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      • The Role of Planning in the Process of Development : The case of Korea

        Lee Hyun Southern California University 1991 해외박사

        RANK : 232975

        본 연구의 기본 목표는 저개발국이 흔히 경험하게되는 사회의 구조 변환 과정에있어서의 계획 의 역할과 범위를 정의해 보는데 있다. 사회가 발전하여 감에 따라계획의 역할과 성격 역시 변화문에 한국과 같이 급격이 변화하는 사회에서는계획은 첫째, 국토의 공간적 재구성에 대한 새로운부응할 수 있어야 하며,둘째, 도시화, 산업화등의 전반적인 사회 여건의 변화에 따라 발생하는 뼈孃翎嶽括�극복 할 수 있어야한다. 본 연구에서는 새로운 계획 모형을 설정함에 있어서사회 계쓸돛�하여 규범적 계획 모형을 제시한다. 또한, 계획이라는 개념이순수 서구적 개념이었던 점을 여, 동양적인 개념으로 전이 되어 질수 있는가능성을 제시하고 있다. 본 연구에서 사용된 규범적방법은 흔히 경험적분석적연구 방법이 포착하기 어려운 계획 및 발전에 대한 중요한 개념들을 이데도움이 된다. 본 연구에서는 계획과 사회적 여건의 관계를 분석하여 볼 때 계획은사회 변동에 화하여야 하며, 저개발국가들의 발전과정에서 규범적 계획모형으로전환되어져야 한다는 이론적 갠뎬僿臼눼� 사회계약과 도덕적 자유주의는 시장사회에서의 계획 실행을 충분히 정당화하는 이론을 제공하고 있다. 한국에서의공공정책과 물리적 계획에 대한 사후 평가 분석은 서구적 개념의 갠옛瑛막括活�될수 있는 가능성과 새로운 형태의 계획모형으로의 전환 가능성을 보여주었다. 또한의 규범구조 변화와 계획체제 변화의 관계는, 식민지를 경험을 가진 신흥공업국가들은 보다 발전건설을 위하여는 규범적 계획모형의 필요성을인지시켜주고 있다. 본 연구의 정책적 결론은 지방봄퓰쳄�주장이며,지방분권제도는 계획이 국가 발전 과정에서 그 역할 수행을 통해 발전에 기여 풔�좋은 환경을 제공 하고 있다. 본 연구의 이론적 결론은 계획 특히 시장사회에서의공공부문의 국가발전의 명제하에서 대단히 미묘하고도 중요한 역할을 수행하기 때문에 시장사회에서의계획은자율성과 공공의 이익을 분명히 규정할 수 있는 정도까지만 최소화되어져야 한다는 결론에 도달 .

      • Deterministic and probabilistic tsunami studies in California from near and farfield sources

        Uslu, Burak University of Southern California 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        California is vulnerable to tsunamis from both local and distant sources. While there is an overall awareness of the threat, tsunamis are infrequent events and few communities have a good understanding of vulnerability. To quantitatively evaluate the tsunami hazard in the State, deterministic and probabilistic methods are used to compute inundation and runup heights in selected population centers along the coast. For the numerical modeling of tsunamis, a two dimensional finite difference propagation and runup model is used. All known near and farfield sources of relevance to California are considered. For the farfield hazard analysis, the Pacific Rim is subdivided into small segments where unit ruptures are assumed, then the transpacific propagations are calculated. The historical records from the 1952 Kamchatka, 1960 Great Chile, 1964 Great Alaska, and 1994 and 2006 Kuril Islands earthquakes are compared to modeled results. A sensitivity analysis is performed on each subduction zone segment to determine the relative effect of the source location on wave heights off the California Coast. Here, both time--dependent and time--independent methods are used to assess the tsunami risk. In the latter, slip rates are obtained from GPS measurements of the tectonic motions and then used as a basis to estimate the return period of possible earthquakes. The return periods of tsunamis resulting from these events are combined with computed waveheight estimates to provide a total probability of exceedance of given waveheights for ports and harbors in California. The time independent method follows the practice of past studies that have used Gutenberg and Richter type relationships to assign probabilities to specific tsunami sources. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is the biggest near--field earthquake source and is capable of producing mega--thrust earthquake ruptures between the Gorda and North American plates and may cause extensive damage north of Cape Mendocino, to Seattle. The present analysis suggests that San Francisco Bay and Central California are most sensitive to tsunamis originating from the Alaska and Aleutians Subduction Zone (AASZ). An earthquake with a magnitude comparable to the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake on central AASZ could result in twice the wave height as experienced in San Francisco Bay in 1964. The probabilistic approach shows that Central California and San Francisco Bay have more frequent tsunamis from the AASZ, while Southern California can be impacted from tsunamis generated on Chile and Central American Subduction Zone as well as the AASZ.

