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      • 외국인 유학생을 위한 전공 한국어 기본어휘 선정 연구 : 경영학 전공자를 중심으로

        이영우 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 2939

        【초록】 상경계열 외국인 유학생을 위한 전공 한국어 기본어휘 선정 연구-경영학 전공자를 중심으로- Lee, Young Woo Department of Global Korean Studies Graduate School of Culture Creation Kyung Hee Cyber University 이 연구는 상경계열 진학 외국인 유학생들이 입학과 동시에 배우게 되는 전공과목인 ‘경영학원론’ 의 교재를 중심으로 연구함으로써 경영학 전공 기본 어휘를 밝혀 유학생들에게 도움을 주고자 시작되었다. 우리나라 대학의 외국인 유학생들이 대학 입학에 있어 ‘공인 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 3등급~4등급’의 실력을 요구하는 것과는 달리 내국인에게도 어려운 전공용어를 공부해야 하는 학생들에게는 실로 어려운 상황이라 하지 않을 수 없다. 입학 전 대부분의 외국인 유학생들은 전공용어를 별도로 학습한 적이 없으며, 입학과 동시에 전공용어를 접하게 됨으로써 학업을 하는데 있어 큰 어려움을 겪고 있는 것이다. 실제 대부분의 경영학 전공 어휘들은 기존에 공부했던 ‘의사소통 중심의 한국어’ 와는 다른 의미로 사용되어지고 있다. 또한, 대다수 어휘들이 한자어로 구성되어 있으며 많은 외래어가 서로 혼용되어 사용되어지거나 어휘간의 상호결합에 의해 또 다른 의미로 사용되어 지는 경우가 많다. 우리나라 대학에 진학하는 가장 많은 유학생들이 상경계열로 입학을 하고 있는 것이 사실이나 아직까지는 이러한 경영학과 유학생을 위한 어휘 연구나 교수방법에 대해서는 연구가 매우 부족한 편이다. 따라서, 이 연구에서는 수도권 주요 대학 10곳을 선정하여 교과서로 사용되어지고 있는 9개의 경영학원론 교재를 연구 대상으로 어휘를 분석함으로써 교육과정에 있어 필수적으로 익혀야 할 주요 어휘들을 파악해 보았다. 9개 서적에 수록된 약 101만 어절을 분석하여, 이 중 명사를 중심으로 약 26만 빈도수, 3,551개의 어휘를 추출하였다. 이 중 총 빈도수의 50%이상을 점유하고 있는 고빈도 어휘 1,475개를 다시 추출하였다. 이는 1,475개의 어휘를 익히면 9개 전공교재에서 출현하는 명사형 어휘 빈도 중 50% 이상의 빈도를 이해할 수 있음을 의미한다. 그러나, 1,475개의 다빈도 어휘에는 ‘일반목적의 한국어 어휘’와 중복되는 어휘들이 상당수 존재하고 있었다. 이들에 대한 제거를 위해 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 초ㆍ중급 어휘와 중복되는 어휘들을 제거하였으며 더불어 경영학전공자들을 대상으로 ‘집단 심층면접’ 방식을 활용하여 ‘1차 어휘평정 작업’을 실시, 비전공어휘를 뺀 546개의 어휘를 추출하였다. ‘2차 어휘평정 작업’은 1차 어휘평정 작업까지의 제거된 어휘들에 대한 검증 후 재 산입을 위한 과정으로 활용하였으며 1차 어휘평정 작업보다는 보다 전문성있는 ‘경영컨설턴트’들을 대상으로 실시하였다. ‘생산성 경영체제(PMS; Productivity Management System)인증제’ 심사원 10명 중 4명이상이 추천한 어휘를 채택하였으며 초급 어휘에서 14개, 중급어휘에서 45개, 원시말뭉치에서 탈락되어 재 추천된 어휘 38개 등 총 97개의 어휘를 추가하였다. 이를 통해 643개의 어휘가 확보되었다. 3차 어휘평정 작업은 2차 평정작업을 마친 후의 전공 어휘 목록 643개를 ‘전공 기본 어휘’와 ‘전공 심화 어휘’로 분류하기 위한 작업을 하는 과정으로 ‘경영학 전공 교수’ 3명이 어휘평정 작업을 진행하였고 2명 이상의 교수가 선정할 경우 ‘전공 심화 어휘’로 분류하여 ‘전공 기본 어휘’에서 제외하였다. 3차 어휘평정 작업 결과 총 18개의 ‘전공 심화 어휘’를 제외한 625개의 최종 결과물을 추출할 수 있었다. 625개의 ‘경영학 전공 기본 어휘’의 누적빈도는 약 30%로 Coverage 50%의 명사 어휘였던 1,475개에 비해 1어휘 당 보다 많은 빈도 Coverage를 가지고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 이는 625개의 명사형 어휘를 학습할 경우 9개 교재의 평균 명사 어휘 출현에 있어서 30%를 cover 할 수 있음을 뜻하는 유의미하는 수치라 할 수 있다. 그러나, Coverage 50%의 명사 어휘군인 1,475개의 어휘에서 제외된 850개의 탈락 어휘들 또한 사실은 상경계열에서는 ‘일반 목적의 한국어’에서 기 학습한 어휘들과는 상당부분이 다르게 사용되는 경우가 있어 이에 대한 빈출 문장을 함께 조사하여 수록하였다. 마지막으로, 경영학 전공서적의 주제를 크게 ‘11개 주제’로 분류하였으며, 연구 대상인 9개 교재, 총 127개의 단원을 주제별 카테고리로 재분류하였다. 각 카테고리에 대한 말뭉치 작업을 거친 후 625개의 ‘경영학 전공 기본 어휘’와 비교, 분석하여 각 주제별로 100개씩의 다빈도 어휘를 추출한 결과 각 주제별로 매우 상이한 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 가령 ‘투자’라는 어휘는 ‘회계ㆍ재무관리 카테고리’에서 가장 높은 빈도로 나타났으나 ‘조직관리 카테고리’에서는 순위에서 빠져 있었다. 또한, ‘창업’이라는 어휘는 ‘창업(경영자)ㆍ정보화’ 카테고리에서는 최상위 빈도 어휘지만 ‘경제(거시)’카테고리를 제외하고는 모두 순위 내에 존재하지 않았다. 