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      • 영어의 기원과 그 후의 변천 : 고교 영어수업에 있어서의 영어발달사 지식의 적용실례

        이희명 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 251695

        The English language is not the sole language which has developed by itself until present, but it has developed by taking the various invaders' languages while deserting unnecessary ones. The first language spoken in the British isles was the Celtic sopken by the Celts who had immigrated to this island B.c.500. OE, the languages in England before english, was a corelated mixed dialect spoken by a part of Teutons composed of Angles, Saxons and Jutes that had settled in Britain for about 100 years. ME was the English language settled after Norman Conquest in 1066. The Middle English period(1150-1500) was marked by momentous changes in the English languages, changes more extensive and fundamental than those that occurred at any time before or since. Some of them were the result of the Norman Conquest and the conditions which followed in the wake of that event. Others were a continuation of tendencies that had begun to manifest themselves in old English. During the ME period, the structure of Modern English was shaped, and various changes occurred; such as, the Great Vowel Shift, the dacay of inflectional endings and analytic language. In about 700 years after Anglo-saxons' settlement in Britain, old English was influenced by three main languages respectively; the first one was the Celtic, original language of the Celts who inhabitted in the island; the second, Latin, and the third, Viking's language. The vocabularies introduced during this period have remained in Modern English. But the Celtics' vocabularies are few, for the reasons that the Ctelts were the tribes conquered by invaders, the Anglo-Saxons. They were the invaders and the language spoken by the conquered was no more in need. But Anglo-Saxons found the superiority of Latin and began to learn many things through Latin, the symbol of highly cultivated Roman civilization and cluture. Thorugh it they acquired such information as cultural, military, religious and scholary affairs. Above all with the introuduction of Christianity into England, Latin overflowed into England. Because of the Vikings invasion into England, the English language had the Sandinavian influence. Roughly the period from the year 750 to 1050 is called the Vikings Age. Since the language that Viking brought to Britain and the language spoken by Anglo-Saxons were of the same family of the language and both belonged to the same Germanic language, there was no difficulty in communicating between the two languages. Therefore we might well say that the language spoken in Danelaw was a mixed language on the basis of English with Scandinavian. Accordingly the intricate inflectional endings have gradually been dropped for the sake of free communication,. The grammatical system of OE having tendency to analytic trend became much more simplified. The characteristic of Scandinavian /sk/ sound in sky, skin, skill, skirt can be seen in English today; the palatalized /∫/ sound in OE still remains in ship, shall, fish and shirt. The greatest change that occurred between ME and Mode was the Great Vowel Shift. In the fifteenth century a great change was seen to be underway. All the long vowels gradually came to be pronounced with a greater elevation of teh tongue and closing of the mouth, so that those that could be raised (a,e,e,o,o) were raised, and that could not without becoming consonantal (i,u) became diphthongs; that is, i broke into ai and u into au. This change continued from 1400 to 1700. It is thought that the evolution of English syntax was due to the grammar of Latin and French, but that was nothing but a slight stimulus. The point is that the development of preposition, the established word-order, and the periphrastic forms came largely from the decaying of inflectional endings, and of case forms. The use of auxiliary verbs has promoted the detailed distiction in tense and mood; the evolution of relative pronoun and conjunction affected the sentence structure; and the gerund and infinitive rendered a great contribution to expressions in English. The selected examples from high school English text-books are introduced by the classification of sysntax, phonology and meaning at the end of the paper for use at classroom teaching. The writer of this paper is well aware that the urgent aim of teaching English in Korea at the moment is to improve the ability of hearing and speaking of our students. When the teacher has a little store of Knowledge about the origin of the English language and its transitions thereafter, he will be able to teach English effciently and interestingly so that students can understand the culture of English-speaking people better and grasp the deeper layer of the culture.

      • 영어교육에 있어서의 의사소통능력 신장방안 : Situational pictures 활용을 중심으로

        김성배 단국대학교 교육대학원 영어교육전공 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 251679

        It cannot be denied that the teaching of middle school English in Korea centers around preperations for the enterance examination to high school. The teaching of English through audio-visual aids has been somewhat ignored by most of the teachers of English, for the entrance examination usually consists of the written form rather than spoken form. This research was conducted from September 1, 1986 to July 31, 1987. This thesis attempts to emphasize the effectiveness of situational pictures within a framework of visual aids in the teaching of English as a foreign laguage. The results obtained are as follows : 1. Situational Pictures enable to hint a situation make use of good teaching materials. 2. Visual materials enable to hint the content of sentence are useful for inducing the students, motivation and interest for studying English when they were used for the second year students of the middle school. 3. Teaching through situational pictures has been found to greatly improve students, speaking skill, one of the four fundamental skills of language acauisition. 4. Visual materials are the most adequate and effective teaching aids for the development of communicative abilities. 5. Situational pictures prepared in advance eliminate the load of teaching. Currently here in Korea no absolute perfect and sur -fire method of English teaching is available, which suggests that a heavy burden is supposed to be imposed upon Korean teachers of English. Any teaching aid or teaching method is vulnerable to criticism, being exposed to comparisons and weighing criteria of its effectiveness, utility, validity, etc.

