin inhibits NO production in mouse mesangial cells, and may act as a useful anti-inflammatory agent.


        Silibinin Inhibits LPS-Induced Macrophage Activation by Blocking p38 MAPK in RAW 264.7 Cells

        ( Cha Kyung Youn ),( Seon Joo Park ),( Min Young Lee ),( Man Jin Cha ),( Ok Hyeun Kim ),( Ho Jin You ),( In Youp Chang ),( Sang Pil Yoon ),( Young Jin Jeon ) 한국응용약물학회 2013 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.21 No.4

        We demonstrate herein that silibinin, a polyphenolic fl avonoid compound isolated from milk thistle (Silybum marianum), inhibits LPS-induced activation of macrophages and production of nitric oxide (NO) in RAW 264.7 cells. Western blot analysis showed silibinin inhibits iNOS gene expression. RT-PCR showed that silibinin inhibits iNOS, TNF-α, and IL1β. We also showed that silibinin strongly inhibits p38 MAPK phosphorylation, whereas the ERK1/2 and JNK pathways are not inhibited. The p38 MAPK inhibitor abrogated the LPS-induced nitrite production, whereas the MEK-1 inhibitor did not affect the nitrite production. A molecular modeling study proposed a binding pose for silibinin targeting the ATP binding site of p38 MAPK (1OUK). Collectively, this series of experiments indicates that silibinin inhibits macrophage activation by blocking p38 MAPK signaling.

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