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      • Evaluation by Korean Students of Major Online Public Access Catalogs in Selected Academic Libraries

        박일종 North Texas University 1994 해외박사

        RANK : 232991

        이 연구의 목적은, (연구자에 의해) 선택된 온라인 접근 목록들 안의 시스템 관리자들을 보조하기 위한 수단으로서, 개발도상국의 국제적인 대학생들 중 특정한 한 집단의 특성의 정보를 제공한 것에 있다. 도서관에서 컴퓨터 기반의 정보시스템의 특정 이용자 집단의 특성, 기술, 탐색하는 능력들의 이해에 대한 부족이 정보시스템들의 설계, 취득, 관리 활동 시 문헌정보학 전문가들이 최선의 선택들을 내리는 것을 어렵게 만들었다. DRA, Geac, INNOPAC, NOTIS, and VTLS 온라인 접근목록 시스템들의 이용에 대해 한국 학생들의 습관과 견해를 측정하였다. 질문항목들과 방법들의 검사는 North Texas 대학교 1994년 봄학기에 등록한 한국학생들의 관리 하에 이루어졌다. 응답 인원 124명 중 67.7%의 재현율인 84개의 유효한 질문응답이 얻게 되었다. 응답결과는 SPSS/PC` ver. 5.0. 로 분석되었다. 이 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다 : (1) 학생들의 나이와 연구의 학문적 수준이 제시된 OPAC시스템의 형태에 대한 선호에 영향을 주었다, 그러나 학생들의 학문적 전공은 선호에 영향을 주지 않았다; (2)시스템 디자이너는 탐색방법론에 대해 보다 특별한 이용 교육을 준비해야 한다; (3) 시스템 디자이너는 시스템 메뉴의 디자인에 초점을 두어야 하며, OPAC 시스템에 관한 학습의 가장 보편적인 방법이 메뉴 속의 이용 교육이기 때문이다; (4) OPAC 사용에서 탐색 이론들을 알고 있는 응답자들의 수와 매뉴얼 카드목록 이용횟수는 반대의 관계를 보였다; 그리고 (5) 한국 학생들을 위해 OPAC 시스템 중 첫 번째 선택한 것은 메뉴 기반의 시스템이어야 할 것이다. 새로운 OPAC 시스템의 디자인, 채택, 또는 관리과정 시 권고점도 제안되었다. 또, OPAC 시스템들의 특성에 관한 이상의 연구를 위한 주제들과 그 사용에 대해서 제안하였다. The objective of this study was to provide information on the characteristics of a specific group of international college students from a developing country in order to assist system managers in the selection of OPACs. The lack of an understanding of the characteristics, skills, and searching abillities of a specific user group in computer-based information system in libraries hinders library and information science professionals in making the best decisions when designing, acquiring, and managing information systems. The perceptions and behaviors of Korean students were measured in their use of DRA, Geac, INNOPAC, NOTIS, and VTLS OPAC systems. Questionnaires and skills tests were administered to Korean students enrolled at the University of North Texas in the Spring semester 1994. 84 usable questionnaires were obtained, which represented 67.7% of an actual population of 124. These were analyzed using SPSS/PC` ver. 5.0. The major conclusions of this study are: (1) Academic level of study and age of the students affects the preference for the type of OPAC system selected, but academic major of the students does not affect the preference; (2) System designers should prepare more specific instructions regarding searching methods; (3) System designer should focus on the design of the system menu, since the most common method of learning about OPAC systems was the instructions in the menu; (4) There was a negative relationship between the number of searching methods that the respondents knew in using OPACs and the frequency of manual card catalog use; and (5) Menu-driven systems should be the first selection of OPAC systems for Korean students. Recommendations are proposed when designing, adopting, or managing a new OPAC system. Topics for further studies on the characteristics of OPAC systems and their use are also suggested.

