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      • Georgia State University: A historical and institutional mission perspective, 1913--2002

        Smith, David, Jr Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In 1913, the Evening School of Commerce, Georgia School of Technology (Georgia Tech) was inaugurated. From its humble beginnings on the campus of Georgia Tech in the Lyman Hall Chemistry Building in 1913 to the present, the Evening School of Commerce, now known as Georgia State University, has taken on the mission of educating students seeking access to higher education in an urban environment. The purpose of this study is to organize and present, in a coherent form, a scholarly history of the origin, development, and governance of Georgia State University from 1913 through 2002. Historical scholarship has served as the method for collecting, analyzing, and presenting the data. The words, ideas, and plans, of those who experienced the successes, failures, and growth of Georgia State University constitute the substance of the study. Primary sources such as archival documents and oral interviews are the foundation of this study. Secondary sources, such as institutional histories have enhanced my efforts. This history of Georgia State University has been approached in two ways. First, I have researched and analyzed nine major events in the school's history. These events include the following nine administrations: Wayne S. Kell, John M. Waters, Fred B. Wenn, Georgie M. Sparks, Noah N. Langdale, William M. Suttles, John M. Palms, Sherman R. Day, and Carl V. Patton. To present a complete picture of the history of Georgia State University, I have focused on various topics including institutional purpose, leadership and governance, faculty, curriculum and accreditation, student access, student life, funding, facilities, Board of Regents and political support, urban growth and business support, and alumni support. The overarching purpose is to present the institutional evolution of Georgia State University. The overarching theme is institutional mission and how the school struggled to articulate it to its various stakeholders over the past 89 years. Because of the relative lack of scholarly research on the history of Georgia State University, this effort to chronicle the maturation of the university should help provide direction and guidance for future institutional planning and goal setting efforts.

      • Counseling center survival: What directors need to know from Vice-Presidents of Student Affairs

        Bettin, Katherine Volpe Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233279

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Counseling centers in the Accountability Era need to communicate and collaborate within the hierarchy of the university to ensure that they (a) justify funding requests within the university budget; (b) assist the university significantly in meeting its goals; and (c) demonstrate their services as more valuable and effective than other similar services on or off campus. The purpose of this research was to provide a qualitative, exploratory investigation of the perceptions of counseling centers by Vice-Presidents of Student Affairs in order to determine how counseling centers should accomplish these goals. The sample consisted of six Vice-Presidents of Student Affairs from public, research universities. Each of these universities were designated by the State Board of Regents as either peer institutions (n = 4) or aspirational institutions (n = 1) to a large, urban research university in the southeastern United States (n = 1). Prospective participants were contacted through "snowball" or network sampling (LeCompte & Schensul, 1999). Each Vice-President participated in a recorded, semi-structured telephone interview that consisted of open-ended questions. Topics included questions of accountability, value, prioritization, challenges, and views of the future. Analysis of the data was based on the grounded theory approach (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Perceptions of Vice-Presidents were coded into nine categories: (a) general impressions of counseling centers; (b) support for the mission of the university; (c) challenges; (d) internal accountability; (e) visibility; (f) story-telling; (g) unique contributions; (h) future; and (i) communication, power, and politics. Results indicated that although the participants agreed on most general issues, there were many differences among participants in the particulars of their underlying strategy, focus, and beliefs. "Ten Recommendations for Counseling Center Directors" was created from the mixture of their voices.

      • Four eleventh-grade English teachers' attitudes about writing and their teaching of writing in the context of a state-wide direct writing assessment

        Blanchard, Anne Williamson Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233263

