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      • Environmental Policy Across Terrestrial Space

        Morehouse, John Matthew ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169759

        This dissertation examines spatial heterogeneity that results from various environmental policies. In Chapter 1, I provide a comprehensive overview of each dissertation chapter.Chapter 2 (with Ed Rubin) demonstrates that most coal-fueled power plants are located on or near jurisdictional (county or state) borders. We find that coal-fired power plants are disproportionately sited on downwind borders (within county or state). Natural gas plants---much lower polluters---do not exhibit this behavior. Motivated by the inferred strategic siting, we use an atmospheric dispersion model developed by NOAA to estimate various aspects of the ``pollution transport problem.'' We find that nearly 90% of coal-based particulate matter leaves its state of origin within 48 hours of release.Chapter 3 (with Mark Colas) examines the effects of stringent land-use regulations on national carbon emissions. We develop and estimate a general equilibrium model of residential sorting and energy consumption. We find that relaxing land-use restrictions in California leads to a 0.6% drop in national carbon emissions. The mechanism behind this drop is straightforward. California cities have a temperate climate, carbon-efficient power plants, and high land-use regulations. These land-use regulations inflate housing prices, thus keeping households out of California cities. When households live outside of California, they emit more carbon on average, and therefore national carbon emissions are higher due to California's land-use regulations. In Chapter 4, I simulate the labor market effects of a carbon tax across the continental United States. To recover the welfare impacts of a carbon tax, I build and estimate a spatial equilibrium model that features heterogeneous households. I incorporate a rich level of heterogeneity into the model that allows me to answer: (1) who is most affected by a carbon tax, (2) how much the burden of a carbon tax is borne on different households, and (3) where the households are that bear the greatest burden from the tax. I find that workers without a college degree in manufacturing bear a disproportionate share of the tax incidence. Chapter 5 concludes this dissertation.This dissertation includes previously both previously published and unpublished and co-authored material.

      • An Oregon Research-Practice Partnership: A Multiple Case Study of the First Two Years of Implementation Across Four Oregon High Schools

        Joye, Solaris Coppedge ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169759

        School systems across the country, like those in Oregon, continually attempt to improve their students’ academic outcomes. Unfortunately, these costly efforts often fail to create lasting change. One factor in many of these failed improvement efforts is the lack of successfully implementing research-based practices (RBPs) at state and local levels. This phenomenon is often characterized as implementation failure. In the context of public K12 education, implementation failure often stems from a lack of knowledge about RBPs and a lack of capacity to implement them. While university-based school partnerships have long existed, these partnerships have more recently been formed to address this specific research to practice gap regarding the improvement of student outcomes.The Oregon Research Practice Partnership (ORPP) was established in 2017, with the goal of improving high school graduation rates across Oregon by helping to close this gap and help schools successfully implement RBPs to improve student outcomes. The purpose of this study was to assess initial implementation of ORPP to understand its early-phase processes to determine its level of fidelity with original goals and to gain insight into how future efforts can strengthen similar partnerships and bolster their outcomes in companion schools. This study includes a convergent mixed method design, examining school partner perceptions of the ORPP model. Results indicated that numerous implementation challenges existed early in the life of ORPP, which would require numerous adaptations for outputs to be more effective. Lessons are learned from these challenges that may help other similar partnerships in early phase implementation.Lessons include the need for early identification and adoption of an integrated implementation framework to guide initial partnership development. Framework adoption should include identification of implementation drivers, a process to ensure proper model fit for schools and their needs, and a clear mechanism to successfully transfer knowledge for sustained adoption by school partners. Defined training guidelines and role definition for all partners, which vertically align with district vision and goals, should be in place. Lastly, model fidelity measures need to be in place from the start.