      • The rise of the Republicans: Party realignment in twentieth century Texas

        Antle, Michael L University of North Texas 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200511

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation is a study of the political transformation of Texas during the twentieth century from a predominantly Democratic to a two-party state. It is commonly asserted that the fundamental conservatism of Texas voters led them to abandon the national Democratic Party as it embraced more liberal reforms. This shift led to a rise in support in Texas for the Republican Party, which continued to advocate a more conservative agenda. But this change demands a more thorough explanation at the local level, in part because such a study can also reveal other factors at work. This dissertation first examines how prohibition impacted the state’s political status quo and provided an opportunity for the Republican Party to increase its numbers. It then discusses the New Deal and the growth of Texas’s oil industry, and how government regulation shaped political developments. The impact of urbanization and suburbanization on Republican growth are also addressed, along with numerous campaigns that reflected the changes occurring in Texas’s electorate during this time. Although Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1952 and 1956 wins in Texas were a strong indication of the realignment among Texas voters, it was John G. Tower’s election to the United States Senate that served as the first catalyst for the Republicans’ dream of a two-party state. Following the election of Tower, the Republicans faced setbacks from the landslide victory of Lyndon B. Johnson after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, followed by the Watergate scandal, but they managed to rebound effectively. Thus, in addition to addressing the question of what spurred the rise of the Republican Party in Texas during the first half of the twentieth century, this dissertation provides more nuanced answers to the question of how Texas became a two-party state by 1988, which of course paved the way for a Republican triumph just ten years later.

      • Student experiences and expectations related to the vertical transfer process from two feeder community colleges of a senior institution

        Miller, Brandon B. A University of North Texas 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200495

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences and expectations of community college students attending Temple College and Central Texas College regarding what they may expect as part of the vertical transfer process in order to improve the likelihood of their persistence to graduation at Texas A&M University-Central Texas (TAMUCT). The target population was approximately 700 students enrolled in two feeder Texas community colleges who had expressed intent to transfer to TAMUCT. The response rate was 19%, and 136 useable surveys were used for analysis. The sample was 74% female, 45% White with the majority minority. To assess the relationships between community college experiences and transfer expectation variables, correlations and logistic regression were used. No linear relationships were found regarding gender, age, ethnicity, highest level of parents' education, the aspirational variables of highest academic degree intend to obtain at any college or university and at TAMUCT, and the feeder community college attended and the two scales. A statistically significant relationship was found between parental income level and reported community college experiences (F(4, 79) = 2.612, p = .042) and vertical transfer expectations (F(4, 52) = 3.318, p = .017). Community college students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may utilize the community college to upper-level institution vertical transfer pathway as a way to obtain an affordable baccalaureate degree. Community colleges and university administrators need to continue working together to establish unique and creative ways to create seamless transitions for vertical transfer students utilizing the community college to upper-level institution pathway to degree completion.

      • Faculty use of the World Wide Web: Modeling information-seeking behavior in a digital environment (Texas)

        Fortin, Maurice G University of North Texas 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200495

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        There has been a long history of studying library users and their information seeking behaviors and activities. Researchers developed models to better understand these information seeking behaviors and activities of users. Most of these models were developed before the onset of the Internet. This research project studied faculty members' use of and their information seeking behaviors and activities on the Internet at Angelo State University, a Master's I institution. Using both a quantitative and qualitative methodology, differences were found between tenured and tenure-track faculty members on the perceived value of the Internet to meet their research and classroom information needs. Similar differences were also found among faculty members in the broad discipline areas of the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Tenure-track faculty members reported a higher average Internet use per week than tenured faculty members. Based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with seven tenured and seven tenure-track faculty members, an Internet Information Seeking Activities Model was developed to describe the information seeking activities on the Internet by faculty members at Angelo State University. The model consisted of four basic stages of activities: “Gathering,” “Validating,” “Linking” with a sub-stage of “Re-validating,” and “Monitoring.” There were two parallel stages included in the model. These parallel stages were “Communicating” and “Mentoring.&rdquo. The Internet Information Seeking Activities Model was compared to the behavioral model of information seeking by faculty members developed by Ellis. The Internet Model placed a greater emphasis on validating information retrieved from the Internet. Otherwise there were no other substantive changes to Ellis' model.