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Within the current national conversation about high-stakes testing is a more defined debate about writing assessment. At issue is the best way to accurately measure and increase students' competence at writing, a key component of literacy. As a result, many states have developed high-stakes, direct writing assessments in an effort to increase student writing performance. This ethnographic case study of four eleventh-grade English teachers sought to investigate their attitudes about writing, how they teach writing, and the Georgia state-wide direct writing assessment. In addition, their perceptions about the link between their beliefs and instructional practice were explored. Specific research questions were: (1) How can teachers' attitudes toward writing and the teaching of writing be characterized? (2) What are teachers' attitudes toward direct writing assessments, the Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test (GHSGWT) in particular? To what extent do teachers feel responsible for their students' performance on such tests? (3) What relationships, if any, are evident between teachers' beliefs and their teaching of writing?. Preliminary data collection activities began in Spring 2004, while intensive data collection and analysis took place throughout Fall 2004 and into Spring 2005. Data sources included a demographic questionnaire, three in-depth phenomenological interviews of between 60--90 minutes each for every teacher, three classroom observations for each teacher, debriefing sessions for each observation, member checking with the entire group, and a research journal. Results revealed a strong commitment to teaching writing because of its importance in student literacy, as well as a need for greater support of such teaching through increased professional development in writing pedagogy and better coordination of writing standards and expectations at the state, district, and local school levels. In addition, teachers endorsed student accountability for competent writing through testing, but they cited specific aspects of the Georgia assessment that could be improved. Lastly, teachers articulated reasons for the link, or lack of connection, between their attitudes and instructional practice.