이러한 어휘 분포의 연구는 해당 주제의 카테고리 교육에 있어 어떤 어휘가 주로 출현하는지, 어떤 어휘를 선행하여 교육시킬 때 학습자 【Abstract】 A Study on Basic Vocabulary Selection of Korean for Major Field of Studies for Foreign Students -With focus on Majors in Business Administration- Lee, Young Woo Department of Global Korean Studies Graduate School of Culture Creation Kyung Hee Cyber University This study is aimed at giving assistance to foreign students by making clear the basic vocabulary for business administration major by doing research with focus on the text for the major subject- ‘Principles of Business Administration’ which foreign students in business and economics come to study on entering college. Unlike the case where domestic colleges require foreign students to possess the Korean ability equivalent to Class-3~4 in the certified Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK), it’s really a difficult situation to foreign students who have to learn major subject terms which are hard even to domestic students. Most of the foreign students come to be in contact with major subject terms at the same time when they enter college without any preparation for major subject terms before college entrance, which makes it more difficult for them to carry out schoolwork. Actually, most of the business administration major vocabulary is used in a different meaning from ‘Communication-centered Korean’ which they learned before. Moreover, a great many words are composed of Sino-Korean words, and not a few foreign words are used mixed with the Sino-Korean words, or used in another different meaning through the mutual combination between words in many cases. It’s true that a largest number of foreign applicants for domestic colleges are entering the field of business and economics, but, extremely insufficient is the vocabulary research or teaching method for foreign students in the department of business administration as yet. Accordingly, this study grasped the major vocabulary that should be essentially mastered in the curriculum through the analysis of the vocabulary with focus on the currently used 9 textbooks for ‘Principles of Business Administration’ by selecting 10 major universities in metropolitan area. This study extracted about 260,000 frequencies of use, and 3,551 words around a noun by analyzing 1,010,000 words included in the 9 books. Then, this study extracted 1,475 high frequency words again, which accounted for more than 50% of total frequency numbers. This means mastering 1,475 words leads to the understanding more than 50% frequencies out of the noun-form word frequencies. However, this study found that there were a considerable number of words which were overlapped with ‘Korean words for general purpose’ in 1,475 high-frequency words. In order to remove the overlapping words, this study first removed the word overlapped with the elementary-intermediate level words set in Test Proficiency in Korean, and also extracted 546 words excluding non-major words by implementing ‘the Primary Word