      • Topics in Asimjeeg Datooga Verbal Morphosyntax

        Griscom, Richard T ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169759

        Asimjeeg Datooga is a Southern Nilotic language spoken by approximately three thousand people in Northern Tanzania, and it is grouped together with other language varieties in the Datooga family or dialect cluster. Although all of the Datooga varieties are known to be related to one another, very little is understood about many of the individual varieties, especially those that have few speakers such as Asimjeeg Datooga and Bianjida Datooga. This dissertation constitutes not only the first detailed description of Asimjeeg Datooga, but also the first detailed description of any single minority Datooga variety. One of the most intriguing aspects of the grammatical system of Asimjeeg Datooga, and Datooga varieties more generally, is the verbal morphology. Verbs in Asimjeeg Datooga are structurally and semantically complex. The elements that serve as the building blocks of the verbs include not only individual segmental and tonal morphemes but also schematic and word-level structures. The dependent stem structure, a formal component common to many verbal constructions in Asimjeeg Datooga as well as other varieties of Datooga, is described in detail for the first time in this dissertation. Verbs in Asimjeeg Datooga also encode a wide spectrum of functional domains, including tense, aspect, negation, pluractionality, polarity, applicatives, conditionality, directionality, associated motion, subject and object indexation, and non-polar question formation.The analysis presented in the dissertation is built upon the foundation of an open-access audio-visual dataset that is hosted at the Endangered Languages Archive. The archive includes approximately 140 hours of audio-visual material and also time-aligned annotations and metadata. These documentation materials are the first open-access dataset for any variety of Datooga, the only documentation of all extant communities for any variety of Datooga, the only dataset that is based on the speech of over 50 speakers for any variety of Datooga, and the only dataset that was at least partially collected by members of a Datooga speech community. Each natural speech example in the dissertation is labeled with a unique identifier that can be used to locate the cited recording segment on ELAR.

      • Satisfied with the Safety School: Rank, Choice, and Competition within the College Admissions Mania

        Frazee, Keith ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169759

        Over 16% of entering college students attend more than one university’s new student orientation program. How does attending multiple orientations affect the likelihood of students’ enrollment a university? Similarly, do students always attend their top-ranked college when admitted? This manuscript presents results from binary logistic regressions attempting to better understand why some students may attend a university’s orientation but not arrive for the first day of classes. Independent variables include orientation attendance and the rank students assign each college in their choice set. Additional variables investigated include cohort, estimated household income, high school GPA, SAT/ACT score, residency, proximity of the college from home, gender, first-generation status, and waitlist status. Among the results, rank choice, residency, and high school GPA provide statistically significant results though with limited effect.

      • Essays in Education Economics

        Putz, Jenni ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169743

        I empirically explore the potential post-secondary enrollment effects of Louisiana’s legislation requiring high school students to file a FAFSA application, or opt-out, prior to graduation. FAFSA submissions increased significantly in Louisiana following the policy change, suggesting there may have been some follow through into post-secondary institutions. I use a synthetic control approach to estimate causal impacts of Louisiana’s FAFSA policy on college enrollment and Pell Grant awards. I find suggestive evidence that students may have substituted away from public two-year institutions towards four-year institutions. Specifically, I find marginally significant effects on enrollment for Black students at large, public four-year universities.In evaluating the effect of nutrition and academic achievement, I exploit variation in the timing of schools’ participation in the USDA Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program. Using a staggered difference-in-differences design, I estimate the effect of receiving FFVP grants on school-level academic achievement. Results suggest that FFVP participation reduces school-level average test scores, but I am unable to distinguish the effect from a null effect.I then explore the effects of a reading intervention aimed young, school-aged children and academic achievement. Specifically, using student-level data, I evaluate the effect of Michigan’s 2014 "Culture of Reading Program" on third grade standardized test scores. I consider the potential heterogeneity by how young students were when they received access to the program. I find significant, positive increases in achievement for students who received the program while enrolled in public Pre-K, but I find no such effects for students enrolled in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade.