      • The Effects of Home Rule and Dillon’s Rule on Local Government Behavior

        전규석 Georgia State University 2004 해외박사

        RANK : 233263

        지난 수십년간 경제학자들은 지방정부의 재정행태를 분석하는데 신고전학파 수요이론(neoclassical demand theory)을 적용해왔다. 그러나, 이러한 이론들은 공공부문주체들간의 상호관계 및 정부구조의 제도적측면을 무시해 온 측면이 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 최근에 등장하는 문헌연구들은 이러한 제도적인 요소들이 지방정부행태분석에 중요한 역할을 수행할 뿐 아니라, 공공선택이론의 틀안에서 연구되어질 수 있음을 보여준다. 이러한 지방정부재정지출에서의 제도적 요소들을 고려하여, 본논문은 어떻게 정부부문의 권력을 정의하는 제도적인 구조가 지방정부의 재정행태 및 성과에 영향을 미치는 지에 대한 해답을 찾고자 한다. 특히, 미국의 Home Rule과 Dillon's Rule이 지방정부의 재정행태에 영향을 미치는 지에 대한 연구이다. Home Rule과 그의 상대격인 Dillon's Rule이 지방재정행태에 미치는 효과에 대해서는 여러가지 가설들이 있다. Home Rule 지지자들은 지방정부의 중위투표자가 지방재정의 선택에서 지배적이기 위해 충분한 주민들의 이동의 위험과 지방정부간의 경쟁의 압력이 요구되어야 한다 (Fischel, 2001; Krane, 2001). 반면, Brennan과 Buchannan(1980)의 Leviathan 가설에 의하면, Dillon's Rule이 지방정부의 과도한 지출로부터 지방정부가 효율적으로 지출할 수 있도록 규제한다. 이러한 관점에서 Dillon's rule은 지방정부의 Leviathan을 억제하고 경제적 효율성을 향상시키는데 있어서 필요한 차선의 제도적 장치이다. 이러한 상반된 견해를 평가하기 위해서, 지방정부의 제도적 수요측면에 맞고 경제적 효율성을 향상시키기 위한 측면에서 지방정부의 성과에 대한 외부적 규칙의 효과를 평가하고자 한다. 본 연구는 중위자투표모델(MVM), 재정착각, 중위자투표가설(MVH) 및 overlapping하는 지역에 대한 이론들을 이러한 새로운 측면의 Home Rule과 Dillon's Rule 이란 시각에서 연관된 연구들을 통합하고자 한다. Cox specification 검정을 이용하여, 본 논문은 어떻게 home rule이 지방정부의 수요를 충족시키는지 연구했다. 검정결과 MVM를 거절한 61%의 미국주정부가 Dillon's rule 을 채택하고 있으며 MVM을 허용한 64%의 주정부가 home rule을 채택하고 있다. 이러한 검정결과는 home rule이 주정부의 중위자투표에 의한 재정수요예측을 증가시킨다는 결론에 도달한다. 이러한 추정은 도시정부와 농촌정부에는 상반된 행태패턴을 도출한다. 재정착시에 관한 이론적 분석은 보다 복잡한 재정구조와 예산편성과정이 더 큰 재정착시를 야기하며 home rule이 주정부의 행태제약식을 완화시켜주며 더욱 큰 재정착시를 야기한다. 재정착시와 관련된 home rule의 분석은 home rule이 지배하는 미국주정부가 Dillon's rule이 지배하는 미국 주정부보다 보다 큰 재정착시현상을 보여준다. 이를 통해 보다 큰 정도의 home rule이 지방 county 정부로 하여금 보다 투표자의 재정착시를 탐닉하고 이는 지방정부의 Leviathan 견해를 지지한다. 재미있게도 이러한 결과는 urban county 로부터 크게 도축된 데 기인한다. 본연구의 다음은 다른 대체적인 방법론에 의거하여 분석한다. 전통적이 모수계량기법과는 달리, 여기서는 비모수적인 수요이론을 이용한다. 만약 home rule이 중위투자표자가 가장 선호하는 결과물을 만족시킨다면, 비모수적 GARP (일반현시선호이론) 검정에 의한 분석이 home rule이 지배하는 county정부의 경우 다른 요소들을 통제한다면 중위투표자가설(MVH)을 보다 더욱 위배한 결과를 보여 Leviathan 정부의 견해를 지지한다. 도심과 지방정부의 차이점은 도심지역에서의 지방정부간의 수평적 경쟁을 통하여 지방정부의 확장적 지출경향을 보다 효과적으로 견제하고 있다. Turnbull 과 Djoundourian교수의 1993년 overlapping jurisdiction thoery를 본 논문의 마지막 장에 적용하여 home rule이 카운티정부와 시정부간에 수직적 재정관계에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지를 분석한다. Home rule은 미국 카운티정부로 하여금 보다 수요자들의 선호에 맞게 폭넓은 범위의 시 재정서비스를 제공함으로써 home rule 주정부로 하여금 기존의 도시적 형태의 카운티가 제공하는 행정서비스들과 경쟁하거나 보완하도록 만든다. 본 연구에서는 두가지 다른 matching방식을 이용하여 overlapping 하고 있는 지방정부간의 카운티 반응함수를 추정하여 보다 큰 home rule 강도가 카운티정부와 시정부간의 경쟁을 유도하고 이러한 경쟁이 다소 약한 형태의 카운티 전략 보완관계를 초래한다. 다만, 이러한 관계는 도시적 성격의 카운티 정부에서 보다 강하게 나타나다. 본 연구의 정책적 함의는 home rule이 지방정부의 재정행태에 미치는 효과는 종합적으로 파악해야 한다는 것이다. Home rule이 중위투표자의 선호에 따르는지, 재정착시를 유발하는지, 경제적효율성을 증진시키는지, 지방정부간 수직적경쟁을 유발하는지는 지방정부의 내부적 경영구조와 외부적 경쟁구조에 의존한다. 본 결론은 지방정부의 재정개혁과 연관되어 있으며 특히 개도국의 지방재정개혁에 있어서 시준점이 크다. Over the past decades, economists have applied the neoclassical demand theory to local government fiscal behavior. They, however, tended to neglect institutional aspects of government structure and interrelationships among public sector entities. Nonetheless, a growing body of literature indicates that these institutional factors do not only matter, but also can be studied within the standard public choice context. In light of the institutional interactions in local public expenditure, this dissertation seeks to answer how institutional structure defining government powers affects local government behavior and performance, specifically, how home rule and Dillon's rule affect the fiscal behavior of local governments. There are several hypotheses pertaining to how home rule, or its antithesis Dillon's rule, can be expected to affect local fiscal behavior. Proponents of home rule envision the pressures of interjurisdiction competition or the threat of residential migrations as sufficient to ensure the dominance of the median voter's position in local government and achieve economic efficiency (Fischel, 2001; Krane, 2001). In contrast, under the Leviathan hypothesis of Brennan and Buchanan (1980), Dillon's rule efficiently constrains county governments, keeping them from unduly expanding spending beyond constituents' demands for publicily provided goods and services. In this view, Dillon's rule is the type of second-best constitutional constraint that is needed to harness the local Leviathan and enhance economic efficiency. In order to evaluate these conflicting views, this dissertation estimates the effect of the external constitutional constraints (i.e., home rule vs. Dillon's rule) on local government performance, in terms of