Rating’ using the ‘Group In-depth Interview’ method targeting majors in business administration. This study used the ‘Secondary Vocabulary Rating’ as the process for re-inclusion of the removed words during the primary vocabulary rating after verifying them, and implemented the ‘Secondary Vocabulary Rating’ targeting more specialized ‘Management Consultants’ than the Primary Vocabulary Rating. In addition, this study adopted the vocabulary recommended by more than 4 persons out of 10 judges of ‘Productivity Management System (PMS) Certification’, and added a total of 97 words, such as 14 words from the elementary vocabulary, 45 words from the intermediate vocabulary, 38 re-recommended words after being dropped out of raw corpus, Through this, a total of 643 words were secured. The ‘Tertiary Vocabulary Rating is the task process for classifying 643 lexicons of the major subjects after finishing the secondary rating as ‘basic vocabulary for major subjects’ and ‘intensive major vocabulary’ and the tertiary rating was conducted by 3 major ‘professors in business administration’, and this study excluded them from the basic vocabulary for major subjects by classifying the vocabulary selected by more than 2 professors as intensive major vocabulary. As a result of the tertiary rating, this study could extract the final output of 625 words exclusive of a total of 18 ‘intensive major words.” The cumulative frequency of 625 ‘basic words for business administration major’ is about 30%, being found to have a lot more frequency coverage per 1 word in comparison with 1475 noun words whose cumulative coverage was 50%. This is a significant numerical value meaning that it can cover 30% of the average noun words appearance of the 9 texts in case of learning 625 noun-form words. However, a considerable portion of 850 rejected words which were excluded from the lexis of 1,475 nouns whose coverage is 50% are also are used in departments of business and economics differently from the already learned words in ‘Korean for general purpose’; accordingly, this study surveyed & included their frequency sentences. Finally, this study roughly classified the subjects of business management major books as ’11 subjects’ and re-classified the research subjects, or 9 textbooks, and a total of 127 Units into a category by subject. After doing a corpus task of individual categories, this study extracted 100 multi-frequency words evenly by each subject by doing comparative analysis of ‘625 basic words for business administration major’; as a result, this study could draw a very dissimilar result by each subject. For example, the word of ‘Investment’ appeared in the highest frequency in ‘Accounting & Financial Management Category’, but the word was dropped out of the ranking in ‘Organization Management Category.’ In addition, the word of ‘Start-up’ was the highest frequency word in ‘Start-up & Informatization’ cat

