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      • Role of International Organisations on Regional Cooperation : the Case of Human Resource Development and Networking by the China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.

        Yukino Takahashi 고려대학교 국제대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 231983

        This study attempts to reveal the roles and functions of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (hereby TCS) in regional cooperation in Northeast Asia from a human resource perspective. The TCS is an inter-governmental organisation among China, Japan and Korea (hereby CJK), which is expected to serve as a hub of information, human capital and resources for trilateral cooperation. Some prior studies evaluate the establishment of the TCS and set the expectations for their roles, others point out the functional limitation. However, these studies lack a human resources perspective which is one of the essential aspects of organisational evaluation. This study assumes that the TCS fosters workers' capabilities related to trilateral cooperation and a positive attitude toward it. It conducts semi-structured interviews for 10 openly recruited full-time ex-officers of the TCS about their working experience before, in, and after the TCS. In conclusion, the TCS plays an important role in developing human resources and forming a network for regional cooperation. First, plenty of opportunities to communicate with governmental counterparts gave officers a deeper understanding of each government. Second, the difficulty of trilateral cooperation and different working culture within the TCS gave officers the portable skills of negotiation, coordination and resilience. However, several factors seem led officers to seek the next workplace outside the TCS, such as undeveloped rewards and career systems or mismatch of workers’ interest and actual work and the limited capacity of the TCS to address the complex situation of conflicts in CJK. On the other hand, a motivational environment has grown officers' commitment and personal relationships even after they left the TCS. Since the TCS is a coordinating body, it would be beneficial to enhance regional cooperation in Northeast Asia if the younger generation worked at the TCS for a short period, be forested as regional cooperation human resources and relocated outside the TCS.

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