      • 의사소통능력 신장에 중점을 둔 영어 교육 시론

        황용주 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 251679

        The purpose of this paper is to propose a model of communicative competence-based on the English teaching method with a view to fostering the speaking skill of students. Listening is prerequisite to speaking in learning English. The goal of teaching a foreign language centers around communicative competence. It cannot be denied that we have so far resorted to the grammatical analysis, interpretation and translation of English sentences in the practice of teaching English, which has entailed the inappropriate command of English, The author's main concern is that the teachers of English should pay more attention to the enhancement of communicative competence instead of simple imitations and pattern-minded expressions in the teaching of English. Again I would like to, pointing out that listening skill precedes speaking skill in getting familiar with the target language, emphasize that a high value must be placed on listening and speaking in turn. It is suggested that the teahing of pronunciation should be based on sentences, more emphasis should be put on communication practice than on pattern practice, and the measures for communication activity should be boiled to social framework and dialogues, flexibility in language situation, role-Play, and problem-solving activities. In that favor, socilinguistic competence and strategic competence rather than grammatical competence are brought to light in the scheme of this work.

      • 영어교수법과 실제수업의 연구

        김화성 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 251679

        Teachers of English are engaged in a job, the ultimate purpose of which is to promote international understandings, intellectual training, general culture, individual communication, and sensitivity for a language. For a long time, we have been studying about the role of teaching English in the entire national educational frame, and experiments have been made to find out what method of teaching English would be the best for our students. Whatever methods we may adopt, it is evident that our primary aim is to teach English so that our students acquire the have recently arisen that the conventional exclusive Grammar-translation Method should be rectified in the classroom. And at a time when the need for international communication is on the increase as the world is getting narrower, the teaching of English in the classroom should be carried out so that students can use, that is, hear and speak English in their daily life or work-place life after graduating from school. In this study, four primary methods of teaching English, i.e., Grammer-translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Method and Cognitive Approach have been studied in that order with respective advantages and disadvantages. Audio-lingual method has been found to be most effective for students in the lower classes in the middle school, who need more hearing and more practice of speaking for the reason that they are not yet capable of learning about complete relationships between abstractions through grammatical explanation alone. As the school year goes up, the Audio-lingual Method should be gradually dropped for Conitive Approach or Grammar translation Method since by this time they want to know something about the internal structure of English sentences according as their power of analogy and analysis grows. However, this does not mean the return to the conventional Grammar-translation Method. The teachers should always keep in mind the importance of hearing and speaking in the language class. Whenever the teacher comes across words or sentences which are often used in daily life in the course of teaching in the classroom, he or she should make the best use of them to train the hearing and speaking of students, making as many sentences as possible including them, setting a situation in connection with them. This is the "eclecticism" that has been mentioned in this study. It has been found that the ideal teaching of English that fits the current situation of Korea today cannot be carried out by means of one of the above-stated methods alone. Teachers' more devoted service and adoption of the best method of teaching available that fits the ages, levels, aims and purposes of the students they teach are constantly needed.

      • 서법조동사의 연구

        홍성우 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        This paper attempts to survey the modal auxiliaries. In general the modal auxiliaries are used to express not statements of fact but actions or events that exist only as conceptions of the mind - possibilities, potentialities , necessities, wishes, whatever may or may not eventuate in the future. Can_ is used primarily to express ability and replace may_ for the expression of permission. On all levels cannot_ is commonly used for denial of permission. This usage is encouraged by the convenient contraction can't_, which is preferred to the awkward mayn't_ . Could_ refers to Past time only when the context makes the time clear. Otherwise it expresses possibility, or doubt, or something dependent on unreal conditions. In some contexts could_ and might_ are nearly interchangeable. May_ is used on all level to indicate possibility, also used in wishes , permission and purpose. Might is a past tense form of may_. It is often used express a more doubtful possibility than that indicated by may_. Shall_ is used as a future auxiliary. Many speakers who use shall_ in the first person use would_ in preference to should_. Should_ adds a slight coloring of doubt that the action will eventuate. It is used to express likelihood, obligation. In subordinate clauses should_ is often preferred to the Present subjuntive. Will_ is the common future auxiliary. In addition it is used with special emphasis to express determination. Would_, in origin, past tense of will_, espresses determination, customary action, coloring of doubt or uncertainty. Must_ commonly expresses necessity, obligation, fitness or likelihood. Ought_ differs from the other modal auxiliaries, in being followed by the to_ form_ of the infinitive. It expresses necessity, obligation, fitness, but with weaker force. Ought_ has a corresponding past tense form. Dare_ comes to be used as a regular verb. It is still sometimes so used, most commonly in the negative or in questions. Need_ was not originally a modal auxiliary, but it has been, drawn into the group because of its meaning, which has affinities with must_, should_, ought_. In the meaning "lack" need_ is always a regular verb. There are a number of phrases which serve as auxiliaries to express similar colorings of meaning-be able to_, be_to_, had_ better_, have to_, have got to_. Finally this paper surveYs the text book of middle/high school and comes to the following conclusion. Will_ comes after be going to_, might_ or ought_ is used being limited in meaning of usage. Dare_ is found only once in the text. Modal auxiliaries are of great moment in daily conversation. But they are disregarded in the text of middle/high school. More attention is careful to modal auxiliaries in editing the text.