      • 외국인 유학생과 한국인의 학위논문 초록 비교 연구 : 경영학 박사학위논문 초록 텍스트 구조를 중심으로

        곽기동 韓國外國語大學校 KFL大學院 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2936

        As the number of international students in Korea has increased sharply since 2014, the number of those in graduate schools, the top educational institution, is also increasing. International students in graduate school must write their dissertation in a manner agreed upon by the discourse community for each major in order to obtain a degree. However, the research on genre analysis of dissertation for them has been limited to the field of Korean language education. For the educational foundation for international students' dissertation writing to be established, research needs to be conducted in various majors. In order to solve the aforementioned problems and expand the scope of research on genre analysis of dissertation, this research analyzed the abstracts of business administration major which domestically holds the largest number of international students. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the educational discussion for international students’ dissertation writing by examining the difference of abstracts between business administration major and those of other majors and the difference of abstracts between Korean writers and international writers. For this purpose, 70 business administration doctoral dissertations of international students and 30 business administration doctoral dissertations of Korean students from 2011 to 2020 were gathered through a dissertation search site ‘Riss’. The framework utilized in this research is ‘Analytical framework for move structure’ from Pho (2008). For the reliability, 20 abstracts out of the total sample were extracted for individual analysis by three reviewers including the researcher, and after this the reviewers gathered for negotiation and reached Kappa number 1.0. From that point on, the researcher single-handedly analyzed the remaining part of the sample. As a result, the difference between dissertations in business administration field and those of other fields showed as follows. First, abstracts in the field of business administration which belongs to the department of humanities and social sciences showed the characteristic of its department which is a mandatory use of the move 'A, R, C', but the difference was in that typical humanities and social sciences abstracts use move ‘B’ selectively whereas the move ‘B’ was used mandatorily in business administration abstracts. In addition, business administration abstracts showed higher use of the move ‘M’, a generally used move in the abstracts of the science and technology department, when compared to the typical humanities and social sciences abstracts. Second, as a result of analyzing the number of moves that the students used the most in their abstracts, business administration students used ‘5-move structure’ the most at a rate of 66.7%, which is relatively a higher figure to the 44.4% in the Korean education field (4-move structure) and the 45% in the engineering field (3 move structure). Third, as a result of examining the usage percentage of the move structure type, the most used in the business administration field was 'B-A-M-R-C (46.7%)', which is relatively a higher figure as well when compared to 'A-B-M-R-C (22.2%)' in the Korean language education field and 'B-A-M-R-C (17%)’ in the engineering field. Next, the results of the comparison between Korean students and international students show as follows. First, as a result of examining the number of letters, it showed that Korean students wrote their abstracts 500 letters longer in average than international students, and main cause was found to be the move ‘C’. Second, as a result of examining the occurrence frequency of moves, Korean students essentially used move B, A, R, C, where as international students essentially used move A and R, and the usage of the move C differed up to 30%. Third, as a result of comparing the number of moves used, both groups, Korean students (66.7%) and international students (37.5%), used ‘5-move structure’ the most. Fourth, as a result of examining the types of moves, Korean students used 9 types and international students used 17 types with the structure 'B-A-M-R-C' as the most used type in both groups. Abstracts in the field of business administration has the characteristics of both the field of humanities and social sciences and the field of science and technology abstracts, while at the same time showing a distinctive characteristic that cannot be found in the two aforementioned fields. Compared to other fields, the proposed model is clear, and it is characterized by the typical use of the move structure 'B-A-M-R-C'. As a result of this research, it was confirmed that international students need genre education on the abstract of business administration dissertation. It is supposed that using the writings of Korean students for genre education, which suggest a clear model regarding the format, can help international students to write in the way the business administration discourse community expects. In particular, the ‘B-A-M-R-C’ type, which is the most commonly used structure in both groups, can be seen as a representative move structure in the abstract of business administration field, and it is thought that using the very structure as a main type for education seems to be effective. This research is meaningful in that it’s reflected the practical needs and expanded the research scope by analyzing moves of abstracts in the business administration fields which have not yet been researched even though the field holds the largest number of international students. In addition, it is significant in that it provided a foundation of resource for Korean dissertation writing education for international students by clarifying the characteristics of the dissertation abstracts in the field of business administration. I anticipate that diverse resource for international students’ dissertation writing will be established through follow-up research.

      • New perspectives on capital allocation

        Bardolet, David University of California, Los Angeles 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay compares capital investment behavior in multi- and single-business companies in order to assess the efficiency of internal capital markets. I analyze archival field data from a cross-sectional sample of business units belonging to U.S. companies and identify a number of empirical regularities that do not accord with a rational account of internal capital markets. First, I find that multi-business firms invest more intensively in cash-needy unprofitable businesses than single-business firms. Second, I find that single-business firms invest more intensively in cash-needy profitable businesses than multi-business firms. Finally, I find no evidence that the higher level of investment on cash-needy unprofitable businesses in multi-business firms results in a higher success rate in making those businesses profitable over time. I suggest a number of potential explanations for these empirical patterns. In the second essay, I investigate the effect on capital investment of the relative size of a business with respect to the size of the rest of its corporation. I find that capital expenditures (normalized by assets) are higher when a business is smaller relative to the rest of its firm, holding everything else constant. This result agrees with the finance literature that claims that internal capital markets are inefficient in allocating capital. Moreover, it provides evidence that managers at the top of the corporation might be biased toward even allocations to all their businesses. I suggest a cognitive behavioral account to explain this phenomenon, namely, that managers experience a "naive diversification" bias that leads them to put "too much" in smaller businesses and "too little" in bigger ones, after controlling for investment opportunities and overall size. The conclusions of this essay are relevant to how organizational structure affects investment behavior. In the third essay, I explore the role of a cognitive bias known as naive diversification in organizational capital allocation decisions by managers. The essay advances a methodology for cleanly demonstrating a counter-normative bias toward even allocation. I use archival data to show that firms' internal capital allocations are biased toward equality over the number of business units into which the firm is partitioned. In three further experimental studies, I show that this bias persists in a simplified experimental setting in which social/political and incentive-based mechanisms can be ruled out.

