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      • "The Millennium of Their Glory": Public Memory and War Monuments in North Carolina, 1865-1929

        Laws, William Christopher North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236335

        “The Millennium of Their Glory” investigates how North Carolinians cultivated memories of the Civil War in order to promote specific public interpretations and ideals. Between 1865 and 1929, state governments, politicians, memorial associations, fraternal organizations, and individual community members created public memories and found purpose for them. This study considers memory-making as a process, rather than a product, and explores the emerging culture war fought over North Carolina’s Civil War memory, which saw wartime anti-Confederate sentiments and vernacular memories obliterated in favor of a consensus, White reconciliation official memory. In addition to a thorough examination of Confederate monumentalism during this era, “The Millennium of Their Glory,” analyzes North Carolina’s history with non-Confederate Civil War commemoration and memory-making. Union monuments placed in the state exemplified a meshing of Confederate and American values into a new White American identity. This process took place completely within the framework of the Lost Cause— a seamless blend of Lost Cause and Cause Victorious doctrines, which shaped the war memory in ways that minimized the causes of the war and eliminated Black Americans’ contributions, voices, and memories. At the turn of the twentieth century, North Carolina Confederate memorialists even managed to assimilate new American heroes, like Worth Bagley, who died for the Stars and Stripes thirty years after the fall of the Stars and Bars, into Confederate lore. In this respect, southerners were not simply defending and protecting old Confederate ideals, but were actively asserting new expectations into American culture, giving birth to new forms of White nationalism that the North endorsed and shared.

      • An Assessment of North Carolina's Future Electricity System Under Uncertainty

        Li, Binghui North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236335

        Electricity generation represents the largest share of carbon dioxide emissions across all energy sectors in North Carolina. Despite the rapid expansion of renewable energy over the past decade, the share from all renewable energy sources in Nor. As one of the only two locations with near-shore access to the Gulf Stream, North Carolina can potentially employ Gulf Stream energy as a low-carbon electricity source. However, rigorous techno-economic assessment is required to determine whethe. This thesis provides a comprehensive techno-economic assessment of ocean turbines operating in the Gulf Stream off the North Carolina coast and a state-level analysis of the North Carolina electric power sector through 2050. This thesis fulfills. In addition, a diverse set of methods are utilized to address future uncertainties faced in this study. A portfolio optimization model is developed to reduce variations associated with Gulf Stream electricity output. In the state-level electrici. The thesis work suggests the following high-level insights. The techno-economic analysis in Chapter 2 indicates that the lowest levelized cost for a single 16 MW site can reach 400 $/MWh. The portfolio optimization demonstrates that geogr.

      • Agricultural Commodity Prices

        Thompson, Robert Stanley North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236335

        The two essays of this dissertation investigate the determinants of agricultural commodity prices, more specifically those for field crops. Risk is a common theme in agriculture, largely due to the nature of agriculture itself. Farmers make large investments throughout the growing season without knowing with certainty the prices for which they will sell their crop, the size of which is also subject to uncertainty. Those with obligations to purchase these agricultural commodities also face these risks. It is important to develop forecasts of the range of prices and quantities buyers and sellers can expect to receive in the future and the probability those prices and quantities are realized. An investigation into the underlying structure of these markets facilitates the development of these forecasts in a manner consistent with basic economics. Chapter one and two are different applications of the same general approach to developing forecasts. Development of forecasting methods begin with simple theoretical models of the market of interest. Simple theoretical frameworks give the forecaster general direction that can be refined further to add certain market nuances conditional on the amount of information available for model estimation.The goal of chapter one is to accurately characterize planting time forecasts of the joint distribution of price and yield at harvest. It is common practice to derive this joint distribution with a disjoint set of methods that are almost entirely data driven. I use a system of supply and demand to show potential problems that arise with these status quo methods and propose solutions to those problems. The result is the derivation of the joint distribution of price and yield that is consistent with a given market structure. I repeat this exercise with several small changes to the system of supply and demand – each of which comes with its own set of limiting assumptions.Chapter two is an investigation into the primary determinants of corn prices in North Carolina. North Carolina is a corn deficit state. The large amount of feed required to feed the hogs, broilers, and turkeys in North Carolina exceeds the amount produced here, so a large amount must be imported from outside sources. Reliable forecasts of corn prices are useful for informing marketing decisions for buyers and sellers of corn in North Carolina. There is a large literature about forecasting local corn prices. However, much of that research focuses on regions that are not similar to the market in North Carolina and it is uncertain whether results found elsewhere are applicable to the grain deficit state of North Carolina. I first investigate the underlying structure of the market in North Carolina. Then, I test some conventional methods for forecasting accuracy and compare the results to novel methods developed based on the specific market structure in North Carolina.