      • Prediction of extreme runoff frequency events in southern California

        Willardson, Bennington J University of Southern California 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        The prediction of extreme runoff events has significant risk and financial implications when dealing with hydraulic infrastructure. This is especially true in highly urbanized areas such as Southern California. Two methods for determining extreme runoff exist: extrapolation of existing runoff data using extreme event probability distributions, or hydrologic modeling using design rainfall events and watershed characteristics to generate an estimate of the extreme runoff event. This research investigates both methods to evaluate usefulness and limitations in providing guidance for risk and financial analysis. Design of levees and flood protection channels often focuses on providing protection from events with a 50- to 100-year recurrence interval. In many areas of the country, stream gage record sets do not contain records of this length. The effects of record length, probability distribution selection, and the method of parameter estimation are evaluated to determine the impacts on prediction of the extreme runoff event used for levee and channel design. Design storms are often used with hydrologic models to predict runoff for events larger than those measured through systematic stream gaging. The Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) - Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) methodology is widely used. This research evaluates the use of this standard on design for major hydraulic structures such as dam spillways within Southern California. Two standard PMP methodologies are evaluated based on rain gage frequency analysis within Los Angeles County. The effects of soils, watershed characteristics, and wild fire on extreme runoff events are also evaluated using Monte Carlo Simulation of 27 watersheds within the County. The Monte Carlo Simulations evaluates two design storms, two soil loss methodologies, and the effects of fire within a watershed. The structure and development of the model will be discussed, as well as the results for the different cases in determining extreme runoff events. Conclusions will be drawn regarding prediction of extreme runoff events in Southern California.

      • A case study of promising practices in the prevention of sexual assault in postsecondary institutions

        Jones, Mark University of Southern California 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        Sexual assault on college campuses is still a problem. About 20% of college females experience sexual assault and 6.1% of college males are also sexually assaulted. Nationwide 2%-3% of sexual assaults are reported. Institutions choose sexual assault prevention programs with little knowledge about the needs of the student population or the desired outcomes of the programs. Universities have been largely unsuccessful in reducing the rate of sexual assault on campus. This purpose of this study was to research best practices in sexual assault prevention programs at one university in southern California. The study considered programs that the university used to increase empathy in men, the perceptions of the staff who presented those programs, and finally, the systems and structures that existed to contribute to an anti-sexual assault culture and climate. This was a qualitative study using interviews from nine participants, observations or student and parent orientations, and observations of the campus to answer the research questions. Interviews of the participants were transcribed and then coded which revealed separate themes that established themselves through the interviews. Findings from the study showed that most of the interviewees referred to the culture and climate of the university as positive and contributing to the overall welfare of the students. The ability of the student service offices to collaborate with one another emerged as another theme. Lastly, the programs that the university uses emerged as the last theme, but the culture and climate and the ability to collaborate across disciplines stood out in the interviews and became the dominant finding. Universities tasked with choosing a sexual assault prevention programs can benefit from the results of this by using the best practices of Citrus-Arrow University and adapting them to their own university and student population.

      • Higher education's responses to economic development: Vietnam

        Ho, My Phuong Thanh University of Southern California 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        Higher education plays a very important role in the training of a skilled labor force capable of working successfully in the various fields of a developing economy. Higher education is supposed to have a close relation with the economy of a nation, since it trains the professionals who enter the workforce directly after their graduation. During the last fifteen years, higher education in Vietnam has developed rapidly in both number of institutions and number of students. The system of higher education in Vietnam has been experimenting with a variety of institutional forms in its efforts to meet development needs. Whether the Vietnamese system of higher education is doing a good job in preparing students to achieve success at work has yet to be fully investigated. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the responsiveness of a new type of institution called a provincial university to the labor force demands driven by the goals of economic development. A combination of surveys of students attending An Giang University, a provincial university in the McKong Delta, and of the employers in a variety of economic sectors, including high schools, in the University's service area of An Giang Province are used to explore the research questions posed. Additional information was obtained using focused interviews with the university administrators and through the review of related provincial and university documents. The central question under investigation was an examination of the extent to which An Giang University responds, through its academic programs, training, and community services and ties, to the economic development needs of An Giang Province. The research findings indicate a clear commitment on the part of An Giang University to support the efforts of economic development in An Giang Province through the setting of need driven goals and objectives, the flexibility in designing curricula and courses and the close connection maintained with the community in its operation. The findings, however, also identify specific gaps in the training level at the university on required factors set by employers in several economic sectors of An Giang Province.