      • A logic-based methodology for business process analysis and design: Linking business policies to workflow models

        Wang, Harry Jiannan The University of Arizona 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        Today, organizations often need to modify their business processes to cope with changes in the environment, such as mergers/acquisitions, new government regulations, and new customer demand. Most organizations also have a set of business policies defining the way they conduct their business. Although there has been extensive research on process analysis and design, how to systematically extract workflow models from business policies has not been studied, resulting in a missing link between the specification of business policies and the modeling of business processes. Given that process changes are often determined by executives and managers at the policy level, the aforementioned missing link often leads to inefficient and inaccurate implementation of process changes by business analysts and process designers. We refer to this problem as the policy mismatch problem in business process management. For organizations with large-scale business processes and a large number of business policies, solving the policy mismatch problem is very difficult and challenging. In this dissertation, we attempt to provide a formal link between business policies and workflow models by proposing a logic-based methodology for process analysis and design. In particular, we first propose a Policy-driven Process Design (PPD) methodology to formalize the procedure of extracting workflow models from business policies. In PPD, narrative process policies are parsed into precise information on various workflow components, and a set of process design rules and algorithms are applied to generate workflow models from that information. We also develop a logic-based process modeling language named Unified Predicate Language (UPL). UPL is able to represent all workflow components in a single logic format and provides analytical capability via logic inference and query. We demonstrate UPL's expressive power and analytical ability by applying it to process design and process change analysis. In particular, we use UPL to define and classify process change anomalies and develop algorithms to verify and enforce process consistency. The Policy-driven Process Design, Unified Predicate Language, and process change analysis approach found in this dissertation contribute to business process management research by providing a formal methodology for resolving the policy mismatch problem.

      • Bounded business ethics: An interdisciplinary enquiry on the sources of Organizational Ethical Failures

        De Colle, Simone University of Virginia 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        In this dissertation I have undertaken an interdisciplinary enquiry on the sources of Organizational Ethical Failures (OEFs), which I define as managerial decisions that despite being well-intended involve unethical conduct in the decision-making process and/or fail to continuously equilibrate stakeholder interests in a fair and efficient way. By looking at insights from business ethics, entrepreneurship and clinical and social psychology I have developed the approach of Bounded Business Ethics (BBE) that acknowledges how manifestations of bounded rationality have significant, specific implications for ethical decision-making. BBE embraces the Integration Thesis, i.e. the idea that business and ethics are entangled (Freeman et al., 2010): it focuses on all decisions within business organizations, refusing the separation from "moral" to "amoral" decisions. Moreover, BBE rejects the narrow view of human motivation that has been dominating in economics and in managerial disciplines to adopt a more complex perspective, able to embrace richer concepts of rationality---including noninstrumental rationality, such as the logic of expressive choice---and emphasize the role of values and ethics in the context of stakeholder relationships. I have identified 12 different sources of OEFs originated by two main manifestations of bounded rationality: 1) Bounded awareness: ethical failures that we commit unconsciously, under the influence of different psychological processes (that is, without even activating a moral reasoning process); and 2) Bounded ethicality: ethical 'mistakes' we commit in the way we (try to) apply our moral reasoning skills (that is, because of poor or biased moral reasoning). Through the application of the BBE 'conceptual model' to the analysis of the Heineken-Pedavena case I have demonstrated that this approach can improve our ability to identify OEFs and, consequently, prevent and limit their occurrence. Bounded Business Ethics represents a conceptual apparatus that offers the promise of promoting the "integrative revolution" (Freeman, 2008) that reconciles business and ethics. It can help us to better understand business (and human beings), and learn useful insights toward better---i.e. more successful---decision-making in business: decisions that create value for the organization's key stakeholders over time and continuously balance their interests in a fair and efficient way.