      • Diagnostic Testing in the Natural and Built Environment

        Dick, Bryan Milton North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        Engineers, environmental scientist, and geomorphologist require consistent, accurate and cost-effective methods for analyzing processes occurring in the natural environment and materials and products for the design of the built environment. This research evaluates diagnostic testing methods for both the natural and built environments.Riverbank, streambank and hillslope erosional processes have been studied for well over a century in the United States and the methods for the analysis and measurement of these processes has varied from direct measurement to indirect measurement methods such as remote sensing or indicators of event dating with sedimentary/biological evidence. Erosional processes contributing excess sediment that is above the background levels has been identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) as one of three primary pollutants causing functional and biological impairment of the streams and rivers across the United States. Most methods to analyze these processes are costly and require timeframes that often inhibit the ability of scientist and practitioners to implement the study.Tree roots that were exposed by erosional processes are evaluated using dendrogeomorphic methods to determine the initial date of exposure and the resulting average annual erosion rates. Twelve species, primarily eastern hardwoods, were sampled and ten species were observed to have consistent identifiable responses to root exposure when compared to buried control samples of root-wood. Two species, Fagus grandifolia and Platinus occidentalis were not able to be analyzed due to degradation of the roots. Results of these studies indicated that exposed tree roots offer an accurate means of determining past and present erosion rates for more extensive study sites than would be available with most other methods. The year of first exposure (vs buried) of the tree root can be consistently determined using macroscopic and microscopic indicators including; changes in growth ring width, more pronounced growth ring boundary, ray widening and bending, stem-like vessel arrangement, eccentricity, reductions in size and number of vessels, reductions in the size of fibers and tracheids and an increase in fiber and tracheid cell thickness. Exposed roots were used to derive annual riverbank erosion rates on the Tittabawassee River in Michigan and related to the US EPA Bank Erosion Hazzard Index (BEHI). Results of the regression analysis between exposed tree roots and the BEHI indicated that more recently exposed roots (less than 7 years) provide a good prediction of riverbank erosion rates (R2 0.67).Novel products made from natural resources are continually being developed. Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panels and beams represent a relatively new product to multi-story building construction industry, especially in the U.S. Due to the outstanding dimensional stability, high strength and stiffness properties, fire resistance that is similar to “mass timber” products, rapid erection times of pre-manufactured components, and excellent acoustic properties, CLT offers a sustainable alternative to traditional steel and concrete construction methods for mid-rise and high-rise buildings. Yet, as with other wood products, the properties of CLT are highly variable depending on the species, size and configuration of the layup boards and adhesives used.CLT panels of southern pine (southern yellow pine) lumber and 3 adhesives; polyurethane (PUR), melamine formaldehyde (MF), and phenol-resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF) were tested for fire performance using a small-scale and intermediate scale panels. The ASTM PS-1 fire testing standard for plywood is evaluated for relevance to predict fire performance of CLT for a given species and adhesive combination. Fire testing results of small-scale panels indicated that polyurethane performs poorly for delamination when compared to the performance of both melamine formaldehyde and phenol-resorcinol formaldehyde small scale panels in the same test (ASTM PS-1). The findings of the small-sale fire test were in agreement with results of the intermediate-scale fire testing performed at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) for the same adhesive and species combinations as a part of the broader study of the research team. The ASTM PS-1 fire testing procedure represents a viable means for cost effective analyses, easier panel production and replication of adhesive formulation/species testing when compared to intermediate or large scale CLT panels.

      • Source Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment of Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater

        Ayub, Riyana North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        AYUB, RIYANA. Source Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment of Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater. (Under the supervision of Dr. G. Mahinthakumar)Nitrate contamination in groundwater and surface water from agricultural areas has been a major concern in the United States and around the world for several decades. This study investigates various aspects of nitrate contamination in groundwater and surface water from agricultural practices. This dissertation consists of three major parts. First, non-point source characterization of nitrate contamination into groundwater resources under geological uncertainty was carried out. A Bayesian framework using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach (MCMC) was developed to estimate the posterior distribution of non-point sources where uncertainties are due to geological formation (i.e., heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity field). This modeling approach was demonstrated for a hypothetical test case based on the surficial aquifer system in Duplin County, North Carolina. Second, model-based regression approaches for source apportionment were developed using the concept of influence zones to account for transport pathways. The methods are demonstrated using pseudo observations of point-level groundwater nitrate concentrations extracted from a previously published Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) model for Sampson and Duplin Counties, North Carolina (NC). Vulnerability assessment of groundwater resources due to nitrate leaching from potential sources of contamination is examined through sensitivity-based scenario analysis which is meaningful for planning and implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. Finally, to account for transport pathways in the integrated groundwater- surface water system, a fully integrated model using SWAT and MODFLOW is developed to simulate the nitrate transport in aquifer using MODFLOW’s reactive transport model, RT3D. This integrated model was used to predict nitrate contamination in groundwater and surface water systems under different climatic and anthropogenic stresses. Climate related analyses were conducted for future periods till the end of this century. A Global Climate Model (GCM), CCSM4, with RCP4.5 emission scenario and downscaled by Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) was used for this purpose. From the climate model, an increase of 2.5 to 3 ̊C in annual average temperature is projected; whereas a minimal increase in total precipitation is anticipated over the time. For the anthropogenic stresses, point and non-point source loading from animal farming operations are considered. Model simulations indicate that due to the combined climatic and anthropogenic effects, the basin will experience a decrease of 27% in annual average groundwater nitrate concentration and an increase of 4.5% in-stream nitrate loading for the future period. These projections may aid in planning future agricultural activities under changing climate and increased food demands.

      • Investigating Crop Yield and Water Quality Benefits of Drainage Water Recycling

        Moursi, Hossam Abdelghani Abdelhalim North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        Drainage water recycling (DWR) has been proposed to improve crop production by providing supplemental irrigation during the dry periods of growing season, and improve water quality by reducing downstream nutrient and sediment losses. Limited number of studies were conducted to investigate the performance of DWR. The objectives of this study were to: 1) experimentally evaluate the effect of DWR on reducing the export of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and sediment loadings from agricultural fields to downstream surface water bodies; 2) experimentally quantify the effect of DWR on corn and soybean yields during 4 growing seasons with varying weather conditions; 3) enhance DRAINMOD model to simulate the hydrology and crop yield of DWR systems. Water quality and hydrology data were collected for two years (May 2019-April 2021) at a research site in eastern North Carolina. On average, the DWR reservoir retained 14% of received inflow. The reservoir significantly reduced nitrate-N(NO3-N), ammonium-N (NH4-N), and total N (TN) concentrations by 53%, 51%, and 40%, respectively. The mass loadings of NO3-N, NH4-N, and TN were also reduced by 59%, 56%, and 47%, respectively. Orthophosphate (OP) concentration was significantly reduced by 46%, while Total P (TP) concentration reduction was not statistically significant. The mass loadings of OP and TP were reduced by 52% and 30%, respectively, while particulate P load was not significantly different. Sediment concentration was significantly reduced by 86% and the sediment loading was also reduced by 87%. Two treatments were monitored at the same study site for 4 growing seasons (2018- 2021): DWR and control treatment (CT). The CT treatment was a non-irrigated field that was primarily drained by a surface drainage system. The DWR treatment had a subsurface drainage system that was used to drain the field during the wet periods of the growing season and subirrigated it during dry periods. DWR increased corn yields by 0.39 and 0.90 Mg ha-1 and soybean yields by 0.40 and 0.66 Mg ha-1 . DWR mainly increased crop yield by reducing drought stress during the critical crop growth stages through providing irrigation (5 to 73 mm). In addition, the smart drainage water management system implemented at the DWR treatment helped to store more water in the soil profile and reduce water outflow from the field. The amount of N and P recycled back to the DWR treatment through irrigation was not large enough to recommend reducing fertilizer application rates. DRAINMOD was enhanced to simulate the hydrology and crop yield of DWR systems as affected by weather conditions, soil type, crop rotation, reservoir size, and irrigation and drainage management. The expanded model; named DRAINMOD-DWR, has a new module that conducts a water balance of the storage reservoir and simulates the interaction between the reservoir and the field, irrigated from and/or draining into the reservoir. Three performance metrics were defined based on model predictions to quantify irrigation, crop yield, and water capture benefits of DWR. To demonstrate the new features of the model, DRAINMOD-DWR was applied to a hypothetical DWR system with continuous corn using a 50-year weather record in Eastern North Carolina, U.S.

