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      • A Comparative study on decency of employment between specialized vocational high school and meister high school graduates based on the ILO decent work agenda

        MOON, Ahlum KDI School 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232335

        The main purpose of this paper is to examine and compare between employment of conventional and new vocational high school graduates based on the ‘Decent Work’ agenda proposed by International Labor Organization (ILO) and the existing literature. In comparing between the employment decency of vocational high school graduates, this study seeks solutions to challenges that the existing vocational high schools have been facing and opportunities to improve the vocational program and policy arrangements. Therefore, this paper provides the current employment situation of the vocational high school graduates and further suggests policy recommendations in terms of youth employment. The data of the two groups who graduated from ‘Specialized vocational high schools’ (conventional) and ‘Meister high schools’ (new) are drawn from ‘High School Graduates Employment Survey’ (HSGES) and analyzed according to the eight selected indicators: ‘Employment Opportunities’, ‘Adequate earnings’, ‘Decent hours’, ‘Stability and security of work’, ‘Social protection’, ‘Social dialogue and workplace relations’, ‘Fair treatment in employment’, and ‘Job Satisfaction’. This research discovers that the quantity and quality (‘decency’) of employment for Meister high school graduates is better than that of Specialized high school graduates. In addition, gender differences in the quantity and quality (‘decency’) of employment are examined; female graduates in each group show better decency of employment than their male counterparts. As there were the first-time graduates from Meister high schools in 2013, a follow-up survey of the vocational high school completers should continue so as to make greater progress in vocational education programs, which will help to promote the vocational education program for future vocational high school candidates and develop a career pathway into youth employment. Further studies should be investigated on what led the differences of decency in employment between Meister high school graduates and Specialized vocational high school graduates, and what improvement should be applied to Specialized vocational high school programs.

      • The Effectiveness of innovative elementary schools in Seoul on decreasing educational gap

        나혜진 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232335

        This research analyzed the effect of innovative schools on decreasing the educational gap caused by socioeconomic backgrounds, using a multiple regression model. The data was collected from Seoul Education Longitudinal Study in 2012 and 2013. In addition, qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews and case studies in order to explain the result of quantitative research. The gist of the research is as follows. First, there was no significant difference between innovative schools and general schools in terms of family backgrounds, school life and academic achievement of students. Innovative schools did not reduce the effect of socioeconomic status on academic achievement. Secondly, the qualitative research found that principles of innovative schools were not applied effectively in practice. There were many obstacles such as unprepared school staff to reform the school. Therefore, this research recommends that efforts of the school staff including teacher be made and institutional supports be provided for the success of innovative school. Furthermore, more research on the effect of innovative schools has to be done to strengthen the public education system over a long term

      • ransitional labour market policy : logistic regression analysis on the determinants of successful transition from school to work in Cambodia

        CHOEURNG , Theany KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 232303

        Individual faces many problems within the labour market. School-to-work transition is an obvious social phenomenon to be witnessed that young people encounter many difficulties from education to the world of work. These difficulties are unemployment, difficulties in job searching due to the inadequate employment centers, occupational mismatch, working poor, occupational instability, and wage. Some of them are successful in getting a job while others could not get any job. The purpose of this paper is to find out key factors that contribute to successful transition from school to work in Cambodia. Based on the finding, the policy implication will be made to provide a smooth transition for the graduates or those who are leaving school. The purpose of the study will respond to two main questions: 1. What are the key determinants of successful transition from school to work? 2. What needs to be done to promote smooth transition from school to work? The data used in this study is taken from Cambodian school-to-work transition survey. 2353 of respondents who leave school are the unit of analyses. Using logistic regression analysis, we are going to see relationship between variables. The interest independent variables are using employment center, working and studying combination, gender, region, age, individual level of education, field of education, mother’s education and father’s education. The dependent variable in this study is employment status after the transition. The results are reported in odds ratio and marginal effect and discrete change of logistic regression. For the odds ratio interpretation, gender and working and studying combination have positive relationship with employment status while the rest of independent variables show no relationship. For the marginal effect for predicted probability, gender (being male), and working and studying combination have strong effects on employment status. Based on the result, at least three policy areas should be taken into consideration. Firstly, women employment program should be further focused to promote women job attainment. Secondly, a well-designed employment center should be given priority so that more employment center are build and available for job seekers to use. Last but not least, the working while studying program should be widely provided to help student get hand-on experiences.