      • Business and knowledge strategies: Alignment and performance impact analysis

        Asoh, Derek Ajesam State University of New York at Albany 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        The recognition of knowledge as the most valuable resource has motivated firms to engage in its formal management. To achieve better organizational performance from managing knowledge, management strategists recommend that firms relate knowledge management with business activities. As a resource, knowledge can be related to business through alignment, as is applicable to other resources such as information. Despite interest in managing knowledge, however, there has been little or no research about aligning knowledge-related resources with business. Lack of empirical evidence creates a gap between the theory and practice of knowledge management. In this study, I integrated theories about knowledge and alignment to develop an alignment framework and model for knowledge management research, developed a knowledge strategy construct, and empirically tested the alignment model within a mediation perspective along with the Miles and Snow's strategic typology. Mediation was interpreted as the mechanism through which knowledge strategy could catalyze business strategy for the attainment of better performance and vice versa. Data from an international survey was analyzed using the variance-based partial least square, structural equation modeling technique. Competing models depicting the roles of business strategy and knowledge strategy in mediating the performance link were examined. Results indicate that business and knowledge strategies positively impact performance, explaining about 45% percent of its variation. In all models, the prospector-analyzer business strategic orientation stood out as the better mediator of firm's performance. Though exploratory, an important management implication of this study is that it may make more sense for firms to orientate their business strategies and operations based on their knowledge resources rather than trying to engage in knowledge management activities as a response to business needs since this study shows such knowledge-related activities do not adequately enhance business activities in terms of firm performance objectives.

      • Cross-business synergies: Recombination, modularity, and the multi-business team

        Martin, Jeffrey Arthur Stanford University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        The pursuit of synergy is at the heart of the rationale for the existence of the multi-business organization. Indeed, the promise of synergies is the primary logic behind strategic moves like diversification, acquisitions and alliances. However, despite the enormous attention that management focuses on different means to achieve cross-business synergies, their realization remains an elusive goal for many organizations. In contrast to the economic models of value-creation in diversified firms, which focus on the sources of potential synergy, this inductive study of 12 cross-business synergy initiatives in six firms examines the processes by which potential synergies are realized. This study adds to the understanding of the nature of the corporation and its value by developing a preliminary theoretical framework describing how managers of multi-business firms capture corporate value in dynamic markets through processes of corporate entrepreneurship. In particular, this study explores the changing role of the corporate center and the emerging role of the multi-business team (the general managers)—a new unit of governance that focuses on the relationships among the business-units. Moreover, this research attempts to make a broader contribution to organizational theory by developing a rationale for the M-form that is based on a logic of innovative recombination and the coevolution of the business-units and markets, rather than one of economizing attention and controlling opportunism. This research also makes a broader contribution to theories of strategy and entrepreneurship by focusing on how advantage is derived from continually seeking new opportunities, rather than on assembling resources, establishing sustained positional advantages, or exploiting resource similarities.

      • Telework as Part of a Business Continuity Strategy: A Path toward Organizational Resilience

        Colbert, Carrie J University of Maryland University College 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        This paper explores the impact an established telework program included in a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) has on the resiliency of an organization during and after an unexpected event. Two important realities are beginning to force old management traditions to evolve and transform. First, distance-spanning technologies challenge "same time, same place" models of work. Second, and most important, business interruptions and work stoppages are crucial to an organization's productivity. A changing world demands new ways of using our digital infrastructure to survive in business. Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and unexpected business crises have the capacity to change the way businesses and societies function. This study utilizes literature from to the areas of telework, business continuity, and resilience, along with real-world business cases relating to the three areas of focus. The literature chosen provides insight into the impact a telework strategy integrated into an organizations BCP has on an organization's ability to maintain business functions during and after an unexpected event. The paper defines telework and discusses the benefits and issues related to a telework program, and defines the concept of business continuity, making the argument that an established telework program is a critical component of a BCP in continuing business operations during a crisis: keeping an organization's reputation and assets intact. The review of literature and supporting real-world business cases resulted in four findings: (1) management resistance in telework adoption exists, (2) a BCP ensures essential functions during an unexpected event and it is crucial for organizations to be prepared for all types of disasters, (3) telework as part of a BCP is a proactive management approach to disaster planning, and (4) resilient organizations are prepared to continue operations during and after an unexpected event. The study also presents a conceptual model that shows that when needed, executing telework within a BCP will decrease downtime and minimize the impact of a business interruption during a crisis, which leads to less lost revenue, less disruption of operations and improved responsiveness to customers.