      • Narratives of successful navigation: A sociocultural study of self-identified Latin undergraduate students

        Haro, Zelda Lopez ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169743

        Narratives of successful navigation are the personal stories of 13 Latin undergraduate students who navigated the public school system and completed high school in the United States. Their words recount their individual journeys resulting in their enrollment at a 4-year research university in the Pacific Northwest as opposed to a 2-year community college. More than half of the study respondents begun their postsecondary studies at a community college. The navigation of these particular individuals were experienced differently than those respondents whose trajectory led them straight into the university. Three categories corresponding to the study's three research questions were analyzed. First, common challenges produced two themes, low social economics status (SES) and ethnic identity. Second, the category on persistence characteristics formulated only one construct, academic self-efficacy. Third, three interlocking themes of supportive factors fostering academic success were identified, the support of parents/ family members/peers, non-familial agents in the form of teachers, and lastly college readiness including AP or honors coursework. The thematic analysis of the respondents' stories was influenced by the literature that documents challenges historically impeding Latin academic achievement and by the research on both persistence and supportive factors. The analyses of the individual navigational experience of the study participants found similarities within their experiences, but it also revealed the complexity of their own singular stories. The study centered more on the aspirations of Latin students rather than the damaging effects of their schooling experiences. While some of the respondents' stories contain examples of challenges, the premise was in representing examples of successful navigation of the Chican/Latin education pipeline (Solorzano, 1998).

      • A Historical Reconstruction of the Koman Language Family

        Otero, Manuel Alejandro ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169503

        This dissertation is a historical-comparative reconstruction of the Koman family, a small group of languages spoken in what now constitutes the borderlands of Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan. Koman is comprised five living languages: Gwama, Opo, Komo, Uduk, and the previously unidentified Dana language.The Koman family has been relatively understudied though it has figured prominently in large-scale classifications of the Nilo-Saharan super family. These classifications are radically distinct, given the paucity of research on Koman as a whole at the time. Some current scholars even question Koman's genetic affiliation to Nilo- Saharan entirely.One main issue in high-level classifications is the lack of low-level reconstructions of families established with verifiable sound correspondences coupled with morphological evidence to support the internal structure of a given family. This dissertation addresses this issue by reconstructing the basic phonology, including segmental and suprasegmental domains, and tracing the evolution from Proto-Koman down through the nodes to the modern-day sound systems. In addition, some of the core lexicon and morphology is reconstructed to Proto-Koman and to the subnodes.The data for this dissertation was collected in the field from native speakers of all of the living Koman languages including from previously undocumented varieties. In an effort to make the analyses as faithful to the data as possible, all of the data and all of the correspondence sets employed to reconstruct proto-sounds are provided in the Appendices. Further, an etymological wordlist of lexica reconstructed to distinct nodes within the family is also provided.While Koman's affiliation to the purported Nilo-Saharan super family is still under debate, the overarching aim of this dissertation is to provide a conservative reconstruction of Proto-Koman which will hopefully serve future Koman scholars as well as those interested in higher-level genetic classifications of East African languages.

      • Development of a PBIS Culturally Responsive Toolkit

        Sasaki-Skopp, Amanda Kiku ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Oreg 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 169487

        The purpose of this grant proposal is to develop a toolkit to support school teams in the development and implementation of culturally responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The toolkit is necessary to help school teams address lingering disparities in discipline and to improve school climate. Exclusionary discipline, such as out of school suspensions and expulsion, disproportionately affects ethnically and racially diverse students, and has a devastating effect on student outcomes, including academic achievement, attendance, and graduation. Ethnically and racially diverse students are also more likely to be given a disciplinary consequence for behaviors that require a subjective interpretation of the student's behavior, which can be influenced by implicit bias. In schools that have implemented PBIS, exclusionary discipline has been shown to decrease overall, but disproportionate discipline persists. The development of a culturally responsive toolkit will support the efforts of school PBIS teams to decrease disproportionate discipline outcomes. The toolkit will assist school teams with the cultural adaptation of core features of PBIS by providing a process for addressing contextual fit of the school and soliciting feedback from the school community. The methodological approach for this project includes both qualitative and quantitative processes. An expert panel will be convened to address the complexities of implementation and cultural adaptation within the context of PBIS. The culturally responsive PBIS toolkit will consist of a comprehensive series of recommended practices, contextual considerations, evaluation tools, and resources, to be used concurrently with analysis of schoolwide data. The toolkit will be piloted in schools in the Pacific Northwest and then disseminated.

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