the ability to meet constituents' demands and improve economic efficiency. This study integrates the related literatures on the median voter model (MVM), the fiscal illusion, the median voter hypothesis (MVH), and the theory of overlapping jurisdictions with this new perspective of home rule and local government fiscal behavior. Using the Cox specification test, we estimate how home rule affects the ability of US county governments to meet their constituents' demands. The specification estimates reveal that 61% of the states rejecting the MVM are Dillon's rule states while 64% of the states not rejecting the MVM are home rule states, supporting the hypothesis that home rule increases the propensity of counties to behave as if constrained to satisfy community demand as depicted by the median voter framework. The results also reveal different behavior patterns for urban and rural counties. The rationale for fiscal illusion implies that more complex fiscal structures and budgetary processes lead to greater fiscal illusion. Under this rationale, home rule relaxes the constraint on county behavior and leads to greater fiscal illusion. Our analysis of home rule relating to fiscal illusion finds that counties in home rule states exhibit significantly greater fiscal illusion than do those in Dillon's rule states. A greater degree of home rule apparently allows county governments to more thoroughly exploit voter fiscal illusion, a conclusion consistent with the Leviathan view of local government. Interestingly, this result appears to be driven mainly by rural counties rather than urban counties. The next part of this study appears to an alternative methodology. While previous chapters used traditional parametric econometric methods, this chapter uses nonparametric demand theory in order to see what additional insights this nontraditional approach offers. To see if home rule satisfies the most preferred outcome by the median voter, the nonparametric GARP (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference) test shows the strong evidence that counties with home rule powers are more likely to violate the median voter hypothesis (MVH) once the other factors affecting county behavior are taken into account, consistent with the Leviathan view of government. The difference found for urban and rural governments is also consistent with the notion that horizontal competition among governments in the urban area can effectively constrain the expansionary proclivities of the local Leviathan. The final part applies the Turnbull-Djoundourian (1993) theory of overlapping jurisdictions to estimate how home rule alters the vertical relationship between county and municipal governments. Home rule allows county governments to provide the wider range of municipal-type functions to meet community demand, which varies possibility that the demand for county service in home rule states are weaker complements or even substitutes with the existing municipalities' public services than found in the previous studies that do not distinguish home rule and Dillon's rule states. Using two different matching methods between a county and corresponding municipality, the estimation of county reaction function in the overlapping jurisdictions reveals that greater home rule increases the vertical competition between counties and municipalities, resulting in a weak strategic complementary relationship between county and municipal spending. However, only urban county spending exhibits the strategic relationship with municipal demand since urban counties are more likely to be keenly affected by the presence of overlapping jurisdictions than are their rural counterparts. Policy implications regarding home rule-versus-Dillon's rule fall within the broad area of how the institutional structure of the government powers and management decision-making affects behavior and performance. The main conclusion of this study is that home rule cannot be considered in isolation. Its effects on local government performance in terms of meeting voter's demands, increasing fiscal illusion, attaining economic efficiency, and promoting vertical competition depends upon internal management structures and external competitive constraints of local governments. This conclusion is relevant to answer the question of what states will do with greater discretion, including how officials will be involved, especially in light of support by several governors for further devolving authority to counties. It is also of particular importance for developing countries with the opportunity to reform their fiscal structure.