      • Business-to-business partnerships: An empirical examination in a supply chain context

        Myhr, Niklas University of Virginia 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        Facing fierce global competition in increasingly volatile environments, companies are finding it difficult to survive without close cooperation with other companies. Companies not only have to excel in their own core competencies, but they must also develop close partnerships with other companies for integration with the entire “business ecosystem” to which they belong. In fact, supply chain management researchers and practitioners see whole sets or chains of organizations as deliberately collaborating to achieve joint goals in competition with other supply chains. A limitation of previous studies is that business-to-business partnerships and alliances have mainly been addressed from a very senior management perspective, often being more preoccupied with the choice of institutional governance form than how partnerships are implemented at lower levels in the organization. Still, the responsibility for making partnerships happen rests on the shoulders of managers in functions such as marketing, sourcing/purchasing, operations, and R&D. This is because the establishment of cooperative buyer-seller relationships implies a division of labor between organizations, which will increase the interdependence of processes at the operational level. This is particularly the case in supply chains where waste is reduced and value enhanced through crossfunctional processes and structures that bridge interorganizational boundaries. This dissertation focuses on the implementation of business-to-business partnerships at a more operational level in the context of supply chains, and conceptualizes cooperation in terms of cooperative sentiments (relationship commitment and trust) and cooperative behaviors (flexible adaptation and collaboration). The conceptual framework identifies relationship interdependence, participative decision making, and face-to-face interaction as determinants of cooperative sentiments, and electronically-mediated exchange and enabling formalization as infrastructural enablers of cooperative behaviors. Furthermore, the model includes expected performance consequences of cooperative partnerships as well as moderators determining the circumstances under which a high level of cooperation is desirable. Empirically, most of the conceptual framework's hypotheses were confirmed in a sample of international subsidiaries of Nordic multinational corporations. The moderating variables, however, were not significantly affecting the relative value of cooperative behaviors in business-to-business partnerships. Therefore, business-to-business partnerships might be applicable in more situations than previously thought.

      • Information technology and customer relationships

        Mithas, Sunil K University of Michigan 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2895

        This dissertation aims to further enquiry into the business value of information technology (IT) by identifying customer satisfaction and relationship oriented measures of IT effectiveness and firm performance. In contrast with previous research on the business value of IT, which focuses on tangible measures of firm performance, this dissertation examines intangible and more comprehensive measures of firm performance. I draw on IT value, transaction cost and customer satisfaction streams of literature to test several hypotheses relating the effect of IT on firm performance. I propose causal mechanisms that underlie the value creation from IT investments. In doing so, I consider the effect of contextual variables such as market orientation and supply chain integration in deriving value from customer facing IT investments. Using a combination of archival and primary data, this study advances our understanding of the effect of IT investments (both in dollar terms and at the individual technology application level) on customer knowledge, customer satisfaction, and aggregate firm performance. This dissertation research is comprised of three related studies that explore questions about the effect of IT on customer relationships and business performance. In the first study, I study the importance of customer relationships for suppliers in business-to-business transactions where buyers have the choice of using reverse auctions. Results of the first study point to the critical importance of investing in intangible assets for better customer satisfaction and retention. The second study of the dissertation addresses whether greater investments in IT, particularly those in customer relationship management systems (CRM), help firms improve their customer satisfaction in a business-to-consumer context. Finally, the third study extends the effect of CRM on customer relationships in the business-to-business context. By highlighting the role of specific causal mechanisms and by testing the mechanisms rigorously in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer contexts using archival and primary data, this research triangulates the effect of IT on customer based measures of firm performance and contributes to empirically valid theory.

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