      • 동시 통역의 제문제에 관한 연구

        요욱광 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        This study aims at analyzing problems arising in connection with simultaneous interpretation, and finding ways to solve those problems for its better performance in the coming days. This thesis has concentrated on investigation of the two major aspects of simultaneous interpretation : The first one relates to "What are the processes involved in simultaneous interpretation?" exploring the theoretical or conceptual side of the theme. The second one concerns " What happens in simultaneous interpretation?" examining how performance inpractice is affected by various factors and what relationships among them are observed. On the basis of the theoretical model developed in this study, together with findings of investigation in various aspects related to performance of simultaneous interpretation, a proposal for training interpreters has been presented in the forms of a step-by-step exercise program that should develop and improve the kind of perceptual and linguistic abilites an interpreter must eventually processes in order to cope with his task most effectively. Thus, Chapter 3 on training program was intended to prove that research of this kind of exploration may very well lead to practical application of theoretical results. In Chapter 4, the writer schematized the operative steps of simultaneous interpretation from the input in the source language to the output in the target language. Chapter 5, deals with the importance of segmentation of input. The correct segmentation of units of meaning helps the interpreter not only make correct interpretation but also make use of the segmental pause for uttering the output in the target language as well as listening to the forthcoming input. In Chapter 6, the writer has analyzed the problems arising out of the differences between the involved language, i.e., the source language and the target language. The structural features of the languages(Korean, Chinese, and English) and the interrelatedness of different parts of the word order between the languages have been analyzed. In conclusion, the writer hopes that this study will offer some valuable help to those who wish to be engaged in the profession of simultaneous interpretation.

      • 관계대명사에 관한 연구

        조원만 단국대학교 교육대학원 교육학과 영어교육전공 1983 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        Relative pronouns introduce relaive clauses postmidifying niminal heads. They perform dual roles:of replacingh rel np and the role of connecting two clauses. this tysdy aims gy probing their thstioy,

      • 한국 고교생의 영어독해력 증진에 관한 연구

        안덕규 단국대학교 교육대학원 영어교육전공 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 251663

        This study is about the experimental design on improving EFL reading comprehension with reference to the Korean learners of English. The focus of this study is as follows: What's the obstacle in EFL reading comprehension to the Korean learners? How are they instructed? How much do the Korean learners improve reading comprehension after the one-year study? The variables that have a great effect on reading comprehension are prior knowledges(schema): linguistic background knowledge and cultural background knowledge. The former makes up of the factors of context and transparency. The contextual factor, which is picture or title of the given reading materials, doesn't have a greater influence on reading comprehen-sion than the transparency to the Korean learners. The factors of transparency consist of vocabulary and syntactic construction. Though the EFL learners have much knowledge of vocabulary and syntac, they can't understand the writer's real view thoroughly without the cultural background knowledge. It may be difficult, however, for the Korean EFL teacher to instruct the cultural knowledge of the target language to the Korean EFL learners. The practical guideline suggested here for instruction of reading comprehension is that reading variables are divided into six factors, vocabulary, syntactic construction, main idea, reading speed, cultural factor and reading test. In syntactic construction, this study examine swh-movement of transformational grammar to grasp the inner view of a writer, In reading test, this study deals with REI(Reading Efficiency Index) based on comprehension and speed. This study demonstrated the guidelines of EFL reading comprehension for the second-year students of high school, Instructed by the guidelines, the Korean learners have been found make much improvement of REI. Finally the Korean learners have a difficulty in EFL reading comprehension due to the lack of background knowledge. When the teachers perform their teaching of EFL reading com-prehension by observing the experimental design of this thesis, the Korean learner's EFL reading comprehension ability may well be improved.

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