      • Healthcare as an Institution of Social Control: Intimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Experiences of Medicalization, Safety, and Punitive Care

        Maras, Shelly Ann North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        Intimate partner violence (IPV) is considered a public health crisis due to the short and long-term health problems that abuse creates for women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021), IPV is a pattern of coercive behaviors used by a current or former partner via physical, sexual, or psychological violence. It is estimated that 1 in 4 women in the United States experience IPV, which puts women at risk for physical, sexual, and mental health problems and injuries (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 2020).This dissertation contributes to sociological literature on medicine as a social control apparatus for the state. I draw from in-depth interviews with 20 women who have experienced IPV to show how abuse is socially controlled in healthcare settings. Specifically, I contribute to bodies of literature related to medicalization, patient safety, and punitive care.My findings create a deeper understanding of IPV survivors’ experiences seeking health care, particularly how the healthcare system controls abused women’s experiences of health and violence. In Chapter 3, I extend the work of medical sociologists to show how clinicians utilize the clinical gaze to medicalize abuse. In Chapter 4, I contribute to the literature on patient safety. Drawing on sociologists’ conception of safety, I argue that providers fail to assess for violence and safety. Therefore, I argue that safety does not emerge between patients experiencing violence and providers. In Chapter 5, I add to growing literature that addresses how IPV survivors are clients of many different state institutions at once, but how each system provides fragmented and punitive care. I focus on both healthcare and criminal justice systems in this chapter. Finally, in Chapter 6, I argue that the healthcare system acts as an apparatus of social control for the state through the mechanisms of medicalization, patient safety, and punitive care. Although I recognize that institutional changes will not prevent violence from occurring, I argue for a systems-based approach to healthcare to improve the healthcare system’s response to IPV.

      • Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Foodborne Commensals and Pathogens from Sheep and Their Abattoir Environment in North Carolina: A Serial Cross-Sectional Study

        Atlaw, Nigatu Aklilu North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        Reports of widespread dissemination of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) E. coli and Salmonella in food animals, retail meats, and humans are available. However, information on ESBLs in small ruminants is limited, particularly in the United States (U.S.). The objectives of these studies were: 1) to investigate the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) E. coli and Salmonella in sheep and their abattoir environment in North Carolina, 2) to genotypically characterize ESBL E. coli from healthy sheep and their abattoir environment, and 3) to genotypically characterize AMR determinants in Salmonella recovered from sheep and their abattoir environment. Hence, we conducted a year-round serial cross-sectional study and collected a total of 1128 samples from sheep (n=780) and their abattoir environment (n=348). Sheep samples consisted of feces, cecal contents, carcass swabs, and abattoir resting area feces. Environmental samples consisted of soil samples, lairage swab, animal feed, and drinking water for animals. ESBL E. coli and Salmonella were isolated and confirmed using standard culture methods. We selected one confirmed isolate per positive sample for these studies. Collectively, we analyzed a total of 318 ESBL E. coli (318/1128; 28.2%) and 368 Salmonella (368/1128; 32.6%) isolates. The prevalence of ESBL E. coli and Salmonella was significantly higher in environmental samples (166/348; 47.7% and 228/348; 65.5%) compared to the sheep samples (152/780; 19.5% and 140/780; 17.9%), respectively (P<0.0001). All confirmed isolates were tested against a panel of 14 antimicrobials to elucidate susceptibility profiles. More than 97% of ESBL E. coli were multidrug-resistant (MDR; resistant to ≥ 3 classes of antimicrobials). Most Salmonella isolates (77.2%) were pansusceptible, and 10.1% were MDR. We identified a total of 24 different Salmonella serotypes; the top five serotypes in decreasing order of frequency are S. Agona (19.8%), S. Typhimurium (16.2%), S. Cannstatt (13.2%), S. Reading (13.2%), and S. Anatum (9.6%). Prevalence and percent resistance of ESBL E. coli and Salmonella isolates varied significantly by season and sample type (P<0.0001). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) (MiSeq Illumina platform) was conducted on 113 ESBL E. coli (64 from sheep and 48 from abattoir environment) and 164 Salmonella isolates (63 from sheep and 101 from abattoir environment). Bioinformatics tools were used to analyze sequence data from both pathogens. In both E. coli and Salmonella of pathogens, AMR determinants demonstrated resistance to aminoglycosides, beta-lactams, phenicols, folate pathway antagonists, tetracyclines, and quinolones. ESBL E. coli isolates distinctively carried genes that confer resistance to macrolides and lincosamides while 37% of Salmonella isolates carried fosA7, a gene known to confer Fosfomycin resistance. This report is the first observation of fosA7 in multiple serotypes of Salmonella in the U.S. Many CTX-M-type beta-lactamase genes detected in ESBL E. coli isolates included blaCTX-M-1, blaCTX-M-14, blaCTX-M-15, blaCTX-M-27, blaCTX-M-32, blaCTX-M-55, and blaCTX-M-65. Other beta-lactamase genes detected included blaCMY-2, blaTEM-1A/B/C, and blaCARB-2. Interestingly, blaTEM-1A and blaTEM-1B were the only beta-lactamase gene types detected in the Salmonella isolates. Twenty-eight and 17 different profiles of plasmid types were detected in ESBL E. coli and Salmonella, respectively. Of these, we observed that most occurred in both sheep and environmental sources of isolates. In addition, we identified 29 and 24 different sequence types (STs) of ESBL E. coli and Salmonella, respectively. The core genome phylogenetic analyses of both pathogens revealed that STs were clustered around seasonal sampling but dispersed across sample types.In conclusion, this is the first comprehensive AMR and WGS report on ESBL E. coli and Salmonella from sheep and their abattoir environment in North Carolina. Our study confirmed that sheep are important reservoirs of AMR ESBL E. coli and MDR Salmonella in the U.S. However, further studies are required to determine associated public health risks.