      • The Burning Branch: A novel (Original writing)

        Swann, Christopher Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The Burning Branch is a novel set in Ireland and coastal Georgia. After the death of his mother, Padrig Jones leaves his Georgia home for graduate school in Dublin, Ireland. When Padrig's friend Llewellyn disappears, Padrig's search for him covers Dublin, Belfast, and southwestern Ireland. His return home to Georgia tests his bonds of friendship and loyalty. The Burning Branch deals with deception, betrayal, family, and redemption.

      • Deregulation, uncertainty, and information technology in the electric utility industry: A transaction cost interpretation of the drivers and consequences of vertical disintegration

        McNaughton, Maurice Lennie Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The choice of firm boundaries is one of the most fundamental elements of organizational strategy. It determines industry positioning, enables the development and leverage of distinctive capabilities, and ultimately establishes the basis for sustainable competitive advantage. In the modern economy, organizational unbundling and vertical disintegration has become a recurrent theme across many industries, reflecting a major transformation in industrial organization and firm strategy. What are the drivers of this modern trend of vertical disintegration? How do we reconcile this modern phenomenon with the vertical integration logic of previous decades?. Beginning with Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) as the underlying framework, we draw from the Information Processing, Coordination and Capabilities literatures to develop an integrated theoretical framework for examining and rationalizing the determinants of vertical disintegration. The recent restructuring of the US electric utility industry provides a suitable empirical context to undertake a rigorous examination of this theoretical framework: a context that manifests institutional heterogeneity, high levels of uncertainty, intense coordination requirements, and a variety of competing market and organizational institutions in transition. We employ multi-level modeling techniques, to account for firm heterogeneity and time-variant institutional parameters in our longitudinal panel data, thus allowing for a richer analysis of institutional effects. The results show that there has been systematic vertical disintegration in the electric utility industry over the period of study, 1994-2002, influenced by both firm-level and state/federal-level institutional factors as well as structural market attributes, which serve as proxies for demand and supply uncertainty. Using IT investment intensity as a proxy for firm-level IT Capability, we also established an overall significant negative effect of IT on vertical integration, consistent with previous studies about the effects of IT on firm size. The main findings confirmed several standard TCE propositions, and also address several known shortcomings, most notably the ambiguity in the treatment of uncertainty. In addition, the robust examination of the empirical evidence associated with the restructuring of the electric utility industry allowed us to isolate the relative effects of various institutional mechanisms and structural market attributes. These findings help to illuminate the understanding and ultimately the programming of deregulation effects.

      • Adolescents raised by their grandmothers: Perceptions of parenting style and attachment representation

        Peterman, Debianne Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        There is a paucity of literature addressing the parenting style of custodial grandmothers and the attachment behavior of adolescent children being raised by their grandmothers. A descriptive correlational study based on Bowlby's (1969, 1973, 1982, 1983) Attachment Theory was designed to study the grandmother's and adolescent grandchild's perception of parenting style using Lamborn's (1991) Parenting Style Questionnaire (PSQ). Attachment behavior in the adolescent was measured by utilizing the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) developed by Armsden and Greenberg (1987) and the Adolescent Unresolved Attachment Questionnaire (AUAQ) developed by West, Spreng, Rose, and Adam (2000). Quality of interaction between the grandchild and their biological mother was measured using the Family Bonding Scale (FBS) developed by Liddle and Rowe (1998). Participants for the study were recruited from a population of grandparent-headed families who were past participants in an ongoing intervention study affiliated with a large southeastern metropolitan university. A convenience sample of 79 grandmothers between the ages of 30 and 75 years of age and 79 adolescent grandchildren between the ages of 11 and 18 were randomly selected. A one-time home visit was conducted to interview the participants and collect data. Data were analyzed using hierarchical regression to predict the effect of grandmother parenting style, age of the grandchild, length of time living with the grandmother, and amount and quality of interaction with the biological mother on the adolescent's attachment to the grandmother. The results indicated that three variables (the Warmth/Involvement and Strictness/Supervision Scales and the parenting interaction score of the PSQ) were found to be significant predictors of the grandchild's attachment to the grandmother. Two variables explained 57.2% of the variance of the dependent variable (attachment). With the addition of parenting style interaction, 61.2% of the variance was explained (p = .029). Findings indicate that grandchildren who are being raised by grandmothers who are warm, involved, and providing age appropriate supervision (authoritative) are more likely to be securely attached to their grandmothers. Nurses should be involved in developing support programs that provide parenting curriculum for grandparents that are raising grandchildren.