      • Essays on demands and attributes in property markets of Republic of Korea

        김태형 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 232287

        The three chapters in this dissertation paper tackle the questions of how demands for various properties respond to the changes of attributes of properties in the market. Though all three theses are related to the topics related to the real estate market, the objects of study are different. While the first and the second papers deal with markets of residential and commercial properties, the third one inquires the mechanism as to how supplying urban-use lands are determined. In the first chapter, the value for safe access to schools is estimated in the residential apartment complexes. It is well known that proximity to schools has distinct values in the housing market. Previous research finds that there are solid correlations between the academic performance of schools and housing prices. However, this study contributes to the literature by estimating the pure value of safety concerns of parents in housing prices. While most of the previous research has focused on the value of educational quality of schools or the value of time-saving on the way to schools with hedonic pricing models, this study finds the value of safe access to schools in housing price determination for the first time with similar statistical methods. Addressing endogeneity, which is prevailing in the estimations of school effects, is possible with the unique circumstances of the target area, Sejong city in the Republic of Korea, which was designed and built by neutral public urban planners to have balanced accessibility to elementary schools. However, the results are not limited to the city but can be generalized to the other cities with similar settings. The second paper explores reasons why vacancies seem to exist permanently in the commercial property market. Traditionally, academic papers have argued that vacancy level will converge to the natural rate through rent adjustment and the market-clearing. However, other scholars claimed the opposite, rent rigidity, can be true. This chapter is inclined to the latter argument with the data of 31 business districts of Seoul, the capital city of the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, it suggests a new hypothesis that can explain rent rigidity by behaviors of landlords who are likely to maximize total benefits from properties. The hypothesis is that landlords can be reluctant to adjust rents if adjusting behavior can cause the devaluation of their assets. The estimations with priceper-rent ratio (PRR) and state of vacancy of properties support the hypothesis. The third paper estimates political influence on policy-making of land use. Mayors, elected by public votes, have strong wills to satisfy voters for the next election, and, for them, the conversion of land use to more valuable ones can be a good tool for vote purchasing purposes. With local mayoral election data from 2002 to 2014 and land use data of primary municipalities of the Republic of Korea, the author tests the hypothesis that mayors who faced more fierce competition in the last election are more willing to promote developments. However, unlike the prior expectation, strong evidence is not found in the estimations with the entire countries. However, significant statistical correlations are found in the boroughs of metropolitan cities, more densely populated areas. The heterogeneity between the entire sample and the densely populated area seems to be caused by the scarcity of developable lands in the more urbanized municipalities. The argument is supported by the estimation result with the regressions with different quantiles of developable land area per capita.

      • Decelerating primary and secondary school closures in South Korea : possible lessons from international student recruitment in higher education

        김문수 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 232287

        This study argues that international student recruitment can decelerate school closures in Korea’s primary and secondary schools. The study analyzes government policies and initiatives for international student recruitment in the higher education sector and identifies key success factors. The findings suggest that these strategies can be incorporated into the primary and secondary education sector to alleviate school closures derived from the country’s negative population growth and to address the decline in domestic student enrollment. The research offers policy recommendations for primary and secondary schools to promote international student recruitment and highlights the importance of the issue in light of the demographic challenges facing Korean educators.

      • Child well-being in Korea

        박경미 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 232271

        This dissertation evaluates the effect of policies for children in South Korea focusing on the case of teenagers. This dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter evaluates the impact of a school counseling program called Wee Class by using Difference-in-Differences analysis. The second chapter tries to find the correlation between air pollution and teenager’s subjective well-being within the Two-Stage Least Squares, and discusses policy implication. Lastly, the third chapter measures multicultural children’s subjective well-being affected by Korea’s multicultural policy within the individual fixed effect. These studies found the positive impact of school counseling program on students’ school adaptation, the negative effect of air pollution on teenager’s subjective well-being, and the positive impact of multicultural policy on multicultural children’s subjective well-being in elementary school.

      • The Determinants primary education dropout in Malawi

        김지나 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        Education is considered a significant tool of reducing poverty and of promoting the standard of living of an individual, a household and, by extension, a society where one belongs to. In Malawi, since the government abolished the school fees in 1995, the enrollment rate at primary level sharply went up but soon after, not many students have survived to the completion of school. This paper investigates the determinants of dropout at the primary education level with socioeconomic factors given free education program. Using Malawian integrated household survey conducted between 2010 and 2011, logistic model analysis is adopted. It will present evidence that socioeconomic factors such as parents’ educational achievement and household wealth influence the chance of pupils dropping out of school. Among the factors, pregnancy has a significant impact on girls while higher number of siblings improves the prospects for success in completing primary school. Children are more likely to leave the school when the oldest sibling has dropped out before completion of primary school.

      • Child labour prevalence in Ghana

        DJALALOVA, Malika KDI School 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232255

        This thesis attempts to contextualize the practive of child labour in Ghana by looking into various determinants, as well as examining how well the Ghanian government was able to achieve the targeted goal to alleviate child labour and integrate children to primary school. It looks covers the legal frameworks that have been developed to give child rights and protect them for hazardous working conditions, or work overall. The study is done mostly with the help of the GLSS 6, and findings and analysis are based on the observation made from the survey results.

      • Increasing effectiveness of conditional cash transfer for eradicating child labor : Indonesia program keluarga harapan

        황미애 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 232255

        The study aimed to analyze whether subsidies from the Indonesian conditional cash transfer program were successful in reducing the participation of children in the labor force. One of the expected effects of conditional cash transfers is reducing child labor by making children affordable to spend more time in school instead of the work place. However, the Indonesian conditional cash transfer program, Program Keluarga Harapan, did not improve child labor significantly. To figure out the reasons for this failure, this study conducted a financial analysis of children who are participating in the program by using the Indonesia Family Life Survey data from the RAND Corporation and Indonesian statistical data. The results demonstrated that the amount of subsidy was too low to make children go to school, driving children to choose to work instead of studying; hence, reducing educational expenditure or increasing subsidies by incorporating scholarship is required. Furthermore, when the study compared program beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries with future scenarios, the results showed that not participating in the program would be better for children who already have dropped out of the school. On the other hand, it illustrated that acquiring a diploma is important once they start studying in school.

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