      • South Korean high school parachute kids in Southern California: Academic, psychological adjustment and identity formation

        Byun, Boonsoon University of Southern California 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        This study uses ethnographic interviews to explore the academic and socio-psychological adjustment of ten South Korean parachute students attending high school in Southern California. These interviews reveal a complex story about the lives of Korean parachute kids. Most were not doing well enough in South Korea to assure they could secure a higher education there, especially in a highly competitive system of higher education. Attending school in the United States was a transnational solution to this competitive system even if it meant that these students would live there without their parents. Though these parachute students attended Southern California public and private schools, almost all of them had little time to prepare for their move abroad to study. While they all had various degrees of formal school preparation in English most reported that English was a major stumbling block to their adjustment in the United States. Korean parents generally made all living arrangements for their children in the United States, somewhat evenly divided between paid non-kin caretakers or with a relative. Parents took advantage of web-based communications with their children abroad in an attempt to assert their authority. The physical separation between parachute students and their parents seemingly contributed to an initial dramatic increase in autonomy and independence. Communications with parents generally focused on school life, grades and health. Students, however, reported that communications was often difficult because parents were unable to appreciate and understand living as a parachute kid. Whether or not they found U.S. schools to be easier or harder, almost all reported studying harder here and planning to go on to college in the United States. Their relationship with teachers was mixed at very best; however they believe their international status was a positive status. Relationships with students were filled with inter-cultural communication differences. Most reported feelings of distance from American students. While they could get support from their peers for school work, they were unable to nurture the relationship beyond this point due to the lack of a common ground between them and American students. They sought out the company of other parachute kids, but this relationship did little to solve the loneliness of being a parachute kid and what they could do to improve this situation. Most parachute kids revealed that they planned to stay in the United States after completing college, but all of them reported intense periods of loneliness. There was no systematic support from the school of community to overcome hardships of loneliness. Hardly any reported a sense of belonging in school. The students stressed the importance of religion and the church in overcoming their hardships as parachute students. Apparently when facing a strong sense of social marginalization, the church played a major role in these students' quest for identity and a sense of belonging. The struggle to achieve identity is a universal part of coming of age in adolescent society regardless of cultural, ethnic, and nationality backgrounds. Korean parachute kids were no exception. They coped with several identities, including their nationality identity, their international student status, their sojourner status as parachute kids, being Korean or Korean American, and the panethnic label of being Asian. While they all experienced different levels of adjustment and conflict in the United States, they were all committed to pursuing a higher education here and even securing a job after graduating from college. Still, this transnational pipeline from underperforming student in Korea to a postsecondary education in the United States is unlikely to diminish in the coming decades. Recommendation and suggestions for streamlining the South Korean parachute student pipeline are provided.

      • Measuring versus molding: A case study on the link between teacher evaluation and the elements of success in a California high school

        Wolf, Benjamin H University of Southern California 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        The purpose of this study was to investigate whether California's teacher evaluation system was accomplishing its stated purpose of improving instruction, and then, presumably, student achievement. With a need to meet the increasingly high standards of the No Child Left Behind federal accountability legislation, any method of improving instruction takes on a new importance. The research literature suggests that summative evaluation systems, like that used in California, do not have the impact on teaching and learning that formative systems of evaluation do. In order to test whether California's teacher evaluation system is effective, a group of fifteen thematic dissertation researchers from USC selected a variety of elementary, middle and high schools to conduct field studies. Each school that was selected met the criteria of being an urban school serving a low-socioeconomic population. Each school also had to have experienced positive student achievement over the last several years as measured by California's Academic Performance Index and results on the California Standards Tests. The point being, how were these schools so successful? Did teacher evaluation play a role, or were there other, more significant factors?. This study took place at Lemon Grove High School (pseudonym) in Southern California. The research methodology for this study included document analysis, survey, observation and interviews. After triangulating the data, the researcher concluded that California's system of teacher evaluation played no part in the school's success, nor did it lead to improved or changed teacher practices. Rather, the school has been successful because of specific curricular programs as well as a large professional development program and staff collaboration. The study concludes with a recommendation for the creation of a new, formative evaluation system that requires teachers to participate in activities that have been proven by research to improve instruction and learning; activities much like those practiced by Lemon Grove High School.