      • Relationships between selected sociometric variables and academic performance for counselors in training

        Smith, Michael Robert University of North Texas 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200479

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this research was to examine what relationships existed between selected sociometric variables and measures of academic performance for students in a counselor training program. The sociometric variables included counseling ability, counseling knowledge, and friendship. Academic performance measures included subject GPAs, group counseling participation and final grades, prepracticum grades, and practicum grades. Data was collected from sociometric questionnaires and academic records from the years 1991 to 2004, for 840 subjects who participated in a group counseling class at the University of North Texas. Counseling knowledge had the highest correlations with all academic measures except group counseling final grades, in which counseling ability had the highest strength. The strongest correlations for all three sociometric variables occurred with group counseling final grades; correlations were r = 0.42 for counseling ability, r = 0.40 for counseling knowledge, and r = 0.30 for friendship. The sociometric variable of friendship had the lowest correlations in all academic measures, but was more significant than expected. The friendship sociometric variable may account for likeability as a factor in making sociometric choices. Combined sociometric scores led to increased correlation strength and explained variances that reached the large level of 30% with group counseling final grades. A statistically significant difference was found between A and B grade students in group counseling, on all three sociometric variables. Effect sizes were generally large. Standard deviations for the A and B grade subjects were also large and could limit predictability of grades, based on sociometric scores alone. Results strongly suggested that all three sociometric variables would be a valuable source of information regarding counselor preparation. Results also validated that individual sociometric perceptions of others tended toward agreement. Significant correlations were found over a variety of academic measures and over a time-span of 14 years, suggesting a degree of consistency and stability in sociometric measures.

      • Harmony or discord: Disordered eating and personality traits of college music majors

        DiPasquale, Laura D University of North Texas 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200479

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Personality traits, such as neuroticism, perfectionism, and a narrow self-concept have been identified as risk factors for eating disorders or have been found at higher rates in those with eating disorders (e.g., Brannan & Petrie, 2008; Cash & Deagle, 1997; Cervera et al., 2003). Musicians exhibit many of these personality traits associated with eating disorders (e.g., Kemp, 1981), however eating disorder prevalence has not been studied in musicians. The present study examined the prevalence of eating disorders and pathogenic weight control behaviors among college music majors. This study also compared personality traits (i.e., neuroticism, perfectionism, musician identity) between music majors and nonmajors and examined which personality traits best predicted bulimic symptomatology. Participants were 93 female and 126 male undergraduate students majoring in music and a nonmusician comparison group of 310 women 140 men from the same university. Music majors and nonmajors did not differ from each other with regards to eating disorder prevalence rates. Exercising and fasting/strict dieting were the primary means of weight control amongst all participants. With regards to personality traits, female and male music majors reported higher levels of perfectionism than their nonmajor counterparts and male music majors reported higher levels of neuroticism than male nonmajors. After controlling for BMI, neuroticism and doubts about actions predicted bulimic symptoms in female music majors, whereas concern over mistakes predicted bulimic symptomatology among men majoring in music. Findings suggest that any additional appearance-based pressures from the music environment do not translate into increased levels of eating pathology. Music majors higher levels of perfectionism and neuroticism may help them to succeed within the music and perform at a high level. Lastly, personality dimensions of neuroticism and concern over making mistakes predict disordered eating in all students.

      • A canonical correlational analysis exploring characteristics of children presenting to counseling for grief and loss

        Ener, Liz D University of North Texas 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200479