      • North Carolina Agricultural Teachers' Job Satisfaction

        Davis, Robert Jason North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        Expansion of schools spawned by population growth and changes in agricultural education curriculum have helped to increase the number of agricultural education programs and the need for agricultural education teachers in North Carolina. Lack of compensation, salary increases, and public criticism of teachers have created a unique situation that warrants the investigation of the current levels of job satisfaction of North Carolina agricultural teachers. Job satisfaction levels have been used as a predictor of an individual's decision to leave or end employment. The purpose of this study was to determine the overall levels of job satisfaction of teachers, to compare intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction levels, and to investigate relationship or differences between factors related to job satisfaction. This study used a descriptive research design. The instrument was developed by combining the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire-MSQ short form with demographic variables to help determine the relationship between these variables and the level of job satisfaction of the respondents. The agriculture teachers in this study reported a very high level of overall job satisfaction. The teachers also reported a very high level of intrinsic job satisfaction and a high level of extrinsic job satisfaction. Though the extrinsic level of job satisfaction is high, there is room for improvement by providing praise for fellow teachers, recognizing accomplishments through award and recognition programs, and providing coping mechanisms as a part of professional development programs to address areas of lower satisfaction. There were no reported significant relationships between salary, age, experience in years of teaching, highest educational level completed, or the number of placement changes. The listed variables do not explain the job satisfaction levels of the agriculture teachers. Gender, racial/ethnic group, marital status, and entry route into teaching did not have an impact on the job satisfaction levels of the agriculture teachers. School setting may have some impact on the job satisfaction levels of the teachers.

      • Prisons in the Popular Mind: Historic Carceral Tourism and the Carceral State

        Tewell, Megan Nye Cullen North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 236319

        In the late twentieth century, historic carceral tourism emerged as a widespread and popular pastime in the United States, with thousands of visitors flocking each year to decommissioned jails, detention centers, and state and federal prisons. “Prisons in the Popular Mind” analyzes historic carceral tourism at the Ohio State Reformatory, the West Virginia Penitentiary, the Missouri State Penitentiary, the Old Joliet Prison, the Old Idaho Penitentiary, the Historic Iowa State Penitentiary, the Old Montana Prison, and Eastern State Penitentiary, contributing to an emergent “prison public history” that scrutinizes relationships between history, incarceration, and the public imagination.Among those relationships is historic state prison museums’ role in perpetuating the current carceral state—the extraordinary and unprecedented mass incarceration of Americans since the 1970s. How do historic state prison museums, their preservations, managements, and interpretations, contribute to public consciousness regarding contemporary incarceration? Historic state prison museums generally fail to engage or educate the public in critical and meaningful ways, especially about the carceral past and present. This dissertation argues that the majority of historic state prison museums contribute to a punitive public mentality that does not challenge the carceral state, reinforcing societal stereotypes regarding systems and practices of imprisonment, and posturing such patterns as historical with minimal impact on contemporary carceral issues. In so doing, this dissertation offers a scholarly intervention at the intersections of literature on dark tourism, museum studies, and carceral studies. It builds upon recent scholarly and public interest in the causes and consequences of the modern carceral state to situate historic prison museums as contributors to, and perpetuators of, Americans' uncritically romanticized conceptualizations of incarceration.

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