      • Relations between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, stress, and psychological adjustment

        Martin, James L Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Theories of perfectionism as a maladaptive personality factor that predisposes perfectionistic individuals to greater vulnerability to stress and thus greater risk for psychological maladjustment have sparked substantial research interest, but findings from previous studies on the relationship between pathologically conceived perfectionism, stress, and maladjustment are inconsistent. In addition, all previous studies rely on self-report measures of stress, and no study has examined differences between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists exposed to similar amounts of stress. In the present study, 307 college students provided saliva samples before and after exposure to a controlled stressor. Subsequent analyses revealed changes in the level of salivary cortisol, indicating the magnitude of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity or physiological response to stress. Participants also completed a series of questionnaires, including a measure used to identify adaptive, maladaptive, and nonperfectionists, the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001); a measure of the degree of recently experienced life stress, the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983); measures of both negative and positive psychological adjustment: the Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985); and a comprehensive measure of stress coping effectiveness, the Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (Matheny, Curlette, Aycock, Pugh, & Taylor, 1987). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists differed significantly from one another across the measures in expected directions. Adaptive perfectionists reported less stress, greater stress coping resources, less dysfunction, and greater life satisfaction than either maladaptive or nonperfectionists. Among male participants, maladaptive perfectionists demonstrated a significantly greater change in salivary cortisol levels before and after exposure to stress, indicating a larger physiological response to stress than adaptive perfectionists obtained. The present findings support the validity and utility of the adaptive perfectionism construct. A discussion of the results includes limitations and practical implications of the study as well as directions for future research.

      • The effects of environmental contamination on commercial and industrial property values: Do perceptions matter?

        Grigelis, Peter Edward Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The effects of severely contaminated properties (e.g. NPL sites) on residential property values are well documented. However, most contaminated sites are not so severe to warrant placement on the NPL, and little is known about the impacts to commercial and industrial property markets. Furthermore, perceptions may be developed about different types of land-uses as a result of information made public about sites placed on lists. If perceptions matter, then properties with no known contamination may be viewed as undesirable neighbors in a way similar to listed sites. Therefore, property value impacts could be even more substantial as compared to only the impacts of known contaminated sites. The economic impacts of known and perceived environmental contamination are quantified by estimating two sets of hedonic property value models using data on commercial and industrial property sales for Fulton County, Georgia. Sites listed on the EPA's CERCLIS and NFRAP reports and the Georgia EPA's HSI and NonHSI reports are utilized to estimate the impacts of known environmental contamination. The impacts from perceived contamination are estimated utilizing a set of properties that are identified by an ordered probit model that computes the probability commercial and industrial properties may be contaminated. The probability of contamination model is built on factors that are assumed to be key signals to investors in forming their perceptions about the likelihood commercial and industrial properties may be contaminated. Property value losses due to known contamination were estimated at slightly over $1 billion and potential losses from perceived contamination were near $663 million. Although estimated property value impacts are not equivalent to expected gains that may result from the remediation of all contaminated sites, the magnitude of the estimated losses suggests that significant gains can be achieved if property values recover by only a fraction. Policies could be implemented that prioritize site remediation to target minority and/or economically depressed areas to help spur economic development. Potential increases in the tax base would result in greater property tax revenues for the provision of public services for the community and new economic development could help provide access to new jobs for local residents.

      • Transactive discourse during assessment conversations on science learning

        Russell, H. A., III Georgia State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 233247

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        It has been argued that development of science knowledge is the result of social interaction and adoption of shared understandings between teachers and students. A part of understanding that process is determining how student reasoning develops in groups. Transactive discussion is a form of negotiation between group members as they interpret the meaning of their logical statements about a topic. More importantly, it is a form of discourse that often leads to cognitive change as a result of the interaction between group participants as they wrestle with their different perspectives in order to achieve a common understanding. The research reported here was a correlational study designed to investigate the relationship between the various forms of transactive discussion and learning outcome performance seen in an investigation involving 24 students in a middle-SES high school located in southwest Atlanta, Georgia. Pretest and posttest measures of genetics reasoning, as well as curriculum content test data, were used in this study. Group discussion was captured on videotape and analyzed to determine whether transactional discussion was present and whether or not it had an effect on learning outcome measures. Results of this study showed that participant use of transactive discussion played a role in development of reasoning abilities in the area of genetics. It is suggested that teachers should monitor classroom discourse for the presence of transactive discussion as such discourse plays a role in fostering performance outcomes.

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