      • An evaluation of computer-mediated learning for elementary algebra students at Pasadena City College (California)

        Dooley, Bennie Allen University of Southern California 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        Providing a transfer path to four-year universities is a major mission of the California community colleges. Important to this mission is the promise of equity, ensuring that underrepresented and disadvantaged populations have access and the necessary skill preparation to allow them to transfer to a four-year university. A March 15, 2000, article in the <italic>Los Angeles Times</italic> reported that of the 31, 187 freshmen that entered the California State University system in fall 1999, 48 percent required remedial math. About 46 percent required remedial work in reading and writing. Further, the proportion of unprepared students reported was much higher in large, urban campuses that tend to attract students from low-performing high schools. In response to this lack of preparation, the California State Universities have in the last few years begun to limit access of prospective freshman that require remedial work. Developmental math and English can, in effect, become gatekeeper subjects keeping remedial students from accomplishing their goal of transferring to a four year university. A lack of developmental math preparation can strand students in remedial classes semester after semester. This study will seek to determine if Elementary Algebra students, at Pasadena City College, who register for classes utilizing Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) as a primary instructional delivery are more likely to have successful retention success than similar students in a traditional lecture based classroom. A survey will be conducted to determine equivalent computer experience for the two groups. Further, historical statistical data will be analyzed to see if any statistical significance is associated with type of learning methodology, gender, and minority status.

      • Exposing Sin City: Southern California sense of place and the Los Angeles anti-myth

        Sekhon, Sharon Elaine University of Southern California 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        This interdisciplinary study explores the relationship between mass media sources and national and local attitudes towards specific regions, specifically sense of place, demonstrated through the example of Southern California. Throughout the 20th century, Los Angeles developed an at once conflicted image; known as a place where impossible dreams could be achieved within the confines an agreeable climate, simultaneously, the Southern California region became known as a haven for conspicuous consumption, anti-intellectualism, lax sexuality, and violence. The origins of this imagery and how these portrayals influenced and continue to affect regional attachment to place are the central concerns of this study. Powerful arms of the mass media disseminated Los Angeles' primarily negative stereotype to the American public and to the residents of the region. Reacting in part to booster claims of the late 19<super>th</super> century, regional fiction from the 1930s and 1940s voiced criticism of the Southern California mythos and the film industry, a place many writers knew well. This literary trope was visually translated to film noir of the 1940s and 1950s during one of the highest periods of film-going attendance. Additionally, regardless of a search for journalistic objectivity, non-fictional sources of the same period used language and subject matter evocative of the regions anti-myth. This triangulation of sources created a potent vacuum in which a vision of Southern California became reified and normalized in American consciousness, but more importantly in the vision of its residents. Re-invented in various fictional forms to the present, this stereotype goes largely unquestioned in the popular culture, ultimately fostering a diminished sense of place among Los Angelenos. Involving extensive research in local and national archives, this dissertation is based on historical texts ranging from promotional literature, personal writings, mainstream fiction, poetry, and mainstream news sources to tabloid journalism, film production notes, and finally, the films themselves. This dissertation builds on extant writing on Los Angeles and the historiography of popular culture by taking seriously the political repercussions of media-made places.

      • College Readiness in California High Schools: Access, Opportunities, Guidance, and Barriers

        Smoot, Shanda L University of Southern California 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        This dissertation explores California's current A-G requirements and investigates whether or not students are more college ready now than they were in previous years. This study also investigates whether or not students have adequate opportunities to access the rigorous coursework in an urban high school largely populated by minority students. The purpose of this study was to explore if students are provided with the information necessary to make informed decisions that may lead to fulfillment of the requirements and for eligibility into either the California State University or University of California college system. This study focused on student college readiness from 1994-2012 to see if California was graduating students from high school that were college ready through exploring course taking patterns, reviewing student characteristic data, and looking at college readiness as defined by the number of students eligible to attend a California State University or University of California school. Findings from this study indicate that while there have been improvements in the overall college readiness of students the gains are slight. The findings also show that African American students are falling behind Caucasian students with regard to college readiness.

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