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        To date, researchers who have explored the complexity of childhood bereavement have utilized unstandardized assessment instruments and/or have independently evaluated specific constructs rather than factoring in the dimensionality of loss. The purpose of this study was to use parents' completion of established instruments--the Child Behavior Checklist and the Parenting Stress Index--to examine the multivariate shared relationship between characteristics of bereaved children referred for counseling--their ages, genders, ethnicities, types of loss, and life stressors--and their behavioral manifestations as well as the relationship between these characteristics and levels of parent-child relational stress. Utilizing archival clinical files, I examined these characteristics from bereaved children (N = 98) whose parents sought counseling services from two university-based counseling clinics. The sample consisted of 67 boys and 31 girls between the ages 3 and 11 years old (M = 6.28). The majority of participants (67%, n = 66) identified as Caucasian, 10% (n = 10) as African American, 10% (n = 10) as Hispanic/Latino, 6% as Bi-racial (n = 6), 4% as Native American (n = 4), and 2% as Asian (n = 2). A canonical correlational analyses (CCA) was conducted to examine relationship between characteristics of children and their subsequent behavioral manifestations. The full model was found to be statistically significant using the Wilks's lambda = .611 criterion, F(25, 328.41) = 1.862, p = .008. The R2 type effect size was .389, which indicates the full model explains about 39% of the variance shared between the two variable sets. A second CCA was conducted to explore the relationship between characteristics of bereaved children and levels of parent-child relational stress. The full model was found statistically to be significant using the Wilks's lambda = .790 criterion, F(10, 154) = 1.926, p = .045. The R 2 type effect size was .210, which indicates the full model explains about 21% of the variance shared between the two variable sets. Overall, correlational findings from this study provided insight into bereaved children's manifestations of loss and levels of parent-child relational stress as contingent upon specific characteristics. Specifically, results indicated a strong relationship between age and bereaved children's behavioral manifestations. This finding reinforced the importance for clinicians to understand developmental implications when working with bereaved children. Furthermore, caregivers who reported minimal overall external stressors also reported less parent-child relational interference. This finding further emphasizes the importance for caregivers to maintain utmost stability for bereaved children.

      • jn4.gesture: An interactive composition for dance (Original composition, Multimedia)

        Holmes, Douglas Blake University of North Texas 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200479

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        <italic>jn4.gesture</italic> is an interactive multimedia composition for dancer and computer designed to extend the possibilities of artistic expression through the use of contemporary technology. The software produces the audiovisual materials, which are controlled by the movement of the dancer on a custom rug sensor. The software that produces the graphic and sonic material is created using a modular design. During run-time, the software's modules are directed by a scripting language developed to control and adjust the audiovisual production through time. The visual material provides the only illumination of the performer, and the projections follow the performer's movements. The human form is isolated in darkness and it remains the focal point in the visual environment. These same movements are used to create the sonic material and control the diffusion of sound in an eight channel sound system. The video recording of the performance was made on April 22, 2002. The work was produced in a specialized performance space using two computer projectors and a state of the art sound system. Arleen Sugano designed the costumes, choreographed and performed the composition in the Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theatre (MEIT) at the University of North Texas. The paper focuses on the design of the program that controls the production of the audiovisual environment. This is achieved with a discussion of background issues associated with gesture capture. A brief discussion of human-computer interface and its relationship with the arts provides an overview to the software design and mapping scenarios used to create the composition. The design of the score, a graphical user interface, is discussed as the element that synchronizes the media creation in “scenes” of the composition. This score delivers a hybrid script to the modules that controls the production of audiovisual elements. Particular modules are discussed and related to sensor mapping routines that give multiple mapping control to computer function enabling a single gesture to have multiple outcomes.

      • An evaluation of the effect of learning styles and computer competency on students' satisfaction in web-based distance learning environments

        Du, Yunfei University of North Texas 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 200479

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study investigates the correlation between students' learning styles, computer competency and student satisfaction in Web-based distance learning. Three hundred and one graduate students participated in the current study during the Summer, and Fall semesters of 2002 at the University of North Texas. Participants took the courses 100% online and came to the campus only once for software training. Computer competency and student satisfaction were measured using the Computer Skill and Use Assessment and the Student Satisfaction Survey questionnaires. Kolb's Learning-Style Inventory measured students' learning styles. The study concludes that there is a significant difference among the different learning styles with respect to student satisfaction level when the subjects differ with regard to computer competency. For accommodating and diverging styles, a higher level of computer competency results in a higher level of student satisfaction. But for converging and assimilating styles, a higher level of computer competency suggests a lower level of student satisfaction. A significant correlation was found between computer competency and students' satisfaction level within Web-based courses for accommodating styles and no significant results were found in the other learning styles.

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